Famous Death Poem

This poem is often read at funerals. The author, Henry Scott-Holland (1847 - 1918), a priest at St. Paul's Cathedral of London, did not intend it as a poem, it was actually delivered as part of a sermon in 1910. The sermon, titled, "Death the King of Terrors" was preached while the body of King Edward VII was lying in state at Westminster.

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Hello Everyone, Reading the comments here, I just felt that I "belonged." This year has been very hard - in March my father passed and in October my dear brother. I feel so lost now without...

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Famous Poem

Death Is Nothing At All

Henry Scott-Holland By more Henry Scott-Holland

Death is nothing at all.
It does not count.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
Nothing has happened.

Everything remains exactly as it was.
I am I, and you are you,
and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.

Call me by the old familiar name.
Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no difference into your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it.

Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same as it ever was.
There is absolute and unbroken continuity.
What is this death but a negligible accident?

Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval,
somewhere very near,
just round the corner.

All is well.
Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it was before.
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!


more Henry Scott-Holland

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Carolina Bradford by Carolina Bradford
  • 1 year ago

My husband passed away on March 31, 2023. Our daughter and I stood in the foyer of the funeral home, she noticed this poem on the wall. I knew immediately that I wanted it read at the funeral. How beautiful the words are. My husband and I were best friends, soulmates and the true love of my life. He convinced me that "happily ever after" truly exists. I miss him so much. But thanks to the wording of this poem, I hurt just a little bit less.

Over the last few months I cared for him here at home as he suffered through Amyloidosis. He'd decided to "allow Nature to take its course." When Nature did become active, somehow it looked different than how we'd imagined it. We had time to talk though, time to make plans. Through it all, I remained strong and practical. But now the pain is awful. But when it gets really difficult I read this poem and feel just a little bit better. Thank you for allowing me to share this with others.

  • Carolann by Carolann
  • 1 year ago


Thank you so much for sharing your story. My heart hurts for you.

The words you use to describe your relationship with your husband are precisely what I use for my relationship with Gene. I had him for 25 incredible years, then lost him to complications related to ALS on November 25th, 2020. He was my everything.

As you approach your husband's death anniversary, I hope you can find a way to celebrate his life as well as fully feel the myriad of emotions that will come your way.

We never heal entirely but find a way to live in a "new normal." Well, I don't know if that's precisely accurate. Nothing feels genuinely normal to me, even after three years.

Sharing our grief does make it easier. Say your husband's name. Talk to him if it feels right. Know you are not alone.

  • Nelda Clelland by Nelda Clelland
  • 2 years ago

My 30-year-old son committed suicide on 3/14/2023. I was going through his phone and found a picture of this poem that he took in August 2021. I believe it is a message from him to all of the friends and family he left behind as to how he wants to be remembered and how he wants us to live our lives going forward. Son, I will see you on the other side. Love you forever.

  • Tamara Natts by Tamara Natts, West Bengal, India
  • 1 year ago

I am truly sorry to hear about the devastating loss of your son. Losing a loved one to suicide is an incredibly painful and difficult experience, and my heart goes out to you during this unimaginably challenging time.

Discovering the poem on your son's phone must have been both surprising and bittersweet. Be patient and kind to yourself as you process these emotions, allowing yourself the time and space to grieve in your own way.

Please take care of yourself and lean on your support system during this difficult time. Remember that you are not alone, and there are people who care about you and want to help you through this grief journey.

  • Mira Cernak by Mira Cernak
  • 2 years ago

I lost my father 5 months ago, I lost my mother a month ago, and I lost my dear friend 4 months ago. This beautiful poem was sent to me along with a sympathy card. I find comfort in it, holding onto it as a source of emotional and psychological support. It helps me endure the pain and gives me hope and a brighter perspective. When is too difficult to use my own words, when silence is my best expression, this poem is like a balm on my soul and keeps me going on.

  • Lisa Davis Mann by Lisa Davis Mann
  • 2 years ago

Dearest friends, this poem has long been a favorite of mine. I have shared it with many who have grieved for a lost family member, lover, or friend. Now I find great comfort in these words, and I read them again and again through my tears. This poem gives me back the hope that she is indeed just fine and one day I'll be able to spend time everlasting with my beautiful mama. The words give me back the belief that she is fine and all is well. Thank you for your kind ear. Love to you all, and we shall meet one day and laugh together. God bless you all.

  • Frank Ford by Frank Ford
  • 2 years ago

Beautiful poem! I lost my son, Wayne, 8 years ago. I lost my 15-year-old grandson 4 years ago. I lost my father 3 1/2 years ago. Three of the most influential males are now gone from my life. It gives me a whole new perspective on life. The poem is correct and well said. I continue to move forward but never forget what those three mean to me.

I was told once by a friend that a person dies three times. The first is when the person dies. Second is when that person is buried or cremated. Third is when that person is forgotten. I will never forget Wayne, Lil Tony, or my father. They live inside of me every day. I carry them with me every day. I also grieve every day. It's what we do, us, the ones who have experienced loss. One day we will be reunited. and it will be glorious. My love I have has not faded or drifted away. It is always with me. God Bless all of you.

  • Suzanne Griffin-Otis by Suzanne Griffin-Otis
  • 2 years ago

I was happily married for 43 years to a wonderful and sensitive man who passed almost 5 years ago. We were both musicians, well I still am, and wrote many songs and played music for many years together. We actually met at a piano course given at our local Community College. We also instilled the love of music in our children who are both musicians. We had a deep spiritual connection, which still is strong. Just because someone dies in the physical form does not mean that the love dies. Love is eternal.

  • Brian C Wood by Brian C Wood
  • 3 years ago

My mom died on December 27, 2021. When going through her stuff we found this with her will that said to my children and friends please read this at my memorial. It was so perfect!

  • Elizabeth M Grasty by Elizabeth M Grasty
  • 3 years ago

My husband died of cancer February 22, 2021, following months of chemotherapy and surgery in November 2020. This was in the midst of Covid-19. My sister-in-law combined this poem with a picture of Warren. I look at it multiple times a day and still cry. The words are so direct to me. I have deep faith and know that we will meet again - after an interval.

