Loss of Father Poem

Missing My Dad

It's been three long months since my dear dad passed away. l dedicate this to him. l cherish the past we shared but miss the future we will not have.

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About two months ago I lost my father. I cannot say that it was unexpected, yet now I realize that there is nothing in life that can prepare us to bear this void. He remained in the intensive...

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Wish You Were Here

© more by Diana Doyle

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

Three months have passed.
I'll never forget the day
Someone rang to tell me
That you'd gone away.

The hurt is the same,
Like an open wound.
There are days
I don't utter a sound.

Some days the pain is stronger.
It makes me sick and weak.
I can't stand this much longer.
I just sit here and weep.

I've shut my private door
And let no one in,
Locking myself in a box.
They try, but I won't give in.

You were like a rock,
Strong, faithful and true.
What worth has my life
Now that I don't have you?

I was your first born,
Daddy's little girl.
I took my own path
But was still part of your world.

I was not the best,
Guilty of neglect,
But you know, Daddy dearest,
I had so much respect.

I always loved you,
My dad, my star.
Now my pain is
To worship you from afar.

I love you now
As I did back then.
I just hope... one day
I will see you again.

I am so proud of you,
Brave and strong to the end.
Now when asked, "How are you?"
There is no need to pretend.

We all love and miss you so much; sleep well,
and take care of all who went before you.

Forever in my heart!



Hello to all budding poets out there like myself, l was prompted to write something after the death of my father. Many people have liked what l have written and a few have asked for my permission so they could use it at their father's funeral. Well l have decided that if my words can comfort someone or express how they feel, at a time time when...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kelly Johnson by Kelly Johnson
  • 2 years ago

I just lost my dad 5 months ago, and this poem hit me hard. I hide in my room and cry or just wait until my kids are in bed and let my tears flow. I miss my dad. I never got the chance to say goodbye. I always have my dad on my mind and just miss him like crazy. He was too young to go, but God had other plans. Also, I miss my mom every single day as she passed away when I was 3 years old. It's hard for me to live life to the fullest since both of my parents are deceased.

  • Cory OBrien by Cory OBrien
  • 3 years ago

Tomorrow will be 3 weeks that I lost my Dad. He was my everything. He had metastasized bladder cancer, and thank goodness medication kept him without pain the last few months. He seemed to be getting better (which I know happens when they are close to going), and was able to walk without his walker and put on 5 pounds the last week! I was lucky to have spent quite a bit of time with him the last month or so...and his last days. We were working on one of those books that goes through someone's life. A question at the top and a page to answer. I'd write his answers as he didn't have the strength. Great quality time. I miss him so much. I keep hoping he gives me a sign to let me know he's okay. I told him to.

  • Rachell Hernandez by Rachell Hernandez
  • 3 years ago

I was surprised at how much I could relate to this poem. My daddy passed away in a car accident 3 months ago actually. It has been very hard losing him so soon. I'm only fifteen and there was still so much I wanted him to see. Sometimes it doesn't seem real, but I always find myself crying about how much I miss him. I don't wanna continue life without him. He was my hero and I looked up to him even if he wasn't the best father.

  • Ann, Philippines by Ann, Philippines
  • 4 years ago

This poem hit me hard. Thank you for sharing. I lost my dad (Papa) on May 05, 2017, in an accident. That was three years ago, and I still can’t comprehend that he is gone. Losing him has been extremely painful. I needed a hug just for a while, Papa. We miss you so much. To the greatest man I have known, I LOVE YOU as much as life itself. I am and always will be proud to be your little girl.

  • Kristin Joy Tortosa by Kristin Joy Tortosa
  • 5 years ago

My father died 7 months ago for a heart attack. I can’t control my tears. There are so many tears in my eyes. I didn’t expect this would happen to my father. There’s so much heartache. I ran to the emergency room, and I saw him lying and had no life. He was a strong man who did everything for his family. He was a good father to his children and a good husband to his wife. We miss him so much. We love you forever, dad. Your memories will remain.

  • Ephantus by Ephantus
  • 5 years ago

My father passed away on January 28, 1996, due to stage 4 stomach carcinoma. It always so painful to think about it. He was just 48. He loved us (Elizabeth Wanderi, Bernard Wanderi, Winnie, Irene Wanderi, George Wanderi and Millicent Wanderi) so much, never did any wrong. Almost 24 years have passed since we saw him. The cruel fate took him off with that disease. As a young family, we were baffled, but MUM comforted us all through. Money spent ceaselessly, but amidst all the pain and the gloomy situation, he was so calm and comforted mum to take care of us. Watching my daddy suffer was so heart breaking as I was a daddy's boy. Every Father's Day is a painful reminder of your absence in my life. Baba, be in peace, and I want to meet someday. So many things I have to share with you. Continue resting with angels, Daddy.

  • Hauwa Bello by Hauwa Bello
  • 5 years ago

I lost my dad 2 month ago on September 16, 2019 after a brief illness. My daddy was my everything. I can't even tell how much he meant to me. I was 31 then. I traveled to my sister's place when he fell ill and he died the day I came back. I thank God for the beautiful moments that we had spent together. May your gentle soul rest in peace, dad. I love you so much Baba'am.

  • Ntshovelo by Ntshovelo
  • 6 years ago

It still feels like yesterday. I lost my dad on the 25th of December 2014. He was my only best friend, my hero, my advisor, and my mentor. Ever since I lost him, I've been struggling to get a best friend, someone I can confide in. His love for me and my brothers was out of this world. I will forever miss him and love him.

  • Mz Victor Jongs by Mz Victor Jongs
  • 6 years ago

I lost my dad when I was 8. He loved me so much. He was my hero. If he were alive today, I hope he would be my great leader. He’ll watch over me because before he left me he used to care for me, and love me so much. Nothing can replace that. I miss him so much. Love your dad before it's too late.

  • Shivaji by Shivaji
  • 7 years ago

My father passed away on April 23, 2016, due to stage 4 lung carcinoma. It always so painful to think about it. He was just 56. He loved us so much, never did any wrong. Almost 2 years have passed since we saw him. He never lit a cigarette for a single time or had a peg of wine, but the cruel fate took him off with that disease. We were baffled. Money spent ceaselessly, but amidst all the pain and the gloomy situation, he was so calm and never felt he was bothered about it. We feel so alone without him. Baba, be in peace, and I want to meet someday. So many things I have to share with you.

  • Tanvi by Tanvi
  • 7 years ago

About two months ago I lost my father. I cannot say that it was unexpected, yet now I realize that there is nothing in life that can prepare us to bear this void. He remained in the intensive care for 19 days, and every day was a torture to see him suffering and dying a slow death. Now that I think of it, I don't know how we all survived those days. Seeing my dad looking so peaceful after he passed away eased a bit of my heartache. Yet it was some days after his departure that the realization of what I had lost finally hit me. I couldn't believe that never again am I going to hear my dad, see him, talk to him. And I also realized that I had just lost one of the few people who had unconditional love for me. His face keeps on flashing before my eyes, his smile, the way he would call out my name lovingly, his jokes, his words of wisdom and his unwavering optimism. For the first time in my life I really want to believe that death is not the end, that one day I will meet my dad again...

  • Lois by Lois
  • 5 years ago

Nothing hurts like the feeling of losing a father. I lost mine on December 25, 2019. I never thought that I would lose him too soon. My father took a piece of my heart with him the day he left. I've never thought that I'd live without him. I never dreamed of living this life without him. He was always there in times that I needed him most. And he was always there for us all. We miss him more than words could ever day. There are days where I don't want to accept the fact that he's gone. Every day is a struggle. A heartache. Knowing someone who's always there had left us all behind. There is never a day that goes by that I do not think of him. I wish he was still alive. I miss his calls - his frequent check-ups to see if I'm doing okay. Dad, I love you. I love you so much that it hurts because you are no longer here. I'll try to be strong. But living without you is a heartache that never goes away.

  • Baishali by Baishali
  • 7 years ago

I am totally lost in life. On December 15, 2017, I lost my father suddenly from a massive heart attack. My father loved me so much. He was my hero, best friend, and the star in my life. I felt robbed and went through many emotions: anger, anguish, numbness, feeling lost without him. I am married and have a son. Then I felt that my life was meaningless. I can't accept that I'm never going to see him again or talk to him. I feel so unfortunate that I couldn't even tell him goodbye. It makes me mad, and I'm just going through the motions for now.

  • Caidyn Hensley by Caidyn Hensley
  • 7 years ago

My mom was a senior in high school when she got pregnant. When I was born, my biological father didn't know she was pregnant and went on with his life. Later on she received a call from my biological father's friends that he died. So my story is he never knew about me, and I never knew him until my mother finally told me about him, which happened when I was 12 years old. There isn't one night I go to sleep without thinking of him.

  • Nqobile by Nqobile
  • 8 years ago

It still feels like yesterday. June 13, 2015 my father passed away (liver failure). While he was still fighting for his life in the hospital, I was hurting in a way that I hated seeing him like this, so helpless. I wanted God to just take away the pain from him, but when I was going to visit him in hospital I got a call early in the morning (4:10) from the hospital telling me that my father was no more. I couldn't believe it. I thought that it was just a dream.

  • Tribhuwan by Tribhuwan
  • 9 years ago

I lost my father 2 and half months back on Dec 13, 2015. I don't know where last 70 days of my life has gone. I miss my father every second. He loved us so much. I just can not believe that next time when I will knock on the door of my house in my home town he won't be there to cheer us. Being the elder son, I was so dear to him. I just can not accept the fact that he is gone, that I will never see him and my daughter will never play in his arms. May God take care of him in heaven. I wish we will see each other again someday.

  • Stephen by Stephen
  • 10 years ago

Thanks for this poem. It brought a tear to my eye. I lost my grandfather on the second day of 2012. He didn't know a new year had begun, but it had in so many ways.

He was my dad in all but biology - but close enough, even for that. No one was ever as close to me. It's bittersweet to know I was so lucky he survived as long as he did, with all his health problems, so that I could know and love him as I did. And yet to know I will not see him again... who can bear the thought of that?

I feel strong just to think of him, and to know he lives within. He will die a little more the day the turn is mine.

