In Memory Poem

Poem About A Garden And A Loved One

This is a poem I wrote in memory of my sister in-law, Robin Blevins, who lost her life to cancer at a young age, leaving behind three children and 10 grandchildren. Robin found peace in her garden, and it showed - her flowers were beautiful. We all miss you, Robin; meet you at the gate...

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The day my sister passed, she knew it was coming. I did my daily routine and left work. I wouldn't take breaks. Instead, I'd take my sister to dialysis or go home to cook so she could take...

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Meet You At The Gate

© more by Barbara Bailey

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2007 with permission of the Author.

A beautiful garden now stands alone,
missing the one who nurtured it,
But now she is gone.
Her flowers still bloom, and the sun it still shines,
But the rain is like tear drops for the ones left behind,
The weeds lay waiting to take the garden's beauty away,
But the beautiful memories of its keeper are in our hearts to stay.
She loved every flower, even some that were weeds.
So much love she would plant with each little seed,
But just like her flowers, she was part of God's plan.
So when it was her time, he reached down his hand.
He looked through the Garden, searching for the best.
That's when he found her; it was her time to rest.
It was hard for those who loved her to just let her go,
But God had a spot in his garden that needed a gentle soul,
So when you start missing her, remember if you just wait,
When God has a spot in his garden, she'll meet you at the gate...


more by Barbara Bailey

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Margaret Greer by Margaret Greer
  • 4 years ago

My husband of 48 years had spent all his life loving plants, especially plants native to Australia, but lots of other plants too. When he passed away, aged 86, it was in his favourite place, his garden. My daughter helped me arrange the order of his funeral service, and she discovered this beautiful poem, which exactly describes our garden now. It looked as though it was written for Don! Thank you, Barbara!

  • Sarah Skidmore by Sarah Skidmore
  • 5 years ago

Your poem is so beautiful and touching. I hadn't cried for my father-in-law until I read it. Then I blubbed like a baby for about 30 minutes and it did me good. I was trying too hard to keep it together for my poor sad husband. Ken really loved his garden. He was in there until the day before he was taken into hospital where he sadly lost his battle against cancer 12 days later. It's been a hellish time for his loved ones, but if I can do it, I would love to read this poem at his funeral.

  • Elizabeth L. Garza by Elizabeth L. Garza
  • 7 years ago

The day my sister passed, she knew it was coming. I did my daily routine and left work. I wouldn't take breaks. Instead, I'd take my sister to dialysis or go home to cook so she could take meds. As we were pulling up to the facility, she said she wasn't feeling well. I walked to the passenger's side to help her out of the car. Cynthia placed both feet on the ground and looked up at me, took a deep breath, and said she was tired. I said, "I know, but it's Friday. You have the next two days away from this place." I helped her out, walked her inside, and told her I'd see her later. The distance between there and work is no more than 7 minutes. I walked in, clocked in, and my boss came up and said I had a phone call. It was the chaplain from the hospital. I knew right then and there. My heart dropped no faster than tears. We had our talks. She would always say this isn't the end but a new beginning for her. No more pain. This poem just helps me feel at ease. We will be reunited one day. Thank you.

  • Barb Bailey by Barb Bailey
  • 7 years ago

I'm so glad my poem brings peace to your heart, I pray for peace that passes all understanding to stay with you as you stand on the promise you will unite again.

  • Eva Remter by Eva Remter
  • 7 years ago

A friend of mine had sent this poem to me when my sister Robin died unexpectedly in Sept of 2013. I still find this poem a great comfort when I start remembering our childhood and life together. It has given me the strength to live on. Thank you for writing it.

  • Judy Dent by Judy Dent, Tenn
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for the Poem - My Sister went to the Hospital - think that she was that sick - She passed away the next night - I lost five more Family members - but this was so sudden - This past Saturday - One year ago - My Two Brothers and Myself - pulled her from Life support - I bent and whispered in her ear - that we Loved her enough to set her free. I Love and miss her Dearly.

  • Teresa by Teresa, IN
  • 11 years ago

My sister passed away a week ago and I was trying to find a poem for her since she did garden restorations. When I saw this I just knew it was one I needed to share at her funeral. When her step-son read the poem by Barbara Bradley then inserted my sisters name it touched all our hearts. Thank you so much for writing such a heart felt loving poem to remember those who loved to garden.

  • Wrens GA by Wrens GA
  • 11 years ago

A sweet lady in our Church has lost the battle of cancer. Over the 20 years I've known her, I never heard a harsh word from her to any one. She was the one we could count on to love and show love to those, others wouldn't even talk to. I once heard a young girl ask her "When I go to Heaven, will God have my puppy there for me?" Debra answered, "Hunny I think God loves you enough that if you ask Him, He will surely have your puppy for you". I'll never forget the gentleness of this kind loving lady. This poem is about Debra, thank you to the writer.

  • Jessica Ny by Jessica Ny
  • 11 years ago

This is the perfect poem, my aunt lost her life to cancer in April of this year. Today is her birthday. When she wasn't sick she had the most beautiful garden and she loved it more that anything, besides her family of course. I read the first three lines and began to cry. I can see her ready, waiting for me when it is my time also, she was only 50 and today would be 51, not a single day has, or will even go by in which I don't miss her. Thank you-

  • Pauline by Pauline, Malta
  • 11 years ago

I lost my daughter NICOLE in a traffic accident (July 2010) when she was only 10 years old. My life have changed I am living in much pain day after day. She was everything to me I love her so much and miss her badly. She is an angel in heaven praying for me and I feel her spirit around me. The worst thing that a parent will have is loosing her child. God bless all those parents who are suffering. When I read these poems tears came to my eyes.

