God Poem

I wrote this poem for someone special to me who is suffering with cancer. She is a member of my church. She has encouraged me and been an inspiration to me. This poem is dedicated to Annette Keenan.

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The poem reminds me of those times when I could no longer do anything but to believe that everything will be alright. When I reach a dead end, my heart's cry is always "God is in control!"...

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God Is In Control


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2014 with permission of the Author.

No matter what you have been told
God is in control
Yes, they came with a report one day
But God has the last say
Rest assured he is near
No need to fear

Hold on to Faith real tight
Know that everything is going to be all right
When God is in the midst
Defeat doesn't exist
You serve a God who can make a bird sing a beautiful melody
A God who can calm the sea
A God who holds your destiny
He is your healing spring
And in his hands he brings

and Joy

All just for you, because his love is everlasting and true


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  • Rating 4.45
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • BlueWaves by BlueWaves
  • 7 years ago

The poem reminds me of those times when I could no longer do anything but to believe that everything will be alright. When I reach a dead end, my heart's cry is always "God is in control!" The poem was crafted with wonderful words and a message which can reassure someone who is going through a difficult time. Thank you for the poem.

  • Shortscribe by Shortscribe
  • 8 years ago

This poem elevated me in my walk with God. The message was inspirational, edifying, and electric. From now on l will not fear for the Lord is near.

  • Alyssa Jane Aparato by Alyssa Jane Aparato, Philippines
  • 9 years ago

I am a girl who lives in doubts, fears and questions. I always ask God why me? I always think that I can't do something. I am a perfect example of a pessimist, but God always has His way of making me calm and telling me that I have to trust Him and should not worry about a thing.

  • 10 years ago

My wife passed a way almost three years a go with brain cancer. I brought her to U.S for treatment. We struggled too much, but she couldn't hold on more. I had to bury her in Michigan where I have been waiting for her to come back to me or else I will be buried next to her.
The poem touched me so much and made me cry.
Many thanks for the writer

  • Amanda Giles by Amanda Giles
  • 10 years ago

I really enjoyed this poem because it describes God who shows up in our Lives in the same ways.
Thank you for submitting your wonderful poem by a wonderful as well as honest poet.

  • Amanda Giles by Amanda Giles
  • 6 years ago

Sorry... I lost track of this website. And now I have re-found it. I am glad to have read your comments. I thank you for your kind comments. It's always nice to know that there are people like you who uplifted my spirits.

This is a wonderful and encouraging poem. It is true, God is really in control, so nothing to fear about whatever life may bring. In every circumstance that we have, we must offer it to God because nothing is impossible with Him, if we only believe... Trust Him.

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