In Memory Poem

A person may be dead and buried, but if we are lucky we will never be forgotten.

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Thank you for this poem. I lost a good friend 8 months ago. He didn't die; he just broke off things with me. Just like that. We hadn't quarreled at all, nothing. He lives on the other side of...

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Gone But Not Forgotten


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

The years we've shared have been full of joy.
The memories we've made will go on and on.
I haven't stopped crying since you went away,
and I've asked God time and time why you couldn't stay.
You lit up my life, my hopes, and my dreams.
You've opened my eyes to see what it all means.
So now that you're gone, how can I forget;
Because you were the greatest out of all I have met.


  • Stories 57
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Rebecca Bussan by Rebecca Bussan
  • 4 years ago

Your words mean more to you than anyone who reads them. But I would like to tell you they sum up how I am feeling. Our loved ones are gone and there is no guarantee of tomorrow. We can only keep them in our hearts and memories. Thank you for sharing.

  • Sumaya Jan by Sumaya Jan
  • 7 years ago

Dear Dad, I miss you every moment I live. Though you may not be physically here, you remain in my heartbeat 24 hours. I can't express in words how I feel since you left. I wish I would believe that you are gone. Dad, my life has taken a turn since your death. Life has lost its real taste. Yeah, I just pretend to be all right among people in this indifferent world. Love you lots.

  • Mari Uchima by Mari Uchima
  • 8 years ago

Thank you for this poem. I lost a good friend 8 months ago. He didn't die; he just broke off things with me. Just like that. We hadn't quarreled at all, nothing. He lives on the other side of the world, so there is no chance to ever see him again. I just can't believe it. Nothing will ever fill up the emptiness that he left behind. Our friendship may have died, but my love for him will live on.

  • Dawn Pender by Dawn Pender
  • 7 years ago

This poem brought tears to my eyes. It is the epitome of beautiful. Kudos to whoever wrote this. Real friends are so hard to come by and I sincerely hope that you and your friend can work things out.

  • Melbb by Melbb
  • 8 years ago

I was looking for a poem for my little sister-in-laws birthday 6/4. In May 2011 she was taken very suddenly and has left a huge hole that can never be filled. She was 34 years old and left 3 little boys. She was the youngest of 8 children and was extremely close to her mum - her dad died when she was 9. My daughters, husband and myself miss her daily. She was always smiling, and never forgot birthdays or special occasions. I needed something that says all that and this poem does. Time and life go on but her memory is always here with us and she truly was 'the greatest out of all we have met'

  • Danielle Faulkner by Danielle Faulkner
  • 9 years ago

I just want to say thank you for this poem. A month ago today my best friend (14) was killed in a car crash along with her mother. She was on her way to see me and when I found out it tore a hole through my heart. Poems like yours have helped me to try and deal with my grief.
She will never be forgotten by anyone and she deserved so much more time than what she got.

  • Melissa Brown by Melissa Brown, Georgia
  • 9 years ago

10 years ago I found my only child ( 21 year old son) dead in his bed and we never really knew why. To date I cry and I know that this pain will never end but I'm greatful to God who gives me the strength to keep going on one day at a time.

  • Elena Velázquez by Elena Velázquez
  • 9 years ago

I'm so sorry for your pain ...i'm 33 with a 16 year old and the thought of ever finding my son dead makes me want to cry instantly!!!
My father is almost 70 and in 1981 his first born passed away from a long illness dad can't say her name absent the tears. ..and I felt I had to reach out to you and say thank you for sharing your heart ..May he rest in Paradise .. I believe that love never dies and I can't understand why this world that has so much beauty and also have so much pain ..

  • Chanlar Malas by Chanlar Malas, Florida
  • 10 years ago

Reading all these comments made my heart hurt tremendously for all the people that have loved ones who left this earth and entered the gates of heaven either suddenly or gradually. I do know one thing, our loved ones in spirit will and always be with you; closer than humanly thought possible. My only brother, Taylor, at the ripe age of 18 passed away this early morning five years ago from me writing this. After the eight months of battle with AML Leukemia, God called Taylor's name. My brother fought the good fight and never do I believe cancer won. He is looking after all of his loved ones everyday and I can literally feel his strength...Always. Angel in the sky of mine, you're so bright you shine, don't ever lose that light, for I want to forever keep you in my sight. I love you Taylor my big brother and now angel. Thank you for coming into my life even if you couldn't stay long.

