In Memory Poem

To my beautiful grandmother, Renee Ann Velasquez! I love you and miss you every day!

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I loved my grandmother so much. She passed away last month from a brain tumor, and she was just 70. When he was ill for the past year and doctors declined to operate on her, I was afraid each...

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I Miss You, Grandma


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2008 with permission of the Author.

I think about you all the time,
And every day it hurts to cry.
So much has happened in my life.
I'm not sure how hard to try.

Tears are falling constantly.
My heart hurts every day.
I think about your beautiful smile
That I pray I see again someday.

The sweet smell of your perfume
Has slowly faded away.
But all your helpful teachings
Are always here to stay.

I can't express how much you taught me,
So much I can't explain.
All the times I can remember,
Never once heard you complain.

So many hearts were broken
The day God called you home.
It seems as though each one of us
Was left to survive alone.

I know there was a reason
That you had to leave.
To keep us in your watchful eyes,
So now in God I really do believe.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tara Heare by Tara Heare
  • 3 years ago

I understand the pain you feel, my brother committed suicide the day I said goodbye to my grandma. They were both my world, and I lost both of them on the same day. I can tell you reading and writing poetry has been a relief for me. I miss them both dearly, and life is hard to imagine without them here today.

  • Beenish Faryad by Beenish Faryad
  • 5 years ago

My grandmother also passed away this month from a brain hemorrhage. I miss her so much. Doctors offered surgery on her. We all agreed, but she died. I can't believe that she has gone forever. I loved her. I was so attached with her. She was really like a mother to me. Now, I call her in my loneliness (dadi ami) as I called when she was with me, but she doesn't recall my name. I can't believe it. I also think that she is alive and one day she will come and hug me. She is far away. I watched her pictures with me and cried. I never forget her voice, hug, kisses and her style. She was just 70. I can't forget her during my whole life.

  • Shoaib by Shoaib
  • 5 years ago

Something very common happened with both of us. Exactly one year ago on September 22, I lost my dadi ammi, and she died after a brain hemorrhage. I can never forget her as she was the one who brought me up and took care of me from childhood. Even she was not able to recognize me and say my name. The last days of her life are very frightening to be recalled. I just miss her a lot and pray that her soul rests in peace.

  • Michael Harbuck by Michael Harbuck
  • 6 years ago

I know what you all mean. For many years, my grandmother was more of a mom than my own. For some reason I just wasn't that close to my mother until the last 10 years or so. I am 48 years old, and I still remember waking up at the age of around 6 with a very bad stomach ache. My grandmother talked with me and had me sip a ginger ale until I fell back asleep and felt better in the morning. I wish I could tell you it gets easier, but she has been gone for 15 years and there are still times I wish I could tell her how much I loved her.

  • Ruth Duprevil by Ruth Duprevil
  • 6 years ago

My grandmother is everything to me. She has taken care of me since forever. When I feel lonely, she is the only one besides my friends who could make me happy.

  • Kylie by Kylie
  • 6 years ago

This poem is so wonderfully written and expressed. It reflects so much of my own feelings about losing my grandma, how much I miss her, and how she inspired me. Thank you for sharing.

  • Debs by Debs
  • 7 years ago

I loved my grandmother so much. She passed away last month from a brain tumor, and she was just 70. When he was ill for the past year and doctors declined to operate on her, I was afraid each day, thinking that she would pass away one day, leaving us all. I prayed and cried every night and visited her every weekend to hold her and kiss her forehead like the way she did to me whenever I used to visit. I can’t imagine how she must have felt thinking each day that she was going to pass away. I used to cry a lot thinking about this. Now that she has passed away, I somehow feel that she is still alive somewhere far away where I can’t visit. I keep watching her videos. I lost my grandmother whom I loved the most.

  • Tyler Cobb by Tyler Cobb
  • 6 years ago

I know it's crazy saying this, and you'll think there's no way, but I know exactly how you feel! My grandmother passed away years ago from cancer. And a lot of what you say in here are my exact feelings too! But you had said you feel as though she's still alive somewhere. She is! She's alive in heaven watching over you every day! And know that whenever you speak to her she hears all that you say and sees the loneliness in your heart! And just remember that all you need to do is pray to her and she'll hear everything you say and knows how much you love her.

  • Love by Love
  • 7 years ago

My grandmother was my best friend. When she died, I didn't know if I could go on living, but I managed to for five years. This poem really touched my heart. I loved it.

