In Memory Poem

In memory of my dad. I love and miss him dearly.

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Dear Rona, I feel and share your pain and sadness, as my dad passed too from kidney disease. In just under 45 minutes it will be 15 years; he passed at 11:57 pm on December 31, 2002. The...

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In Memory Of My Dad


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2008 with permission of the Author.

If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told
Of a kind and loving father
Who had a heart of gold.

I could write a million pages
But still be unable to say just how
Much I love and miss him
Every single day.

I will remember all he taught me.
I'm hurt but won't be sad,
Because he'll send me down the answers,
And he'll always be my dad.


  • Stories 184
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  • Rating 4.46
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Hirendra Kumar Meher by Hirendra Kumar Meher
  • 3 years ago

A heart touching poem, appears small but stands tall! A cloud of words awaiting to drizzle love and affection! Probably I can feel the pangs of agony of the daughter, flowing through the melody she has tuned in the poem. May you emerge with such musical words to build a base in the sphere of literature!

  • Akan Frank by Akan Frank
  • 6 years ago

In memory of my dad, I love and miss him so dearly. On Monday, January 28, 2019, it will be 1 year - 12 months - 365 days - 8760 hours - 525600 minutes - 3153600 seconds my dad slept peacefully. My heart hurts and my tears are running down my cheeks. We stood for each other. Every day, every night, every time I will always miss you. I miss your voice, I miss your smile, I miss your smell, I miss your hugs, I miss your jokes, I miss how much you made me feel I was a worthy son. It hurts, but when I think of the memories together and that you are with Jesus Christ whom you served, I feel incredibly blessed. I still don't believe you are gone. Death changes everything! Time changes nothing. I still truly miss your voice, the wisdom in your advice even two days to your departure, the stories of your life. Dad, I miss you as much today as I did the day you died. You were my hardest goodbye! Rest on, dearest dad (Okon Frank Ekpo who died at 82).

  • Shannon Morrison by Shannon Morrison
  • 7 years ago

October 11, 2017, today has been a year since my father was killed. He was beaten to death. He was 62. The feeling inside, it just doesn't feel good. I just try not think of it. I looked at his pictures today even though I don't need to. I will never forget his face. I miss his voice. He was such a caring man. He did nothing to deserve this. They told lies. The law sucks. The guy got 3 years for this, that's all. I'm so angry inside. I hope there really is a heaven. I pray now there is. I miss my dad so very much.

  • Brynn Beckwith by Brynn Beckwith
  • 7 years ago

I lost my dad January 2017. I know how you feel. It was a car wreck on a road he knew like the back of his hand a mile from home. It really happened in December 2016, a little bit after Christmas. He was in the hospital for a while, but the thing was I go to school in Ohio. He was hospitalized in Arkansas. I had to go to school, and the first day of school I learned when I got home that he was pronounced brain dead. My stepmom actually wanted to keep him on life support till their anniversary so that all the money in the will would go to her instead of my mom, my brother, and me. I never even got to say my final goodbye because he died before I could get back to Arkansas. Since he died, let's just say my relations with his side of the family has been seriously messed up. I know how you feel. My dad was not even 45. You and I will both see our fathers in heaven.

  • Netty by Netty
  • 7 years ago

I read your story and felt the need to reach out to you. I am deeply sorry for what happened to your dad. You and your family did not receive any justice for the murder of your father. This makes me sick to hear that this ruthless, heartless scumbag only got 3 years for what he did! My sincere condolences to you. I lost my dad 3 years ago, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't feel pain. God bless. I hope you find the strength to move forward in your life. Take care.

  • Gail by Gail
  • 7 years ago

Twenty-two years ago on this day (June 15), a minute to midnight Daddy took his last breath, leaving me behind and leaving my mom pregnant with my younger sister. My younger sister came to this world three months after Daddy's passing. Today she's 22 years old, and I year to ask her questions if she misses Daddy, but I remember that she doesn't know him. This is all because of someone who was inhuman and took my father's life. He robbed me of my hero, my everything. RIP Daddy

  • Rona Mae Labrador by Rona Mae Labrador
  • 8 years ago

My father died due to kidney failure. It's been 3 years! Three long years! I miss him so much! Every second, every minute of my life. Yeah, life goes on, but it's just like it happened yesterday, and it hurts so much every time I think of him. My heart hurts and my tears are running down my cheeks. I know I can't turn back time that he call me, hug me tight, sharing words of wisdom, and when everyone is against me, he'd stand for me and believe in me. I love you so much, Pa. I will treasure you in my heart forever. Salute!

  • Antonio Teso by Antonio Teso
  • 7 years ago

Dear Rona,
I feel and share your pain and sadness, as my dad passed too from kidney disease. In just under 45 minutes it will be 15 years; he passed at 11:57 pm on December 31, 2002. The sense of loss never goes away, but the pain does become easier to deal with. So many have said that of all days, losing him on New Year's Eve was so sad. I thought the same too, but I quickly came to realize it's not sad. What a great time to celebrate my dad. Every year on New Year's Eve I have been able to raise my glass and toast him and celebrate everything he was. I get to celebrate his everlasting love and how he is a guiding angel. I am certain each and every day they walk beside us, not seen, but felt, watching over us, guiding, and lighting our paths. They keep us safe and steadfast. Salute to our dads and to us too. Giant hugs to you and your family.

  • AnA Carmila Rimando by AnA Carmila Rimando
  • 7 years ago

Indeed! I can't accept that you are gone. Every second and every minute I remember all your sweet memories, Papa. Every time I look at your pictures, my heart hurts. I miss you, Papa. I love you.

  • Patrick Arredondo by Patrick Arredondo
  • 7 years ago

How crazy, this month is Father's Day and I lost my father to kidney failure over 10 years ago. But every Father's Day is like the first one I had without my dad. As I read your story I felt your pain. I know it's tough, but we need to hang in there!!!

  • Annemarie Bryant by Annemarie Bryant
  • 7 years ago

Hi Megan, I read about your dad. I looked after my dad. I never had a life, but it did not bother me. It will be 2 years since dad has passed away. I cry 7 days and 7 nights. I am really still struggling very badly about losing my dad. I had a very close bond with my sister, but she had told me a lie and she does not lie. We haven’t spoken to each other for 6 days. We’ve never fallen out like this before. I don't think I will ever be person I was before dad passed away, so if my partner says you will have to get yourself together because our relationship was going downhill, I will ask him to leave as I want to be on my own anyway. Megan, thanks for listening. Annemarie Bryant

  • Megan Cox by Megan Cox
  • 8 years ago

Your poem is absolutely amazing, very heart warming. I've just recently lost my dad on Saturday, June 18, 2016, and it has been the hardest thing I've ever had to go through.

  • Lynn by Lynn, Mississauga
  • 10 years ago

I lost my Dad on September 28, 2012 to heart failure, he was a young 82 years old. He was getting a pacemaker put in due to a heart condition he had been suffering with for a while. That day was the worst day in my 52 years. I still miss him every day. I wish I could visit heaven to spend some time with him. He was a really funny guy, a loving dad who loved with his whole big heart. My mom and him had over 60 years of marriage. I often wonder if I hurt as much as I do how does my Mom get on with every day without him. It is too painful to even think of that. God bless you Dad and you are always in my thoughts and heart. xoxo till the end of time.

  • Ann Brown by Ann Brown, Derby Uk
  • 10 years ago

It has been a year today that I lost my beautiful dad. He was my rock, my best friend, he was so kind a loving dad, he was always there for me, but I know that my dad is watching over me every day, I wish I could just pick up the phone and say hi dad it's me, we would be on the phone all day. We used to do that a lot, I wish they had phones in heaven,...... this poem is beautiful sitting here crying

  • Betty Smith by Betty Smith
  • 8 years ago

My dad passed away on August 4, 2012, from heart failure. I miss him so much. There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t wish he was here. I miss talking to him about everything. I miss and love you, Dad!

  • Angel  Zarate by Angel Zarate, Belen Nm
  • 10 years ago

Your poem is very beautiful and touching. I just lost my father the 5th of June which happens to be my birthday. He was 65 years old. too young to die. I miss him dearly. Thank you for sharing your lovely poem. It was something I was thinking myself you did an awesome job.

  • Nigeria by Nigeria
  • 10 years ago

I lost my Dad on the 19th of June 2010. He was killed by armed robbers in our home that fateful morning at about 1 am. His death still sends shock to mine spine even up till this day, his memories lingers on. Myself, my mom and my other siblings miss him so much. Rest in peace Dad we love you.