  • Emily Rosewater by Emily Rosewater
  • 11 years ago

I lost my dad and sister about a year ago to a house fire when I was twelve, I miss them so much and it seems like no one knows how I feel. I miss my daddy and sister <3333

  • Georgia by Georgia
  • 11 years ago

I lost my daddy July 4, 2013. He "acted" like he loved life, but I guess not. My daddy committed suicide while he was in jail for 13 days, not very long at all. We got into arguments and I didn't get to see him for most of my life, he had been in jail most of my life. He tried suicide several times before and he was also in jail and no one believed him. I'm 13 about to be 14 February 17th and he's not gonna be there physically, but mentally I miss him soooooo much, I'm the oldest of 3 I was his baby girl. I love and miss him so much. RIP Daddy I love you xoxo

  • Great Falls by Great Falls
  • 11 years ago

This poem hit home for me and it really made me thankful for the time I did have with my daddy. No matter how much it hurts we all somehow get though to the next day and we just go on that way day by day until finally we can take on more then one at a time and we start to feel that peace inside knowing that the strength that got us here to this point in our grief where we can wipe away the tears and let go of some of the pain and say yes daddy I miss you more then I can stand at times but I will be ok and we will meet again someday so until then I am going to do all I can to make you proud and shine as bright as you dreamed I would in life and now I shine and smile doing so in your memory I will be the star you always told me I could be thank you daddy you will forever be my hero .

  • Jamesanna Robles by Jamesanna Robles
  • 11 years ago

My father and I didn't meet until I was 9 1/2 years old. I moved in with him 13 days before my 10th birthday. About a year later my dad ended up in the hospital and that's when I found out that my dad had kidney failure. Nobody told me that my father was sick right away because I don't think they were excepting him to show any signs of it. Every month after that one year he ended up back in the hospital because his kidney's weren't working right. They than put him on all kinds of meds and started him on dialyses. In 2011 my step mom couldn't handle it no more so she went to file for a divorce and left him in a empty house with nothing but a mattress to sleep on. ON May 3, 2011 when I got home from school my grandfather asked me if I would like to go see my father at the hospital. I went up to see him for like two seconds but than the nurses told us we had to leave the room because they needed to change his clothes and than they were moving him to the 5th floor. He didn't make it.

  • Poyer by Poyer, AZ
  • 11 years ago

I lost my dad on 3/12/11 at 16 it was the hardest thing ever to deal with I wanted to quit school but I stayed for him. I was his youngest and he called everyday to make sure I was ok and not hearing his voice or getting his calls anymore hurt me. I read this and it put me on my knees I love this poem.. love you dad

  • Kikachi Joy by Kikachi Joy
  • 11 years ago

Its painful When you lose a loved one especially the one close to you. I lost my dad on the 19th of August 2013. I'm the first child, we are five. He never complained that he was sick. On Sunday before the day of His death. He was in church leading prayers when he told the pastor that He couldn't continue, while on his sit he slumped and was it. I thank the almighty because everything happened in His vineyard. Dad we love you your body has run its course but your soul still lives on.

  • Jack by Jack, Washington
  • 11 years ago

My dad killed himself a week after my birthday and my family looks like they don't even care.

  • Karalyn Dodd by Karalyn Dodd
  • 11 years ago

I lost my dad about three months ago. It was on Easter Sunday 2013. After a dinner at my moms I got a call that changed my life forever. I found out that my dad had taken his own life earlier that day.. Not a day or minute goes by that I don't think about him and how much I just want to hug him and tell him how much he means to me. The hardest part for me is that the last time I saw him we got in a fight about my mom coming over to help me with my Senior Project. I packed my bags and left without even saying goodbye. I don't think this heartache will ever go away. I miss him so much. I was his youngest and closest child, his baby girl. I love you, Dad.

  • Flori by Flori
  • 9 years ago

This poem is BEAUTIFUL! I recently lost my precious, precious, precious Dad. Words cannot describe how I feel, so I won't even try.

Karalyn Dodd, I understand how you feel, thank you for sharing

  • Lockhart by Lockhart, Tx.
  • 11 years ago

My dad died on May 12, 2012. I was at my grandma's house and my mom came in with blood shoot eyes. She told me that my dad had died. I had no words and felt as if gravity pulled me down. I will never forget that day, the day I lost my everything.

  • Nabiea Shehma by Nabiea Shehma
  • 11 years ago

My dear father I miss you alot. I was his first born. I was only 7 years old when I lost my father. I was very young and did not know any thing about Fathers Day. But now, after 7 years, I know the meaning of Fathers Day. I wish that he was here with me. After his death, my life totally changed. I want him to share with me both in my joy and sorrow.

  • Kt by Kt
  • 11 years ago

Lost my dad as well. Your poem was like I was reading about my life...
One person told me, during the crazy times; that " you have not lost him, but you just have a different relationship with him now." I promised to pass that on to anyone hurting from a similar situation. I feel almost badly for saying this, as if I'm not supposed to feel better, but it does get better.

  • Mahrukh by Mahrukh
  • 11 years ago

My father died 14 years ago, I was too little and I miss him so much now. This poem inspired me and I still remember my father. I did not know that he died and whenever I asked my mom about my father, when I was six, she said that he is in Dubai for his business tour. Now I am 16 and he did not come back and when I now asked my mum where he is, she says he is with God. My mother was like my father and mother both, whenever my friends talk about there fathers I cannot be part of their talks. My father is in my heart and I miss him so much. God did not gave me chance to respect my father, Dad I love you and miss you wherever you are. I miss you and you will always be in my heart.

  • Tsakani Johannesburg by Tsakani Johannesburg
  • 11 years ago

I remember the day I lost my dad, I was so divested. I felt like someone took a knife and cut a whole portion of me. 16 June 2009 I'll never forget that day. I still remember when they called me to come home, I knew someone has passed on. As I rushed home, I knew something was wrong. When I got home, there were people in our yard. The sadness in my brothers eyes told a sad story. I knew someone has passed on. I remember asking them who is it? Who died? My sister said "Papa" meaning its Dad. I couldn't do it, I couldn't be strong. Not after losing my mom. At that moment I didn't want to live. Life was useless. I couldn't go through the same pain again. My father was the best in the world. He was my friend. We'd spend the whole day talking, watching TV. And then at end of the month, we'd walk to the ShopRite to buy groceries. I remember our chats and laughs hahahaha :) Gezane Jackson Hlongwane was the best Father in the world. I know its been years since he passed on, the pain doesn't get any better. The space in my heart will never be whole again. I know one day my siblings and I will have another chance with our parents.16 June 2013 is Fathers day and the day that my Dad passed on, I can't explain how much it hurts to live this day. My friends will be asking about their fathers, I feel jealous at times when they start talking about their parents. I wish I can always call my mom or dad to tell them that I miss them. If I had a chance to redo some things, I'd tell them how much I love them, I'd hug and kiss them every second I get. Happy Fathers day to my Dad. You were gone too soon. I will always love you

  • Mary. O by Mary. O, Nigeria
  • 9 years ago

What a pain, oh God wipe our tears. Though I lost my darling father two years ago (10th February 2014) but the feeling l got after reading your story got me devastated. There are thousands of people going through similar conditions and even some worse cases but our consolation lies in the fact that they are with God and that we shall rejoin on the last day.
Accept my deepest sympathy.

  • Laracroft by Laracroft
  • 11 years ago

My dad died 6 months ago suddenly, no warning. He was my rock, my everything. I too got a call to say he had died and I just collapsed. I am his firstborn only girl and now I'm lost. I'm trying to make sure my 3 brothers are ok and my mother who is fighting cancer for 2 years. The day after we buried my dad we were back in hosp with my mother. I've just locked up my feelings and I'm so lost without him. I don't know how to go on and I'm putting on a brave front but inside I'm dying. I love you so much daddy please tell me what to do. I know you'd be angry at me for being like this but I can't help it. I MISS YOU DADDY.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Elisa by Elisa, England
  • 11 years ago

I lost my dad 9 weeks ago on 24th March 2013, he was 65. I was his angel and now he's mine and I know he is looking down and helping me through this most painful experience I have ever known to have too somehow cope with. Nothing can or will prepare you for this intense pain and heartache or never being able to speak to your protector, friend and idol ever again. My love and thoughts go out to every one who has shared their similar stories of losing their precious father. They were our creator and although we are our own personalities, many wise words and their protection has led us to be the wonderful people we are today. I pray there is an afterlife as this world would seem so utterly cruel if I did not exist. I love you and miss you round the world and back my wonderful dada. I hope you are having fun up their with all the other angels we've lost. xxxxxx

  • Zeen by Zeen
  • 11 years ago

I lost my father 4 years ago. There isn't a day that I don't miss him. It's a void inside me that cannot be filled and it's tearing me apart.

  • Kildare by Kildare, Ireland
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad 10 months ago on the 8/3/2012. I'm only 13 years old (12 when he died) and I've a younger sister that's 10. My dad had 5 kids including me. My dad dying killed my family:/ I started cutting myself I was so upset and couldn't accept the fact my dad was gone :( my eldest brother (20) would never come out of his room my other sister (18) went out all the time my other brother (15) was never home me (12) started cutting and my little sister (Beth) took her anger and aggression out on me... My mam and dad where split up for ages when he died. I tried to commit suicide a few months ago I still think about doing it but I know it would really just kill everyone in my family to loose their sister/daughter after daddy dying. I went to counseling and I still have temptations to cut myself. :( I want my dad back even though I know he's never coming back <3 just still can't face the fact he's dead.

  • Amanda by Amanda, AR
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad almost 5 months ago, He passed away on August 3rd 2012 just 6 weeks before he died the Dr. told us he had liver cancer. Watching my daddy suffer like that was so heart breaking as I was a daddys girl. I miss him so very much so yes this poem really touched me.

  • Myrta by Myrta
  • 8 years ago

The poem truly touched my heart. I lost my dad to liver cancer too. The cancer spread to his heart where a tumor formed and blocked the flow of blood. Tomas Franco was his name. He passed away August 31, 2016. He fought this battle for years until the very end. The pain in my heart is unbearable. There were so many things locked in my heart that I wish I had told him, and now it's too late.

I miss him coming over almost every day, sitting in my chair and having long talks. We had differences but always got past them. He called me several times a week. Knowing that I can't see him or talk to him sitting in my chair hurts so much. I see his image there every day. It's so painful. I just hope that he knows how much I did love him. He was my rock and strength. I felt protected knowing he was there. My mom was always saying that he and I were so alike, workaholics and temperamental. I'm glad, however, that his pain is over, and I know that he is with our Lord watching over me.