  • Dawn A Ford by Dawn A Ford
  • 3 years ago

In the last two weeks, I have had the passing of my aunt, my mother-in-law, and father-in-law. Though none were young, and some had been ill and fading for a while, it is still a difficult separation. The emotions are labile amongst the families, and the grief is palpable.

I have read this poem before and remembered that it struck such a chord. Death is but momentary, and the life we had before still is. Reminding us that "nothing is lost" and "how we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!"

  • 3 years ago

My mother sent me this poem from this link on 11-15-19 about 4 months before we found out she was terminally ill. 51 days later she was gone. Looking through all the emails she sent me and found this one. I couldn't help but lose it . I miss her so much.

  • Elizabeth M Grasty by Elizabeth M Grasty
  • 3 years ago

I share your tears as you read this poem. 51 days is too little time to say goodbye. I am sorry for your loss. A friend sent me a card with these words:
Just because time passes doesn't mean things "get back to normal."
I hope your tears become tears of joy and good memories.

  • Juliana Dsouza by Juliana Dsouza
  • 3 years ago

We lost a young, dynamic priest on May 12, 2021. I knew him for the last 2 years. He was kind, pious, gentle, talented, and hardworking. I encouraged and assured him that all would be well, right till death snatched him away. This poem comforted me. I hope it will comfort his family, community, and friends who are inconsolable. May God grant him eternal reward. India has lost more than 100 priests in just one month. May God comfort their families and communities.

  • Cindy Duarte by Cindy Duarte
  • 3 years ago

I recently lost my father and 4 weeks later my mom joined him- all as it should be for elderly parents married over 65 years! I am missing them terribly as I was their primary overseer and closest family member. A colleague shared this poem, and it has brought immense relief every time I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself. I am so thankful for my friend who shared it with me.

  • Bedashree Sharon by Bedashree Sharon
  • 3 years ago

I lost my dog a few days ago. He was my first ever dog, the most beautiful and cheerful boy. He suffered a lot because of wrong medication and couldn't make it. I was in a different state and I couldn't make it to him and see him one last time. I wasn't in my best shape for the past few days. I haven't slept in 3 days, haven't had a proper meal since he left, haven't put on sheets or even showered. I just came across this poem and I broke down. The words are so beautiful.

  • Jane Klein by Jane Klein
  • 3 years ago

I know how you must feel. I lost my cat child of 18 years a couple of weeks ago. It's been the most difficult loss I think I have ever had, except maybe for my parents. I don't know if our pet family members are on the other side waiting for us, but I sure hope so. Please also know that sometimes they don't want us to be there when they go.

I am so sorry for your loss. I hope it got easier for you. I am waiting for the day when I don't see her around me, or go to feed her, or see her photo, or think of how my life was so intertwined with hers. I believe in God and Yeshua and the afterlife, and I am hoping that she will be included.
Sending hugs to you . . . jane

  • Charles Bernabi by Charles Bernabi
  • 4 years ago

For a piece that was not meant to be a poem, I think it very much is, and a beautiful one on the theme of death it is too. I have lost many people over the years, including both my parents, so I know only too well the sadness of loss, and it is true when they say time is a great healer. But for my mother, especially, I still feel the pain of her loss after 4 years, and I guess I will for a long time to come.

  • Kathryn Bessant by Kathryn Bessant
  • 4 years ago

May the God of comfort heal your heart of the pain and grief of your loved ones, Charles. May you know the true and only comfort that Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit can give to each hurting heart. May you be able to keep loving others knowing that it is only those who love who can be hurt by loss and separation. May the Good Lord use you Charles to be the comfort and strength to support others in their time of need. May He keep your heart soft and ready to bear the burdens of others and bear Christ's burden to intercede for others. Amen.

  • Sheryle Davish by Sheryle Davish
  • 4 years ago

I first heard this poem at a service for 911. It stayed with me off and on for years. I lost my younger brother two years ago. I chose to read this poem at his funeral. I truly hope he is just in the next room.

  • Matthew Sedita by Matthew Sedita
  • 4 years ago

Today is the 4th anniversary of my grandmother's passing. In June of 2016, I lost 3 family members in 19 days, losing my dear uncle Jim on Father's Day morning, and my cousin Mark during the reading of my grandmother's last rites.

My family is also in the funeral business. I can say without question, these are the most poignant words I've ever read about death. I read them during my eulogy for my grandmother. Throughout the service at the cemetery, a fawn watched all of us from 30 feet away. I believe it was a sign from my dear grandmother. I returned a few weeks after the burial and saw the fawn again.

The pain of loss never goes away. It simply changes over time. I hope we all find peace in our hearts. These words helped me, and I've since shared them with others. I urge you to do the same.

  • Priya by Priya
  • 4 years ago

I lost my fiance this March...it has only been a month. I don't know how to deal with things around and even this pandemic breakout. I couldn't even attend his rituals due to lockdown all over. Death is such a hard reality. I lost my granny in January and then my most loved one now.

  • Simone by Simone
  • 4 years ago

I know this feeling... when I lost my grandparents who lived with us. It was a long time ago, and then my younger brother died. And now, a very good friend of us (mother of 2). All this questions, fear, anger, sadness, grief...Yes, this unneeded lockdown is terrible. Do you have somebody to talk with who is able to listen? Wish you to find your way to deal with it all.

  • Gemma V by Gemma V
  • 5 years ago

I read this poem at my dear uncle's funeral. It seems to fit him perfectly. He wouldn't want sadness, just us to know he's in another room. What a beautiful and positive poem.

  • Victoria M Huddy by Victoria M Huddy
  • 5 years ago

Within a 3-year period, a lot of death came my way. In August of 2016, I lost my 16-month grandchild to a senseless drowning. During that period, you turn to anything that helps keep them alive in your mind. Two years later came the death of my older sister, then the Pop-Pop of my grandchildren suddenly. The grief becomes overwhelming, but this poem helped to show me how to live after all these days, and today I know they are all just around the corner and we will meet again. While it may be an eternity for us on this earth, in my mind, I know it will be just the next day for them. So I celebrate their existence, and this poem showed me how.