  • Lisa by Lisa, Cambridge
  • 10 years ago

This poem is beautiful! Truly puts into words how we feel!
I used this poem at my Dad's funeral in 2012, it was just perfect!!

  • Sue by Sue, North London
  • 10 years ago

I am sitting at the cemetery with my dad who died in February aged 83. He was a loving, wonderful dad and I miss him so much. Have just read your lovely poem to him. X x

  • Lj Stephens. TN by Lj Stephens. TN
  • 11 years ago

I lost my dad two years ago to an aneurism. It didn't seem real, it still doesn't. So much left unsaid and two grandchildren that loved him dearly. Cherish your parents because they are the only ones you'll ever have. I sometimes wonder what my dad would say if he where here today to talk. We have no promise in tomorrow and I pray my dad was saved so I will see him again one day.
Dad we all love you and miss you.

  • Phil by Phil, Dublin
  • 11 years ago

Hi. I am trying to get in touch with Leah Hendrie who wrote this beautiful poem.... I have written some music and used these words along with an extra few words to structure and create a song and want to do a recording of it and send it to her...everybody who has heard it loves it and ask me to studio record it !! Would love to correspond with you Leah about this !! Thank you !!...... Phil.

  • Leah Hendrie by Leah Hendrie Poet
  • 10 years ago

Hi Phil

I just seen your message about trying to contact me! You have made a song out off my poem.

  • Carolyn by Carolyn, New York
  • 11 years ago

I lost my Dad to cancer two years ago on Oct 17. He was 68 and much to young to die. Thank you for writing this poem, it has meant so much to me. No matter how old you are losing a parent takes a part of your heart you can't get back.

  • Michelle Heyes by Michelle Heyes, Lancashire
  • 11 years ago

Tomorrow will be my pops birthday he will be 82. He passed away June 2010 within 6 week of being diagnosed with lung cancer.
My dad Eric was a true gentleman, kind, loyal and never judged. When he passed I believe I changed my whole out look of life. Something's are out of our control but life is certainly to short. Now I spend as much time as I can with my mum and family, work hard and take time out when I can. I don't worry like I use to because when I fall I know my dad will carry me. I miss him so much.
Happy Birthday to my Hero and best friend.
I hope you don't mind me using your poem for my pops birthday message.

  • Shae by Shae, Kentucky
  • 11 years ago

Hi, I lost my dad on December 08,2010. I was 10 years old, although it has been almost 3 years now and I am 13 years old now, I still miss him like crazy. There is not one day that goes by that I don't think about him. He was more than a daddy to me, he was my BEST FRIEND. He was always right there beside me through thick and thin, he never left my side. I miss him terribly and I cry over him every day but then I feel guilty about how much I cry about it. Although, I may miss him terribly everyday of my life, I know that some day I will see my daddy again and that's what gets me through each and every day, I miss you daddy!

  • Sara by Sara
  • 11 years ago

My dad just passed away this Sunday, August 18th. it was completely unexpected. My dad was only 56 when he passed. I am 19 years old, and its hard knowing that my daddy wont be there when he walks me down the aisle or when I have future children. However, at least he was an organ donor and I was told that his body was healthy enough to save 50 people, knowing that my father with being living out his live in other people and I know he may not be with me physically but I know his spirit is right next to me.

  • Katie Sheffield by Katie Sheffield
  • 11 years ago

I lost my dad to Bowel cancer 08/08/12 . He was such a loving and wonderful man. I miss him so much and just wish he was he with me today he left his five daughters with a big hole in their hearts. He was very brave and fight it till the end. I love you so much dad you are my life and your grandchildren miss you so much too. Your two best friends are missing loads too it isn't the same in the Colley club now your gone. You are one in a million dad keep shining bright lots of love daddy x x x x x x x x x x x

  • Nas by Nas, Malaysia
  • 11 years ago

Dad passed away 20 June 2013.... I was there since the beginning, the struggle... till the very last breath... I miss him... this poem represent everything about the feeling... the love... Thank You for such beautiful poem..

  • Susie by Susie
  • 11 years ago

I lost my dad on September 30, 2012. He got up on the morning of September 29th to take two ladies to the store. That was one of his enjoyment a taking people that needed a ride to the store. He had been gone about 45 minutes when I got a call. I went up to the store where he was and I asked him if he was alright. Then I asked him if he wanted me to call the ambulance. The last words he said to me was no!! The ambulance was already on route. When I got to the hospital the doctor came in and said that he had a severe stroke to the brain and they were going to do a CT Scan to see if there were bleeding. When he came back and showed us the scan he said that the doctors in Greenville said it was unsurvival. At that moment my heart was so hurt and I just could not stop crying. He was on life support until that Sunday, September 30th, we the family decided to take him off at 1:50. I really miss him.

  • Kathi by Kathi, Las Vegas
  • 11 years ago

This poem is really great. I lost my dad back when I was 12 years old. October 6,2006 is when he past away from a car accident. Out of all the poems and quotes that I have read this was the best one.

  • Tammy by Tammy, New York
  • 11 years ago

Thank you so much for this poem it really touched my heart. I lost my Dad 2 years ago and tomorrow is Fathers Fay and it's not the same with him not here. I really miss him. I was his baby girl, and it hurts because when my Dad died I was pregnant with his grandaughter, who he never got to meet. She turned 2 just a couple of weeks ago and my 8 year old Autistic son doesn't understand where his Papa is. I love you and miss you so much Dad. Thank you again for this poem it really touched my heart

  • Emily Russell by Emily Russell, Manteno
  • 11 years ago

I lost my Dad a few nights ago to a Massive Heart attack. He was 54 years old and I am his only daughter, 23. This has been one of the hardest things..but all of your stories do help to not make you feel so alone during this time of sadness. I love my dad so very much and I will miss him TONS!!!

  • Callie by Callie, Indiana
  • 11 years ago

My dad died August 15, 2007, of a heart attack at the age of 30. He left behind my two sisters and I, I was only nine when it happened and my sisters were four and eleven. I was very close to him and never wanted to leave his side. It sucks not having a father figure there. Never having your father there to walk you down the aisle or be there when you wake up and there when you fall asleep. He will always be with me in my heart. I try my hardest to get through it and I can't believe it's been seven years since he has past away.

  • Melissa by Melissa, Amarillo
  • 11 years ago

I lost my dad one year ago today. He was 62 years old and died in his sleep. He died only 9 days after my grandmother had died. She was his mother in law. Plus my baby was only 3 months old when he died. I was the one who found him in his bed at his house. I miss him very much.

  • Maria by Maria
  • 11 years ago

I lost my Dad Dec. 3rd, 2012 and there is still an empty place in my heart. He was a wonderful man who raised 5 great children and very much in love with my mother after 62 years...(
Your poem is exceptional and love how you put my thoughts together in your poem. Thank you......
Love my Dad, Pop, were my inspiration in life....Until we meet again...

  • Manila by Manila, Philippines
  • 12 years ago

My father died last month February of this year. When I read this poem it really makes me feel how I really miss him so much. I love you and miss you pop!

  • Jana by Jana, Bratislava
  • 12 years ago

I lost my beloved dad 3 days ago. March 2013 and I miss him so much. I love you dad. I was blessed to say my last words, gave him my last kiss and my last smile just before he passed. He was waiting for me, (I live in another country) and then he was happy to leave. Thank you Dad, I know you are happy there too, you've met your parents again and our lovely dog and lots of your friends. xx

  • Trish by Trish, Limerick
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad 19th October 2012 and miss him so much, he gave me the kiss of life when I was born dead 48 years ago. Tuesday next 29th January 2013 would have been his 83rd Birthday. I know he is looking down on us all and watching over us. Reading this beautiful poem reminds me of him so much, thank you to the lady that shared such a beautiful poem.

  • Omotunde by Omotunde, Nigeria
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad four years ago, I was only sixteen...I miss him more than words can explain. This poem is beautiful....RIP dad!

  • Virginia by Virginia
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem, I just lost my dad 8th January 2013, this poem has given me a courage and taught me that I'm still connected to My Great Father.

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 12 years ago

This poem is lovely, I just lost my dad on the 5th November to cancer in the gullet, he lasted a week :'( I'm 16 and it's the worst thing anyone could go through x

  • Sarah Schinbeckler by Sarah Schinbeckler
  • 12 years ago

My daddy took his life 2 years ago, October 6th, 2010. While I can't forget that day and almost nothing makes that part of the story better, it is tributes like these and people like yourself that make me strong. I feel so much less alone when there are people in the world that can relate to the kind of sadness you wake up with every day. Today is my dad's birthday, and I posted this poem on his obituary webpage. It seems silly, but I also texted his old phone too. Somehow, in some way, I can't help but think that he had to have gotten the message. He was a great man and this poem did him justice.