  • Surina by Surina, Florida
  • 12 years ago

My dad died November 6 2012 and I was his little girl. This poem made me cry he wanted to get another kidney to spend more time with me and the doctor said everything was fine but he had a heart attack and I'm 10 and he loved me. He took me everywhere I miss him.

  • 8 years ago

My dad passed away in 2008 when I was 8 years old. I'm happy for the years I spent with him, but it hurts that he never saw me go to high school or take me to prom and walk me down the aisle. I miss him so much, but I know that the good Lord will never abandon me when I need him. I'm healing slower than I thought I would and get lost sometimes, but when I go down on my knees and talk to God, I know it's going to get better, but then I think to myself I was just a little girl who needed mommy and daddy's love. I'm so bitter because I feel like I was robbed of that childhood that every kid deserves.

  • Yonkers by Yonkers, Ny
  • 12 years ago

Dad passed away 1 year ago today 11/1/2011 & along with mom, brother, sisters & fam. we saw dad take his last breath. Dad was a great man & being an old school father the older he got the gentler he became. I got to be dad's teammate on our softball team & even got to hangout with dad at bars. However, family time at his apartment was special, his cooking was amazing & at times I'd sit on his couch & take a step away from myself & saw the way he was, he'd have 2 TVs on at once, 1 for himself, the other for his grandkids & played loud music all at once. He loved his family and got the same love in return. My dad lost his mom as a child and he had to care for his siblings. Dad I love and miss you. Anyone who knows Spanish should look up a song titled "Los Zapatos de mi Viejo" I've played it a thousand times & each time it becomes deeper and more special sort of like "Dance with my Father" the title in English is "My old man's shoes" and it goes out to all those who lost or still have your dads.

  • Claudia by Claudia, Australia
  • 12 years ago

It's been about two and a half years since he died. Since I watched my own Dad be taken by that cruel disease. Cancer. Everywhere. Spreading almost too quickly for me to say goodbye. My beautiful Dada. He didn't deserve this my family didn't deserve this. I was only eleven when it happened. I remember coming home from school the day I found out. Opening the front door & seeing my mums tear stained face. I asked her what was wrong and I knew it was daddy. He'd been sick for a while. We didn't know what it was, thought it was just a virus that he hadn't got over yet. Obviously we were wrong. Cancer cells. Everywhere. It was everywhere. I ran inside to daddy & hugged him so hard. I couldn't hold him tight enough. He held me tight too almost suffocating me, but to me he couldn't hold on tight enough. We just stood there. Tears streaming down our faces like never ending waterfalls. He told me it was OK that everything was going to be OK. That he would be fine and would get better. I was only eleven. I believed him. 3 months later and he was gone...

  • Wyllie Monteiro by Wyllie Monteiro, Newbedford MA
  • 12 years ago

My father died three years ago leaving me and my 3 years old sister. He died of skin cancer, I miss him so much I would do anything just to have here in this world just for my little sister because I know she misses him but she still doesn't understand. I remember one day she was crying because she wanted to see him she was telling our mother to bring her to the hospital because she wanted to see him so bad. Now I'm only 14 years old I've been through so much, when my father died people came over to see me, but after 1 month nobody bothered calling anymore my own family. One of my uncle treaded me so badly my family doesn't even call just to say hi, but here I am staying stronger than ever. I will make it in life hopefully, everytime I think of my father it makes me feel stronger and stronger. I just want to tell you wonderful people to keep your head up and remember everything happens for a reason, that God took away your father but he has a plan for you.

  • Sandra by Sandra, Houston
  • 12 years ago

My dad past away in 2001 and it hit me hard. I was 20 years old then. He was an alcoholic for as long I could remember. But that didn't take away from him being the best dad! He was always there for my sister and I when we needed anything. My only regret was not spending time with him for my mother would blackmail me and somewhat making me feel guilty for loving him. In 2000 he collapsed and went into a coma until he passed the following year? Till this day I can't get over the fact that I didn't give our relationship as father/daughter a chance. I hope he knows how much I love him and I too hope one day to be reunited with him. I love you so, so much daddy! The day you passed you took a piece of my heart!

  • Linda by Linda, Pembrokeshire
  • 12 years ago

This poem bought a lump to my throat, I too am the eldest, lost my father 1 year ago this coming Friday 19th October 2011 he was 70 years old, my father was a retired soldier and to the end fought his cancer bravely like one, never complained always had a smile and sense of humour. But sadly he lost the fight but now he is at peace, I miss him so much :(,the tears are flowing as I write this.....as he lay there he looked so peaceful, free from pain. I whispered my final words in his ear "I am so proud to be your daughter thank you for being my father". He may be gone but I will always carry loving memories forever in my heart, he was my rock and shoulder to cry on and voice of wisdom, he never judged, always saw the good in others .....on a low day I can still hear his voice as a twist of fate he left me a voice mail on my answering machine one day when he needed me, so when I need him I play the message with a tear and a smile :) knowing he will always be there.
xxx R.I.P dad xxx

  • Anthony Morgan by Anthony Morgan, Manchester UK
  • 12 years ago

My Dear Dad John Eric Morgan passed away 25 years ago today. He had a long suffering battle with cancer which he fought the best he could. He was my best friend and the best father I could have ever had. He is in my heart always and my love for him will never die. Rest in peace dad I send you my love on this date which you would have been 89.
Miss you Dad ;(((((((( Anthony xxxx

  • Shay by Shay, California
  • 12 years ago

I remember the day my dad passed. It was July 6th, 2010. I was nine. My dad had been in the hospital for about a week with a bad stomachache. He was very family-oriented, so naturally he wanted to come home as soon as possible. A few days before he had come home. On the 5th, he fell while walking to the restroom. He yelled, and I slept through it. My mother, however, heard him and called an ambulance. I was still asleep. My mom had to stay home with my sister and I, so she told him she would see him in the morning. She woke me up at about 7 in the morning and told me in a rush he had coded. He was in critical condition and she had to get there right then. So she dropped my sister and I off at my aunts house. She came back about an hour later. She walked in crying and just shook her head. I knew what had happened. Dad, if you can see this, its been about two years now and I miss you dearly. I wish you were here and mom aches to see you. I remember going to church with you where you volunteered. NO words can explain how much my heart aches for you. My last words to him were "Goodnight, Daddy. I love you." I am starting to cry now. You were such a good person, I still do not understand why you were taken away from me. No one will ever be able to patch the hole in my heart your death left me with.

  • Joelene Brown by Joelene Brown, South Africa
  • 12 years ago

My dad has passed away now it's seven months, I can still picture him sitting at his favourite place, some times it feels like he is gone fishing and I am still waiting for him to come back, I miss you daddy and wish that you had never left us. My baby was taken care of by my dad from the day she was born, she was his pride and joy, dad she misses you and always looking for you and thinks that you have gone to the shop and she is waiting your arrival, my mum misses him dearly, dad there is so much that is happening right now and if you were here I don't think any of these would take place. I ask myself every day why did it have to be my dad and why so quick you left us, daddy you promised you were always going to be with us, I love and miss you so much dad.

  • Brian by Brian, Peoria
  • 12 years ago

My dad passed away Aug, 2 2009. He was my true best friend, I lived next door to him and my mother for 16 years. I was with him on a daily basis .We built ( restored ) a 1926 model T and were working on a 1958 Ford Fairlane . We also worked a family business together for 20 years. We shared a lot of time together more than probably most father and sons did ! When he passed it crushed me. But we never know sometimes the reason close people are taking from us suddenly! I believe my Dad was taken to clear the path and ease the pain that was to come for my mother 18 months later . They were together 47 of my dads 66 years and my mothers 62 years of life! I still miss him like it was yesterday but when I ride my Harley I can feel the strength of him with me! I was in a motorcycle accident in Oct of 2011 which I believe could of killed me but He was with me that night and I walked away with minor injuries! I believe he is the reason I'm still here today. So everytime I ride which is often I play the one song that reminds me of him SUNDOWN !! Dad I love you and miss you dearly but I know now your there with mom!!! I will see you one day again!!!

  • Liz Emeka by Liz Emeka
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Dad on 19/July/1210, it's a day I will never forget. I saw him last on 13th of same month only to be told he was gone on that fateful day. I wakeup every Sunday morning hoping to see him coming back with those bags full of different items of gifts, and this causes clouds of never endings tears in my eyes always, those sweet words of his I couldn't hear anymore, I still feel I'm still asleep and hoping to wakeup; and there he is! Dad, your little Nne, promise to be that which you wants her to be and I know you are with God. I will see you again. these songs are for you-Ronan Keating, IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES, And Jesse Spencer, MOLLY SMILE. I LOVE YOU Dad!

  • Lee Ch by Lee Ch, Kuala Lumpur
  • 12 years ago

Nice poem and really relates to me at the moment.

I really miss him, and really regretted that I actually went out about half and hour before he died. I could have be there with him at his dying moment or could have just sent him to the hospital to revive him. But none of that was done.
I miss you dad, love you forever and would love to be your son again in the next life.

  • Bronwyn Mackie Dundee by Bronwyn Mackie Dundee
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad when I was 12. I'm 13 now and still everyday I think about him. He's never of my mind. Most nights I sit down look at photos of him I got my own box of pictures of him and I put on the song, mad world, his favorite song. My dad and my mum split up when I was 2 and when I was 10 I got to start seeing him again but only once every two weeks. I wish I had more memories with but the ones I have now I won't ever forget because and now he's gone. I just need to remember all the good things and I know he wouldn't want me to cry he would want me to be happy and I do miss him but I try not to cry because I now that would make him a happier person
R.I.P daddy I love you forever and ever
I'm you baby girl

  • Emily  Hamiltion by Emily Hamiltion
  • 12 years ago

I'm 14 but I was 13 when my dad died about 2 years ago, and I miss him so much everyday. He saved many peoples lives a day and was a well known man and a Hero by everyone in His town and out of Town and It was very hard on me more then anyone when he died cause a couple of days before he died we had got into a Really bad fight and the last thing I EVER said to my dad was I hate you. Everyday I go and sit at my dads grave. Never is there a day I'm not sitting there, and so now I use what happened as a lesson I tell to other people about how Important it is to tell your loved ones How much you love them and how much they mean to you!:) R.I.P. DAD<3 Love you.

