Love Poem about Marriage

I never really considered myself a poet, but my wife has brought it out of me I guess. I have never submitted anything up to this point. I have a rough exterior but hide a kind interior.

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I know my husband also loves me so much like you. I'm a lucky one but he will never express it like this poem. It is heart touching.

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You're My Forever


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2010 with permission of the Author.

You're so special - more than you know and more than I show.
You're my soul mate, you're my lover, you're all that I know.

It's your smile and it's your eyes; it's your heart and it's your cries.
I'll love you forever, even long after we die.

You're my friend and you're my life.
You're my light and you're my wife.

You're my shoulder and my strength.
I would die for you and go to any length.

You're the person I need and the one who is there.
I have you right now, and it doesn't seem fair.

'Cause right now isn't enough and forever is too soon.
Without you I would die and not know what to do.

You're more than a friend and more than a wife, too.
You're my forever, and forever isn't long enough for me and you.

There's a place in heaven waiting just for you.
I pray there is room right there beside you for me, too.

You're a beautiful soul, and I could forget you never.
I just pray that we are always together now and forever.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Shilpi by Shilpi, Indiai
  • 11 years ago

I know my husband also loves me so much like you. I'm a lucky one but he will never express it like this poem. It is heart touching.

  • Iris by Iris, Florida
  • 12 years ago

This is wonderful...I wish someday when I get married my husband could express himself this way...Your wife is a lucky woman, your poem is beautiful

  • Gabriela by Gabriela, Oxnard Cali.
  • 13 years ago

This is so beautiful...if my husband would ever write a poem about Me I think I would die... Lol you did a very good job..I'm sure your wife is very happy and proud to have such a wonderful man in her life...

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