Romantic Poem

Poem About The Love I Have For My Best Friend

This is a poem written for and dedicated to my best friend. I love him with all my heart and soul and couldn't have asked for a better friend.

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I have stage 4 breast cancer. My husband and I will be married 20 years next April. I cannot share this poem with him yet. In our situation it would be too difficult for now. I am still doing...

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If I Thought

© more by Dana Schwartz

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2015 with permission of the Author.

If I thought for just one moment that this would be my last breath,
I'd tell you I'll love you forever, even beyond death.
If I thought for just one moment that your face would be the last I'd see,
I'd take a million pictures and save them just for me.
If I thought for just one moment that your voice would be the last I'd hear,
I'd listen attentively and promise not to shed a tear.
If I thought for just one moment that your touch would be the last I'd feel,
I'd embrace you and know that this has all been real.
If I thought for just one moment that my heart would beat its last beat,
I'd thank the Lord for allowing us to meet.


more by Dana Schwartz

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Linsay Little by Linsay Little
  • 7 years ago

This was awesome! It speaks volumes to how I feel about my love. My health is not guaranteed anymore, and every day I think like that when I see him...he's my all! Thank you for sharing something that touches my heart.

  • Gift Maxwell by Gift Maxwell
  • 7 years ago

This is a great heart-touching poem. It's filled with love and emotions.

  • Michael Garcia by Michael Garcia
  • 7 years ago

How beautiful. You touched so many lives with just a few lines, and I have been looking for something that can just break out the chains that the world has us in and remember how love is and can be so strong that you have to take the time to tell it as it is and just LOVE. I lost my mother, brother, and son all within a year's time, and I have never recovered from it. I'm left just looking around and taking life in with a grain of salt! Thank you!

  • Dana Granados by Dana Granados
  • 6 years ago

Reading your comment about my poem was amazing. I love that it meant so much for so many. I can't imagine what you went through and I'm so sorry for your losses.

  • Sphiwe Manzhelele by Sphiwe Manzhelele
  • 7 years ago

After reading this I cried. I am not an emotional person, and I don't always believe in love, but this poem reminds of how I did not know what to say when my mom got sick. When she was dying I really didn't know how to express myself. I wish I had something like this. This has touched me so much.

  • Helina Belay by Helina Belay
  • 7 years ago

This poem is very emotional. It touched me very much. Thank you for sharing this poem. All you wrote was literally what I would say to my best friend. I would share this poem to her if she was alive, but it's too late. Thank you.

  • Laura Rohman by Laura Rohman
  • 7 years ago

I have stage 4 breast cancer. My husband and I will be married 20 years next April. I cannot share this poem with him yet. In our situation it would be too difficult for now. I am still doing "ok." We both know my life is going to be significantly shorter than we want or planned. This poem expresses EXACTLY what I want to say. Wow, it gives me peace. I am going to print this, seal it in an envelope, and give it to him when the time is right. I'm not a huge "poetry" fan, but this poem is simplistic yet expresses such complicated thoughts. If you are choosing a mate and you have found the right one--this poem should ring true. It's easy to have a good relationship when times are fun & easy. I found out that I have the best relationship. My husband has been there with me every step of the journey we are in now. Thank you.

  • Kristine Kilburn by Kristine Kilburn
  • 4 years ago

Laura, that brought tears to my eyes. Please don't give up. Miracles happen every day. Treasure every single moment you have together, and give thanks for the love that you share. Stay strong in spirit and know that you have touched the hearts of so many people. You will be in many thoughts and prayers today. I am going to send you a million beautiful rose petals. Close your eyes and imagine them falling onto you, and each petal is filled with love. You are beautiful.

  • Kelvin by Kelvin
  • 5 years ago

Laura, I am really touched by your story. All I beg you is that you please never lose hope in life. Kindly fight and keep praying.

  • David by David
  • 5 years ago

Laura, I hope you will get to see this. I perfectly understand the feeling because i am about to be married to a sickle cell anemic patient whom I love with everything I have. I always feel she will leave me tomorrow and most times I can't bear the burden of not seeing her again at any time. I love my Esther so much that I wish I am the one in her situation. I sincerely hope you all get well soon and enjoy life.

  • 7 years ago

I was very touched by this poem. May God give you a long life so that you may share your sweetness with us. The sweetness of a chocolate remains on a tongue for just a minute, but the sweetness of a person remains in the heart forever. You are one of them.

  • Josw Rivwra by Josw Rivwra
  • 7 years ago

I feel your pain, sadness, and happiness that you and your husband have had in those years that you guys have been married. My girlfriend and I recently made it 4 years together, and when I read this poem it hit me. It's just what I've been looking for. Thanks, and keep being strong.