  • Ishahha by Ishahha, Kuala Lumpur
  • 12 years ago

Thanks for the poem, it touched my heart. My dad left us 2 years ago but it felt like yesterday. Liver cancer made him so skinny and weak but he fought till the end. He was the bravest person in my life and I wish that I could be as brave and high-spirited as him. I feel weak when I miss him but he'll always be my strength to face the world. Sometimes, I sensed that he was looking at me from his world but I wanna see, hug and tell him how much I miss and love him. It tears me apart since I always thought dad would be the anchor on my big days but now, those dreams aren't really matter anymore.

Rest in peace daddy, I will always love and pray for you.

  • Manoj Pavitran Nair by Manoj Pavitran Nair
  • 12 years ago


I miss you very much. I am sorry that I wasn't near you. I should have listened to you about going together! I love you a lot.

Our Batman misses you every day and he has stopped asking for Chocolates (I mean sometimes). And you know how everything else is!!!

Your pride

  • Cyndy by Cyndy, Miami Fl
  • 12 years ago

My dad passed away from stage 4 lung cancer on April 17 2012 and it's the hardest thing I've ever had to go through. He was my rock, my everything. Reading the poem it brought tears to my eyes because it makes me realize how much he's going to miss. My college graduation, my wedding. I was his little girl and I spent every day with him except the day he died I had a final and I couldn't be at the hospital but getting that phone call was the scariest thing I've ever experienced and it's so fresh that writing and crying like a baby but I keep in mind that he's always going to be by my side rooting for me to follow in his footsteps and grow up to be the person he always wanted me to be rip daddy

  • Jessy Abraham by Jessy Abraham, Malaysia
  • 12 years ago

My beloved father G. Abraham s/o Gnaniah, taken by God on the 14.04.2012. He passed away in his sleep. He is 67 years old. Even on the 13.04.2012 I saw him and no sign of him leaving. He passed away on my second son's birthday. I named my second son as Elvin Abraham as I loved my father so much. Until this moment I could not believe that my father is no more with us. I visits his cemetery every Sunday. I cry almost all the day. If he could have say something before he leaves, that will be the greatest thing that God would have done for me. He is everything for me. Since young I am very close to my father compare to my mother. I love him so much. I miss him... Thank you for the poem.

  • Lisa by Lisa, St Paul
  • 12 years ago

I lost my father 6 months ago, I have wanted the best for him to be at peace with everything that he was going thru as he was the greatest father that anyone would ever had as a child/adult. The worst part was seeing him in the nursing home as I could not help him any more, seeing him comatose and realizing that he was near death that I had to do something about it as a daughter who was there through thick and thin. Seeing my brother go to prison for a year and arranging everything that was more less up to me and not knowing what to aspect in the long run as this was a DIFFICULT decisions that I had to make on my own, for my uncle left everything up to me. Realizing that I have gotten through another day with tears running down my cheeks and knowing that my dad is right near me at all given times, Dad I love and miss ypu so much and know I highly respect your wish that you in life for me as I am seeing the light and knowing where I am going the be going in the future....Thank you !

  • Pamela by Pamela, CA
  • 12 years ago

My dad passed away 9 months ago he had Lung Cancer. He had a pulmonary embolism the infections couldn't control then, he finally gave up.
I had more to say but every time I talked about him I always get choked up. The pain, the sorrow still lingers. I can't continue my story but I really love the poem.....

  • Rosalind Jarrett Bain by Rosalind Jarrett Bain
  • 12 years ago

I lost my father my best friend on 9/13/08 although we knew the end was near we weren't prepared for this heartbreak... You see I'm his first born, a daddy's girl I loved everything about him. He was perfect for me. So fortunate to have had in my life 47 yrs of my life. Happy Fathers Day again Daddy...Truly missed

  • Daddy's Little Girl by Daddy's Little Girl
  • 12 years ago

My dad died 7 seven years ago from cancer, I was only 10 years old he was best fried and not a day goes by that I don't think of him. I would give absolutely anything to see him again. I cry at night alone in my bed and I talk to him, I tell him what he's missing and how much better everything would be if he was here. I talk to him about my problems because even though he's not here I still trust him more than anybody. I stay strong during the day for my family and everybody else, not letting them know how hurt I am. On special days like his birthday and fathers day I buy a card, write him a letter, tie it to a balloon and let it go, it takes my love up to him so that he knows that I will never forget or stop missing my bestfriend, my hero, my daddy.

  • David by David
  • 12 years ago

Lost my brilliant Dad and best friend in June 2008 to pneumonia. Will never get over the loss of the best friend I ever had .

  • Jade by Jade
  • 12 years ago

I never really had a good friendship with my dad. The last time I saw him when I was five year old. I have a really good life but there's something missing. It was like a hole in my heart that needs to be filled with love from my dad. He got remarried when my mum and dad split up. He has three children with my step mum. I always try to hide my feelings. When I go for a walk sometime I see little girls with their dad feeding the ducks I wish I did that. One day I get a phone call saying that my dad is ill and if I wanted to see him we could I didn't know what to do. Some days I think I go and see him the other days I said no he was never there for me. I knew one day in my life I was going to see him when I was older with all my sisters and brother. So I made up my mind and I was going to see him. So we all planed it and going to see him on a Monday about 2 mins before we left we get a phone call saying that my dad died at seven in the morning. I wish I had the change to see him alive. All that hate just went away you cannot stay mad at someone your whole life you have to face the fact . I miss you dad .x

  • Norwalk by Norwalk, Ca
  • 13 years ago

I had lost my dad to death 9 years ago on January 16, 2003. I was 5 years old, I was the oldest & then there was my little brother who had barely knew him, or even how he looked. My dad was 24 years old, he was a construction worker, working at a parking garage near the queen marry. Him and his co-worker were alone on the 4th story. The elevator shaft was open with no elevator, empty as a dark soul. Next thing he knew he was falling down staring up, waiting for the floor to occur. But 40 ft was a long way down. It was 7:15 a.m. Thursday morning, you never expect these things to happen on just a typical morning. Or any morning. With that fall he showed minimal signs of life & massive trauma injuries & so had died that morning just after 11 a.m. I never really thought of him leaving me at ANY time, but then again I was 5 years old so I had no idea what was happening, or what had happened...Till this year, at 14 I finally find out what had truly happened that day & why he's not here with me!♥

  • Shanna Mahoney by Shanna Mahoney, Rhode Island
  • 13 years ago

My dad passed away May 4, 2011, he was only 52 years old. He died way to young and way too fast. We found out he had cancer in march 2011. It spread way to fast, by May 4th he past away at 5:30 pm. The cancer spread way to fast they couldn't do any for it. He didn't even get to enjoy the house he and my mom bought 16 months earlier. Cancer doesn't care who it is that it's taking and who else it's gonna hurt. I was taking life for granted and the passing of my dad has opened up my eyes. To every one love your family and friends, spend as much time with them as you can because we are not promised tomorrow.

  • Mia by Mia, Sydney
  • 13 years ago

My Dad died on the third of February 2008, I was seven years old, it's only been a few days since his anniversary, I wish I could've been closer to him, we were close, but looking back I wish I could've been closer, generally we only ever played cards and chess at night, he was a musician, so he worked from home, but that meant he was often busy, I can't remember hating him but I'm sure I did at some point in time, and I regret it, even if I can't remember. Everyone should cherish the time that they have with their loved ones.

  • Beauty by Beauty, Nigeria
  • 13 years ago

Dad left the world four days after my 19th birthday on Dec 26th 2005 at the age of 46, He died in a fatal accident he had with his own car. I was his 1st child. It was too painful but God knows everything......

  • Jenny Burbidge by Jenny Burbidge
  • 13 years ago

My Dad left us on the 26th June 2011. I am gutted, I too was his first born and a definite Daddy's girl. Every day is a constant battle with grief. Sometimes a vivid memory comes into my mind and I have to push it away because the hurt is so deep, I cannot cope with the memories yet. I know I will get there as people do. But it is awful. For the lady Joyce Smith above, I truly feel for you it must be awful watching your grandchild so sad, as coping with your own grief. My heart goes out to you. Try Winston's Wish website they might be able to help you. xxx

  • Texas by Texas
  • 13 years ago

Well I lost my dad when I was 13! 3 years ago! he wasn't my real dad but if you ask me he'll always be my one and only daddy((=!! he was not just a dad but he was also a best friend <3!

One day he came back from work and he had a huge cut on his head! He had gone to the hospital and had gotten 32 stitches. He seemed perfectly fine to everyone. We would ask him if it hurt and he said it didn't! He was a strong person and wouldn't express his feelings. Well that was the last day I got to see him alive! That night he went to sleep and he never woke up! When my mom went to go check on him he was gone! She stared screaming for my name! and when I walked in her room he was just laying there cold and peaceful!

  • Joyce Smith by Joyce Smith
  • 13 years ago

On March 15, 2011 my 32 yrs old son shot his ex-girlfriend in the head then did the same to her two children age 6 and 8 then committed suicide. His child was 2 yrs old. She now cries for her daddy and says she loves him so much. We have told her he is in the sky flying, but she can't see him. What can we do when she cries wanting her daddy and wants wings so she can fly with him. She will be 3 March 12, 2012

  • Casey by Casey, MN
  • 13 years ago

My mother called me the evening before Thanksgiving of 2011 to say that my Dad had the flu and was not making much sense. I thought I should spend that night at their house to make sure it was nothing serious and help Dad get back on his feet. The next day our Thanksgiving was spent at the E.R., and what was suppose to be a minor stroke turned into a massive aneurysm with my Dad dying three days later. I still cannot express or define my grief and it is a truly weird time in my life. Your poem is a great help and I thank you.

  • Anna by Anna, Tn
  • 13 years ago

This truly brought uncontrollable tears to my eyes. I can't believe how much I related to this. It was like every line was meant for me.. My dad pasted away this November, three long, sorrow filled months ago.. Thank you for sharing this, I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. RIP Troy <3

  • Anna by Anna, TN
  • 13 years ago

My dad just died almost nine months ago. I am 13 years old. One day I was spending the night at my sisters house and I got the worst call ever. My mother told me my dad died. I was sitting there screaming "NO, NO!!!" at the top of my lungs. We went to the hospital to see him. He died during his 11th dialysis treatment. In the hospital I opened the curtain, and then I saw his dead body laying there. I sat in there and held his hand for a good while. Now still to this day I always cry myself to sleep, the pain is very strong. Although I know he is in a better place, I will miss him and love him forever. No matter what. I love you Daddy...