  • Beauty by Beauty, Philippines
  • 12 years ago

My Dad passed away last year (01/15/2011)...
It's hard I still cry whenever I think of him.
His birthday is tomorrow I'm looking for a special message or poem online because I'm making a video for him, and I saw this. It's really touching.
Thanks for sharing this to us.
To my DAD - I will never forget you I love you so much...We miss you so much...

  • Brandon by Brandon, USA
  • 12 years ago

This was a fantastic poem. I lost my dad when I was 8, and people who say it gets better with time don't know how it truly feels. It gets more manageable with time, but it never gets better. My dad has been gone for 6 years and I still think of him often. It is a horrible thing to go through, and I would never wish this kind of trauma on my worst enemy. RIP Dad, you are missed. You were an amazing man and forever in our hearts.

  • Marie by Marie, England
  • 12 years ago

My dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2010 and within 6 weeks after he was diagnosed he died. The hospital told him it had spread too far in his body for them to do anything for him. He died on 20-3-2010 I miss him every day. There's not a day go by where I don't think about him. It feels weird him not being here. Since then I've been diagnosed with depression which is not an easy think to have, and it's hard when people don't understand that you've lost your loved ones..

  • Lauren Williamson by Lauren Williamson
  • 12 years ago

I just want to say how lovely and heartfelt this poem is. I lost my dad about 3 months ago. Not even a month before my 16 birthday, and I never knew how hard loosing someone could be until I lost my dad.

  • Susan by Susan, Barrington IL
  • 12 years ago

8 years ago today I lost my dad. My Best friend There is not a day that I do not think about him. I miss him so much it hurts. He was such a understanding man, no matter what I had to tell him or complain about he listened and always had the right things to say to me. Words or a hug. He knew.
Love and miss you

  • Lei by Lei, Cagayan
  • 12 years ago

My Dad passed away last September 13, 2012 at 9:00 pm from pneumonia, he was 58 years old. It's like the world is ended for our family. My dad is a very loving person. He help lot of people, we love you so much papa, we miss you forever...
This poem is great and it made me cry.

  • Mallory by Mallory, Canada
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad to cancer 3 years ago today on September 30th 2009 it was the worst day of my life! You never actually think that this is going to happen and this poem describes my dad to a T! No matter what he was doing whether he was sick or working he was there for everyone! He had a heart of gold! I miss him so much and his big bear hugs xox love the poem!

  • Chasity Joswick by Chasity Joswick, St.Joseph
  • 12 years ago

I lost my father on August 30th, 2012. It took my breath away when I heard the news. I was very close to dad and I love and miss him soo much. I'm still in so much shock over this. My dad had diabetes I knew he was sick but not this sick. My dad passed away in his sleep between 1 AM and 8 AM. It breaks my heart to know that I will never see my dad again or be able to call him with good or bad news like I always did. No matter the situation my dad had an answer for everything. My life will never be the same with out him in my life. I am so happy he got to meet his grand kids. its just sad they won't get to go to grandpa's anymore. This has been the hardest week of my life. Please bless me with getting through this life without my dad. I love him soo much!

  • Kim by Kim, Australia
  • 12 years ago

I feel my heart burning with pain like it was yesterday but I actually lost my dad 7 years ago to a very rare form of cancer which occurred in the quadriceps and spread quite rapidly despite years of pain/sickness to that damn chemotherapy and radiation that in the end did nothing.
I believe dads spirit is around however it frustrates me that I can't see him as what I miss the most is his bear hugs that he gave his baby daughter. Nothing can remove this pain. I don't know how to deal with it.

  • Mckenzie by Mckenzie, Roseville
  • 12 years ago

I lost my daddy on May 28, 2005. He was 32 years old and I was 5. I'm now going to be fourteen and I want him here so much. I wish he was here to help me through everything. I need him, he's the only guy I could count on not to hurt me or let me down when everyone else did. Sometimes I just feel so alone. I know you're in a better place watching over me, protecting me. You're my hero<3(: Rip Daddy you have no idea how much I want you here. I love you with everything I am. I miss you <3

  • Colombo by Colombo
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad on 1st of July 2012. My sis gave me the news of his death it was heart breaking news my dad he was killed. He was a famous lawyer and writer some drug gang .They had cut him in pieces "oh my god". It's like the world is ended for our family. My dad is a very loving person. He help lot of people, without him this world is empty really empty my 4 years old son love him a lot when he ask about his grandpa my eyes get full of tears that I cannot help anymore. I am sure loosing a dad like him end of everything. I love you dad the way you had suffered in your death is courage and remarkable of hero in your name. Lots of people in this earth Miss you dad I love you so much. I hope one day I can be with you.

  • Nadia by Nadia, Wisconsin Dells
  • 12 years ago

I just lost my dad today July 28 2012, on a accident. He was only 49, I still can not believe what happened. He was a great
Man, my best friend. I am far away from home, I didn't see him for 4 years and I will not be able to see him even on his last day to say good bye.. Dad I Love You, and You will always be in my heart. I hope you are in Peace now.

  • Arti M by Arti M, India
  • 12 years ago

Thank you Leah this poem is beautifully written today is my dads 9th anniversary, it's heartwarming and soothing and beautifully written.
I was 15 and recall that day I thought I wouldn't make it without him 9 years on I'm around and choose to celebrate his life by carrying forward his values and celebrate his life through memories
God Bless

  • Nuneaton by Nuneaton
  • 12 years ago

My Dad has just passed away and we are waiting for the Post Mortem results. He was fine a week ago, preparing for a camping trip....This was spot on. Love you Dad

  • Marihatag by Marihatag, Philippines
  • 12 years ago

I lost him (papa) today at 2 am..July 07, 2012
a call from my aunt inform me that he was gone
and the cause is a nightmare..
I don't know what to do cause I'm far from them.
He is such a good teacher to me and a very loving father strong and brave until the end.
I love you so much papa. I hope we can all overcome with it. He is the only male in our family. He was leaving too early at the age of 46. Missed and love always.

  • Tabish by Tabish
  • 12 years ago

I lost my father on 12th march 2012 from Heart attack. This poem is heart touching, there is no word to say after reading this poem

  • Karen by Karen, Australia
  • 12 years ago

My deepest sympathies to all those who lost their dads. It makes me feel comforted to read your stories and know there are others who share my pain. My dad passed away on Sunday 24th June 2012, a week after my 25th birthday. He was only 64. For 12 years he has suffered after his first massive stroke in 2000 and second in 2009. He was unable to speak to us and his entire right side of his body. He never ever complained. He was suffering from renal failure and we soon had to make the decision to put him on dialysis or let him suffer until death. Then suddenly on Sunday he choked on a piece of meat at church and passed. The last time I saw him was a week ago on Saturday 16th June 2012. I was so lucky to have him as a father. He is now no longer suffering and is now free. I love him so much and will miss him dearly. He is always alive in my heart forever.

  • Karan Rajeshbhai Trivedi by Karan Rajeshbhai Trivedi
  • 12 years ago

I am 20 years old and this poem suits perfectly to my DAD, I lost him 2 Days ago, I'm really hurt but feel proud by thinking all the good things he did and taught me..!!

I am proud to be my Dad's Son

Too much Love from me, sister & Mom......

  • Evangaline by Evangaline, Nowra
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad in March after a very long time of being unwell. I took a year off to look after him until he died at home as he wished. This was very hard to do and yet so easy as well. My heart cries for my dad and I think it always will. He was the closest person to me and this to date has been the hardest thin for me to deal with. my dad was an orphan and he use to say to his granddaughters "Now stop whining and get on with it" If he was here I would let him, know easier said than done, Dad.

  • Destiny by Destiny, Georgia
  • 12 years ago

I lost my father 2 years ago today to kidney failure. He has 3 daughters and I am the youngest, I was the only one closest to him and losing him when I was 17 was the hardest. I had graduated a month earlier and I had spoken to him the day before he passed. Our last words to each other were our last I love yous. I will never forget the feelings I felt the moment I lost him he will always be in my heart.