  • Delora Rupe by Delora Rupe
  • 10 years ago

2 years ago today 10/17/12 I lost my oldest daughter Katelyn Marie to Leukemia at the young age of 22. She put up a long 2 year battle, but God saw she was tired and called her home. She is my first born of 2 girls. I still to this day can't believe she will never come home, I will never see her face, and be able to hold her, My heart aches for her on a daily basis, and I ask God why all the time. I will never forget you Katelyn Marie love you forever, Mom

  • Courtney Treadway by Courtney Treadway, Seymour
  • 10 years ago

On July 17, 2014 my 16 year old boyfriend passed away. We've known each other since second and third grade. This year we were supposed to be sophomores and juniors. He didn't even get to see adult hood. Rest in paradise babyboy. You keep watching over me and our family.

  • Meera Ramlall by Meera Ramlall
  • 10 years ago

It's been 6 years 2 days, 4/7/2014 since a devastating house fire, leaving my nephews age 15 and 12 and a niece 12 trapped inside and burnt to death beyond recognition and we all stood their watching helplessly, a memory that will live with us for the rest of our lives as they were taken from us under such cruel circumstances, this poem on this day, gone but not forgotten brought much more painful memories as nothing on earth will ever bring our angels back, Sashen, Nicky and Nikita, in God's arms!

  • Wendy by Wendy
  • 11 years ago

My granddaughter Zylia was only four months old when God called her home. She was my first grand baby. She was a happy baby. Her bright eyes would light up any room. Her smile was like the warmth of the sun. I love her so much and my heart aches for her. She was accidentally smothered by a relative. I tried so hard to protect her. I can only say that she is one of God's angels now. It's hard not seeing Zylia or holding her. I know it was a terrible accident, and I try not to blame anyone, but it's hard. I find myself questioning my actions that day. What could I have done to save my Sweet Zylia? I know it was God's will, but it's hard trying to understand why. Rest in Peace Zylia Grandma Loves You.

  • Hafsat Nigeria by Hafsat Nigeria
  • 11 years ago

This poem made me really sad, it reminds me of my guy who died on 23-11-2012 at the age of 30 five days to his birthday. His name is Ibrahim Tajudeen as I am writing this tears are running down from my eyes. He died after a surgery on tumor in his stomach. He was such a lovely nice and gentle fellow he was always there for me in good and bad times he never left me. He was such a lovely guy I miss him I will never forget about him. He's always in my prayers everyday. Everything reminds me of him. I realized that I have lost a part of me that is never coming back. I miss you so much I love you and I will never forget about you rest in perfect peace.

  • Clare Monique by Clare Monique
  • 11 years ago

This Poem makes me think so much of my mother. I'm almost 17 now but there has not been a day I don't wish for her to be here with me to share my troubles and delights. I was so young when we lost her and never got to tell her all the things I wish I could. I can't believe it's been so long since she passed away <3

  • Gabie Msibi by Gabie Msibi, Swaziland
  • 11 years ago

It was a Sunday 15-09-13 and my dad was preparing to go to church. He woke up shaved his head and went to the toilet and that's the last time we ever saw him alive and talked to him. He just fell and that was the end of him, not even a simple goodbye. We were really crushed, being a 27 year old first born of 7 children and the youngest in grade 2 and seeing my mother in pieces is really hard to bear. Still can't believe he is gone forever. I can't stop crying even at work I quickly go to the ladies to cry. I miss you so much dad and I love you. You were our hero, the best adviser and a best friend. We were so blessed to have such an amazing dad like you. You will always be in our hearts. It's been a month and it's really hard to accept that we will never see you again.