  • BornToLive by BornToLive, Flagstaff AZ
  • 5 years ago

I'm not normally an emotional person, but this poem made me cry more than I have in the past month. I've lost family, both young and old, and friend to the cold embrace of death. That last line, talking of how we will laugh about the hassle of leaving just to be together again touched my deeply because that was similar to the last words of my best friend who died in the hospital after a terrible car crash. He told me he would see me again and when I was through slapping him for leaving early, we would laugh at fate for trying to keep us apart. My hold on hope has become stronger after this poem, along with the belief that fate is real. Thank you for sharing this. I'm showing this to my friends and family.

  • Eleanor Borces by Eleanor Borces
  • 5 years ago

I just lost my beloved daughter. She was 33 years old, single. With all honesty, I still cannot accept she's gone. Whenever alone, the thought of her lingers, and I cry...cry every night! As early as 4yrs old, she was diagnosed: MARFAN SYNDROME. She grew up with all its manifestations. I quit my job to attend and devote my life to her. Doctors told me she's a record breaker at 33. Guess that was just their way of easing weight and easing the pain I am going through. This poem is guiding me to other directions in dealing with the loss of her. Hopefully things will be easier.

  • Sumi Watters by Sumi Watters
  • 5 years ago

I, too, lost my little girl on September 7. She was 29 years old, single, but in love with the man of her dreams. She was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy at the age of 3, and her doctors told me early on that she would not live to see puberty. She did. And then some. She was studying International Humanitarian Law in Oxford and was about to move into her first apartment. She had her whole life ahead of her. I also cannot accept that she is gone. Whenever I am alone, I cry, too. I cry when I hear a song or see a bird in a tree. I cry when it rains and when it shines. I cry because she was about to become an aunty for the first time and she will never meet her niece. I cry because she won't see her younger brother and sister grow up. I cry because I will never see her in a wedding dress or hear her laughter ever again. Does it ever get better? Please tell me it gets better.

  • Louise Alderman by Louise Alderman
  • 5 years ago

I lost my beloved Dad 5 weeks ago. It was very sudden and unexpected, but as I stood by his bedside, he slipped away very peacefully. I felt very strongly about making a reading at his funeral, and it was always going to be this poem. The more I read it, the more I realized these were his words. It was as if he was whispering them to me. I stood up in front of a full church and read this poem with such strength and pride, and I was able to do so because I know my Dad was standing there, right beside me. I re-visit this poem often now. It draws me near to my Dad. I love you Dad, until we meet again.

  • Sheila by Sheila
  • 5 years ago

I just received this email from a friend. I recently lost my husband. I am so appreciative to receive and to read this poem which I find comforting and reassuring. It helps me to feel my husband's presence, which will always be with me. It validates for me that soulmates can continue communicating and being there for each other. I feel less alone after reading this poem. I also appreciate reading the many comments of people who have lost their loved ones.

  • Judith Littlefield by Judith Littlefield
  • 5 years ago

The love of my life passed away 2 weeks ago. We were together for 42 years. I miss him terribly. I'm doing okay but have my moments. Sometimes I just can't stop crying. I spoke with my sister-in-law last night and of course cried again. Today she sent me this poem, and I just can't believe how good it made me feel. It's like my Joe was speaking to me, waiting for me "just around the corner." I have found great comfort from this poem and will pass it on to everyone I know that will experience such a loss.

  • Pamela Samuel Hagens by Pamela Samuel Hagens
  • 5 years ago

This seems to be a place of exhaling; we need those moments just to exhale. Have someone listen to our struggles, sorrow, situations and just be present with us. We are not always looking for an answer, a 'fix me', but gentle ears. Sometimes it is just assurance that we can make ir take the next step. Others have walked this road and are still standing, traveling, expecting, loving. Thank you for this safe place. May those who are in the deepest place of pain find tenderness for today's moments.

  • Pamela Samuel Hagens by Pamela Samuel Hagens
  • 5 years ago

This is the 2nd time this beautiful, tenderly vivid poem has been shared with me. The words are so POWERFUL, INCLUSIVE, ELOQUENT, INSIGHTFUL, GENTLE. The words unite hearts, create community - touches each reader in a personal place; perhaps for some - shared and familiar space. The words reach into the hard places, quiet roads, sad detours, reflective pauses - The words offer assurance, insight, present momentary questions; but absolutely I hear Hope. I think so many people share that need; we all need 'HOPE.'

  • Michelle Janssen by Michelle Janssen
  • 6 years ago

I read this poem at the funeral for my best friend who passed on January 19, 2019, from pancreatic cancer. Our friendship lasted 40 years, and I am lost without her. I had asked my daughter Kelsey what she thought of this poem, and her response was, "Mom, it's beautiful, you have to read it," and so I did. Little did I know that Kelsey would take her own life on February 13, 2019, and so I read this poem at her memorial. To say I feel like shattered glass doesn't even come close to how I feel. I will miss them both all the days of my life. To know that neither one will walk through my door again is heart breaking. I just don't know why they both had to go. A question that will never be answered in this life. Kelsey was an amazing women. She was 42 years old. Kelsey was not into drugs, she was very active in her church and worked with Bonton farms in Texas. I don't know how to walk this life without them.

  • Grandee3 by Grandee3
  • 5 years ago

I am so very sorry for the loss of your best friend and your daughter. I cannot begin to imagine what you must be going through. You now have two beautiful angels looking down on you and guiding you through these difficult times. God bless you!

  • Sharon by Sharon
  • 5 years ago

My dad died 3 months ago from the same pancreatic cancer. I was so close to him, and I'm so lost without him. I have mixed feelings, and last night I couldn't stop crying. I'm going to a memorial on May 6th. I'll light a candle for my dad. He was buried and had service, a burial where his family was buried. I miss him so much.

  • Sudha by Sudha
  • 6 years ago

Eighteen months ago my husband of 25 years just died while doing his exercises. It was a blow and took a lot of family support to get back to a balance. Two weeks back my father who became my support also died suddenly in his sleep. Both of them, who were pillars in my life, left peacefully without suffering. I have only memories, poetry, photos and philosophical explanations on how to handle this life lesson. I pass day to day thinking one day soon I will meet them and can share what has happened when they left the room. Also sometimes I know they are watching me unseen by me but felt.