  • Lashley by Lashley
  • 7 years ago

My grandmother was my best friend. I was closer to her than anyone in my family. I talked to her all the time and made sure to drive to go and see her as often as I could. I always feared this time would come and how it would make me feel. I feel so empty. She comes to me in dreams, and I wake up in tears. I think of all the times we had together and I cry even more. I was with her in the hospital day after day, watching her fight for her life and those thoughts make me so sad. I wasn't ready to lose her. I miss her, and I don't know if I will ever move on.

  • Aseela by Aseela
  • 5 years ago

I feel every word you said, and I feel every feeling you have. We have been through the same thing with my grandmother. She was so close to me that I'll never move on from her absence every day. I'm sorry. We had a wonderful day with her before she went to the hospital and passed away. She said so many lovely things to me, but I never realized I'll lose her because I never wanted to believe in a life without her existence. I know what it's like to dream about her and think about her and tears just start falling. I'm sorry and I wish we see them in the afterlife and forever.

  • Cassandra by Cassandra
  • 7 years ago

My Grandma passed away June 13, 2017. Lost a battle with Lymphoma. Oh my, do I miss her. I cry myself to sleep every night. I just don't understand. I wish it wasn't like this. If only she were still here.

  • Mariana by Mariana
  • 7 years ago

My grandmother was my everything. She died in 2014 and her birthday and anniversary are going to be next month in July. She would be 93 this year. I think about her every day and nothing can fill the void she left. I am 22 now and someday I hope to tell my children about what a wonderful woman she was, full of love, peace, and cheeky at times(lol).

  • Tyler Cobb by Tyler Cobb
  • 7 years ago

Hello, I know this is and will seem hard to believe, but I know exactly 100% how you feel! I was in an accident in 2005, which left me physically disabled. My family members were the only ones who've been there for me, and my grandparents were like none other. My grandma had just passed away. She had cancer in her uterus, but it breaks my heart, and although I'm a 30-year-old man, I still break down in tears almost every day! So I know how hard it is, and I'll tell you the only peace of mind I can get is while I'm praying to the Lord! I truly, honestly do know how heartbreaking it is. I know exactly how you feel because no words could ever express the love, heartbreak, and feelings you have!

  • Chirag Raheja by Chirag Raheja
  • 7 years ago

My grandmother is my friend. My grandmother passed away on Friday at the age of 91 years old. Since her transition, this has been the longest length of time we have been apart and I'm 23 years old. I think about her every day and I miss her so much that I'm actually crying while I'm typing this. Grandmothers are so special and I know I will never forget my granny. I love you, Granny, and my heart will forever be broken.

  • Ria Chanda by Ria Chanda
  • 7 years ago

My grandmother passed away on this day, two years ago. She was my best friend and my favorite person in the whole world. She was an incredible woman. Her death shattered me completely. It created a void in my life, as if I lost a part of me when she died. But somehow, I learned to live with the pain of her loss. I know she is in a better place now, where there is no pain and suffering. I will meet her again in the heavens. I miss her every day of my life and my love for her is eternal. I love you, Dadi Maa.

  • Tia Almashtoub by Tia Almashtoub
  • 7 years ago

But I'm afraid. I'm frightened. I'm scared that I won't hear you name again, and that's when you'll really die. Because Nanny, you die twice. One time when you stop breathing, and the second when someone says your name for the last time. I am terrified that I won't hear your voice again. That I won't see you when I close my eyes. But when God whispered into your ears: "Spread your wings. Spread your wings, Siham." You obliged. You obliged like you always did. You flew away. Traveled up to the sky. Nanny, you painted the sky. And every time I see colors in the sky. Every time I see shapes in the clouds I smile. I smile because I know that is you. I smile because I get flashbacks of our memories. I smile because I know that somehow you managed to leave a part of you with me. And when it's dark and the sky is all black, I look up at the stars and wonder which one is your house now? Where do you live, Nanny? Until we meet again, I'll hold you close to my heart. Keep you stuck in my memory and cherish you forever.

  • Madison by Madison, Kentucky
  • 10 years ago

I liked this story though it was sad. I lost my grandma in 2013 it is was and still is the hardest thing to go through I miss her so much but I know she is in a better place and she IS home.

  • Michael by Michael, Memphis
  • 10 years ago

My grandmother passed away on Thursday, June 26, 2014 at the age of 97 years old. Since her transition, this has been the longest length of time we have been apart and I'm 43 years old. I have a complete emptiness in my life now that I know can never be filled. I think about her everyday and I miss her so much that I'm actually crying while I'm typing this. Grandmothers are so special and I know I will never forget my granny. I love you granny and my heart will forever be broken.