  • Bibi Baksh by Bibi Baksh
  • 11 years ago

My sweet Alice passed away 5/8/2006 at the age of 10 years. Alice was my only child and died of leukemia. I asked GOD everyday why he had to take my only child away from me. It was as though she came and ran her marathon and was gone. She excelled in so many things, that she was not afraid to take a microphone and go on stage and sing without rehearsing. My life has changed forever, I struggle and cried each day with my emotions. Honey I (Alice's mom) love and miss you so much.

  • Carrie King Eufaula by Carrie King Eufaula, Oklahoma
  • 11 years ago

I buried my pregnant sister this week. She lost her life on 7-16-13. She was 28 and was killed in a head on collision. Her two sons were with her. The oldest's birthday was the day after the accident. I'm still cant believ that she is gone forever and I'll never meet my niece who was due in September. She had just gone to pick up a cradle and I had just talked to her within the minute the accident was phoned in. I'm beyond devastated for my nephews.

  • Kimberly Young by Kimberly Young, Georgetown Guyana
  • 12 years ago

On the tenth of March my only aunt was shot. She died on the spot. My aunt leave three sons and the youngest is 3. I've seen my mom, and grams struggled ever since my aunt passed away. Ever since her death our family have never been the same again. WE MISS HER DEARLY

  • Stephanie by Stephanie, Holyoke
  • 12 years ago

It's been 2 weeks that my baby boy Alexis past away, he was born 11/05/12, when he passed away he was only 1 month and 3 weeks old. He past away on 12/29/12. I MISS HIM SO MUCH he's my second baby boy. I still cry for him, I can't believe that he's gone, and another thing is that in 11/13/11 I had lost my mom too, it being 2 years in a row that I lost two love person, now I'm scare of life, like I said I have another baby boy.

  • Erica Ellis by Erica Ellis, Emporia
  • 12 years ago

This poem is beautiful... I miss my gma so much... she raised me from 9 months old... Oct. 23, 2012... Will be 10 years that she has been with her Lord and King.... Thx for this poem....

  • Neyasha by Neyasha
  • 12 years ago

My sister was 15 when she got in an accident with 2 of her other friends she got rushed to the hospital in a helicopter she was on life support for 2 days but then they told us it was time for her to go. My sister was my Bestfriend I told her everything I was 14 when I had to see her die in a hospital and I had to watch and couldn't do anything about it.

  • Kimberly Smoot by Kimberly Smoot, Belmont
  • 12 years ago

I am 47 years of age. I lost my dad last year on my birthday 08-25-65. He had cancer and was given 6 months. He lived for 3 months and passed. Nine months later I lost my only sister and brother in law in a Motorcycle accident. A drunk driver hit and killed them on Memorial Day 05-28-2012. I am a mess. I was still hurting from my pops death and I lose my sister. They will be in my heart forever along with the pain that I don't think will ever go away. The reason I am here and typing is my sister and her husband had 5 children. Three of them still living at home. I can not image what they are going through. When I am down and hurting I always remember that I lost a sister. But my nephews and niece lost their mother and father. I feel that there pain must be unbearable. And if it were me I don't think that I could carry on. I pray for the two younger boys. They have a very hard road ahead of them and I know it has to be tearing them up inside. I am just glad they have each other.

  • Adam by Adam
  • 12 years ago

My name is Adam one of my best friends Died from the chicken pox. He was a senior and he was going to graduate with me but he is going to be missed.

  • Alovee by Alovee
  • 12 years ago

My best friend died in 7th grade, I am now a senior in high school.. she is still on my mind and this made me tear up.

  • Cristina by Cristina, CanadA
  • 9 years ago

One my friends took her own life around Christmas in grade 7. It was heartbreaking, not a day goes by when I don't think about her. I am very sorry for your loss.

  • Jordan by Jordan, North Carolina
  • 12 years ago

My best friend passed away August 18, 2012, the day before my birthday. He died of a rare form of cancer. He was 13 years old. Today I went to his wake. Before I even walked through the doors of the building it was being held at, I broke down and tears began streaming down my face. This poem really touched me. Although it made me cry, I realized he is in a better place. He is not suffering anymore and he would want me to be happy and not sad. Even though its hard not to be sad because I miss him very very much I can still stay strong and be happy. I love you Evan Coleman and I miss you so much. I can't wait for the day I get to see you again. And for all those out there who have children hug your children tight every night and make sure to give and show them all the love you possibly can because one day you could wake up and they're gone.