  • Lee by Lee
  • 6 years ago

Hello Everyone,
Reading the comments here, I just felt that I "belonged." This year has been very hard - in March my father passed and in October my dear brother. I feel so lost now without my brother; we were very close. Tonight I heard this poem being read to a loved one in an English movie and Googled some of the words to find it. The words spoke to my heart as though my brother were saying them himself. Since I was a little girl I have believed in both reincarnation and God. I do know one day I would see my brother again. Still, the pain is great and this poem eased my heart and reminded me that life is never-ending and the best way to honor my brother's life is to be happy. To the lovely lady who thanked us for allowing her to "vent," this is simply our hearts and souls reaching out to others in this kind of pain, a human connection. I, too, thank you all for your stories and for being "out there" with your understanding hearts. Very sincerely, Lee

  • Tyler Cobb by Tyler Cobb
  • 4 years ago

Dear Lee, in regard to your comment, every word of it I feel the same about losing my grandma. She was the rock holding me down to this world. And now that she's gone, at times I feel like I can't keep going without the love and joy she brought to me. And on days like today, I especially struggle. I turn to things like poetry to help ease me. And this poem helps. But just know that the way you feel about losing your father, there are some who completely understand. And I just want you to know that I am at least somebody knows how you feel.

  • Adiam M by Adiam M
  • 5 years ago

WOW! I am lost for words reading this...it's been 3 years (last week) since I lost my brother but feels like 3 hours and sometimes 10 years. I've never heard of this website before, but thank you for sharing your story. It felt like my own story... my own heartbreak as a sister surviving life without her brother.

  • John by John
  • 6 years ago

I've come across this poem several times. It really says a lot. When my fiancee died in 2003 I was devastated and it took me 2 years to really recover. The following book was a great help and may be helpful to others who have lost a dear loved one. It's by Linda Feinberg. It's called I'm Grieving As Fast As I Can. She goes through all the emotions we experience after the death of someone close to us.

  • Maddie by Maddie
  • 6 years ago

When my husband was diagnosed with cancer, I stumbled upon this passage and kept it. After he passed, I posted it because it was just so profound and spoke to how I was feeling. I had never shared this with my husband. A few weeks after his death, I was going through some of his papers and found this passage among them. He had printed it out and saved it almost a year before his diagnosis. I had no idea he even knew of this. I took great comfort (after my initial sadness) that this was his way of telling me that all was well. Amazing!

  • Anna Burman by Anna Burman
  • 2 years ago

It must have been a great comfort to find that your husband loved that poem too. Sorry for your loss. I lost my husband a few weeks ago due to cancer. It was so quick - 3.5 months from diagnosis to passing. So this poem will stay with me, and I know he is around helping me still.

  • Daren Knight by Daren Knight
  • 6 years ago

My beautiful son died 2 days ago. For the past 48 hours I have been trying to stave off the feeling of guilt because I knew that I wasn't grieving in the way that I imagined I should or in the way that I can see everyone else grieving. I'm obviously not "happy" per se, but my overriding emotion is that I feel love, compassion, and "happiness" for my son being at perfect peace now - I seem to be incapable of feeling the darkness of sadness. After being sent this poem by a complete stranger, I have read it for the first time tonight, whilst alone. I feel nothing but gratitude because this poem has EXACTLY verbalized how I feel. I now know that I refuse to accept guilt for feeling like this, because what I feel is the truth. Thank you.

  • Glenda Sullivan by Glenda Sullivan
  • 6 years ago

Hi Darren,
My mum died on Monday, September 24. She wanted this piece read at the funeral. I did the reading - a couple of stumbles but got through to the end. I am feeling numb but no more tears other than those shed at the funeral. I feel relieved she has no more pain and is at peace. This poem has provided so much support.

  • Thomas Jeacock by Thomas Jeacock
  • 6 years ago

Sarah and l were dancing partners. l met her in 1982, and we became good friends while dancing at out favourite venue. Then l heard she had a serious car accident, and I couldn't find her for six weeks. When I did, I found out that she had died and been revived on the operating table. I moved in with her and became her caregiver for six years. I asked her to marry me when she could dance again. She agreed to marry me on December 24, 1988. She had many effects from the car accident and had 3 heart stints put in over the follower years, but she never complained. I lost my darling 3 weeks ago. She had an aneurysm while having lunch with her daughters. She died 3 days later. I was holding her hand in the hospital at 4:20am. I hope to read this poem to her at her final service. Sarah was my world.

  • Court Knight by Court Knight
  • 6 years ago

This poem is one of the few things I've come across since my 14-year-old son unexpectedly died a month ago. It makes me wonder if all the darkness I feel might fade with time and allow for some light to come in.

  • Marye Jane Nicholson by Marye Jane Nicholson
  • 6 years ago

This is the most wonderful piece of writing I know. It has brought comfort to so many people I have shared it with. I was sent it on the death of my husband five years ago.

  • Merea Bridges by Merea Bridges
  • 6 years ago

Happened upon this poem by accident. Have had three deaths in 2 weeks to deal with in my life. This poem spoke to me in such a strong way. It is well with my soul! Coming up on Mother's Day is always hard for me since my mother passed away 22 years ago. A day does not go by that I don't think about her or my dad. This poem gave me some peace today. Thank you...

  • Lori Young by Lori Young
  • 6 years ago

I just read this poem yesterday. It brought me to tears. My beautiful son passed away just a year ago, at the age of 26. He was diagnosed March of 2010, after telling me he was experiencing headaches every day. He was diagnosed with having a glioblastoma multiforme brain tumor. I remember as if it were yesterday being told my son had a non-curable brain tumor. The only thing we could do was try and slow this monster down. So my son graduated from college with honors. His passion was to be an English teacher, which he achieved for 2 years. We went for his routine MRI. This time we did not get our normal response. Now we had a game changer, which was being told my son now had a grade 4 GBM and it was brain cancer. I took my son to places he wanted to visit. We had a blast together. Our last trip was to San Francisco. That was in November of last year. My son was my everything, and I can't even try to describe the pain. This poem gives me hope.