  • Moussa Fahme by Moussa Fahme, Lebanon Beirut
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad when I was 11 years old...I still miss him a lot and wish he is still here...he passed away in a plane crash. May god save all the fathers and keep them close to their families. I love you dad

  • Rita by Rita, USA
  • 12 years ago

My dad left this earth too early. It has been almost 34 years since some of the sunshine left my life along with him. He was simple, kind, funny, religious, and wonderful father. Often I see something and think of how he would have enjoyed it. How lucky I was to have had him for the time I did, but God needed him to come home. Today is Father's Day; tomorrow would have been his birthday so he is very close in my thoughts this day. Thank you for the lovely poem, it is a beautiful expression of love.

  • Kylee by Kylee, Indiana
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad when I was 7 I love you dad, Happy Fathers day.. My dad passed away because he was on his way to see me on a winter day, and got in a car accident. <3 you

  • Theresa by Theresa, Oklahoma
  • 12 years ago

My daughter is 9. We lost her dad 16 days ago after finding out he had kidney cancer 5 months ago. She was able to tell him she loved him right before he took his last breaths. Thank you for such a beautiful poem......

  • Debbie by Debbie, Derbyshire England
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad last year to pulmonary fibrosis he was 69. Reading some of these stories is heartbreaking as although I miss and love my dad I got to have 41 years with him some of you had a very short time.
I still cry everyday, my dad was a great man and a great loving dad.

  • Michelle by Michelle, Wales Uk
  • 12 years ago

My heart goes out to all that have lost their Father's. I came across this poem today on Father's Day. June is always the most difficult of months as I lost my Dad Roger on 4th June 2010 from a heart attack aged 59. Not a day goes bye that I don't think of him, wishing things could have been different. He was a hard working man all of his life and I believe God saw that he was tired. I married my husband last year on May 7th my Dad's 60th birthday and gave birth to my third child in December (my Dad's 9th grandchild) it saddens me that my son will never meet such a wonderful man. However, I will tell him all about his special gramp's in heaven. Thank you for sharing this wonderful poem, it has touched my heart. I believe our father's are with us every step of our journeys, although we cannot see them they are forever in our thoughts and hearts. Happy Father's Day Dad <3 I love you xxx

  • Janice Ballymena by Janice Ballymena
  • 12 years ago

My dad passed away 3 years ago, I still tell myself everyday my dads not here my heart has been broke and I still cry but I know that because he was such a good dad and I miss him so much...this poem says so much... thank you...

  • Palawan by Palawan, Philippines
  • 12 years ago

Hi.. I'm Lady Lee. I just turned 16 last month. I lost my father when I was 3 years old due to heart attack.. I don't even remember him that much. My mom doesn't tell stories about him. Maybe because, until now it still hurt her. I just wish that I knew my father well and I wish that I could tell him that I love him before he died. Tomorrow is father's day.. :( I miss him. EVERYDAY

  • Heather by Heather, Gassaway
  • 12 years ago

My dad passed away Jan. 25, 2007. He was the most amazing dad and friend! He was 45 when he got sick with Dementia and 50 when he passed away. I miss him everyday! People always say with time it gets easier but it doesn't! Every day is hard especially Father's Day and his birthday but all holidays and all days are hard because he always made sure he made my mom and us kids laugh and smile everyday with a joke or even just a smile from him. I know he is in a better place and is no longer suffering. As I set here typing this cold chill bumps overcome me......and I know he is watching over me and one day we will join hand in hand together and catch up on everything!! I love and miss you DAD!!! Final thought you never know what tomorrow is gonna bring live each day to the fullest and always let your parents know how much they are loved!

  • Antessa by Antessa, Philippines
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad when I was 10 yrs. old , when I was reading the poem I remember my dad , and I miss him so much he's the best daddy in the whole wide world :((

  • Briana by Briana, Russellville
  • 12 years ago

I lost my daddy on Jan 26, 2007. I was 13, he was only 32. He had a baby boy on the way. He was born 5 months after my daddy passed away. My dad passed away of a tragic accident. He was moving a house trailer & it fell on him. My dad suffered 2 weeks before he passed away! My daddy was a great man he was sweet funny & amazing! He would do anything to make me smile! I miss him more and more every day! Words can not explain how much I miss him, fathers day is coming up this year on June 17 which is my 18th birthday. This will be the worst birthday.. I'm just glad to know my daddy will be looking down on me smiling! I miss you daddy, may you rest in peace..

  • Marilyn by Marilyn, Sussex
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Dad 4 days ago. Ok he was 83 but for the last seven years he fought to stay with us to look after us as only he knew how. This poem says, in part, how I feel but my heart is broken. I hope that the person who wrote this will not mind my altering a couple of words and using it at the funeral.

  • Shaun by Shaun, Johannesburg
  • 12 years ago

I just missed my dad even more after reading this poem. But I know he is in better place now

  • Mary by Mary, Oregon
  • 12 years ago

My dad passed away 6 months ago tomorrow from an unexpected massive heart attack. I had been taking care of him and still feel like maybe I did something wrong.

  • Georgie Caulkett by Georgie Caulkett
  • 12 years ago

Good poem. My dad died nearly 2 years ago now, he died of stomach cancer while getting treated for prostrate cancer. I love him soo much and miss him and will never forget him.

  • Melanie by Melanie, Indiana
  • 12 years ago

My dad just passed away this morning from an unexpected massive heart attack. I miss him so much.

  • Laramie by Laramie, Wyoming
  • 12 years ago

My Dad passed away on the ninth of February this year. I'm sixteen years old. He had some problems with his own four seater airplane and wasn't able to make it back to the airport. We didn't have a good relationship which has made this a lot harder on me. I love and miss him very much!

  • Loren by Loren
  • 12 years ago

My father died when I was nine from a very rare disease. He had it from the time I was born. I can't remember him as how he was other then him being sick. I am 18 now and am getting this poem tattooed on my wrist to outline a clover as we are Irish. I miss him and love him and wish he could be here with me now but I guess that's life <3 I LOVE YOU DAD <3

  • Dee by Dee
  • 13 years ago

This poem is fantastic. I lost my dad 11 years ago tomorrow and miss him so much. I was only 17 years old when he died after dealing with family generic disease of polycystic Kidneys and spent 5 years on dialysis. Miss my dad loads and wish could have one more of his hugs xxxxxxxx

  • Koah by Koah, Queensland
  • 13 years ago

This is really nice , I'm 15 and lost my dad on the 21st of November 2011 to lung cancer I miss him soo much! He was my bestfriend :(

  • Danna by Danna, California
  • 13 years ago

Today my dad would be 67. He left us Thanksgiving morning 2011 and there is not one day that goes by that I don't miss him. The night before my mom, dad and I sat in my living room and I gave him a hard time about trying to sneak a bite of the Pecan pie I had made. When he went to bed that night he kissed both me and my mom good night and said "I love you" like he always did. The next morning he got up, started working in my yard and collapsed. I wish I had hugged him a little harder that night but I am so glad he left us knowing how much his family and everyone loves him. He will always be missed. Thank you for this poem as it captures so much of my dad for me. I love you daddy!!

  • Becca by Becca, Louisiana
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad not even 2 weeks ago (1/15/12). He was 66. He was so happy that day (Saturday). He had called me saying he loved me and can't wait to see the kids tomorrow. My kids are 8 and 5. He was going to bed. He awoke from his sleep with stomach pain and coded. The ER doctor said his aneurysm had ruptured. He was here with us in such a good loving mood on Sat (1/14/12), telling us he had big plans for tomorrow, mom was gonna cook dumplings, he was gonna come get my kids and spend the day. But he never made it to that day Sunday. I love and miss him so much. If I only knew at Christmas that would be the last holiday. I love you daddy. RIP.

  • Angela by Angela, Uk
  • 13 years ago

I lost my Dad on the 03/10/2011 to bowel cancer, he went so quickly. I know he walks with me and keeps me safe I think of him all the time.

The poem is beautiful and I feel it was written just for my Dad. Love you always Dad and may God give you all the strength to get through the loss of a loving parent.

  • Alexis Darlington by Alexis Darlington
  • 13 years ago

My dad died when I was 9 years old my dad had pain a pain no one else could feel he had a great smile with perfect white teeth but still a pain no one could heal he had these thoughts in his head should I stay or should I go. He never meant to hurt anyone but it was a pain no one could heal he was a great Father and I would never hold anything against him he just couldn't stand the pain much longer and he took his pain away and now everyday he watches me, sends me ways where I can still feel him, talk to him and he helps me through my pain on the roughest and toughest days. I love you daddy and tomorrow is your birthday you would be 44 and my words or tears could never explain how much I miss you!!! I am 14 years old now and the pain is never easier for me!!! R.I.P daddy I love you and miss you so much!!!!