  • Zoe Lee by Zoe Lee
  • 12 years ago

My poppy.
Where do I start.
You were a man of words,
Always smiling, laughing and most of all loving.
I know the pain won't go away for me overnight but I know the best place for you is now with God, I didn't want you to suffer neither did anyone else, you'll always have a hole in my heart, if you ever feel like coming back. I love you pop and always will.
May you rest in peace in heaven now.
Never ever forgotten. xxxxx

  • Susan McKay by Susan McKay, CA
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mother a year ago and what a beautiful poem of comfort. She was from MI and the robin is their state bird. Every year my mother taught us the joy of seeing our first robin every year. It meant spring was right around the corner. My mother loved nature and gardening. Thank you for such a comforting poem!

  • Nikki by Nikki, Indiana
  • 12 years ago

Even though this is about your sis-in-law, I lost my Mom when I was 12 in a tragic car accident. I am going to read this poem when I get ready to graduate from college in 4 more years.

  • Jason Kapadia by Jason Kapadia
  • 12 years ago

This poem really touched me today. This morning I found out I lost my aunt who help raised me as child.

Thank You for sharing this....

  • Stacy by Stacy, MI
  • 12 years ago

I was looking for a poem that I could to share at a friend's funeral and with changing the name to hers I feel this is perfect I did give the credit to you because you deserve it for this great poem I'm still crying.

  • Dana Satterfield by Dana Satterfield, Loganville Ga
  • 12 years ago

This is truly beautiful! My mom also had an amazing garden! But sadly she lost her battle with lung cancer last month! Her flower still shine and they are a blessing and comfort to myself and my sister! A beautiful tribute to your loved one!

  • Joeseph Macleod by Joeseph Macleod, Binghamton
  • 12 years ago

Have to say I loved this poem... I also used it and substituted my mother in-laws name in place of Robin.. This poem fit's her to a T and miss her very much.. Keep writing poems as they are great ...

  • Jim by Jim, Rockville IN
  • 13 years ago

I am now 80 years young married for 51 years four wonderful children. God gave me poetry as a gift at the age of 75. I never could write anything in Highschool. I write almost all of my poems at about 3 or 4 AM as God inspires me. They cover many topics but are almost all spiritually centered. It is my hope that they will lead some-one to the Lord and give them hope peace and joy.
I found this site by accident but I share the love of words well said from the heart.

  • Amy by Amy, Middlesex
  • 13 years ago

I Lost my Nan on the 1st of January 2004. I was 13 when my Nan sadly passed away I love her so much she was/ is my best friend. I did not have no one to talk to over the gates opened up to her. I knew she was going as she had cancer. I last saw my Nan on boxing day 2003 and all I said was love you. I wasn'tt aloud in hospital to see her and I couldn't say goodbye. This poem made me cry. Love you Nan R.I.P.

  • Kamele by Kamele, Montego Bay
  • 13 years ago

I am truly touched by this poem, I lost my Mama, December 19th, 2011, it seems like yesterday, but she truly loved her garden as she was truly a flower from Heaven.
Love you Mama and will miss you always.

  • Kathy by Kathy, Windsor CA
  • 14 years ago

I shared this poem today at my sister's memorial in Navarro California and substituted the name to fit the occasion (Laurie instead of Robin). The feedback was incredible and I was so proud to have been able to touch people on that occasion. By the way I did start out with the title and "written by Barbara Bailey".

  • Brianna Blevins by Brianna Blevins, Oklahoma
  • 14 years ago

It's so strange, because my mother passed away a few months ago. Her name was Robin Blevins and she also succumbed to cancer. She did have 3 children, but only 1 grandchild. It's an odd coincidence, but nevertheless this is an awesome poem and reminds me of my own mother.

  • Attia by Attia
  • 14 years ago

this poem has really touched me I had a few tears in my eyes but I handled myself.
I am so sorry about your sister-in law may she rest in peace where ever she goes!!!
.R.I.P. xxxx

What a honor to have my poem be poem of the week, the thing that makes it most special is that this week is the 4th anniversary of my sister-in-laws death she died on the 4th of July. Thanks to all that voted

  • Sarah Seddon by Sarah Seddon
  • 8 years ago

I have just lost my mum, a keen gardener, to cancer, and we would love to read your poem at her funeral. Is this ok, if we substitute Robin's name for my mum's please?

  • Tammy Ludder by Tammy Ludder
  • 14 years ago

I have to say this is one of the best poems I have read, It brought me tears and hope for all the loved ones I have lost. Keep writing as your poems bring hope to so many, you're an inspiration thank you for sharing...

  • Debra Hall by Debra Hall, Batavia NY
  • 14 years ago

I too lost a child, and this July 5, will be the first anniversary of his death. My son was only 23 years old when he succumbed to Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). I miss him very much but I know he is in a better place. He was married but only for 9 months. I found out he had leukemia in Dec.2008. He called me from the hospital he was in. He went through many chemo treatments, took 12 different medications a day. He was matched for a bone marrow transplant but couldn't get the leukemia into remission. I belong to a group that is for parents who have lost children it gives me the needed support I need. I loved him very much and he was far too young and had a whole life ahead of him . So to all who have lost children God Bless you all and may he be with you .

  • Carlos by Carlos, CA
  • 15 years ago

This is so inspiring
I'm 16 years old and I cried like an infant

Keep it up!

God is always the answer
so nobody lose faith
even after a loved one has passed away!
never ever ever!

A very touching poem. When we leave those we love in the garden of love that we had on earth, it is a comfort to know that we go to God's Garden of Love in Heaven for eternity. God Bless!

  • Helen Hassey by Helen Hassey
  • 16 years ago

What an awesome poem, I was so touched it brought tears to my eyes. I felt like I could almost see her waiting at the gate to welcome all her loved ones home. Please keep writing as your poems are so inspiring.

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