  • 1 year ago

Dear Lori, I have just recently lost my younger brother with the exact same brain tumour your beloved son was diagnosed with. My brother was diagnosed just before Christmas 2023 and at that time the tumour was at Stage 4. His family looked after him at home until his death in June 2023. It felt sad for an older sister to be burying her younger brother but strangely I felt he was embarking on a journey and not being taken from his family and myself. I know this poem very well and it was used at my Father's funeral. The words are very uplifting

  • Cathy Dougherty by Cathy Dougherty
  • 6 years ago

I lost my husband of 27 years in October 2011. He died suddenly of a widow maker heart attack. He was 54. He was all I ever knew since we were together since junior high. I know he surrounds me; I get signs from him. I've experienced a lot of loss. Just before my husband, my father-in-law had a heart attack. Just after my husband, my father by marriage passed after a long suffering. Two months later, it was my mother by marriage. Next was my daughter-in-law's brother by an overdose, then my daughter-in-law's father. Next was my sweet oldest granddaughter. She was 16 and died in a car accident. All 4 girls in the vehicle were killed. Grieving is different for everyone, but to be in grief for so many loved ones lost so close together is just wickedly hard. If I didn't have faith, I couldn't do it. I still grieve for all of these loved ones, the reminders that come, a song on the radio, etc. But no one can take my memories. I know I will rejoice with all my loved ones again when it is my time. Thanks for letting me vent.

  • Patty Dow by Patty Dow
  • 5 years ago

Cathy, my heart breaks for all your losses. I wish I didn't know your pain. I, too, lost my Uncle first in November, followed by my good friend who had a brain tumor. Most shocking was my sweet nephew in January of an overdose from Opioids, and my best friend of 47 years who died from the same kind of brain tumor my friend died from in December, and only 3 days after her funeral we lost my dad who was 94. He was very healthy, but sadly his doctors misdiagnosed him. I am not sure if I can truly be "happy" like I was before all this loss. It was very difficult when I lost my mom 10 years ago, but this is much too much! I have faith, but it's wavering right now, and I don't know what to do. Thank you for listening. It feels good to put my sadness in words.

  • Kimberly Bridges by Kimberly Bridges
  • 6 years ago

I cannot imagine having to deal with the losses that you have. Not that we are given a choice, but the fact that you are still functioning and living day to day blows me away. I honestly think I would be catatonic. You have an amazing spirit. God bless you.

  • Atul Ranjan by Atul Ranjan
  • 6 years ago

This is just a phenomenal poem. He is absolutely right; death is an eternal truth. Nobody can run away from it. But one thing is in our hand. That is how we live our life. It will decide how people will take our name after our death.

  • Patricia Tuori by Patricia Tuori
  • 6 years ago

I just lost my cousin, Louise, about 3 weeks ago. We were very close friends, like sisters. I am having a very bad day today with it, and this poem came up when I looked up articles on grief. I wrote it down, just beautiful. I know it takes time. I'm sorry for all the other comments on their losses as well. It is hard. Love you, Weezie...

  • Kelebogile Modise by Kelebogile Modise
  • 6 years ago

Last Friday afternoon my cousin got run over by a speeding car. it broke his legs and cracked his skull. He was hospitalized, but he passed on during the midnight hours. Then this week (on Wednesday), I lost my Granny; she was sick. I was losing hope, but this poem empowered me, and now I believe that death is not in charge of our lives, even though death is the only honest truth. Thank you.

  • Pina Cirillo by Pina Cirillo
  • 7 years ago

Death is but a thought, created by humanity, NOT by God. We are created in God's Image. He is fully alive within and around us. Our breath is His breath, our hearts, His Heart. It is the will of the Holy Spirit to live as we were originally created. So be it done according to The Holy Will. Many blessings and lessening all thoughts of despair. Much love, light, and peace.

  • Kristi Berryman by Kristi Berryman, Salt lake city
  • 7 years ago

I lost my sweet husband in October of this year. My thoughtful neighbor just sent this while thinking of me. As hard and heartbreaking as this ordeal has been, I know for sure my husband is still with me. He has made himself known to me from the other side. I feel so blessed to know without a shadow of a doubt that he IS waiting for me. This life and the next do feel one and the same to me now. Even before reading this. I miss him every day, but I do rejoice in my memories. How can I not? My daughter's wedding was 4 days before his death. I feel he was privileged enough to remain long enough to dance with his little girl. He and I also got to spend his last day together. I am so very thankful we are never alone, even though some days it feels as though we are.

  • A.D. Crum by A.D. Crum
  • 7 years ago

I feel like this year has been an experiment in grief for our family. We've lost two of my mom's brothers, my husband's grandmother, his aunt, and most recently my dad. We would bury someone, recover for a few weeks, bury someone, recover for a few weeks and so on and so on. It's been a hard 5 months. Here's to hoping the new year is better.

  • Kristi Berryman by Kristi Berryman, Salt lake city
  • 7 years ago

I'm so sorry for your family! It was hard enough losing my husband and dog. I can't imagine what you must be going through.

  • Bryce by Bryce
  • 7 years ago

My grandpa was taken from me this year. I will miss him, but I know death happens.

  • Frances More by Frances More
  • 7 years ago

I have been talking to a counseling after I suddenly lost my absolutely lovely, funny, clever, adventurous, kind and considerate 34 year old son to suicide because of depression last year on September 27th near his home on the farm he worked on in Kenya. I live in the U.K. And I felt so far away, but he was very lucky as the community there was absolutely amazing--so kind, helpful, considerate, competent and they organized everything. It was so sudden and unexpected that I was in shock, and I am lucky to have a wonderful family, partner, and best friends in the world who are helping me to deal with it. My counselor suggested I read the poem which is just lovely, and so tomorrow I am going to sit in the Monaco Cathedral and read the poem to myself and light a candle for him. I miss him deeply, but the poem brings me hope and peace at the same time.

  • Jill by Jill
  • 7 years ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. I have survived two attempts, and every day is a struggle, but testimonies like yours remind me why I am so lucky to still be around. I don't intend to continue taking it for granted.

  • Helpfull Person by Helpfull Person
  • 7 years ago

I hope you will get better from the grief. I felt the same way. It took me 5 years to get over it.