  • Liane by Liane, England
  • 13 years ago

I lost my father on the 26/03/2010 and this poem really touched me. I relate so much to it I was his first born and even though towards the end he lived far away I visited as much as I could and rang him everyday. I just hope he is proud of me, I sometimes feel I could of been a better daughter but I hope the daughter I was filled his life with joy. I miss him everyday and still go to ring him even now :(

  • Shelly by Shelly, Malaysia
  • 13 years ago

My dad passed suddenly 2 years ago. It's really sad when I saw your poem. I never got to say goodbye to my beloved dad. I really do miss him a lot.
Your beloved daughter <3

  • Maygan by Maygan, Niagara Falls
  • 13 years ago

My dad died when I was 5 and now my older brother thinks it is his fault but my dad had bad cancer. I am 12 now and it really hurts to not have a dad. Mom yells at me and my brother a lot so my brother moved out and I barely get to see him. I never got to say goodbye to my dad. The last time I saw him he was being rushed down the stairs on a gurney and when I heard he died my mom would ignore me everytime I wanted to go say good bye to him. I am still his little girl but I just can't live with out having a dad for the rest of my life I want my dad back

rest in peace donnie bensch
I will always be my daddys little girl <3

  • Lisa by Lisa, Ontario
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad on December 15, 2010 due to complications from Pneumonia. I never thought I would lose my dad at such a young age. Watching my dad in the hospital for two weeks, I had so much hope that he was going to make it. Hardest part is I didn't get to say goodbye to him. He was in a sedated coma. Miss you so much dad! Almost a year that you have been gone and not one day I don't think of you! <3 I will always be your little girl!

  • Kirra-Aj Hippi-Nean. by Kirra-Aj Hippi-Nean.
  • 13 years ago

My dad past away 2 days ago he was my best friend I told him everything. He was the person I turned to all the time. Only last week we had the time of our lives with the whole family. I just wish that I could bring him back he was only 37. I was the youngest daughter.

  • Jillian Greener by Jillian Greener, New York
  • 13 years ago

On December 29th 2007 I lost my father to suicide. I had just turned 15 2 months prior to losing him. I was coming home from a friends house around 11:30pm and when I pulled up into my driveway there were about 14 cars parked. Immediately I was freaking out but did not expect what I was told. I remember that day like it was yesterday, I remember the anger, the sorrow, the pain, the hurt, the feelings of betrayal. Just remember, the pain never goes away; it just gets easier to deal with. all of our fathers are looking down on us. I know it sucks, but think of it as a reaaaaally long vacation. You will see them one day <3

  • Anna by Anna, Cz
  • 13 years ago

I lost my daddy this year in February at age 11. He had lung cancer, was 50... The point is I miss him and cry days and nights. Daddy, I miss you and will love you forever

  • Aangel Iqubal by Aangel Iqubal
  • 13 years ago

A lot of people passed away too early...without a reason...when we look at the sky we like the thought that they look back at us. We remember them often...in the morning, in the night, when we look at the stars...a date...a song...a place...a smell...in memory of those who left us... I know your watching down on us from heaven...♥ kisses your little Musibaat.

  • Rana by Rana, Lebanon
  • 13 years ago

I Lost my father years back..21 years ago. I was 16..his death shattered my world. I had never before imagined that it would happen..to me he as immortal..a rock..and then he was gone..will it ever go away..the pain..whenever I hear his name..whenever a father dies??

  • Kaitlin by Kaitlin, United Arab Emirates
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad 5 months ago. It's almost 6 months on September 7th. He died on March 7th 2011. I am only 13 years old and today is his birthday. I am just browsing the web looking for nice poems and I thought this was a lovely poem but something's just aren't me in it. I am the last born but I am his little girl.
I really do miss him but I believe that God has a great plan for us. Everyone has a time.
I am really sorry to all of you who have lost your father as I did.
Stay strong <3

  • Leanne by Leanne, Uk
  • 13 years ago

Sat here in tears, my Dad passed away suddenly on September 4th 2010 (Heart Attack) coming up to a year now really don't know where the time has gone! I Remember the moment I found out I was on holiday felt completely useless as couldn't get home to my family. As I sit here now I still cant believe he has gone, but I know he'll watch over me for the rest of my life and the memories I have of him will live on forever in my heart. R.I.P My Darling Dad xxxxx

  • Danny by Danny
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad on the 6th of May. I still think of that day as I come home from work at 5 and getting ready for my next job at 6 at half past 5 my dad came down stairs and said he had chest pain he got rushed to hospital and I was with him the whole time and he past away at 7-15. Since he as been gone we have had his birthday, fathers day and my mum and dad anniversary and as each day goes by it doesn't get any better.. This was lovely xxxxxx

  • Tink by Tink, Manchester
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad around 2 years ago, I was 15 when I lost him. For the past 2 years I have always felt like it was my fault. He had a op on his leg a week before he passed, a week later he collapsed at home. When he got to hospital he was diagnosed that he had a blood clot. My family and I went home to collect his crutches and clothes and went back to the hospital. When we got there my dad was relieved as I had brought his crutches and he needed a wee. I gave them him. On the way back from the loo he collapsed :( and things went pare shaped from there :'(. I can't help but think. If I hadn't given him the crutches maybe he still would be here :(

  • Shirish Sardeshpande by Shirish Sardeshpande, Pune
  • 13 years ago

It is half past midnight that I am reading and rereading this beautiful poems and later all related stories. I am a gentleman. My both parents are with me. Yet I have not been able to control my tears...! I have 6 years old daughter. I can't imagine of her reaction if she reads this poem in the morning! The poem is really beautiful & other stories published too are touching! My heart really goes out for all you my dear sisters...! But we all know that now the father is with the God, He is surely watching us and thinking of us from there!

  • Emily by Emily, Southwest
  • 13 years ago

Beautiful poem, and comments, I lost my dad 8 months ago, and its his birthday tomorrow, so I was looking for a suitable poem. \He died of cancer aged just 55.
Your forever in my heart dad, I know your watching over me.

  • Sarah Wilson by Sarah Wilson
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad when I was only 6, but the memories I did have with him will stay with me for ever. I didn't really know my old man but the day he died was the saddest day of my life. I ask my mum and my uncle a lot of questions about my dad because I want to know more about him. he was the best dad I could of ever asked for and I will never forget him . I love you daddy <3 <3 <3 <3

  • Jadee by Jadee, England
  • 13 years ago

Hi I'm Jadee. My dad died on 2nd September 2011 I am 14 now and he died when I was 14. It was one time when I was at the cinemas with my friends and we weren't going to school and my mum went and saw my dad and my mum rang me up and said Jadee I need to talk to you. I said one min mum and hung up the phone because we were taking a photo and then a bit after she rang me back again and I went outside because I couldn't hear nothing and my mum said 'he's gone; and I said 'who's gone?' and she said your dad has gone' I didn't talk for about 3 minutes I didn't know what to say because he was in hospital and the day before I saw him and he could hardly talk and I burst into tears in the hospital because he wasn't talking and the day after he died and my mum just started saying Jadee and I just stood still and all my friends was inside and I went back in and stuttering saying no you're lying and I had a breakdown in the middle of everyone.

  • Jen by Jen, England
  • 13 years ago

Today is 3 months since my dad died (April 18th 2011) suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 65. This poem just brought more tears to my eyes. I miss him everyday.

  • Yahonabi by Yahonabi
  • 13 years ago

It's been five months since my dad passed away, it was on February 6 the night he passed away. He died because somebody beat him to death. and it is so hard for me to deal with, till this day, the person that did it never gone to prison or anything happen to him and I'm pissed off about that. My dad was 50 years old and his birthday December 22. I miss and love him so much that I want to be with him wherever he is. I love you dad! =(

  • Jann Franz by Jann Franz
  • 13 years ago

I lost my father when I was 15 years old, 3 years and 8 months have now passed and still justice have never been served for my father's death. he didn't die with an accident nor disease, someone shoot him twice on his way to his office. I miss him so much and cry almost every night. I felt disappointed because he left me in the middle of my journey, yet I'm still thankful even though he's gone, my family still there to stand beside me in behalf of him. If God can only allow my request to bring him back here on earth and be with me on the day of my graduation so I can show to him my diploma, the fruit of his sacrifices. I miss you so much Pa, I love you.

  • Megan by Megan
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad when I was 3, 10 years have now passed and I'm 13, I miss him so much and cry every night. I get so frustrated because I can't remember him, I just want him back so much, this poem is so true, my heart is so raw still, and if I talk about him in public (which I never do) then I could only call him daddy, its weird calling him anything else,
love you so much and want you home so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Jennifer by Jennifer, Albuquerque
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad just over a month ago on May 3rd 2011, my heart breaks everyday, I can't stop thinking about him or stop crying. Time heals all just is not a comfort right now and with fathers day just passing my world is just a mess. My sister and I can't talk on the phone and avoid each other just to prevent from pouring salt on open wounds and it seems all I do is make my mom cry when I talk to her. No words comfort, he never woke up for us to say good bye and I'm just sick over it. I miss him so much.

  • Chloe by Chloe, Ireland
  • 13 years ago

It's Father's Day here and all these comments have moved me to tears. I lost my dad on March 28th 2011 and I am only 12. He was only 47. I am so grateful to have known him and I cry every day. I am grateful that my mum is still alive. LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU DADDY FOREVER XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx

  • Guyana by Guyana
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad in 2002 June 14th... I remember that day like it was yesterday... I received a call, someone at the other end of the telephone line telling my daddy is no more... I wish I was dead too when I first heard... I just stop breathing for a moment and I guess my heart stop beating also.. no one was at home with me at the time I received the call my world was around I had a heavy feeling in my stomach.... I am his eldest and only boy... All memories of my daddy just flashed in my mind like a movie.... It was the hardest and saddest day of my life... I miss and love you daddy so much... Sleep well until we meet again someday...

