Romantic Poem

Forever Love Once In A Lifetime Poem

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Love is deeper than we think. It sounds easy but binds a lot together. That’s why when finding someone to love, we must make sure we get it from a perfect source, and that source is God. Love...

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Words Are Not Enough

© more by Denese H. Boyett

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

No words could ever tell you,
No action could express
The way I feel about you.
With you, my life is blessed.

You're the light in my tunnel.
You are my pot of gold.
You are the strength that gets me through
When despair has taken hold.

You're my once in a lifetime.
You make my life complete.
You are my blue ribbon
In the shadow of defeat.

There's nothing I could ever say
And nothing I could do
To let you know just how much
Love is in my heart for you.


more by Denese H. Boyett

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mercy Musonda by Mercy Musonda
  • 4 years ago

Love is deeper than we think. It sounds easy but binds a lot together. That’s why when finding someone to love, we must make sure we get it from a perfect source, and that source is God. Love found in him is protected, perfected, and hard to destroy. God always refreshes our feelings for each other. Thank God for blessing me with this man.

  • Priya Mishra by Priya Mishra
  • 5 years ago

I am thankful to the person who wrote this poem. This poem spells out what I felt for my hubby...

  • Warwick by Warwick, GA
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem. It is exactly the words I have been searching for to send to my future husband, Mike.

  • Kayla Daniellle by Kayla Daniellle
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem I've been married for ten months now and this poems has put tears in my eyes and made me realize just how much I love my husband. Thank You Family Friend Poems. <3

  • Jillian Brynn by Jillian Brynn
  • 15 years ago

I loved the poem. It rocks. I want to be a poet when I grow up. Anyways, I am only ten years old but I am madly in love with a guy at school. He is funny, hot, smart, kind, caring, trustworthy... and the list goes on forever and eternity. Whoever wrote this I thank very much because it reminds me of how special true love and your first love really is!!<3

  • Malaika Brown by Malaika Brown
  • 15 years ago

I loved this poem. It touched me so much because it describes how I feel about someone special

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