  • Diana Fortinberry by Diana Fortinberry
  • 7 years ago

My cousin sent me this poem after my beloved fifteen year old cat passed years ago. It brought so much comfort, reiterating what I believed to be true.
I do grieve deeply when loss comes, still, but I read this poem again and feel better. I send it out to friends when they experience deep loss. It always comforts them.

  • Diana Fortinberry by Diana Fortinberry
  • 6 years ago

Wow to above comment. My heart goes out to all here who write of deep loss, many losses too close together. I've been there too much. I, too, lost my 15-year-old cat years ago, and my cousin sent me this poem, which helped so much. I also send it to folks after their losses.
I just lost another fur baby (cat) at age 15, ten days ago. We will always be deeply soul-bonded. Nothing can change that. Deep loss is always so hard. But I always read this poem, which helps lift me up and ease the pain. It confirms what I believe and know with heart and soul. I do feel his presence so strongly and he sends me joy, peace & angels from where he is - experiencing all of that. I don't use words like "was" after loss much. Because what he was, he still is and will always be - just in some other form. Those of us still earthbound so miss the form we've grown accustomed to, and it's hard for us to grasp the cosmic truths. But our difficulty grasping makes them no less true.

  • Kevin Da Poet by Kevin Da Poet, Durban,DBN
  • 7 years ago

Wow, this poem gave me the new idea about death. I no longer fear death, but I'm actually waiting for that day to see the loved ones I lost.

  • Allison Mackley by Allison Mackley
  • 7 years ago

I read this at my little brother's visitation. I felt this is what he would have told me to comfort me had it been someone else I had lost...They are just waiting for you sis, somewhere close by... I'll miss you for the rest of my life, Will. Until we are together again...

  • Lisa by Lisa
  • 7 years ago

I will read this poem at the memorial of my late brother who passed away recently. I know that this is how he would feel. I look forward to the time when we meet again. Heartbroken.

  • Carly Taylor by Carly Taylor
  • 5 years ago

My best friend of 30 years died suddenly last year. His parents chose this poem to be printed on the order of service. I thought it wás beautiful at his funeral, but now I can't get to the 2nd verse without crying. Progress made though - it took me 5 months to get past the 1st verse.

  • Ginny Riley by Ginny Riley
  • 7 years ago

I read this poem at the funeral of my mother in 2008. The poem brought me enormous comfort and it still brings tears to my eyes when I read it. I believe the poet was dying of cancer as he wrote it and was so brave as he comforted his loved ones. There is a strong religious message, although he does not refer directly to God. I love the warmth, humor, and intimacy, yet it is as though he is speaking from the grave. The poem is optimistic, yet it captures the sense of surrealism one feels when one is bereaved. The poet faced his own mortality and people have continued to identify strongly with what he was able to express so bravely about love, which does not end with death.

  • Irene by Irene
  • 7 years ago

My last born brother died through a road accident on 16th July 2016. He died before getting to the hospital. We didn't get to say our goodbyes. Not saying our goodbyes was the hardest for me...I don't know if he'd lived long enough for us to say goodbye would have made a difference. I felt overwhelming sadness, like I was drowning in grief. During his funeral my elder brother read this poem and it gave me so much comfort. "How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again." I wait for that day when I shall laugh with him again.

  • Beverley by Beverley
  • 7 years ago

I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. I believe 100% that we meet the ones we love when we die. Your brother will be waiting for you.

  • Sue Van Eyck by Sue Van Eyck
  • 7 years ago

I read this poem at my sister's funeral 10 years ago. The pain of losing her was overwhelming, yet I was so grateful God had called her home. She was free and would suffer no more. I've read this poem many times since she passed; it's given me some comfort. My heart goes out to those of you who are grieving the loss of a loved one. It's one of the most difficult paths we walk in this life. Give your pain to God and lean on Him. He will never forsake you. May He hold you in the palm of his hand and grant you peace.

  • Chris Fisher by Chris Fisher
  • 7 years ago

Mike and I met in 1978 and lived and loved each other and on the date 10/11/13 we were lawfully joined in marriage. The law of the land finally allowed it to be. We were happy in love and lived to the fullest. But then on 7/7/15 we got the word; the spot on the lung was cancer. Everything in life stopped for us except the time we spent trying to get ahead of the cancer. Leaving our home for temporary quarters near the treatment center for 7 weeks was not a move we wanted to make, but life offered no other choice for us. Daily radiation and 4 massive chemo treatments was the plan. As if it were not enough for my Mike to endure, he suffered a stroke on 6/27/16. A week in the hospital and 5 weeks of PT brought about little or no improvement. I moved him home and saw to his needs daily for five weeks. The best gift Michael gave to me was entrusting his care to me. My beloved Michael became of angel of God's on 9/3/16. This poem brings me hope for an eternal reunion when my day comes.

  • Bonnie by Bonnie
  • 7 years ago

You gave Mike the greatest gift in loving and caring for him. Staying with him through his treatments is a benefit not everyone gets...how many have to go that road alone? We see them at treatment centers... alone, caring for themselves. You were there every step of the way. Blessings to you, and may you have peace in your heart.

  • Alison by Alison
  • 7 years ago

Dear Chris,
Thank you for sharing your very sweet love story. Mike the Angel --your Angel--is for sure with you always. What a blessing to have such love in your life. I have many angels in heaven and get lonely for them, but then I hear a story like yours and my hope is renewed, and I know they are always with me. I completely understand your comment about the honor of taking care of your loved one. It is a gift. I had many of these moments with my mother and it changed us both forever. There is this trust and bond that's simply there. It changes how we live in the world. Hold tight to that, and know that even as Mike was a blessing to you, YOU were his blessing, and that does not change. Love never dies. It is always with us and changes us forever. Peace and blessings. Thank you again for being brave and generous and sharing your story.

  • Maria P by Maria P
  • 7 years ago

My heart aches for you. I hope you will meet again. I, too, hold onto that thought.

  • Sue by Sue
  • 8 years ago

I just read this poem yesterday and was so moved that I made a copy to carry in my wallet. My husband Rick, the love of my life, passed away suddenly this past October. We had been married 27-1/2 years, but it feels as if that time together was just a blink of an eye. I draw comfort in the thoughts of this poem - that death is nothing; he is just around the corner, in another room, waiting for the time for us to be together again. Still, it makes me so sad that I cannot read this poem without weeping.