  • Rockland County NY by Rockland County NY
  • 13 years ago

My dad has been diagnosed with lung cancer stage 4 and I was looking for something to boost him up. He isn't the warm huggie type, but he expresses his love to me and my brothers with a pat on the back, going on trips together, and just hanging out and talking about the good old times. I will STRONGLY miss him if God decides to take him away from our family. This poem has brought a tear to my eye and it was hard to read the rest because this is no doubt my DAD

  • Ryley Wallace by Ryley Wallace
  • 13 years ago

This poem was really good. I lost my dad when I was 8 and I'm 14 now so now that I think about it for the short while I had him Dad really did teach me a lot to and I couldn't really explain it to someone else.

  • Courtney Edwards by Courtney Edwards
  • 13 years ago

I am 13 and I lost my dad 4 days ago and this really made me cry he was only 34 and I'm searching for a poem to read out at his funeral.

  • Melissa by Melissa, Kentucky
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad on Nov 1, 2011 to cancer. He fought so hard then god called him home. I miss him so much and still trying to accept he is gone. I too was a Daddy's Girl. My mom is having a very hard time, they were so close, the kind of love most people never find. I know he is watching over us now smiling that he is no longer in pain. I love and miss you Poppi.

  • Edwina by Edwina, Pennsylvania
  • 13 years ago

I just recently lost my daddy. I may be 31 but I have always been a daddys girl. I miss him so much each and every day. This poem and reading everyone's story has helped me realize I'm not alone. Just remember.... Our dads are looking down keeping an eye on us. I love you daddy! I always will!!!

  • Manchester by Manchester
  • 13 years ago

This poem made me cry my daddy died 16 years ago and I never met him. My mum was 2 months pregnant with me :( so yeah but his poem is amazing

  • Jess Burton by Jess Burton, Orange
  • 13 years ago

Hello, my name is Jess. I'm a 13 yr old boy and I lost my dad to a tragic car crash on the Mitchell Highway near Orange on October 6th 2009 I was only 11. When I read this poem it made me cry. I miss you DAD!!! RIP!! I guess we all have to lose someone that we love so much.

  • Annie Stroy by Annie Stroy
  • 8 years ago

My name is Annie Stroy. Here is something I wrote before my daddy passed away last month on October 31, 2016.
Here I am. Here I stand, Daddy. I want you to know I am still your baby girl. Here I am. I want you to know that I love you so much, Daddy. Here I stand, Daddy. I know you're looking over your baby girl. Here I am. My birthday is coming up, I wish you could tell me happy birthday. Here I stand. I know you will always be in your baby girl's heart. RIP, Daddy.

  • Smlaing by Smlaing
  • 13 years ago

I haven't lost my Dad. But I fear the loss will come. So I pop in regularly to let him know how much I love and respect him....And to give him a big hug!

  • Toril by Toril, Davao City
  • 13 years ago

My, father died years ago, and I was a high school student at that time. When he passed away It seems that our family started a new day without any dad who care and love us..
For me living in this world without a father is not easy, but I know that I still have my mom and my siblings as we live here with God..

  • Marwa by Marwa, Canada
  • 13 years ago

I lost my Dad 2 years ago to ALS. It is still very painful to think that he really is not coming back. I feel really lost without him here with me. This poem made me cry so much.
Thank you so much for sharing it.

  • Maxaleeta by Maxaleeta, Bahamas
  • 13 years ago

A very touching poem. The 23rd September, 2010 is a day I'll never forget that was the day that my Father died with me and my mom at his side he was 74. He had suffered his second stroke April, 2010 and 3 weeks before he passed he had 3 diabetic seizures in one night that left him incapacitated. He was hospitalized for a week and came home to be with us for a week before he left. Daddy was a gentle giant and he was the BEST FATHER anyone could ever ask for and I'm thankful everyday that God saw it fit to bless me (and my 5 siblings) with him as a father and my mother with him as a husband (for 50 years). We were never rich but he took care of us making many sacrifices to ensure that we had a good life and that we did. I'll always treasure the moments we share and I miss him so much but I pray for the day that we will meet once again. Gone from our presence forever in our heart. Prayers for all who have lost their loved ones Peace be with you.

  • Stanley Flippo by Stanley Flippo, Kentucky
  • 13 years ago

This poem about my dad really touch my heart in so many ways, it brought back so many memories of my daddy, it really comforts me, my daddy died October 13, 2008 of a stroke, and I miss him each and everyday of my life, I wish in so many ways that my daddy could be here with me, but I know that's not going to happen, but I also know that someday I will meet him up in heaven and then we will be together again.

  • Lynn  Wi by Lynn Wi
  • 13 years ago

I buried my father today. He had a heart attack and died very suddenly at 69. No goodbyes. It all happened so fast. He knew how much he was loved by everyone as we tell each other all the time, but we are all lost right now with such a huge void. This poem is wonderful and it comforts me to know I'm not alone. RIP dad and my sympathy to all of you and your families.

  • Shania by Shania, Ontario
  • 13 years ago

This Poem Is Amazing ! I Lost my dad nine years ago soon to be 10 on December 26th I Cry myself to sleep still because I miss him so much ... he died in a car crash and just the other day I met the woman who was in the car with him when it happened ... She's more help to me than my own mom is with all of my questions .. :'(

  • Danielle by Danielle, British Columbia
  • 13 years ago

This Poem was absolutely wonderful. I watched my dad pass away of a heart attack when I was 8 years old. It was my sister, 12 at the time and my brother who was 13 at the time as well. My brother is autistic so there was nothing he could do or understand. Our parents were separated so it was just us while we watched him pass away. He was only 43, he had so much more life to live! I'm waiting for the day I have the father daughter dances, it will be sad but I know he'll still be there! I'm 16 today and I still cry myself to sleep some days, but it's poems like this that make me feel happy and know that everything is going to be ok. Thank you!

  • Linda by Linda, Staffordshire
  • 13 years ago

September 26th 2009 I lost my best friend and my dad. He fought a very short battle with cancer of the esophagus (just 2 wks ). At first I was angry with him, he had promised to fight and I felt he hadn't fought long enough, but now I realize that I wouldn't have wanted him to suffer any longer than he did. Having read the above stories I realize that an awful lot of us had the perfect dad! But that doesn't stop the hurt I feel every minute of every day and when I look into the face of my 5 month old daughter I wish with all my heart he was here to see her, and so instead I have convinced myself that he sent her for us all to help heal the pain we as a family feel. People say time heals, well it doesn't it just reiterates how much I miss and love my Dad.

  • Elizabeth by Elizabeth
  • 13 years ago

This was great :') I lost my dad to a heart attack when I was 8 and he was 35. (I'm now 16) But I've just recently been writing and reading things about Dads. :') I miss mine dearly and don't know how I've gotten through it except that my dad has been there the whole time! Keep that memory! ;)

  • Howard Kidz X3 by Howard Kidz X3, Australia
  • 13 years ago

This poem made me cry ! :( as we lost our Dad in the cold winter of July 2006, from secondary Cancer, he was just 42 yrs old, and me turning into my teens 12 1/2 years and just started high school, the twins lil bro and sissy only 6 1/2 yrs old, Mum and Dad were childhood sweet hearts (soul mates). It was so hard on us all .We stuck together and kept it all to ourselves as we have learnt, people who have not lost someone so dear and close to them, they just don't fully understand.
Not a day goes by when we don't speak Dads name, life has never been the same and it never will, we love and miss him so much and hide our tears and pain. There's one thing we will do in this life is carry our Dads surname with pride. We won't let sadness/depression take us down, we will stand tall and make him so proud of us.

  • Carolina by Carolina
  • 13 years ago

Your poem broke my heart and mended it too. Please hope you don't mind that I will show and share it with my family on my Beloved Fathers 3rd anniversary tomorrow (24.6.11)
God Bless you and the grief you endured. I totally understand and THANK YOU for expressing it so wonderfully xxxxx Carolina UK x

  • Jo by Jo
  • 13 years ago

My fathers 14 year anniversary was yesterday, he committed suicide 9 weeks after my mum died of a brain hemorrhage, I was 18 at the time and still feel lost without my parents here! Life has however moved on, I am a mother of 3 and married the awesome man who got me through my terrible time back then! This poem is lovely, and sums a lot up for me! X

  • Rosalind by Rosalind, Texas
  • 13 years ago

I lost my father on mother's day (18 may 2011) I sat by the phone hoping it was my dad calling me to wish me a happy mothers day instead it was my sister letting me know I need to tell him my last words because he wasn't going to make it for me to get there. (I live in Texas my dad lived in Tennessee) we still miss him a lot. The poem is beautiful.

