God Poem

Poem About Needing The Lord

This poem is about how much I need the Lord in my daily life and how much his love impacts my daily life.

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This is a wonderful poem to remind us that God is imparting wisdom into our hearts. Sometimes we are just too busy to listen to Him. We need to know that in this world wherein the different...

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Whispers Of The Lord


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2015 with permission of the Author.

The Lord whispered to me, "I love you so,"
"Come follow me, my child, high places we will go."
The Lord knelt beside me at an altar in prayer,
He wiped my tears and took away my despair.
"Come follow me, my child," the Lord whispered to me,
"There will be no more pain but oh so much to gain."
He said, "I forgive you now for all you've done.
Now it's time to receive the love of God's only son."
His love was so warm, so bright and so true,
I could not believe my soul he had renewed,
He repaired my soul from the inside out.
It was then and only then I knew what love was about.
The cleansing power that fell over me,
Was the love of the Lord as he carried me.
"Come follow me, my child," the Lord whispered to me,
"In that sweet holy land someday you will be.
You will see the Lord's face at those big pearly gates,
Where loved ones embrace and angels await.
Come follow me, my child," the Lord whispered to me,
"I will love you always, your protector I'll be."


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Pebble Tackett Sellers by Pebble Tackett Sellers
  • 5 years ago

Hi, I love this poem and will be sharing it at our women's ministry annual tea because our theme is "Whispers of the Lord." Praying that those who are babes in their Christian walk will have a better understanding of His love.

  • Kevi Seyie by Kevi Seyie
  • 5 years ago

I'm deeply blessed by this beautiful poem. God bless.

This poem reaches to the heart of what God wants for his children. The imagery puts the reader in the picture; that's a reflection of very good writing. Well-deserved publication; the author should be published on paper too. Very moving and inspirational words; love it.

  • Nakitende LUYOMBYA Joan by Nakitende LUYOMBYA Joan
  • 7 years ago

It's really touching and interesting. I have to share it with my Sunday school kids, Thank you.

This is a wonderful poem to remind us that God is imparting wisdom into our hearts. Sometimes we are just too busy to listen to Him. We need to know that in this world wherein the different wiles of the devil thrives, we must listen to the voice of God alone. And we must look forward to our perfect dwelling place in heaven.

  • RJ Arconado by RJ Arconado
  • 8 years ago

This really is beautiful. I might use this in my school's local poetry festival, it's so heartwarming.

  • Mohammed D. Almalki by Mohammed D. Almalki
  • 8 years ago

Oh my God that's so beautiful so beautiful, I respect your art!

  • Dbaize031716 by Dbaize031716
  • 9 years ago

This is amazing. I really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing.

  • Candy V by Candy V
  • 9 years ago

Took the breath right out of me. Thanks for sharing Shannon, any day I need some uplifting I think I'll stop by to read your poem and be reminded of the truth you've spoken. Our heavenly father must be pleased to be needed by you in this way as much as by all his other children, in he we must trust and all things can be done.

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