In Memory Poem

I wrote this poem so that I could try and lift my spirits when I miss my loved ones very much. To suffer loss is such an awful experience; sometimes you have to experience bad times to know how a good time feels. I try to remember the good times; you'll need them to be able to look back and smile...

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Today, October 9th, I came across your poem. I was filled with so many emotions and could not communicate my feelings. I lost my late husband to lung cancer. He was 48 years old. Today would...

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My Memory Library

Sarah B. Blackstone © more by Sarah B. Blackstone

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2009 with permission of the Author.

Imagine if I was given one moment,
just a single slice of my past.
I could hold it close forever,
and that moment would always last.

I'd put the moment in a safe,
within my heart's abode.
I could open it when I wanted,
and only I would know the code.

I could choose a time of laughing,
a time of happiness and fun.
I could choose a time that tried me
through everything I've done.

I sat and thought about what moment
would always make me smile.
One that would always push me
to walk that extra mile.

If I'm feeling sad and low,
if I'm struggling with what to do,
I can go and open my little safe
and watch my moment through.

There are moments I can think of
that would lift my spirits every time.
The moments when you picked me up,
when the road was hard to climb.

For me to only pick one moment
to cherish, save and keep
is proving really difficult,
as I've gathered up a heap!

I've dug deep inside my heart,
found the safe and looked inside.
There was room for lots of moments;
in fact, hundreds if I tried.

I'm building my own little library,
embedded in my heart,
for all the moments spent with you
before you had to part.

I can open it up whenever I like,
pick a moment and watch it through.
My little library acts as a promise;
I'll never ever forget you.


more by Sarah B. Blackstone

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Memories are our movie collections kept safe in mind. When we're sad and missing someone we love, we can replay them anytime. A wonderful gift is our memory, without it there would be no point at all in sharing precious moments that we could never recall. A lovely poem!

  • Louise Culver by Louise Culver
  • 3 years ago

I really felt touched by your poem. I lost my husband and soul mate in 2006, days before our 34th anniversary. I still think of him and remember so many happy times. Please keep up the great work.

  • Mirek Sokol by Mirek Sokol, Almere, The Netherlands
  • 5 years ago

Beautiful piece of art. I love your style. It's really touching and soothing. In loving memory of those who passed away. Keep on writing. You're talented.

  • Tonya Asbury by Tonya Asbury
  • 6 years ago

Today is my dad's 82nd birthday and his 3rd heavenly birthday. I found your poem the day he passed (October 28, 2015). I read this at the service. I read it several times a month. When I'm having a hard time and missing him more than usual, it helps me pull those memories out instead of keeping them locked up for fear of the pain I feel because he's gone. Thank you. This poem has helped me through some really tough times.

  • Michael Tang by Michael Tang
  • 6 years ago

I read the poem and it touches me to the core. I lost my mother, whom I dearly love, in 2003. I wasn't able to spend the last moment with her on her death bed. At the same time I was being deported back to a country I never knew.

  • Catherine Brown by Catherine Brown
  • 6 years ago

I came across your poem looking for a poem to put up on Facebook with my brother's picture for the 11th anniversary of his passing that is coming on June 12, and everything that you wrote on your poem is how I felt for my brother. Thank you so much.

  • Ru Hillel by Ru Hillel
  • 6 years ago

I came across your poem when looking for something to read at a memorial for the young son of friends who was killed in a flash flood 11 years ago. Each year I find something new. This year, it was your poem. It was just perfect, and many folks came up to me afterward to thank me for it. Credit was given. Many thanks.

  • Tabatha Skeen by Tabatha Skeen
  • 7 years ago

I came across your poem today, and I want to say thank you. On Saturday, December 9, 2017, I got the call that my baby sister was killed in a head on collision. I was so angry. I have already lost my little brother, my oldest sister, and my husband...all since 2005. Your poem brought a sense of calm over me. The memories I shared with each one of them are memories I will have with me forever.

  • Florence, Illinois by Florence, Illinois
  • 7 years ago

Today, October 9th, I came across your poem. I was filled with so many emotions and could not communicate my feelings. I lost my late husband to lung cancer. He was 48 years old. Today would of been his birthday. I'd never thought for one moment that I would have to say goodbye to him! He was so strong, even to the end. God knows best. Your poem conveyed everything I could not. Thank you for such a beautifully written poem. Thank you!!

Amazing poem! So beautifully and well written. I strongly relate to this poem, because I love to treasure those memories of special moments. This makes me picture my teacher, who has helped me through so much. Now I am going to have to move on without him. You have great talent!