  • Brooke by Brooke, Fl
  • 13 years ago

I just lost my dad 2 weeks ago, and fathers day is tomorrow so this is rough time for me. This poem is perfect and I have saved it! Thank you for writing this!!

  • Katie by Katie, Washington
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem. I lost not only my dad but my mom also to a drunk driver when I was 16....just a year and a half ago. I think about him everyday.

  • Rachel by Rachel, Ireland
  • 13 years ago

I'm Rachel, I'm 12 now. He died 2 and a half years ago. him and my mom were so happy. We were a family me, my sister, (10 now), my 2 brothers (14, and 6 now) and my parents. Then he had a heart attack. It is such a terrible thing to go through my family helped me so much my cousins and aunties and uncles everyone. The weird thing was he was fine and then he was down, we thought he was joking cause he a hilarious person but he wasn't. My life changed forever on the 30/12/08. So close to Christmas now I can't look forward to Christmas as much. This poem is so great! I have been looking for lovely poems about father everywhere, to put in a scrapbook along with pictures of him. This poem is amazing thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you my story. I know I am not alone in the world people have gone through what I've gone through and more people will. I guess all I am is just a daddy's girl at heart <3

  • A by A, Philippines
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad when I was only 13 (January 1, 2005), 40 days before my 14th birthday. I am 20 now but the pain is still unbearable. Thinking that my life would be better if he still exists. I miss him a lot, I miss my bestfriend, my Santa Claus for the whole year, my hero, my father.

  • Ankush by Ankush, India
  • 13 years ago

I lost my father due to heart attack when I was 16 and it was the most horrible day of my life now it has been 3 years but I still miss him a lot more and more, each and everyday and second....sometimes I do cry but poems like this are just amazing and make you feel great...
miss you dad..........
if anyone can please tell me any poems like this please..........

  • Marie by Marie, Essex
  • 13 years ago

My Dad 'went' 24/3/2011, and it still hasn't sunk in. He was diagnosed with a grade 4 in-operable brain tumor 2 weeks before Christmas 2011. We didn't expect to lose him so quickly, to the damage that his prescribed steroids caused. I'm so glad he got to meet his 1st grandson, even if it was only for 3 months. It was an absolute privilege to be able to call him 'my dad'. He will never be forgotten. I would give anything to have him back....just for a second! I'm so glad we were with you at the end, we held your hands, to this day...I can still picture holding your hand and I feel your hand. He was a extremely special and brave man-would help anyone, had a heart of gold. I'm almost certain he walks beside me everyday, and will definitely be there when I need him! Miss my dad, my hero so very much. Love you Daddy xx

  • Gemma by Gemma, Poynton
  • 13 years ago

We lost my Dad at 55 on 21/11/10, we were told 3 weeks previous he had leukemia, so it was pretty quick!
He was our lives, we all miss him so much, mum, brother (21) and sister (16) we are all still too young!
I feel sad that we won't be walked down the aisle by him or he won't meet his grandchildren!
We are such a close family that we feel totally broken without him in our lives!
We miss you daddy and you will always be my number one man!!!

  • Ang by Ang, England
  • 13 years ago

My Dad passed away on Monday the 5th of June and reading this poem was how I feel. My dad gave me the greatest gift that any human being can give to another it's called love and he taught me how to love I'm going to miss him so much . Reading this poem has helped and I think it's lovely so than you for writing it and putting a smile back on my face.

  • Emily by Emily, Newyork
  • 13 years ago

I just read this and it really meant a lot to me. I lost my dad when I was only 10 or 11, he took his own life. I'm now 15 and I feel as if it's coming back slowly. I'm realizing now that I won't have him there for me and I have no way of bringing him back. I wish I could, I would do anything. Reading this made me smile :)

  • Ashley by Ashley
  • 13 years ago

This poem really meant a lot to me. I lost my dad 8/4/10 & it was 3 days before my birthday, he was only 45 he had a massive heart attack. I miss him sooo much. I lost my other half.

  • Holly by Holly
  • 13 years ago

Hey I am 12 and my dad died when I was 3 so it feels good to read something that I feel about him. thank you

  • Deepansh by Deepansh, India
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad on 5th of March 2011 due to a brain hemorrhage. I still don't feel that he is no more. He still makes me and my mom feel his presence. love you a lot daddy and hats off to this poem... you'll stay in our hearts always...

Lots of Love...

  • Roxanne Maddan by Roxanne Maddan, Jamaica
  • 14 years ago

My daddy died on the 28th of February 2011, just three days ago. He battled a stage 4 cancer for a year and a half. My daddy was very strong and I still have not accepted my dad passing away. I miss you daddy wish you didn't have to go. This is a really nice poem.

  • Rachel by Rachel, Piedmont SD
  • 14 years ago

I love my dad 7 months ago. July 11, 2010 and I'm now 19 years old. He died suddenly on a Sunday morning from a blood clot passing from his brain into his lung suffocating him. He was my world, and this poem makes me think of him so much! Thursday, February 24, 2011 would have been his 60th birthday. I love and miss you Dad!

  • Kelsey by Kelsey
  • 14 years ago

I'm fourteen years old. Me and my dad were very close. He passed away unexpectedly on December 23rd, 2010. We found out on Christmas. It all feels like a dream, I don't believe it. Its not real, its so hard to cope with. I really miss him. Everyone tells me that it'll get better, it won't. He missed my fourteenth birthday, and the day I had heart surgery fourteen years ago. I never expected him to go, he was the only man I trusted besides my brother. We talked at least six times a day, everyday. I barley saw him, but when I did I was always happy. I just really wish he was still here. Love you Daddy♥.

  • Trace by Trace, Birmingham
  • 14 years ago

This poem has really touched me. I lost my dad 19th Feb. 2008 him being 42. He had a massive heart attack one day. He had a 6 month old grandson which he had lots of plans for and another on the way which I never got around to telling him. I miss him lots and lots. I'm glad I've found this beautiful poem as I now know what I can put on the grave stone.

  • Izzy by Izzy, UK
  • 14 years ago

Hay I lost my dad to heart cancer :'( this made me cry I am only 14 but he taught be a lot he died this year 2010 :/ I am going to read it at his funeral I really missed him at Christmas its his birthday to day :/ I am going to his grave && will put some flowers there for him :) thanks a lot for this beautiful poem. I lost him a week before Christmas it wasn't the same without him this year :/.

  • Louise by Louise, Ipswich Suffolk UK
  • 14 years ago

I have been searching for something to put on my Dad's grave for Christmas. This poem was so touching. Its been just over eighteen months since I lost my Darling Dad to Lung Cancer age 70. I simply cannot get over the injustice of this cruel disease, he never smoked in his life and was always happy, gentle and kind and I miss him terribly. Reading the other comments written here, it certainly sounds like there are many a fantastic fathers out there like mine. Bless you all.

  • Tongo by Tongo, Florida
  • 14 years ago

Hi everyone, I'm a 17 year old male, I lost my dad last year, this poem really made me cry, everything is so lonesome, I never had the chance to make my dad proud of me, I graduated without him, and my life will go on without, I'm sad and hurt, I try not to. but I can't help it, I try to be out as much as possible but nothing helps, even when I go to the supermarket and I hear Christmas songs playing as soon as I get out the grocery I burst out in tears, I don't show it to anyone. Anyway, guys keep strong I wish you all good luck in your life. bye

  • Sam by Sam, Norwich
  • 14 years ago

great poem . I lost my dad 17/11/2010 he was 54. Such a loving and caring person its hurts so much that I'll never see or hear him again!

  • Tammy by Tammy, Cleveland
  • 14 years ago

My father died on September 1st and I still wake up every morning wishing that I could just hear his voice one more time. I just wish I could hold him one more time. I also wish that he was here to see his 1st grandchild that will be coming in February.

  • Jacksonville by Jacksonville
  • 14 years ago

I am 50 years old, my dad died June 18,2010 of Alzheimer's, I miss him and sometimes I wish I could just touch him again...the last two months he did not know who we were but he would say "your mine" and reach for our hands. He was smart and outgoing and loved the outdoors. this poem is beautiful...thanks for sharing...

