Husband Poem

Poem For Husband From Wife

As a woman gazes at her husband sleeping, she is filled with love and tenderness for the life they share.

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Married thirty seven years, and it still feels like yesterday. Communication is the road to success. Best wishes to all. Belfast xxx

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My Blessing In Life


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

Every morning I wake up and see
The most handsome man lying next to me.
He's the one I cherish and love,
A blessing sent from Heaven above.
I will love him as a faithful wife should
And do everything for him I could.
I would let him know every day
That I love him more than words can say.
For the two children we have together
And the love for God in each other,
It will keep our love for each other strong,
And the Lord will guide us away from all wrong.


  • Stories 15
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  • Rating 4.44
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Declan T Cullenm by Declan T Cullenm
  • 7 years ago

Married thirty seven years, and it still feels like yesterday. Communication is the road to success. Best wishes to all. Belfast xxx

  • Catherine by Catherine
  • 10 years ago

My fiance is a great man, he was next to me loving me in silent for a year, protecting me and inspiring. He wanted to honor me so he took all the possible time so we grow our bond stronger. I wake up every morning to his warm voice. I could not have it any other way.

  • Brenda by Brenda, Florida
  • 10 years ago

I was never interested in poetry until I started dating my husband. We were friends for years and in 2011 we met up in Fl. where he was living, and I was vacationing from NJ. So we started visiting each other for the next few years, then he asked me to be his wife, I said yes. Retired from my job, packed up we got married Oct. 2013. We are living happily in Sunny Florida. I thank God for my hubby, I luv him so much. This poem is beautiful.

  • Bukola by Bukola, Nigeria
  • 11 years ago

I got married to my sweet heart 3 months, and we spend 2 weeks together before he left the country. Though he's so sweet, we talk like 5 times in a day but I still miss him like every other day. He often call me his best friend, pride and source of joy. I can't but thank God for blessing me with this man

Forever and always my love

  • Susan Krasousky by Susan Krasousky
  • 11 years ago

This poem is fabulous! We are high school sweethearts. I was 14, he was 17. We married at 17 and 20. November we will be married 40 years!!! Our children will be 33 and 36. Our daughter is married to a wonderful man and our handsome grandson is 10. I was so happy the day I met my Mr. Wonderful! Praise the Lord for my Beautiful family!!!

  • Deidre by Deidre, Florida
  • 11 years ago

Wedding vows are hard to write but I found my Mr. Right. We are getting married in a few more weeks it is such an amazing treat. Together we stand hand in hand and side by side through thick and thin he will still be a perfect 10! :) I am happy and very blessed. We share one soul, we share one heart, A perfect time - a perfect start. This special day - two special hearts, Let nothing keep this love apart. I love you Anthony thank you for being supportive, caring, and loving. Every day I enjoy waking up to you, your smile makes me smile and your arms around me give me strength. I am glad I met you and have you by my side.

  • Genevieve by Genevieve, NYC
  • 11 years ago

I am still growing into my role as wife. Sometimes I miss the mark, other times I take the bait. but never does a day go by that I don't want to do and be a better me for him. So much of who I am is about wanting to love him despite it all.

  • La Quinda Reynolds by La Quinda Reynolds, Los Angeles
  • 12 years ago

This poem is beautiful & I know all the ladies who are married can related to this poem like I can... I love it...

  • Carol by Carol, Australia
  • 12 years ago

I love the poem .And this year I will be getting married to a wonderful man. And I have also gained a new son as well.

  • Breanna by Breanna, Texas
  • 12 years ago

Well I have been dating the same man for 8 years now and we are getting married in a month. I just read this poem to him and he likes it.

  • Desrie by Desrie
  • 12 years ago

This poem touched so deeply. Today is our 4th anniversary. Since I found and married him... all my life has changed. He was not only my husband but a great friend and best Guru I ever had. Thousand words I thank to The Lord who send me nice person. Now we have a beautiful daughter. Happy 4th anniversary my husband.... I will always love you

  • Monica by Monica
  • 12 years ago

I'd been dating the same man off and on since we were both in our 20's now we are 50s and we married 5 years ago, we are so happy we saved each other for last.

  • Ruth by Ruth, Modesto CA
  • 12 years ago

I am getting married to the best man. I have been with him for 6 years we have two kids together. He does everything for me. I am so in love with him. He tells me that I am his queen & he will take care of everything.

  • Salwa Adel by Salwa Adel, Egypt
  • 15 years ago

I am newly married. After marriage things changed a bit, kind of made me forget about this simple beautiful feelings. It's really touching

  • Lina by Lina
  • 16 years ago

This poem is marvelous!! It touched me deeply and I felt as if this wonderful wife is expressing my true feeling toward my husband!!
Good bless you

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