  • Lady Emz by Lady Emz
  • 13 years ago

In the sunsets of October 20 2010, I went to do shopping for my daddy's food and my nieces food. He was sick at the time without doubting he is leaving me and my mom and my 19 siblings that sunset. He was laid at my grandparents house because my mom wanted him to be there to make things easier. So right when I dropped the groceries at our house, the phone rang and it was my brother calling for me to come down immediately. So I could not waited anymore I started the engine and rushed down. When I got at where my dad was at my whole family was there crying. I was breaking down about to fall when I saw him laying without saying anything else. I cried so hard that I could not breath so I went out to catch some air for seconds and came back in. I saw him took his last breath in his living life and his heart stops beating after his last breath. It was the most saddest day of my life. This poem is healing the wounds but it will never be the same. I love and miss you daddy!

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad last month he died due to cancer in front of my eyes in the hospital. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was shocked for a week, I didn't talked to anyone, I always stay alone in his room and smell his clothes and see his pictures. It really hurts and I really miss him so much since the day of his death I still cry every night, he was the best father.

my name is Sarah and I'm just 13 to young but what shall I do it's destiny :'( I really do miss him

  • Kishma by Kishma, NY
  • 13 years ago

My dad died when I was 6 months old ; I hardly know what its like to have a dad or even call someone dad. But my mother is very strong and I'm soooo thankful for her :)

  • Lisa by Lisa, Winter Haven
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad 3 weeks ago when he had a massive stroke, blood clot to the brain, I was given 31 hours after this to be at his side while in the hospital, he could speak to me, and tell me he loved me, I told dad I wasn't ready for him to stop being my dad yet, he uttered, "I'm not gone", approximately 30 minutes later he was sweating profusely. I ran to and from the sink with a cold rag to comfort his face and he said "that feels nice, please keep doing that", within a few minutes he was sent to intensive care. My daddy never woke up again after that, he was in a coma and my mom, brother and nephew stayed by his bed. My dad was an amazing man he was honest, hard working, funny, loving, sensitive, intelligent, articulate and he was a leader. My mom is a mess, he died a week before their 42nd anniversary. I cry every morning when I wake- I was lucky to have him in my life. He made me. I love you dad, I'm sorry I didn't tell you enough. Sadness I feel every day knowing I can't talk to you again.

  • Kristie by Kristie, Louisiana
  • 13 years ago

My father has died but lives on in my heart. I was young and my mother took me and my siblings into the guidance at school, I was excited, because when we went to the guidance it usually meant we get a treat, but I would trade that for anything in the world. My mother held my brother as she said "your dad can't come get you this summer". I was so hurt I cried and said "where is my daddy!" My mom looked hurt and cried saying he was with our little brother in heaven, that's when I felt the full force of losing the one man I thought would always be in my life, people say it will get easier but they are wrong.....it only hurts more.

  • Jayme by Jayme
  • 13 years ago

My dad died on his 60th birthday ..
September 27 1950 - September 27 1950 ..
Since he has passed away nothing has ever been the same ..
Nothing will ever be the same ..
He was my bestfriend .. I loved/love him to death ..
I know your up in heaven watching over me ..
And one day we will be back together <3
I miss when you used too hold my hand and talk too me ..
I miss hearing your voice everyday ..
At least you're not sick anymore ..
I miss and love you lots <3 ;3 <3 :)

  • Melissa by Melissa
  • 13 years ago

My dad died nearly 6 years ago when I was 8 years old. The saddest day of my life, and my brothers. It was meant to be his birthday. He died 21.10.2005 and every year since the is hell. He had liver and kidney failure and the doctors didn't do enough. This poem made me cry so much but every comment made me feel I'm not alone but I know this is only half the story.

  • Jalisa by Jalisa, Atlanta
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad yesterday. The pain is so intense. I am so angry, it's not fair. He was only 50. I am 20, I cry as I type knowing he will never see me get married or be at my college graduation. I am angry at this sick existence we all call life. What pleasure do I get knowing that everything around me will pass. I can't help but think one day I will go through the same thing with my mother. I can't stand it anymore, I don't want to breath. I hate that I can't do anything to make it better. He will be gone for the rest of my life and I will never talk or smell his scent again. I wish I was dead with him too.

  • Sam Smith by Sam Smith
  • 13 years ago

Dad I know you can here me when I say I love you and I should have made the most of the time I had with you. Its been a month now but the first few day you were gone I didn't shed one tear. But a bit of time has past and the pain is really kicking in and I have been crying every night for the past two weeks. I find it hard to look at the pictures of you because I'll burst out crying I miss you with all my heart and I love you so much dad I hope to see you again one day. Love from your 16 year old lad samboy as you loved calling me, love you dad xxx

  • Caitlyn by Caitlyn, Oklahoma
  • 13 years ago

My father passed away Jan. 26th 2006. I was his first born child. He only has two daughters. I was 12 or 13 when he passed away. Every single day, I think of what he could've done to save himself. Every single day I wonder why he didn't? My father is way better off in Heaven, I just wish he wouldn't have went so quickly, and while I was so young. I was/am daddy's girl. So it hit me the hardest!

  • Florida by Florida
  • 13 years ago

My dad died two months ago. Even though we weren't close it still hurt me a lot. It was 13 days after my 14th birthday that my mom came home from work and she told me my dad had been in a bad trucking accident and it killed him. I was his first daughter. I have a year old sister who will never know our father and every time I think about that I feel like I'm going to just break down and cry for hours. The hardest part about everything is I was talking to him the weekend before. I never thought I would lose my father at a young age. I didn't think I would be one of those kids.

  • Chicago Il by Chicago Il
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad when I was 9. July 25,2002. I don't remember anything and I wish I could. This poem really touched my heart. Well, all of our fathers are in a better place HEAVEN! :)

  • Orel by Orel, California
  • 13 years ago

My dad passed away in June of '08. For a long time I suppressed my emotions, and after all this time they've become too much to bear. I am so sad and lost without him, he was truly the only person I had unwavering love for. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Life doesn't seem worthwhile without him..... I just don't know how much longer I can go on..

  • Lina Notte by Lina Notte
  • 14 years ago

I lost my father 6 months before my wedding, 8 years ago. The fact that he died was the hardest thing I ever went thru. My father was my rock, my life, a part of me died since he left. I miss him everyday. I was his little girl. He never will see my children and I will never feel his warm hugs and kisses again. This poem really touched my heart.

  • Tiffany by Tiffany, Kentucky
  • 14 years ago

My daddy died Jan. 6th 2011. His birthday was yesterday, March. 15th, 2011. Although you cannot see him, I haven't been here alone. My daddy had the worst type of brain cancer you could ever have. #1 of the 120 types there is. Out of the 6-9 months he was supposed to live, he lived 10 months. I'm just 12 years old, my sister 16, my brother 20, and my half sister 25. We never thought this day would come, but when it did, we were still not ready. I ache for a day when I can see him again. I love him so much and I hate living without him. I still pass his house and almost walk up to it, but then I remember. I will never live past that day, that horrible day. I miss my daddy. RIP Chris Borden!<3

  • Rose by Rose, Pennsylvania
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad about a month ago, February 2, 2011 he passed. :( I was crying reading this. My dad passed away of a sudden heart attack. The day before he passed they had to shock him at the hospital because of his heart. after that, his heart was in perfect rhythm. I can't believe he's gone and I keep feeling like I want to go back to the hospital and he will be there, just sitting there waiting for me and I know he's not going to be there. I was his first born child and this means a lot. I have a sister but she was actually miscarried...So he can see her now but I never did. :( We are devastated. He was 39, going to be 40 this year. I just don't know why he passed away. His heart stopped I guess and then it just made him pass away! :( I wish he could be brought back. I love this poem, I shared it on Facebook as well. <3

  • Mariah by Mariah, MN
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad when I was 5 months old, he died in a car crash. I never got to meet him, he was 22 years old his name was John Ratajek. my mother says I look just like him. it really sucks not knowing your father, who he is and what his favorite things were. I wish he was here today with me. But he is in a better place, and some day I will meet him again.

  • Emily by Emily, North Carolina.
  • 14 years ago

I lost my wonderful and amazing daddy only eight months ago. I was fourteen then, but I'm fifteen now. He passed away on 5-30-10, 21 days after his birthday. We have so little things of him because my family isn't the family with tons of pictures around the house of each other. We did give his clothes to my auntie who's making a quilt out of all his t-shirts. So we can wrap ourselves up in him<3 It's so hard being fifteen and not having a father. My daddy was everything, he did all the cooking and cleaning, and talked to us mostly. I don't ever talk to my mom cause she's always away on trips for work. I miss him dearly, and reading this poem made me feel relived to know I'm not the only one who felt this way(: God bless you, my thoughts and prayers be with you.

  • Patricia by Patricia, Edmonton Alberta
  • 14 years ago

My Dad died in October of 1969. He was 1 month from his 60th birthday and I had just turned 6 years old. I was the one who was with him when he had a heart attack. He tried to make me leave to go get my Mom. I tried to find my Mom and couldn't. I went back to my Dad and had already passed away. We were in a store when this happened. I remember how horrible the pain was. I was immediately taken away and not allowed to attend his funeral. My Mom was so sad she couldn't cope. her family placed me in foster care. Not a day went by that I didn't cry for my Dad. He was the most loving and gentle man and I was always his special girl. No one ever explained what happened and where my Dad was. It has been over 40 years since my Dad passed away and I missed him as much as the last time I was with him. When I see his picture I cry. It is very difficult. the poem is beautiful and made me think of him. :)

  • Janet by Janet, Fl
  • 14 years ago

My dad died a few years ago. His birthday is in two days. I can't stop crying at night and everything I do reminds me of him. I spent today going through his old race car mini models. I miss him so much.
Your poem really deeply touched me. Thank you. No one could have put it in better words.

  • Janice by Janice, Chesterfield
  • 14 years ago

My Dad died on the 1st of January 2011, so unexpected after suffering a heart attack on boxing day. For a week we travelled to see him in hospital where each day he grew stronger. Then the telephone call on new years day to say he was critical, on arrival to hospital we were told he had died. I have never felt so much pain in my life. its been the worst thing I have ever been through in my life. I'm crying now reading all these tributes but I've found some comfort knowing others feel what I'm feeling. I miss my dad so much, I seen him every day and he was my rock. I just don't know when this pain will go. I hope one day we meet again, I pray for my mother who was married to him for 52 years, god only what she truely feels, but she puts a brave face on for her children, I just wish I could have said goodbye. I wish I could give him a big kiss and say I love you, my darling dad I love you with all my heart , until we meet again your devoted daughter xxxxx

  • April Gabad by April Gabad, PH
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad 5 years ago, but the pain still there. I cried like a baby while reading this poem. I am the youngest and daddy's little girl and he is my bestfriend. whenever I saw his picture or anything that will remind me of him it really breaks my heart and cant help but cry. I miss him so much that I would give everything just to see him again. I love you tatay!!! I love you and I will always be your proud daughter.. thank you for the person who wrote this poem, may god bless you.