  • Kacie by Kacie, Illinois
  • 12 years ago

My dad recently passed after from esophageal cancer that spread through his entire body. I'm only 15 years old now and it's hard knowing he isn't going to be there for my 16th birthday, or to watch me graduate, or walk me down the aisle at my own wedding. He was given a year to live but it was never enough. I was so blessed to have such an amazing dad like him, he is my guardian angel now. I love and miss him so much. 7/22/12 - haven't been the same since. Gone but never forgotten, miss you daddy <3

  • Kat by Kat, Uk.
  • 12 years ago

My great grandmother just recently passed away. She was like my second mother, I loved/love her very very much and it's been hard on me since she's passed, but I'm happy she's in a better place because this last year was not very kind to her. She was in so much pain. I cry still whenever I think about her or something reminds me of her. I was so blessed to have this woman in my life because she was the greatest person I have ever met. She had the biggest heart and I learned so many things from her. She's my guardian angel now.
~Gone but not forgotten.
Ti amo. Grazie per tutto quello che hai fatto. Reposa in pace <3

  • Carmen by Carmen, New York
  • 12 years ago

I can't stop crying today and it's been almost two years since my fiancé passed away. It was our son's first fourth of July and we were having fun and BBQing with friends and family. I went home with our son and Chris stayed out with friends and I never saw him again. He was in a car accident and left me and my son. Three months before our wedding day and now I am a single mom. I just can't stop crying today.

  • Ellen by Ellen, England
  • 12 years ago

My husband passed away 10 days after he found out that he had cancer. we didn't have time to get used to the idea, let alone that he was dying. He has been gone two years now.
Gone but not forgotten.

  • Krystal by Krystal, Ontario
  • 12 years ago

Not even a year yet.. Only 7 months ago I could talk to my best friend. Hug her. Tell her I loved her.
She was more then my gramma. She was my mom. My friend. My strength.
She passed on labor day weekend. And is beyond missed.. She kept our heads high and confidence in check. She was the most amazing woman I had the chance to know.
I love you gramma
Gone but never forgotten

  • Riffa by Riffa, Bahrain
  • 12 years ago

So I'm a high school student at Modern Knowledge schools, and when I was in grade 11 we had an amazing speech and theater teacher who changed our lives in almost every aspect. Not only realizing better speakers and actors, but wise young adults. Always there when we needed him, he's as a shoulder to cry on, the person to cheer you out of the worst of your days. One day he was diagnosed of cancer, which did not affect his personality one bit. Until one day he was sent to the hospital and within a few weeks went back to the states. Today was a day that changed every student at MKS, I know I cried for the death of a man who was a father to me. R.I.P Mr. James Lattrelle, forever in out hearts, and hopefully in a better place now. Monday , 16th April 2012, 7:45 pm James Laterelle announced dead of cancer after a long fight. WE LOVE YOU MR. L.
Thank You
Isa Al-Eid

  • Erik by Erik, Texas
  • 12 years ago

A friend of mine passed away on March 8 2012 it has been hard to realize he isn't coming back. He was my mentor throughout my career and because of him never giving up on me I am who I am in business today. This poem reminded me of him. Couldn't help but get a knot on my throat.

  • Ebony Judd by Ebony Judd
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mother and nephew within five weeks apart in 2010. This has been and still is a very trying time for my family and I. sometimes I wonder if I will ever be the same, I feel so empty without my mommy. I really do not want to get to much into detail but my mother passed in her sleep very unexpectedly. Autopsy shows she had blockage, but no one knew she had anything going on because she looked and acted fine. Heart Disease is what took her life. My nephew whom was like my little brother who I loved so much he was only five years younger than me was shot and killed five weeks after we buried my mother. That was older sister's only child and I feel for her so much as bad as it hurts me to loose him as my nephew, but for her to loose a child my heart is forever wounded by these lost that we have endured. LIFE IS SO CRAZY! I could write my feelings forever but to everyone who has lost someone very dear all we can do is hold on to what we have left and take one day at a time. My heart goes out to you all.