  • Jessica Lattin by Jessica Lattin
  • 7 years ago

I have no words to represent my mother. I found your poem and knew it said what I was feeling. You said to use and share this poem to comfort. May I please use this in my mother's obituary?

  • Raelynn Butcher by Raelynn Butcher
  • 8 years ago

My very dear friend Quentin just passed, and this poem made me feel like it was him standing there reading it. I tried to read it a little faster, but it's definitely worth every word read.

  • Sienna by Sienna
  • 8 years ago

My best friend died just yesterday. I am really really upset, but I read one of these amazing poems and it made me stop crying instantly. RIP Candy.

  • Shanzy Holm by Shanzy Holm
  • 8 years ago

My family lost 4 people in one day. It has now been 21 years since the accident. I was very close to my grandmother before she passed. I miss them all dearly. Every year, on the day we lost them I upload photos or something sentimental; this year I came across this poem. Thank you for these perfectly suited words. I am a book and memory collector and this poem could not be more perfect for what I wanted to express. This year I reposted last years picture collage alongside these sentiments. Thank you for helping me express what was in my heart! absolute pleasure. Thank you so much for taking the time to inform me that my poem meant something to you. That alone means more to me than you'll ever know. Kindest Regards, Sarah Blackstone

  • April by April, Knoxville
  • 9 years ago

On June 9th of 2015 my dad suffered a heart attack. 10 days later he was gone. This was 3 days before father's day. I lost my best friend. This poem makes me realize that as I grieve I have the memories that we made together over my 33 years here on earth. The sad part really about this whole story is that his dad was the same age when he died.. This makes me happy to realize that memories last a lifetime, and that my daddy was the best.

  • Alita Brooks by Alita Brooks, Bristol
  • 9 years ago

My dad died in 1993 of lung cancer, he had just had his 55th birthday. I was 26 and obviously devastated. My dad wanted his ashes scattered, which we did, so fast forward 22 years, four house moves and finally I have found a way to remember my dad properly. I have put a bench in our woodlands with his name on, people can walk through and take a seat and hopefully contemplate and remember someone special to them. I would love to use the 1st paragraph of your beautiful poem and have it engraved on a plaque with your name on it, would this be ok Sarah?

Alita... I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I apologise even more for taking so long to reply to your lovely message regarding my poem. I have had so many issues regarding copyright. My poem was sadly posted by others that claimed it as their own words... This is something that didn't bother me but meant I couldn't respond to you (and others) until the issue was resolved (sad but true). I honestly hope that you did use my words on the plaque like you wished to do. From the inner depths of heart, I'd have had no objections to you doing so. In fact, I'm absolutely overwhelmed that my words could mean so much.I'm hoping that my lack of response didn't stop you from going ahead with the plaque anyway. Either way, I'm sending you my kindest regards. With love, Sarah Blackstone

  • Nikki by Nikki, KY
  • 10 years ago

This month has been rough for me in 2008 in this month, on the first day of June my cousin died in a car crash, same year and month, on June 30th my sister past away, next Monday will mark 6 years that they both have been gone, reading your poem helped thank you

  • Mia by Mia, England
  • 10 years ago

My cousin died in 2013 of cancer and I have been really down and depressed and I just can't stop thinking about her. This poem made me cry because it touched me and my heart and I don't know what I would of done without her. I have missed her so much I'm just down when I think about her.

  • Dallas by Dallas, London
  • 11 years ago

Miss my parents. This is perfect. Thanks you.

Wow..... still shocked by the responses from people far and wide.
Anyone is welcome to use my poem as they wish, I just ask that my name is left underneath so I have the privilege of being a help during a sad situation..... I am genuinely elated that my words have been a comfort to anyone.
Thank you :-) x

  • Beverley McCool by Beverley McCool
  • 8 years ago

Thank you for the thoughtful words. My mom passed and I always had something left to say to her. I was left to think that there was more to say and that I regretted not saying how much I loved her presence. She is in my heart. Thank you again.

  • Mia by Mia, Dallas
  • 11 years ago

My dog got hit by a car like a week ago her name was Maggie. She was a puppy she was only one years one old, the car did stop she was a Coker Spaniel we are looking for one it is hard because I'm only seven

  • Heidi by Heidi, Auburn
  • 11 years ago

I loved your poem. I lost my Dad (58 years old) to a very rare cancer (Leiomyosarcoma) on January 4, 2013 and my aunt (54 years old) to breast cancer on February 19, 2013 and am having such a hard time with it. Your poem has helped me to remember to think of all the good times I had with them instead of just focusing on the loss. My step-mom, siblings, and I will be spreading my Dad's ashes in Utah in September and this would be perfect to read at it. Thank you!