  • Sharon by Sharon, Fl
  • 14 years ago

I lost my father, my role model on January 14, 2011. He died of an aneurysm. We were not prepared, since he was a healthy man, but I guess God has a better plan for him. I'm full of anger and pain knowing that my little baby girl won't enjoy her grandfather. He would come see her everyday after work and on the weekends too. I miss him terrible and hope that he is looking over us. I was also his first born, his little girl...
Thank your this poem

  • Loudon NH by Loudon NH
  • 14 years ago

I lost my Dad July 3, 2010, he was my best friend, my wingman, we worked together in our family business for 28 years. Not a moment goes by that I don't wish I could hear his voice, his laugh or look him in the eyes and see him looking back. I miss his life stories, his lessons, our routine. I will always cherish every second I had with you Dad you will always be my hero. I will forever love you and miss you from your #3 daughter. Thank you for this poem.

  • Romance by Romance, CA
  • 14 years ago

This poem touch my heart. I lost my papa 2 years ago tomorrow. I was the first one born and only one, papa's little girl. He died in a house fire back where I am from. My aunt called me and had to give me the news. I had just got done talking to him 2 weeks prior and couldn't believe it. Even though we were so far away, we were working on our relationship and I loved him so much. Thank you for writing this poem, I couldn't have done it any better.

  • Lightning by Lightning, Australia
  • 14 years ago

My dad had a heart attack and my brother had to resuscitate him and keep him alive until the ambulance arrived. It was such a shock seeing him so lifeless I remember his slipper coming of during all the trauma and remember putting it on so his feet wouldn't get cold. Dad was in a coma for a while but recovered 2 months later. He had to learn how to eat and walk, he was ready to come home from hospital when we got a call to say he had pneumonia then two days later he passed away. We got the call and rushed to be with him but was stuck in peak traffic and didn't make it. I never missed a day that I didn't go to hospital for those months, And every now and then I still go there I feel closer to him there and I still expect to see him. He went through so much pain but stayed strong, I'm selfish but I want him back I want him to walk me down the isle when I get married and be a grandpa one day, he would of been the greatest. I will love you forever dad from your number 1 daughter. Beautiful poem.

  • Jami by Jami, Louisiana
  • 14 years ago

I am only 12 years old and my daddy died October 28th, 2010 a day after my little brother's 7th birthday. He died with an Aneurysm in the hospital. It is very hard losing a dad at a very young age. I love him today, tomorrow, and forever.

  • Eirini by Eirini, Greece
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad nearly a month ago (26/11/2010, brain cancer) It's Christmas and it hurts... I was his firstborn too and this poem made me burst into tears. I miss him so much that I feel I don't have the strength to move on with my life. It breaks my heart knowing that he'll never be here with us again but I hope that we meet one day. I will always love him/miss him...

  • Kanika by Kanika, New Delhi
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad 6 months ago.. he made my conscience strong.. I feel am guided in all that I'm doing but I miss him.. miss him for what he was and all I want to say is I'm sorry to have hurt you with my silly things and want to thank you for making us a good human being.. love you loads :)

  • Jamie Smith by Jamie Smith
  • 14 years ago

This poem makes me cry. I lost my dad two days ago and I lost my mom when I was 1,5 10 years ago. I feel like they were both way to young and I'm going to miss my dad so much, when I read this I cried so hard. Good poem it has lots of feeling to it thanks

  • Bethany by Bethany, Pittsburgh
  • 14 years ago

My dad passed away in February of 2010. I was there with him when he passed and held his hand. It was a day that I will never forget. I was his little girl and princess, as he was there for me in good times and bad. I think of my dad each and every day and wish I could hold his hand and tell him I love him just one last time!!

  • Doug by Doug, Rochelle
  • 14 years ago

I lost my father four months ago. I have good days and bad. I can't stop thinking about him. It happened so fast, wish I could have had one more conversation with him, but since I can't, I guess that's why all the ones we do have must count now. I liked your poem because it reminds me that others are missing their fathers, too. Thank you.

  • Amber by Amber, Ca
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad on September 26th, 2010. he was diagnosed with cancer in August and a month later passed away. I'm fourteen and not a day goes by that I don't regret spending every minute with him. I love you, daddy.

your baby girl.

  • Summer by Summer
  • 14 years ago

My dad lost his battle to cancer 5 years ago and went to be with the Lord. Even though 5 years have passed, time doesn't heal all wounds. My dad was my best friend, my rock , my everything and I can't wait until I am reunited in heaven with him. I love you dad!

  • Jodit by Jodit, Munich
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad more than a month ago. I was at school when I had a call from my sister telling me that I have to urgently fly home. She said dad had an accident and was really sick. I couldn't believe it all. I have talked with him like 2 days before and we had one of those great daughter-dad talks. Shocked with what I've heard, I flew home that very day wondering what must have really happened to dad. It never occurred to me for a second that he would be gone or even anything close to that. To my wildest horror, I was welcomed to a house full of people where my dad's coffin was placed in the middle of the room. I crashed. I couldn't breath. It felt like some sort of wild dream. I was hitting myself hard to wake up. I still have nightmares about that. I just cannot believe that my dad, my person, my hero..is just gone like that. We had tons planned. I miss him terribly. I just don't know how I'm ever gonna get used to the reality of his absence. I totally feel your poem. Wanna dedicate it to my dad too.

  • Elizabeth Conrad by Elizabeth Conrad, Ohio
  • 14 years ago

My dad died August 27, 2009 of melanoma. I have a 5 year old sister with down syndrome that doesn't understand. 2 weeks before my dad died both my grandpas had heart attacks. One crashed his car and died. The other one was revived and in the hospital for my dads funeral. That whole month was the worst month I've ever had. I'm 18 getting ready to graduate and I'm trying to still find out what to do to help my family. Your poem touched me and I almost burst into tears reading it. You are a very gifted poem writer.

  • Tricia by Tricia, Ontario Canada
  • 14 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing. I lost my dad April 7/2010. Massive heart attack and received a call at work that has changed my life forever. I can totally relate to the words you have chosen ,when I could not.

  • Sunayana by Sunayana, Delhi
  • 14 years ago

We lost our dad two years ago on this day - 2nd of September, 2008. Since then life has never been the same. We miss sharing our daily life stories that he always loved to hear. It would give him immense happiness whenever he heard his daughters laughed. His dreams about life are the driving force to all of us.

Dad - your chidiya (sparrows - birds) miss you very much. Love you lots...

  • Angie by Angie, NY
  • 14 years ago

I lost my father also. He was taken from me on August 8, 2010. He was my hero and my bestfriend. I also wish I could have a few more minutes to spend with him, to find out the direction he would have pointed me in or even what to do next. He was my rock, my father always helped me through the times that were tough. Now that he's gone, I feel like I'm missing a huge piece of myself, that I will never get back. Thank you for writing this poem it really helped me. R.I.P daddy 8.8.10

  • Denise by Denise, Gogama ON Canada
  • 14 years ago

Your poem really touched me, Daddy died on July 16/ 1995 wishing he could be here for my Wedding, Aug 28, 2010....My life has not been the same since I lost him...I wish I could hear his voice, feel his strong arms around me hugging me, seeing his smile. I miss him every single day.

I love you always.
Daddy's little Girl.

  • Adria by Adria, Montreal
  • 14 years ago

Your poem really touched me, my dad died June 3rd, the hardest 2 months of my life, since that horrible phone call in the middle of the night. I rushed to be there, but he was gone, and I still can't believe it. He was so kind and always thought of others before himself. So unexpected, I'm still in a daze, a horrible dream, I keep praying to wake up. I wish I had 1 more minute with him, to tell him that I loved him and thank him for being the best father.
Rest in Peace Daddy.

  • Irene by Irene, Dunnellon FL
  • 14 years ago

I too received this call, I lost my dad on June 12 2010, he left us to be back with our mom, she passed 4 years ago, he went into depression, I completely understand this poem, it really touched me, there are times when I feel good, then the hard times, I just go blank and crawl into my box, I miss his laughter, and goofy story's, he was a great father, grandfather and husband, I just wish I knew when I put him to bed and drove off to work that it would be his last day here, how I would of been by his side that day, telling him how much I love him and thanking him for being who he is. The only thing that gets me through is I know he is where he wants to be.....with God and mom, he is pain free and can run and laugh again without hurting.
This is for you dad...I love and miss you so much...we all will be back together some day
Love you always

  • Melissa by Melissa, Culiacan Mex
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad September 28, 2009. This poem really touched my heart. When he died I couldn't believe it, some days I spend hours crying thinking of all the things I couldn't do with him like spend a birthday or celebrate my graduation of middle school it really hurt me I'm 12 years old :(

  • Allison by Allison, Scranton PA
  • 14 years ago

I just lost my dad on April 4 2010 and this poem describes a lot of what I'm feeling right now. I am the youngest of two with five years between me and my sister and I feel like I've been cheated out of those years. I miss him so much, he was my everything. Thank you for sharing this poem.

  • Carrie by Carrie, Largo Fl
  • 14 years ago

This touched me so much. I lost my father on July 13, 2007, but it seems like yesterday. I miss talking with him everyday and sharing my life with him. I know he is with me so that brings some comfort to me.

  • Erin by Erin, Clementon NJ
  • 14 years ago

I am 15 and my father had just recently past away (8 months). It's scary because I was the one who found him. He was and always will be my world. now my mother is on her own with 5 kid but he had hemophilia and me and my sister were diagnosed with it and that is how he passed away at 35. Things are getting tough but this poem says a lot about my father and I and it touched me so deeply

  • New Zealand by New Zealand
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad 10.7.1997 when I was 2 years old he died of a heart attack. I miss him dearly and the poem touched my heart. I do feel like I'm in a box I don't let that much people in so that made me cry and because I'm the youngest I feel like it was all my fault like I could have done more it breaks my heart every time we go see his grave I cant believe he has gone. I'm even crying while I'm writing this And soon it will be his 13th anniversary. Thank you for sharing that beautiful poem.