  • Caitlin by Caitlin, Georgia
  • 12 years ago

On the very day December 27th 2010 my two very good friends Sam and Rena Simmons were missing for 4 hours straight and no one knew where they were, until my friends dad got a phone call saying that they found Sam and Rena they were in a horrible car accident they said that Sam was killed on the spot and that Rena was being life flighted to Columbus hospital, Rena got to say that she loved her mom and she died in the hospital, it was very hard to see my two best friends in those caskets. I LOVE YOU SAM AND RENA:)

  • Tom by Tom, Sweden
  • 13 years ago

Yesterday I looked thru the photo albums again, its hard to imagine that less then 8 years ago I had a full family and today I have none.
Before I myself even hit 40 I had lost, brothers, mother, father, uncles and aunts, grandmas and grandfathers and a child.
Some days I think I will never recover, some days are ok, my life has changed so drastically I barely hang on, but I do, day by day, there is much to life you don't want to miss and its ok to break down in tears once in a while as long as you pick yourself up again and continue to live life for those who couldn't and honor them by memory..... peace and love goes out from me to all of you.

  • Gayla by Gayla, Texas
  • 13 years ago

My dearest closet friend since high school in the eighties had a heart attack last weekend and died in his sleep. He was everything to me he knew everything and always knew if I was lying or telling truth. We had our weekly calls sometimes more than that and he gave the best hugs ever!!!! And now what? There will be no more calls no more hugs! I'm lost. This poem brought tears to my eyes but exactly what I feel.

  • Jeanine by Jeanine, South Africa
  • 13 years ago

This poem mean a lot to me as I lost my father when I was 5 year old, I am now 20 years old and till this day I still think about him and what could have been... I can't remember a lot about him but the memories I have I will never forget for the rest of me life. Daddy I love you and always will...

  • Darrian by Darrian
  • 13 years ago

This poem literally made me cry because my lil cousin passed away last month and I can't stop crying we did everything together and just the fact that he's gone hurts me so much :'(

  • Evie by Evie, Michigan
  • 13 years ago

This reminds me of my Dad. He passed away when I was 11 to pancreatic cancer. The doctor opened him up thinking nothing was wrong with him and found a tumor the size of a baseball so he removed it and the cancer spread all over his organs and he died within a month.

  • Dolores Durnell by Dolores Durnell
  • 13 years ago

my sister Vilma p Navarez passed away on Dec. 7, 2010. 3 days after her 40th birthday,she sufferd from heart inlargement she needed surgery but she had pneumonia too and was too weak have surgery. We are still in the healing process ....

  • Kezia by Kezia, Scotland
  • 14 years ago

My best friend died last year on the 1st of January 2010, he was 15 when he left us, he had terminal cancer which we didn't know about until 2 months before he died, it was too late for operations and that because he was so weak, a day doesn't go past where I don't think about him, we shared so much together & now it will be a memory for me, I still find it hard to think he's never going to be here again, it's nearly his 17th birthday as well & I am dreading it to come because it will be my birthday the next day, I do my best to get on with my life but its hard because I keep thinking I see him about places, I miss him so much & now his wee brother is in hospital again now after people hitting him and he's suffering from a broken eye socket, broken cheek bone & broken ribs, I just wish everyone the best of life now

  • Alexandra by Alexandra, P.R.
  • 14 years ago

My mother was 40 years old when she died of liver failure. After 11 years fighting and searching for a liver, she found one that was compatible with her blood type, but unfortunately after she got the liver transplant it started to fail again and she died 6 months after her transplant. She was my Hero and she still is, everybody that knew her and met her loved her and cared deep for her. She was the example for everyone and anyone. I was touched when I saw so many people at her funeral, and there were so many that I didn't even know who they were. But still, like she would say:
"Live life to the fullest, knowing that when you die, you will leave something about your self behind, so everyone that knew you and those that never knew you will hear about you. Do Gods will, and everything else will come easy."