  • Cherokee Summers by Cherokee Summers, Oklahoma
  • 11 years ago

I know how you feel I may be only 13 years old but my granny meant everything to me. She was there for me when I was sad and felt alone. I miss her with all my heart

  • Nichola by Nichola
  • 11 years ago

My grandma was my friend. my listener, a shoulder, my therapist. My grandma was my mother, she raised me from a young age. The last time I saw her (1 day before her passing) she told me that one of those days she would give me a big cuddle. Not that she didn't before. As I went to walk out her door, I turned back and gave her another kiss & cuddle. I feel lost without my grandma, she is my inspiration, she kept me on the right path (as she would say). I miss my grandma every day that passes. I just need to share this message to let you all know just how much I love her. I suppose psychologically it's me telling my grandma that I love you and deepfully thankful for all she brought and gave me xxx

  • Anou by Anou, Mauritius
  • 11 years ago

My grandma (nanny) passed away last month. I miss her a lot! I was not even informed about her departure to her heavenly abode as I was pursuing my exams abroad. Last time I was with her was when I left my native for studies which is almost a year. It was only after a week I was informed about it., I'm already in tears reading this poem.! :'( she has been always there for me when mum was not around. It's hard to believe that she is no more. It hurts
love you nanny.

  • Lauren by Lauren, California
  • 11 years ago

This poem really brought tears to my eyes. My grandma Bob was the most down to earth, peace loving woman to have ever lived. In October 2012, two boys (ages 16 & 18) Broke into her house and strangled her. They doused the house and her body with gasoline and set the house on fire- along with her body and all the pictures of my mom's childhood and pictures from when my grandma was young. She was like a second mother to me and there is not a day that goes by where I don't think of her cute little laugh or her sense of humor. She wasn't like other grandmas- she was special in every way.

  • Jersey Strong by Jersey Strong, New Jersey
  • 11 years ago

Oh my God....I have tears in my eyes. I lost my Grandma April 2001. She was 92. 12 years later, I think about her everyday. I wear her never leaves my finger. No matter how old or young they are when they leave hurts. I love you Grandma. I know you are near watching over us. I miss you so much and always will, until we meet again.

  • Poorvi Aramani by Poorvi Aramani, Gadag
  • 11 years ago

My grandmother just passed away few months ago. It's very hard to forget her and I just can't live without her. Really this poem brought tears to my eyes.

  • Lyn by Lyn, England
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Gran 34 years ago. She died suddenly and I was not there. I have never forgiven myself. I think of her every day and still cry - you might think that's crazy after so long but I miss her so much to this day and always will. I think about the things I didn't say, didn't ask. So many regrets. Grandmothers are the most special people in the world. She is with God now and I hope she is at peace. One day we will be together again.

  • Samantha by Samantha, California
  • 12 years ago

Wow, this poem really hit home. I lost my grandma Feb 7 2012. She was my mother I never had, she always listened when I needed her, she was my everything. Now I feel so very empty without her. I miss her so much and I don't think the pain of losing her will go away. Thank you for writing this.

  • Kristal Segura by Kristal Segura
  • 12 years ago

My grandmother passed away just two days ago. October 16,2012 she was my other mom that I would run to I never thought this would happen. And my other grandmother died January 10,2010 two years ago and feels like it was just this last week. The poem reminded me of them both.

  • Shannette Rankin by Shannette Rankin
  • 12 years ago

My grandma died September 28 2011, and as that time draws near again, it gets harder to face reality. This poem reminded me of her from beginning to end.

  • Natasha by Natasha, Glasgow Scotland
  • 12 years ago

My Nana died on my 13th birthday in 2004. I seen and thought of her as my mum, we were always together and talked about everything. Even though it is almost 8 years since she passed away it still feels like yesterday. I still haven't stopped crying over her and would give anything to see her wonderful smile one last time and for her to hold me once more. My heart is still breaking and I just want her to be here with me.
This is a truly beautiful poem and reminded me of my Nana so much. It's like you wrote it for me.
Nana's are the most special people in the whole world.

  • Julie Ann by Julie Ann
  • 12 years ago

This poem expresses how I feel each day, February 12, 2012 was the day I list my grandma to cancer, after years of fighting, god finally let her rest. I don't think people realize how much a grandmother means to a woman...not until they've through it for themselves..

