Loss of Father Poem

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This poem is the most beautiful thing I have ever read. I just lost my Dad. I was a Daddy's Girl, and he was my very best friend. I became an engineer because he was an engineer. I looked up...

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The Gift God Gave Me Was You


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

I will never say goodbye to you, my father,
because I know this is not the end for us to see each other.
You will only be going to a place where there's no pain or suffering.
I am happy for you, for you will be with God.
For now we need to go separate ways.
I remember how your arms held me and gave me strength.
You were always there to listen, love, and defend me in everything.
You were my very best friend.
In my triumphs you were always proud.
I'm very grateful and proud to call you my dad.
Here, deep inside my heart you'll always be.
I would give up everything I have just to hug you one more time.
I remember the last time I held your hand and how you looked at me in the eyes.
If only I could turn back the time I would have never let you go.
I felt the world stop and my heart stop beating when they told me you were gone.
How I wish I were only dreaming.
Just like the rain, tears fell down from my eyes; I couldn't speak for a while.
Thank you, Dad,
For always understanding, listening, caring, and loving me your whole life.
The greatest gift God gave me was YOU...my dad
It's difficult to let you go, but I must.
I must return the gift God gave me.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jean Marie Kennamer by Jean Marie Kennamer
  • 8 years ago

This poem is the most beautiful thing I have ever read. I just lost my Dad. I was a Daddy's Girl, and he was my very best friend. I became an engineer because he was an engineer. I looked up to him that much. We talked about everything. There are things I told him that I never told anyone else. Now I am heartbroken. This poem captures so many of my thoughts and feelings. He is at peace with God. Thank you for sharing this.

  • Victoria by Victoria
  • 4 years ago

I'm so sorry about your loss of your father. I know your feeling as I lost my dad five weeks ago. I was a daddy's girl too. Yes, this poem is so beautiful. I found myself in it. I miss my dad every day. I pray God conveys my message to my dad that I love and miss him so much. Looking forward to seeing him again on that beautiful shore.

  • Chele Brewer by Chele Brewer
  • 9 years ago

My dad passed away Feb 14, 2014 , he was everything to me. My mother passed in 1972 so you see he was my mom and dad for 95 years! What a blessing he was to me and my Family.... Your poem says everything about him. He did have strong hands to comfort me and love me. I was gone when he passed and when I found out I fell to my knees and said no, no , no ! But zi knew he was ready to be with the lord. He was a great father, and Thank God for letting me have a great Dad and now he is back with you ! I miss him everyday for 365 days now and it has not gotten any easier. But I know one day I will see him again.

  • Madelyn by Madelyn, Brandon
  • 10 years ago

THANK YOU! These are the most beautiful words I could read on the day that my father died, which was just three weeks ago--June 30, 2014. This is so close to our story and I needed something to relay what I felt, how things were and this was just it! I watched him die, I was with him until his last breath, I cared for him helping Mom take care of her partner of almost 54 years, this man who was the best father anyone can wish for, this man who positively touched every life he came across with. Alzheimer's took him away from us, not just recently, but years ago. I am very grateful for this poem, which I read during his memorial service. It helped me mourn, it helped me express exactly what just had happened. THANK YOU!..."Dad, I miss you so very much"

  • Ken by Ken, Sylvan Lake
  • 11 years ago

I just want to say thank you for this great poem. I lost my dad July 10, 2013, and the pain has not stopped. This hits home and if I could just have him for 5 minutes. One more hug, one more saying "I LOVE YOU", but I don't. Until I see him again, I am glad I had him for as long as I did. Thank you once again.

  • Daddys Number3 El Paso by Daddys Number3 El Paso, Tx.
  • 11 years ago

I wished I would have read this poem while my father was still alive. I took so many things for granted! My daddy was everything to me. I thought I was poor growing up but I was wrong I was blessed to have my beautiful family. Little did I know I was a millionaire. My dad raised 5 beautiful daughters and always said we only had each other. He showed us what to value in life. My daddy passed away on July 8, 2013 and we had his mass on my birthday July 13,2013 may you rest in peace. If I could say one thing to him it would be "I loved how you never told us no for anything. You will be missed. See you in heaven untill we meet again. Love your baby number 3."