  • Courtney by Courtney, A Place
  • 14 years ago

My teacher recently passed, she was an amazing Christian and an amazing person overall, she was sweet and funny and had an 8 yr. old son. We came to school and after 2nd period the pulled my whole grade together and told us she was found dead. everyone cried, I cried very hard because we were so close to her and now she's gone all of a sudden. R.I.P Ms. Taylor. I love you<3

  • After 3 years It Still Hurts The Same by After 3 years It Still Hurts The Same, Ca
  • 14 years ago

This reminds me of a real good friend of mine who died in a 4 wheeler accident august 31st 2008 :'( he was only 21 years old at the time and he was the nicest guy anyone could ever meet. He was a sweetheart he loved everybody. At the time of his death I was only 12 just about to start my grade 8 year, so to any other guy of that age I would of just been just a silly kid, but Adam, he was different he was awesome to everybody! It's been 2 and a half years now and we all miss him so so much ! He didn't deserve to die at all and he died doing something he did everyday and it shouldn't have been him. This poem reminded me of him so thank you! We miss you Adam!!! :'( rest in peace buddy :)

  • Reilly by Reilly, Napa
  • 14 years ago

I am 12 years old and my daddy died august 23, 2010 and I am so broken and afraid of losing all the memories. As I read this I cry for him. I don't think I'll ever heal.

  • Tom by Tom
  • 14 years ago

My wife died on June 24th 2010 at the age of 48 after 28 yrs of marriage. We'd been together since we were 14 years old. I have a son and a daughter who are grieving, like me. Remember to kiss those around you as often as you can and remember to pray for your loved ones no longer here...Thomas

  • Kara by Kara, Fl
  • 14 years ago

My best friend passed away at the age of 19. she had cancer. we use to do everything together. this poem made me think of her. I can't stop the tears from flowing.

  • Shabaz by Shabaz
  • 14 years ago

This poem reminds me of my only best friend, Abhilash. He was riding along with me on his bike while returning from college. In some moments of time he collided with an auto and was bleeding from the head heavily. When I took him to the hospital he was pronounced brought brain dead. He then survived for three days on the ventilator. He passed away on 30th Jan 2010. I miss him so much. I luv you Abhi.

  • Amanda by Amanda
  • 14 years ago

The poem reminded me of my father in-law who passed away at the age of 59 on Feb 28 2010. He had liver problems and it was a long wait he was in Pitts hospital for a week. He couldn't talk to us which made it hard. But he was the best father in-law that I could ever ask for. I miss him and still think of him, sometimes even dream. But I am glad he is in heaven so now he has no more pain.

  • Amy by Amy
  • 14 years ago

My dad died one year ago (August 4, 2009). He was 62 years old and had a massive heart attack. He was taken from us way too soon. This poem describes my last year perfectly. I miss and love him so much.

  • Destiny by Destiny, CA
  • 14 years ago

This really reminded me of my grandpa when I read it because he was a big part of my life. and when it comes to emotional things it's hard too make me cry but when I read this I cried. :(

  • Singapore by Singapore
  • 14 years ago

Denan and me were colleague for 15 years.
Everyone in the office or those who had work together with him will loves him for his helpfulness & kindness. Unfortunately Denan met an accident on 22nd May 2010 while on his way to work. He died on the spot without seeing us for the last time or saying goodbye. He is just gone forever! Today is the cremation day. Everyone of us are crying even the tough guys were tearing. The pains are unbearable We will miss Denan dearly and hope Denan will rest in peace.

  • Heather by Heather, PA
  • 14 years ago

My brother was 20 when he was in a car accident. He was in he hospital 3 days but it felt like forever. They said he was brain dead so my parents told them to pull the plug. I have a lot going on. This made me think of him

  • Carlos by Carlos, CA
  • 15 years ago

This poem literally made me cry
and that's hard to do cause I'm a 16 year old boy

  • 16 years ago

my dad was 69 years old when he found out he had cancer it was hard for me and my mom, we knew what that meant that there would be some changes. my dad went into the hospital to have major surgery to have the prostate and bladder removed. he then went into a nursing home and he was there for 5 months...the social worker told us he wouldn't make it to the end of the year...Oct 23,2007 my dad passed away and I haven't been the same since that day...I MISS YOU DADDY

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