  • Antonio by Antonio
  • 8 years ago

Hello Sue,
I just read your comment and had to reply. My family is going through the same sudden shock too. My father passed away on February 5th suddenly and unexpectedly. He was only 65 and had no sign of illness. Two weeks have passed and I still cannot believe it. How do I go on with my life now that it has fundamentally changed? This poem also brings me comfort knowing I will see him again, and what we were on earth, we shall be once more in the next life. I hope you have the support of family and loved ones helping you, as I know I will need mine helping me.

  • Susan Dollhopf by Susan Dollhopf
  • 8 years ago

I had this poem read at the cemetery for my husband who passed away unexpectedly on Labor Day.

  • Charlene Manning by Charlene Manning
  • 8 years ago

I enclose this "poem" with every sympathy card I send and advise that these are the most soothing words I have ever heard at such a sad time of loss. Recipients all agree!

  • Chris Fisher by Chris Fisher
  • 7 years ago

Charlene, thanks for sharing that you enclose this poem with every sympathy card. I am going to start doing the same, as it brings me comfort with the passing of my husband.

  • Susan Foster by Susan Foster
  • 8 years ago

My dad died suddenly on the 11th of December. It's still not settled in. I keep rereading this poem to anchor my mind and heart.

  • Ruth Robinson by Ruth Robinson
  • 8 years ago

Our family suffered an unexpected great loss on 12/8/16. My great nephew Christopher Alexander was taken home. He was only 24 yrs old. He leaves behind a devastated mother, stepfather, brothers, grandmother, niece, nephew, aunts, uncles, cousins and many friends. He could light up a dark room with his smile. He was very loving and caring. He had a great sense of humor. He loved everyone, and everyone loved him. He will be missed dearly. It is not easy, but we are trying to cope with it. Our family is scattered all around the USA. I know he is watching over his family and friends. He would not want us to grieve for him. That is easier said than done. Hopefully this poem will help.

  • Sody Ezekiel-Hart by Sody Ezekiel-Hart
  • 8 years ago

I've only recently lost my dad on Dec. 5, 2016. I lost my hero, my dad, and a dear friend. It's too difficult to put into words all my feelings. I feel so much sadness because I wasn't given the chance to say, "Thank you, Daddy," just one last time. I feel exceptionally blessed and proud to have had a dad who for the last 30 years suffered from Parkinson's disease. He never made me feel any less worthy than those whose fathers were well and able. From his sick bed, even when at times it was impossible to speak, he provided for his wife and seven kids. He never complained or grumbled despite his plight and always said please and thank you. I remember a time when, instead of my mum, I gave him a bath. He apologized for the inconvenience! What a great man.

Dad, as you go to join our creator, I take consolation that our creator has need of you more than I. You are loved by those you left behind and you will remain in my heart until we meet again. Your baby daughter, Sody.

  • David by David
  • 8 years ago

A question has been asked, " What do you think makes this poem a classic?" What makes anything in life a classic, is that it's meaning or message stands the test of time. When we try to understand the death of the physical body with our minds, it shows in our physical bodies as sadness, depression, fatigue etc....When reading this poem we feel as if our loved ones are speaking to us and without a doubt they are smiling as we read it because this poem speaks to our eternal soul and wakes up the truth in all of us, we don't die! This realization that our loved ones are not dead comforts us and we just know the words in the poem are true. Understand we all have infinite wisdom and knowledge within us but before we incarnated into these bodies we agreed to let this knowledge lie dormant within the depths of our soul and we have to because if you knew everything while you were here this life would not be a challenge. Every time you read this poem for a brief moment you are living with your soul.

  • Fran Ord by Fran Ord
  • 8 years ago

The famous author, Catherine Marshall (To Live Again), lost her 43 year old husband when she was 33 and their son was 9. He was a preacher for the Senate and wrote sermons of which she drew her strength from. Quoting the Bible, she wrote, "The Spirit Never Dies," which led her to believe that her husband was alongside her as she made her way through the grief and moved forward while writing books based on his sermons. It's a must read for all who grieve because the knowledge of our loved ones' spiritual presence beside us helps immensely.

  • Karen Zimmer by Karen Zimmer
  • 8 years ago

My 105 years young mother left this poem for me to find, the day of her passing on February 16, 2016.
She knew I would need help in understanding it all. I read it every day and miss her still every minute.
Her bedroom was across the hallway, and I keep a night light on for her as I said I would, in the room around the corner.

  • Monica by Monica
  • 8 years ago

I lost the man I thought I would marry one day, on 21 March 2016. Unbelief, grief, tremendous loneliness, regrets, things left unsaid, questions unanswered... Words of sympathy do not console, none who have not experienced such loss truly understand how I feel, I am alone in this grief.

I know him for only 2 years. Why had not I met him 20 years ago, I asked? Why? Oh how I wish to see him once more, to caress him again. Why did we have to run out time?

I miss him very much. I miss his deep, reassuring voice, his jokes, his stories about the countries he visited. So much that my heart experiences physical pain when I remember about him. Memories about him struck me anytime, anywhere. This restaurant we intended to go back to but never did. That quiet beach at the north of the island which we planned to visit together once. My tears would flow relentlessly...

This poem strikes the strings of my heart. Poignant, tender. I imagine him saying those words to me. I love you, Geoffrey.

  • Leah Paul by Leah Paul
  • 6 years ago

I lost the man I was to grow old with unexpectedly. This pain and anguish you describe is consuming me. I'm in so much pain and despair. I truly understand you.

  • Rebecca by Rebecca
  • 8 years ago

Monica, I know your pain. I lost the man I was supposed to marry as well, in May. I also had only known him for two years. I miss him like I have been torn into pieces. We had so many plans and so many dreams that will never happen now. I cry for the things I have lost. His voice, his laughter, his hugs, his tender words..... I know that his heart will always beat in mine. I love and miss you John. You will never be forgotten.

  • Soumyo by Soumyo
  • 8 years ago

I can empathize with you. My dad had been snatched from me on 16th July when he had a massive cardiac arrest. I exactly know how you must be feeling when you are surrounded by the feeling of irreparable loss 24*7. My father passed away almost 6 years ago. Still there is not a single day when I don't think about him. But death is inevitable. Though sometimes it strikes faster than it should. Now why am I writing to you.. Because my birthday is on 21st March. It pains me to think that you had lost someone so close to you on my birthday!