  • Darrryl Swoyer by Darrryl Swoyer, Lake Arial
  • 12 years ago

My grandma passed away in 2007 due to ovarian cancer and this poem brings back some great memories of her. I miss her a lot.

  • Lyndsey by Lyndsey, Arizona
  • 12 years ago

My grandma Joyce died yesterday and I feel very sad right now. We were very close and I called her every day and we spent time together every week. My heart feels so broken right now and I can't stop crying, but I know I need to be strong for my mother.

  • Emily Anderson by Emily Anderson
  • 12 years ago

As I read this I cried and cried January 8th , 2008 my grandma Susan Alice Copeland died at the age of 54 of breast cancer.. She has it for 7 years it went away then came back really strong and she couldn't fight it. The last thing she ever said to me was " No Tears, No Tears, I love you Emily!" She was a strong Christian women spread the word through out many and no matter what loved everybody and had no enemies. I miss her so much, my grandpa is remarried and his new wife is making us get rid off all her stuff. When she was alive and walked into her house you could feel her there and the love now you walk in and you can just tell its changed soo much and that our family is destroyed now. I love her so much and something happens everyday that I wish I could tell her. 5:45 A.M. was her last breath taken. I love god but I'm still trying to understand why he took her from me, the one person who understood me. The only one I felt comfortable to share anything with is now gone. RIP

  • Saloni by Saloni, Lucknow
  • 12 years ago

My grandma passed away on 26 Feb. 2012. she was really a great buddy for me. I shared my every feelings with her. NOW I am really missing her a lot and just tears are coming out but not stopping.:{

  • Kaylee by Kaylee, Bradford PA
  • 13 years ago

this is such an awesome poem my grandma passed away 6 months ago and she was my best friend and my whole would we called each other little buddy and any chance I had I was spending time with her and calling her on the phone 3 -4 times a day I miss her so much and this poem was an awesome one.... rip little buddy 11/21/2010

  • Chantal by Chantal
  • 13 years ago

wow.. tears.. my grandma died 2 years ago.. of cancer.. I just can't believe she left.. I miss her so much <3 :'(

  • San Jose by San Jose
  • 14 years ago

My Grandma passed last week on December 16 2010 and I want to do a poem for her coming service. I was looking for help on starting my poem but this poem really got to me and made me break down. This poem is beautiful

  • Charles Rogers by Charles Rogers
  • 14 years ago

I love this poem. I miss my grandma a lot. She was my savior. This poem brought tears to my eyes. My grandma passed in May of this year. The holidays are very tearful.

  • Taylore by Taylore, Kansas
  • 14 years ago

My grandma died July 23, 2010 two months after she turned 60, this is an amazing poem, it made me cry! She never complained, and I lived with her off and on. I miss her soo much I'm expecting my first child this month, she was so excited about him, I am having a very hard time dealing with her not being here. Thank you for this!

  • Christina by Christina, Oregon
  • 14 years ago

I lost my Grandmother 9 years tomorrow and man this poem said everything. She took care of me when my mom could not. I miss her so much.

  • Ayuna by Ayuna, GA
  • 14 years ago

Wow. That was amazing .My grandmother passed this year of April at the age of 47. I never got to say goodbye. Wwhen I read this I cried, because I really miss her a lot and she was so special...

  • Taylah Morgan by Taylah Morgan
  • 15 years ago

My heart ached as I read this..
My grandma past away Jan 8th of this year..
And it's almost that time again..
this poem really took place in my life..
this is exactly how my grandma was..
Not a day goes by I don't think about her..

Thank you

  • Jackie by Jackie
  • 16 years ago

Thank you so much. I am searching for the right words to say at my Grandmothers funeral service this weekend. I miss her so much already!

  • carolyn harvey by carolyn harvey
  • 16 years ago

The pain came flooding once again as I read your poem. How I miss my Mammaw Mae. She passed one month before her 100th birthday of Alzheimer's, but she was spry until she was 97. She was a country girl from West Virginia and lived in the mountains all her life. She stayed at home and took care of her 4 children, but she never stopped working until she hit the bed. I could write a book about my Mammaw. I watched her do everything from cooking to canning, from cleaning to praying and I try to be just like her, though I fail terribly. I wish I had her loving heart and humility.
I have her things all around me. From her kitchen cabinet to her slop bucket. I loved her and still do with every thing that is in me. I am so happy that you loved your Grandmother, too.
Thank you for the lovely poem.
Carolyn Harvey

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