  • Libby Pedersen by Libby Pedersen
  • 12 years ago

This poem really hits home. I watched my mother battle cancer until the end. She lost her battle 3 weeks ago. My father passed 2 years ago after being ill for years. This is one of the most beautiful poems I have ever read. Thank you for sharing.

  • Teresa Whitlock by Teresa Whitlock, Smiths Station
  • 12 years ago

My cousin, Terry, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer the first week of November. He passed away three weeks later. Your poem touched my heart. I am currently working on a book of stories/memories about Terry that I am collecting from family members. He had grandchildren that will not remember him in the years to come. This book of memories will hopefully serve as a "library" of memories for them. I would like to use your poem as a preface/forward to this book with your permission.

  • Thomas Woodie by Thomas Woodie
  • 12 years ago

My mother in law's birthday is today and she passed away on 1 July 2012. This poem speaks to me and I am very comforted by it. I posted 8 lines of it on my Facebook page and those that asked where it came from, I told them your name. Forever grateful to you for writing this.

  • Jackie Miller by Jackie Miller, Ft St John
  • 12 years ago

Dear Sarah, thank you so much for such a lovely poem that expresses your feelings and how many of us feel as well. Moving on is very important in the healing process of loosing a loved one, and by focusing on the things that made you smile, laugh and even cry together they really do help. Today we buried both of my parents and I was searching for something to say at the Memorial Columbarium and this was perfect. It has been 4 years for my mom and 2 years for my dad, and we were finally able to put them to rest officially today on their anniversary (wedding) day. Trying to think of what to say after this length of time was hard, but your poem expressed how we are all feeling and I really say thank you from the bottom of my (and families) hearts. Each person took a copy home to record their own little library of things that meant so much to them. Continue to write and express yourself, you truly have a gift.

  • Pegg by Pegg, Bronx
  • 12 years ago

Well, I just buried my son, only 26 years old - I know he's with God. But I am looking for a lot of words to comfort myself and family. This poem helps a lot right now.

Thank you all for your lovely stories regarding my poem. I didn't realize so many people would enjoy it.
I'm planning on adding more of my poems soon.
I like to make people smile inside, if only for a moment.
Thanks again.
Sarah Blackstone

  • Tim Jones by Tim Jones, Milwaukee
  • 13 years ago

Hello, I was moved by your poem. I would like to publish it in our quarterly newsletter for the Milwaukee County Genealogical Society. Thank you.
Tim Jones

  • Kathleen. Broadstairs by Kathleen. Broadstairs
  • 13 years ago

Have printed this for a friend who lost her son in tragic circumstances, hope this will help her and the family come to terms with their loss.

  • Sue by Sue, Shropshire England
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for this poem, my mother passed away in June of this year, I found your poem and it said everything I wanted to say at her funeral. I didn't have the strength to read it myself, but the minister that did, gave it great justice and everyone remarked on it. I keep the poem in my faves "library" and when I am alone and quiet, reading it brings back lots of good memories. Thank you again for enabling me to say the things I couldn't say myself

  • Diane Wurtz by Diane Wurtz, Sioux Falls
  • 13 years ago

What a wonderful poem! My brother Brian committed suicide on 7-22-11. We haven't a clue why but I have the most incredible memories of our childhood, teenage years and beyond .. locked away in my little "library". He made me so happy and was so very kind to me. This poem is perfect for us ! Thank you Sarah.

  • Hortencia Felix by Hortencia Felix
  • 13 years ago

I've lost a lover my very first love when I finally find him called to say hi. His step father tells me he is dead. now I'm lost and there's so many things I wanted to say and now my heart cries for my one true blue I miss you every single minute of every single second of the day .Your poem gave my heart a little piece of mind

  • Angelique by Angelique
  • 13 years ago

Thank you so much for this poem. I was WOWED by it. I really touched me. My husband died next month will be a year and I can't believe that it has only been a year. But this poem has helped me. It really made me smile. Thanks again.

  • Jennay by Jennay
  • 14 years ago

This story touched me in a big way...... I loved the poem and how just unlocking the large chest of memories does help deal with the loss of your loved ones ..... my daddy passed away may 31 2006 my grandma passed away aug 09 2006 my best friend passed away march 1 2010 and so many others and pets I will always remember them and their memories will keep them alive

  • Aleisha Merritt by Aleisha Merritt
  • 15 years ago

This poem spoke to me for a cousin who is to bury his father the end of this week. He ask me to find a poem to read during the services. I know this poem will be a blessing to all who will hear it. Please let me know if it is okay to use for the funeral service. Thank you, Aleisha

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