  • Alyson by Alyson, North Carolina
  • 14 years ago

I love the poem too, it's perfect. My Dad died last month from a massive heart attack and he was 53. I get really upset thinking about all the things in my life that my Dad won't be able to share with me. I know we all miss our Dads and I don't think that pain every goes away. But I do think we will share the love our Dads gave us with everyone else. I will keep you all in my prayers. It will get easier for us.

  • Denise by Denise, West Sussex
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad on 9th November 2010, 4 days before my 57th birthday. He fought Cancer for 3 years and towards the end he was in so much pain. He also was such a brave, gentle man and We (my mum and two sisters) love and miss him so much, don't know how we will cope with such a big gap in our lives now. Thank you for this beautiful poem.

  • Sheila by Sheila
  • 14 years ago

Happy Birthday Dad! You were so young when the lord took you. You were only 28 years old. I was only 8 years old but never have forgotten that horrible day. Just want you to know there's never a day that goes by I don't think about you. You were such a terrific dad. I know if you were here on earth today you would have also enjoyed all of your grand kids. I hope to see you someday in heaven. Bye for now will be seeing you again someday.

  • Samir by Samir
  • 14 years ago

My dad died only 6 weeks ago, of an aneurysm ,and I'm only 12.I miss him so much and I wish his eyes were open to see his family before he passed. You see it happened so quickly he just passed out and never opened his eyes again. I wish that he could have had his eyes open to see everyone....Anyways this poem is touching and made me cry it truly came from the heart.

  • Gohar by Gohar
  • 14 years ago

I was sitting in the office when I red this poem and started to cry. My father passed on 5th August 2009. we were together when he had a heart attack, I rushed towards the hospital but he did not survive it took only 15 to 20 minutes and he expired. I have lost faith in life.

  • Maureen by Maureen
  • 14 years ago

In reading everyone's notes, it touches me at how much we've all loved and treasured our fathers. My dad passed in February of 2008. He was a most amazing, gentle, loving man...selfless to a fault. Although the shock of losing him has dulled, I still feel the pain of the loss at the most surprising times. Maybe that is when he is missing me. I hope so.... thank you for the poem.

  • Gregg by Gregg, Glasgow
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad to brain cancer on 22 April 2010. reading this poem has really brought on the tears and just reminds me how special my dad was. He was only 53 when he died and has left behind a wife, 2 sons, and 4 grandkids who all miss him with all our hearts. Gone But Not Forgotten Dad. xxx

  • Battle Creek by Battle Creek
  • 14 years ago

my dad passed away on Halloween of 2009 and I know how it feels. I read the poem and it about made me cry. this Halloween is really gonna be hard

  • Nina Ricci Retazo by Nina Ricci Retazo, Philippines
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad last year Sept 3 because of cancer, it's so painful, I miss him always, he was such a great dad! I love this poem thank you for a poem written from the heart...

  • John by John, Canada
  • 14 years ago

I lost my Dad today - Sept 30, 2010. Reading the emails above makes me realize that in some ways I am I am lucky - so many people lost their Dads at an early age. I am 51 and my Dad was 87. He got to see his children grow up and be there as grand children and great grand children arrived. Still, its hard to believe he's gone and I'll never see him again. I think it will hit me when I do some of the things we used to do together. Be good to the people you love - none of us is here forever.

  • Ophelia Flowers by Ophelia Flowers
  • 14 years ago

I can't imagine what life without my dad would be like.
Thinking about loosing him really makes me appreciate that I have him, and all the things he does for me.

  • Sanjay Mishra by Sanjay Mishra, Raipur
  • 14 years ago

I lost my Dad on 13th March, 2006. He was a brave man and a big game hunter. He was a strict task master. This poem is great and it reminds me of my Dad. His useful advice reminds me of "If" by Rudyard Kipling and this cute little poem. We value something when it is not with us. The same was the case with me. I felt what was his place was in my family of three siblings and my Mum after he passed away. I treasure this poem and will surely mail it my other siblings. Thanks for posting this poem. Hats off to the poet and all those who value their Dads and consider them as life coaches." This is my tribute to my Dear Dad." GOD BLESS MY DAD.R.I.P.

  • Alicia by Alicia, OH
  • 14 years ago

I lost my father on May 4th 2010, just 3 weeks before I gave birth to his first grandchild. He was so excited about meeting his grandson and he never got the chance. He suffered a massive stroke followed by another one. My brother and I had to make the difficult decision to take him off of life support. I am still so angry. Reading this beautiful poem and all of the comments from people who feel my pain helps me heal. My deepest sympathies to all of you as well.

  • Sammy by Sammy
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad on 18th March 2010, 2 days after my 40th birthday. He was the bravest man I ever knew, never complaining from the pain, always optimistic, never believing he would die. I cannot describe the overwhelming sadness that consumes myself, mum, & my 2 sisters. I feel like I have fallen off the face of the earth. Thank you for a poem written from the heart. I know you know how we all feel.

  • Katie by Katie, Stafford CT
  • 14 years ago

I lost my father on March 7, 2010. I was 16 at the time and it is still really hard. This poem made me really think and cry. He was such a hard worker and we didn't get to see each other as much as we wanted because we were both so busy doing our own stuff. He was slowly getting back into my life. That morning his father gave him a motorcycle and everything. He loved riding and never had the chance to ride his new bike. He was killed while helping his friend load a mower into the back of the truck when someone came flying down and struck him from behind throwing him pretty far. The investigation is still going on and it is really hard. I am so mad and sad. I miss him so much.

  • PA by PA
  • 14 years ago

My dad died of cancer in 2005, he was 43. my step dad died of an unexpected death in 2009. I am only 27 and lost the two men that I needed most in life. no matter if it is expected or unexpected. your never prepared. My son who is 3 took it the hardest with my step dad.

  • Shannon by Shannon
  • 14 years ago

My dad was killed when he was 30 and I was only 4. He was shot for no reason. I am now 14 and I think about him every single day! I don't have much left of him just a few pictures. Even though he has been dead for over 10 years I miss him the most now even though I never knew him well and only have a few memories left of him! Every single day I try my best to make him proud of me! I try to talk to my friends about it but they don't understand so I just cry myself to sleep at night and imagine what my life would be like if he was still alive today!! I love you always daddy!

  • Katie by Katie
  • 14 years ago

I'm sorry for all of your losses. I lost my dad when I was at the age of 7...but now today I am 16. My dad was taken to Heaven on May 23, 2001. He was in a bad accident at work and suffered from brain injury. My dad passed away at the age of 26. RIP "DADDY"..I miss you!

  • Caitlyn by Caitlyn, Oregon
  • 14 years ago

I lost my father in August of 2002 to Leukemia when I was nine. It was a very hard thing to go through, especially since I was never able to say good-bye.
I miss him every day, but I am happy to have had him in my life.

  • Polly by Polly
  • 14 years ago

Have just found this poem, it is beautiful and says everything I feel for my Dad. My Dad died today 47 years ago, aged 46 unexpectedly, I was 14. I have just had my 60th birthday. He was in my thoughts that morning, I have missed him on all the important occasions that we should have shared, but I look at my life, my husband, my children, grandchildren and know he would have been proud of me. I was privileged to be your daughter. Love you Dad

  • Shashika by Shashika
  • 14 years ago

This poem is great.
I'm 23 years old and on the 27th of March last year of 2009 I lost my dad to cancer. This poem is really made me cry. I love my dad for ever and ever.
God bless him.

  • Brandi by Brandi, Maryland
  • 14 years ago

So sorry for all of your losses. I lost my dad to a heart attack when he was just 51. It will be 12 years this September. I had just turned 14 when he suddenly passed one night in his sleep. I found him that next morning before school. It was the hardest thing my mom and I have gone through and since he was the sole provider we lost our house and everything. Reading this poem here on Fathers Day has really stirred up memories and brought out the water works. I miss him so RIP Daddy 9/17/98 <3

  • Tracey by Tracey, England
  • 14 years ago

I lost my Dad on 6th January 2009 to prostrate cancer. It's Father's Day tomorrow and I needed to put something on his memorial but I couldn't find the words. This poem is beautiful and says it all.

Thank you so much for writing it

Good luck to you and keep strong

  • Tina by Tina, Maryland
  • 14 years ago

This poem touched my heart. I lost my Dad in 2007 to a massive Stroke. He suffered greatly for 7 months until GOD finally took him. I know he is in a better place but Father's Day is the one day out of the year that hurts me the most. I can't even look at Father's Day cards with out breaking down. Very lovely poem....