  • Nicole by Nicole, Renmark
  • 14 years ago

I lost my father on the 27th December 2009. Two days after Christmas and one day before my mums birthday. I can't begin to describe the pain I'm still going through. Your poem brought me to tears, especially the part about not being the best. I wish I could go back in and spend more time with him.

  • Tiffany by Tiffany, Iowa
  • 14 years ago

I lost my father/bestfriend on May 26th, 2010 and I still can't believe that day came in went. I find myself waiting on his call to tell me they were confused cause he is still here with us. I talked to my father everyday...I am the youngest girl (my daddy's baby girl) and I miss him so much. So many thoughts run through my mind so many emotions come and go. At times I feel all alone, my dad was my everything, one person I knew I could depend on. To lose him feels like I lost a part of me. It is by God's grace that I am able to function each day. So many times I want to give up, but the power of prayer keeps me going on. RIP to an awesome father and bestfriend!

  • Shirley by Shirley, Pennsylvania
  • 14 years ago

I just lost my dad in May (on Mother's Day) and am dreading Sunday. I plan to plant a miniature rose bush at his grave (his favorite) but the thought of going makes my heart hurt. When I read the first few lines of this poem it sounded as though I could have written them -

I'll never forget the day
Someone rang to tell me
That you'd gone away

The hurt is the same
Like an open wound

thank you for sharing.

  • Coralee by Coralee, Canada
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad to a work accident almost 17 years ago, and like the words in the poem, I was his firstborn and he was my special dad! I love him in memory every day and I will always cherish him - Time will not take that from me! I love you dad - and I know he loved me!! Great poem!!

  • Sheetal by Sheetal, India
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad on 28 Nov. 2009. I was in USA and could not attend his final ceremonies. It all happened so unexpectedly that even my mom (who was with him) couldn't believe he's gone. I'm my dad's first born girl. I miss him a lot, I touch him in my dreams and feel his warmth, I want to hug him tight, but unable to do that. I call his cell phone and expect him to say hello but no response. Today I read this poem and I saw myself in you...I can feel the pain the helplessness, and the desire to see him once and say sorry for all the negligence. Thanks for giving words to my emotions .I'll save this poem for lifetime in my records.

  • Meleah by Meleah, GA
  • 14 years ago

I recently lost my father April 24, 2010. He died unexpectedly in his sleep. I was gone at college. The last time I saw him was in February. I was his only first baby girl. I am a serious baby girl of his. I still will be. When I found out about his passing, it was like a huge wave of emotions that hit me. It still does right now. I struggle to figure out how I am going to live my life without my father. I know he is my angel beside me everywhere I go. At the same time, I had so much to learn from him but that's not going to happen. I love this poem.

  • Lisa Osbourne by Lisa Osbourne
  • 14 years ago

My Dad Sadly Passed away on 15th November 2009 at 2.50 in Burton Hospital. I was the youngest and Daddy's little Girl. I still can't believe that my Dad has died and unless you have gone through this you can not really understand how anyone really feels. It feels like every emotion you can ever imagine all rolled into one and everyday it feels still like the day my dad died. I miss him so much and wish he was here with us my Mom is on her own now and she doesn't get out my dad did everything for her and I try my best but I am still Grieving myself. Dad has his family with him when he passed away and I am so glad he waited for me to be there with him he was so brave I m so proud of him. Love my Daddy Very Much and I miss him more than words can say. R.I.P Dad XXXX

  • Rachelle by Rachelle, LA
  • 14 years ago

This poem made me cry like a baby. My dads still alive but it seems as if he were dead. He's a totally different person now that my parents are divorced. How I wish he knew how I really feel about him but when I try to speak to him it only feels like he's pushing me away.. it hurts to know that he doesn't know I love him and that all I want is to see him smile, to see him happy, to see him laugh;; how I'd give my life in a heartbeat if it meant seeing him happy. My life is messed up in so many ways ..I'm soo scared of my dad passing away ):

  • Selina by Selina, TX
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad almost 10 years ago....exactly 5 months before my wedding...It was so heartbreaking...I lost my best friend. I was dad's little girl...I was there with him thru all his illnesses never leaving his side...we were so used to every morning that I left the house I would kiss him on his forehead and tell him that I loved him so much and that I would see him later...the day he left me I didn't get to do either of those things...that is what really hurts...I miss him every singe day and I still shed a tear for him..my life has not been the same since I lost him...It seems like it was just yesterday and it has been almost 10 yrs.. people say that with time and years it will get easier, but from my experience it doesn't..it gets harder...I go to bed every night wishing I could hear his voice, feel him strong arms around me--hugging me, seeing his smile...it still hurts

  • Sherri by Sherri
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad on August 2005. he was my hero. this poem described him and I am his first born. after all these years I still think about him.

  • Ali by Ali, New Jersey
  • 14 years ago

I lost my father yesterday, I am in the process of trying to find the words to encompass all of my feelings for him. Reading this poem inspired me so much as many words truly hit home - I am his firstborn and will forever be his little girl. I miss and love you daddy.

  • Hannah by Hannah, New York
  • 14 years ago

This poem is so sad. Tomorrow, will be the one year anniversary of my boyfriends death, we have a daughter together and she was just 6 and a half months old when he passed. He got in a car accident on the way to work and died at 21! Some days I don't know what I'm going to tell her about him. This poem makes me so sad because it is everything she's going to miss out on. Goodbye daddy. We love you.

  • Isaac by Isaac
  • 14 years ago

Daddy... Oh! what a wonderful word, so easily fits in my mouth. Though he left us (26 Feb. 2008) to meet Jesus, his presence will never leave me. His teachings are etched in mind, I can hear his stern yet mindful words when I take a wrong step. So brave and strong, wise and man of vast knowledge... How I miss my dad, for it's my constant desire to be like him... My HERO. I love my dad

  • Jessica Herr by Jessica Herr
  • 15 years ago

I really liked the poem it describes how much she loved her dad and how much she cares for here dad and how much she loves him

  • Hana by Hana, Cork
  • 15 years ago

My daddy passed suddenly on the 31st/03/09 suddenly whit a brain hemorrhage. It broke my heart I miss him so much, life is and never will be the same without him. I love him so much I miss him, it's like a part of me has been ripped out

  • Molly by Molly
  • 15 years ago

My dad has been dead for almost 11 years now and not one day goes by without me missing him. He was an alcoholic and it caused his liver to fail. I was eight years old when he died. The saddest part is that he died on my younger sisters birthday. we have a hard time being joyous on her birthday, especially her. My only regret is that I wish I could have known him better. It was so hard when he was constantly drunk. My heart goes out to you... It is a hard thing to live with. God Bless

  • jesika by jesika
  • 15 years ago

My daddy passed away four years ago when I was twelve it was very hard and when I read this today it made me cry also but not as bad as I normally would my daddy means the world to me and always will!!!! He was my best friend and I got my voice from him!!! We had our own song it was "summer nights" I miss him so much but I know I will see him again!!! I love you daddy

  • meghaa by meghaa
  • 15 years ago

This poem is really special 2 me, it seems as I have written it, I lost my dad 3 yrs back, but as days passes this wound goes deeper and deeper...hurting me till the core..God bless you honey....

  • Kumar by Kumar
  • 15 years ago

I lost my dad three months back and I just can't believe he is no longer in the home that he and we all live. He was the Best Dad and friend that anyone could have had. It's not the same life without him.. I love you Daddy

  • Kia by Kia
  • 15 years ago

I lost my father on July 3rd 1997. It's been over 10 years and I have grown into an adult but I still cry when I see his picture. He was the most loving, caring, artistically talented man I have ever known. I don't know if I will ever be the same again. The pain is not as strong but it's present and difficult to repress.

  • maggie by maggie
  • 15 years ago

I lost my dad 1 year ago and I miss him like crazy. The poem brought tears to my eyes as I was informed through the phone that he was dead. I was his little daughter and we shared so much with him. Times is so hard that I'm weak to hold my tears other times I just sit and stare at nothing. Nothing will bring him back but I pride myself that one day I will see him again and have faith in God that wherever he is, he is watching over me. He will always be my dad and will forever love and miss him. None will ever take his place in my heart.

  • whitney by whitney
  • 15 years ago

I lost my dad on February 26,2009 2 days before his birthday and he died of leukemia. I never knew something like this could happen to me and I don't understand why. he was the best dad anybody could ever ask for and its not fair. this poem brought tears to my eyes. I don't believe that it really happened but in the summer and on the holidays it will hit home because now we have to LEARN to live WITHOUT him

  • Christine Hutchison by Christine Hutchison
  • 15 years ago

I lost my dad 3 weeks ago and I still can't believe it happened. This poem hit home..."some days the pain is stronger. It makes me sick and weak" Sometime I just get sick out of no where and other times I start crying hysterically for hours. It the worst experience ever. I regret not calling my dad back one last time...I miss him with every inch of my being. I was always his little girl and I know without a doubt he loved me more than anything in this world, I just hope he knows how much I love him. God bless my daddy.

  • kit by kit
  • 16 years ago

I lost my dad 18 months ago, but still the hurt resides in me. as I read this poem I can't help but cry. I've been a daddy's little girl. I still miss him, but I always think that he is with God now, and loves every minute of it.

  • susan croydon by susan croydon
  • 16 years ago

I lost my Dad 18 months after I lost my Mum. That was 13 years ago. This poem bought tears to my eyes through many a memory. God bless you, time does heal but memories will always bring a tear

  • Keva by Keva
  • 16 years ago

My daddy passed away October 16th, 2008.
it was so heart breaking seeing him sitting in that bed, completely helpless.
I felt this poem really connect to me. especially about the "I was not the best"
I may not have shown it sometimes, but I really loved him a lot. I wish I could have spent more time with him. this Christmas is really hard right now, every day I look at the pictures. its like my mind wont let me believe he's gone..

  • lisa metzler by lisa metzler
  • 16 years ago

I lost my father on 9-12-08. he was my best friend , I was his 1st born also. and my life has not been the same without him, he would call me 4 to 5 times a day. just to tell me jokes or say hi and that he loved me. I would give anything to hear his calls again, and my 7yr. old daughter misses him too. I would take her there after school while I worked. she loved being with him, they made each other's day. this poem is really beautiful.

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