  • Evangelist Sylvesta Simelane by Evangelist Sylvesta Simelane
  • 7 years ago

What is impossible with man is possible with God. I pray that God manifests Himself to you as the Lord of health and removes that cancer in your system. In Jesus' name.

  • Brian R Johnson by Brian R Johnson
  • 7 years ago

I've never come to this site, but for some reason I did tonight before writing a poem for my lady. I just want to encourage you to be strong and NOT to ACCEPT the doctors' prognosis as final! Miracles happen daily, and you can be one as well if you go to the end and feel how you'd feel if the Dr. told you he can no longer see the cancer. Feel that feeling prior to drifting off to sleep. I'm praying for you as well! Peace

  • Joseph Brownfield by Joseph Brownfield
  • 7 years ago

This poem captures everything me and my fiancé say to each other every day. This poem just says it better, though. It's a great poem, and I am going to send it to her.

  • Shahin by Shahin
  • 7 years ago

As i started reading the poem I imagined my love sitting next to me.
"If I thought for just one moment that your face would be the last I'd see,
I'd take a million pictures and save them just for me"
I love these lines.

Beautiful poem. This really touched my heart because it is exactly what I want to tell my husband in the most beautiful and loving way. What an incredible poem. Thanks so much for sharing.

  • Mathew O Chiori by Mathew O Chiori
  • 7 years ago

"If I thought for just one moment that my heart would beat its last beat,
I'd thank the Lord for allowing us to meet."

It makes me remember that life is an opportunity and we should live every day like our last, because no one knows his last.

  • Lane Flores by Lane Flores
  • 7 years ago

This poem made me feel what my husband would say to me now. He passed away June of last year.

  • Nicholas Murangiri Mugambi by Nicholas Murangiri Mugambi
  • 7 years ago

I love the poem to my breath. It reminds me of the love of my life who just walked away from me on December 31st. I wronged her, and the guilt kills me every day of my living.

  • Natalie Laming by Natalie Laming
  • 7 years ago

Keep smiling, my friend; all is not lost.
We learn life lessons, some at a harsh cost,
But keep your chin up smile and sing,
For who knows what tomorrow may bring?

  • Elisa Rodriguez by Elisa Rodriguez
  • 7 years ago

I love this poem. It's super inspiring. I dedicated it to my fiancé, and I just love it. It's exactly how I feel about him.

  • Jaime by Jaime
  • 7 years ago

As I read the poem I must say that it's the best that I've heard in days. This poem made me think of my lovely mother, the love of my life. Having the fear that someday she will not be with me. Thank you for sharing such a touching piece of writing. Loved it.

  • Danish Khan by Danish Khan
  • 7 years ago

So many heart touching lines. Keep it up, poet. You have extraordinary thinking in your mind.

  • Rahulrajan795 by Rahulrajan795
  • 8 years ago

Very beautiful and a touchy one. Very rare to see such friendships in these so called global villages which help you in getting in touch with someone at your finger tips. Nostalgic.

  • Mark Farmer by Mark Farmer, Portdouglas Queensland Australia
  • 9 years ago

This poem touches my very being.
I just love it . I've just sent it to a dear friend of mine, and truly hope it makes her day, because it certainly has made mine. I just love the way of words, thanks for writing such a beautiful poem.

I love hearing how my poetry touches the heart and soul of others thank you for taking the time to read it and I truly hope she enjoyed it!

  • Gerald L. Boyle by Gerald L. Boyle, Melbourne, Florida
  • 9 years ago

Your opening line:

"If I thought for just one moment that this would be my last breath,
I'd tell you I'll love you forever, even beyond death."

Made me think about the man I wrote about in my own poem "Time and Again" and the way I feel I have found him through space and time. It also made me remember that due to our circumstances, we can not be together, and the way that realization breaks my heart; we still hold dear to each other.

Thank you for writing; I loved it!

Thank you for taking the time to read my poetry. Remember that through our writing our loved ones memories will continue to live on.

  • Jamie Williams by Jamie Williams , Fl. Callahan. Nassau
  • 9 years ago

This poem made me think of my husband who passed away. I LOVE AND MISS HIM VERY MUCH. HE WAS AND IS STILL MY BEST FRIEND. I WAS SEVENTEEN WHEN I MARRIED HIM AM 53 now and my feelings have only gotten stronger. Thanks for sharing your poem.

Thank you for taking the time to read my poetry and seeing the depth of my heart and soul through my work. And thank you for sharing your story!

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