  • Marie Claxton by Marie Claxton, Gibson's Canada
  • 14 years ago

I lost my Dad 31 years ago, I was 7 months pregnant with my daughter and I miss him so much it hurts; I was so unhappy that he never got to meet his granddaughter but happy that he had 4 years with her older brother. I am 61 and I miss him as much as a child of 6. I long to talk to him, hug him and at times the pain is overwhelming. I was lucky to have my Mom until 1998. I am an only child, I wish I had siblings to share this awful pain with. Beautiful poem.

  • Sarah by Sarah, Wales
  • 14 years ago

This is a lovely poem. I lost my Dad just over two years ago and I miss him so much. I always try to think back and listen to the advice he gave me though, especially when I'm feeling down and it often seems to help. He was 53 and it makes me upset to think sometimes that he won't get to see me graduate, get married etc...but I know he'll be looking down on me making sure I'm ok and hopefully he'll be proud. I'll love him forever and ever <3 xxxx

  • Tamara by Tamara, Worthing SD
  • 14 years ago

I lost my father 5/5/08 of a heart attack. Today celebrates him being gone for 2 years and I came across this poem and made me cry. I love this poem

  • Chantel by Chantel, Ontario
  • 15 years ago

This poem made me cry, it really touched me. I lost my dad on December 3rd, 2008, I was 12 when I lost him. I have 4 other siblings who also lost him as well.
My youngest sister was 10, my older sisters were 17 and 18 and my brother was 20.
He died from cancer, and it still hurts this very day.
We miss him with all our hearts, and wish he didn't have to go so fast. We were all to young to lose are only loving daddy.
love you daddy <3

  • Yara by Yara, Nazareth
  • 15 years ago

I am 16 years old and my dad died of Cancer.
He fought 3 years and on 1st of January he passed away, (4 weeks ago) I was there and I witnessed the whole thing, it's terrible and I will never get through this. I miss him so bad!

  • Kate by Kate, Hungary
  • 15 years ago

This poem really made me cry. On Christmas Day my Father died of a heart attack, he was only 60. My Mom, my brother and I just can't believe what had happened. Everything seems empty and I have no idea how to survive. It hurts so bad.

  • 15 years ago

I just lost my dad yesterday to prostrate cancer he was 67,,,he fought till the end to stop with us...I thought I was on my own but reading these poems make s me realize I'm not ...
Thank you to every one and I feel for every one to..xxxx

  • Mon Veloso by Mon Veloso
  • 15 years ago

I lost my Dad 2 weeks ago to Stage 4 bone cancer. He fought it for 2 years, and despite the pain that this causes he never once complained nor made the slightest sound because of the pain. He did not want us to worry about him. he kept his suffering all to himself and just offered to our Lord and the Virgin Mary. He accepted his ailment with an open heart. His biggest worry was caring for Mom after he was gone.

Don't worry Dad.. we made a promise and we will keep it.

  • Tiffany by Tiffany
  • 15 years ago

I lost my dad on the 30th of July at 10:20 am in a car accident.
I am looking for a poem to put in paper as no words are coming to my head. I feel empty and lost all in one. I am reading poems after poems and they are just lovely bring a tear to your eye.. There are no words that can ever bring one to total peace but these do ease the pain if only for a short moment.

Thanks to all that have taken their time to share how they feel I wish I could have words come together so beautifully.

Much Love to all...


  • Debbie by Debbie
  • 15 years ago

I was looking for a poem to send to my brother and sisters on this day to remember our father. He did have a heart of gold. We all miss him. Thank you for writing a beautiful poem.

  • Kristin by Kristin
  • 15 years ago

I lost my dad sudden this past Christmas and I still miss him terribly. This will be the first fathers days without having him here to celebrate. Your poem is a beautiful tribute to having lost a father who meant the world to me. Thank you.

  • Cristan by Cristan
  • 15 years ago

This is a very sentimental poem to me. I lost my dad when I was 10 and I'm 18 now. I just graduated from high school and walking across the stage without my dad there was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I just want to thank you for writing this beautiful poem and to say that I appreciate it.

  • Joyce by Joyce
  • 15 years ago

I was really touched by your poem. It was very much from the heart.

  • marsha by marsha
  • 15 years ago

My dad has been gone now for 11 years, but it seems like only yesterday. he was a very strong man, but cancer took him to his knee's very quick. I will never forget him. He is by my side every day of my life. this is a great poem......

  • amal by amal
  • 15 years ago

my dad is with me...but in another country. I miss him..this poem is lovely...I'm sorry for everyone who lost their dads god bless them

  • danielle piggott by danielle piggott
  • 15 years ago

I'm looking for poems for my mum as she lost her dad nearly 2 yrs ago and still hurts to this day and I want to do a tribute for him with poems. This touched me so much I'm still in tears now and this is perfect for anyone!!

  • lisa by lisa
  • 15 years ago

This poem is great my dad passed away of a massive heart attack he was only 60 . It still is hard to know that he is gone. My sisters 35 and 28 ,and my brother who is 16 and my mom miss him very much. his 5 grandkids miss him as well.

  • Brandi by Brandi
  • 16 years ago

My dad Passed away in 2004, since then I had a daughter, Today would of been his birthday. I look at my daughter and wish they could have known each other. I sometimes sit and cry looking at her, knowing what a wonderful person she missed out on.
When I read this, I know what the person was feeling, I just want to say Thank You for sharing

  • Kerry by Kerry
  • 16 years ago

I cried a lot when I read this beautiful poem, my father died very suddenly on Boxing day of 2008. He came to visit me and my husband and his grandchildren for Christmas. I was with him right up to the very last second, its hurts so much still as I am a big Daddy's Girl, I am still so lost without him and sometimes don't know what to do. He was a wonderful man.

  • Chelainea by Chelainea
  • 16 years ago

Hey this poem is great and it made me cry. I lost my dad when I was 10 on November 9, 2004 because of a blood clot I'm 14 now it was sad because I wasn't there and right when I got done talking to him on the phone he died.

  • Amy by Amy
  • 16 years ago

I lost my father on November 9th. I am an only child and I really didn't think anyone would understand. My dad fought pancreatic cancer for almost two years. He was a miracle, my hero, and I really don't know what to do without him. I know he's watching over me, and with prayer and God's love, I'll get through it, but never forget what I wonderful father I was blessed with.

  • Melanie by Melanie
  • 16 years ago

Yes, I wish she would keep going. I lost my Dad 5 days ago to a heart attack, he was only 63. I am so lost with out him. It is weird because you don't think anyone in the world knows your pain. But when someone can write how you feel without ever meeting you, that helps.

  • mark godley by mark godley
  • 16 years ago

I along with my two sisters and dear mother have just lost our dad. This poem touches all the nerves that are raw, but in a nice way, and couldn't describe my dad any better. I hope whoever wrote this does not mind that I will be reading this at my dads funeral. Many thanks.

  • Lacey Whitlock by Lacey Whitlock
  • 16 years ago

I lost my dad to Leukemia almost 3 years ago. I thought this poem was just beautiful. It made me cry. I know he is gone and I thought it was the end but always have faith until the end. I loved this poem. Thank You.

  • Kristy by Kristy
  • 16 years ago

I lost my dad 3 years ago to a massive heart attack. He was only 40. He has missed my wedding and the birth of his four grandchildren (I have 2 and my sister has 2). We all miss him terribly. The poem is beautiful, it made me cry.

  • David by David
  • 16 years ago

I lost my dad in the end of January and I still hurt a lot! This poem was beautiful, it really bought out the emotions I hold for my own father.

  • Tracey Atherton by Tracey Atherton
  • 16 years ago

Like the person above my dad died of an aneurism, I miss him more than words can ever say, this poem is lovely!

  • Kevin Laird by Kevin Laird
  • 16 years ago

My dad died four days ago and I have been searching a ton of poems. I like this the best. He was 59. Died of an aneurism. Here one day, gone the next. I am 31, my brother 27. He had two grandchildren, who are taking it good.

God bless you.

  • Erin by Erin
  • 16 years ago

Who ever wrote this poem is great.
I'm 14 years old and on the 10th of April this year of 2008 I lost my dad to lung cancer :(
this poem is fantastic and really made me cry.

  • Amy Tebb by Amy Tebb
  • 16 years ago

hey I thought this poem was just beautiful I just lost my dad and I'm only 19 he was 47 but only being 19 and he taught me so much

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