  • Michael O'Connell by Michael O'Connell
  • 9 years ago

On 8/16/2015, the world lost a rare and wonderful individual when my nephew died at 26 years of age, after a 13 year long fight with Ewing's Sarcoma. For the last week of his life here on earth, family & friends gathered at Children's in Boston to express their love, to support each other & to say goodbye to Bryan Max. Early on during that brutal week I found this poem and read it repeatedly -often quoting portions to everyone from family to nurses to complete strangers. It helped me then and it helped many who were and, still are, trying to comprehend our loss. My sister asked me to read the poem at Bryan's funeral. Remembering to keep taking one breath at a time, I was able to do so. Bryan's path was shorter than he, and we, would have liked. But, it was his path, and he had to follow it. Now, it is up to us to ensure that he is always remembered, his passion for the arts is continuously supported and we all live up to our commitment to find a cure for cancer. Closer by the mile.

  • Veronica Gardner by Veronica Gardner, New Jersey
  • 9 years ago

The love of my life left this world on August 13, 2015 after almost 10 years of living with a grave disease. Romans 8:28 says
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
I have asked my Heavenly Father over and over again, how can losing my Scott work for my good? I have come to know that it is not for my good, but for the good of my beloved. In this I find some solace, but it has not healed my shattered heart. As Stephanie has said, 'the sadness of not being able to hold him or see him in the flesh is so strong' it overtakes me at times. I am blessed to have family and friends that are here each day to pray for me and I have Jesus to keep me from falling until I can again stand on my own. And then one day I will be united with him and others who have gone to be with the Lord in glory!

  • Ernie D. by Ernie D.
  • 8 years ago

Thank you, Veronica. I lost my precious daughter nine months ago. This pain is tremendous. At times numbing my soul. I'm a believer, so I know I will be reunited with my precious Enza! I miss her so much!! God bless!

  • Dennis Preston by Dennis Preston
  • 8 years ago

My heart goes to you. Bless you dear. I know it is true that if no Christian ever lost a loved one how could empathy be had. It seems that God can trust you with his reputation. I see no bitterness. We have his word as quoted above but we do not have full understanding in this life.
You may feel that I mock your pain. Not so...I have never experienced anything remotely as devastating as you have.
I will offer only this:The theme of the Book of Job is "why do the righteous suffer?" They surely do suffer. There are Christians who have such a fine commitment to God that they will serve him and never forsake the Savior. You seem to be such a person.

  • Andrea by Andrea, Pa
  • 9 years ago

I also have lost my love, my "beloved one" David. March 2 it will be 1 year. As I was consumed in grief I remembered the scriptures from Isaiah 53:4, "Surely He has borne our grief and carried our sorrows". I prayed Lord, if You already bore our grief, does it included the grief I'm experiencing with my love passing?? I began to cast the cares of my loss upon Him, and His love has brought strength where I have had pain. I pray that the Holy Spirit lift you up in the midst of your storm giving you peace that passes understanding, love that surpasses knowledge, and joy unspeakable.

  • Stephanie Ferrara by Stephanie Ferrara, New York, USA
  • 9 years ago

My soul mate died suddenly on June 9, 2015, at 33 years old. We were together for 13 years...we lived together since practically the day we met, we were best friends and as I mentioned - we were soul mates.

Chris dying is the single worse thing that has ever happened to me and ever will. I love this poem, and a lot of my friends and family have sent it to me. I talk to Chris out loud every day and when I ask him to show himself, he comes to me in my dreams. He has showed me many signs that he is still right here with me, however, the sadness of not being able to hold him or see him in the flesh is so strong that sometimes I don't know if I believe that he is still here with me.

I read this poem over and over again...and until the day I can finally be with Chris again, I have to hold on to this poem and try to believe that he is with me... Stephanie

  • 7 years ago

My soul partner was murdered when I was 40, and I was delayed in being informed. I had a dream within a dream, within a dream. I am at total peace. It was like there is no more separation, similar to what you have cited. When you have experienced such a love you would never have to be in a relationship again. One might, but one would not have to be. It’s such a special aloneness but not loneliness. I would remain open to yet another person who came into my life. While I am open to that person’s own special gifts, they are distinctly different and yet the same. Grateful for all of this and more, I never consciously sought any of it.

  • Sarah W UK by Sarah W UK
  • 9 years ago

Hello Stephanie

I feel your pain and understand what you are going through. I lost the love of my life on 21 June 1995, he was 24 years old. 21 years on and I still feel the pain and sadness. I have remarried and had two children but he is never far from my thoughts.

I think of him when I am driving to work and a song comes on the radio or watch an old movie on the TV; ironically "Ghost" was the last film we watched together.

Allow yourself to grieve and be sad. You must cry for what you have lost and cry for what you hoped would be.... the poem was on the back of my husbands funeral program. I used to read it all the time like you. One day I read it and I stopped and re read it and I saw it another way.... he was giving me permission to live my life and carry on without him. Remember him, talk about him and laugh at your old jokes and silly things you did together. Think of happy times and sad times but Stephanie, life carries on and so will you sweetheart. x

  • Amanda Colson by Amanda Colson, Texas
  • 9 years ago

I, too, lost the love of my life this year. On January 02, 2015 my 33 year old soulmate succumbed to lymphoma, only nine months after his diagnosis and after only 3 months being "sick". As our 5 year old so aptly put it, "Daddy was getting better..", and then he didn't...
My heart hurts for you, knowing all too well the ache of all you lost. Joe and I would have celebrated our 10 year anniversary in March; Every hour of every day is full of the things I wish I'd said, the things I wish we could share, and heavy with the loss of the years we were meant to spend together. This poem spoke to me as it did to you - it's a reminder that my Joe is still with me, out of sight but not gone from our lives....he's only slipped away into another room....

  • Vanessa by Vanessa
  • 9 years ago

I just wanted you to know that I read your comment, and cannot imagine the grief and sorrow you are experiencing. I am sad and sorry to know you lost the love of your life.

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