  • Hesperia by Hesperia, California
  • 11 years ago

My father passed on 6/21/2013 I want to thank you for this poem it made me cry .. dad died of lung cancer he was 73 I miss him so much. I would give anything to be able to see him one more time to tell him I love him. I miss him so much. I know he will be watching over me and one day will meet again. love you dad.

  • Amanda by Amanda, Il
  • 12 years ago

I want to Thank you for writing a beautiful poem. This is exactly how I felt. I lost my father in July 2012. I would give anything to hug him one more time. I'm thankful I got to tell him I love him and was there with him when he left. I know one day soon I will be a angel with him, my mother, and my little brother. Until I meet them again I'm thankful they are watching over me.

  • Fabiola by Fabiola, Florida
  • 12 years ago

My father was 66 years old. His soul was that of a young fellow. In my eyes, he never seemed to age. In fact, as time went by, he looked younger and more beautiful than ever. Two years ago, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. A year later, he developed metastatic cancer radiating to his liver. He had all the possible radiation and treatments available, for that I'm thankful. He left this world on my daughter's 10th birthday (08/18/12). She was the love of his life. I haven't told my daughter about the date that he passed, but will someday tell her when she is of age. My father was an excellent father. He provided for all three of his children, he loved us more than love itself, but most of all he was always there for us whenever we needed him. No matter what age you are, loosing a father is really difficult to understand and to accept, but knowing that one day you will reunite with him, gives you that peace of mind that is needed to continue to live your life. See you soon, daddy.

  • Kheri Harper by Kheri Harper
  • 12 years ago

My father was called home on December 27, 2000. I want to thank you all for this poem because today it has been 12 long years and I am feeling blue. I love him now and forever. Billy Mitchell Brown you will always be in my heart.

  • Alicia by Alicia, CA
  • 12 years ago

So beautiful made me cry my daddy just passed on 10-21-12 from cancer in his liver. We tried to see what we can do so he would get better but it was already to late. It was so hard seeing him like that but my dad would always told me even before we knew he was sick, "when I go don't be crying cause I'm going home to dance with the lord". Me knowing that made me a lot stronger but I still am having my moments I know my daddy is always going to be with me he's in Paradise.

  • Samantha by Samantha, El Paso
  • 12 years ago

My father passed away June 13, 2011 and reading all of these comments brought me to tears. I haven't really dealt with my emotions since he passed away, I just know how everyone is feeling since our dad's aren't here anymore to stay. I hate the fact that he's gone and I wish he was here... I understand and then I don't understand why he took him from me. If I had my dad for one whole day... I'd be the happiest a little girl for a father to see... I miss my daddy and it hurts that I was 20 when I lost him it's been a year now and without a call from him or a happy birthday, or silly jokes at 4 in the morning, or having to spend the whole day with my daddy. We were living together my father and I... I really wish God gave me a chance to say good-bye.

  • Stacey Lynn by Stacey Lynn, Gordons
  • 12 years ago

This poem is very touching it brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me of my relationship I had with my dad. My father only had one kidney and suffered for 8 years being on dialysis until they found out my mom was a perfect match so she gave my father a kidney. Which lasted for about 10 years until he got really sick with lupus that's like arthritis and cancer that took his life within a year. It was sad seeing him leave because, he passed away right in front of me at home. Even though it's going on 3 years it just feels like yesterday. The flashbacks of the night he passed away are just like it was all a nightmare. His wishes were to see me and my siblings grow up. His wishes were granted but, he doesn't get to watch his grandchildren grow up. He fought for his life just to live longer but, couldn't do it no more. I know he's in a better place but still to this day I wish he could still be with us but, I someday will meet again. <3

  • Neel by Neel
  • 12 years ago

My dad passed away in Nov 2010. The worst part me and my sister could not even see him. We had not seen him in 3 years and now we can never see him again. It is really difficult to not talk to him and hear his voice. We talked to him everyday as we were not in the same country. We still do not believe that he is gone as we could not see him. I still can't stop crying as he did everything for me and always encouraged us. I just wish we both sister's could see him once just for a hug cause that's the only memory left when we hugged him at the airport I still see his smile and the warmth of his hands...Wish could just tell him dad we love you so much and you were and will always be our strength.. love you dada

  • Dadys Angel by Dadys Angel
  • 12 years ago

My dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year on 2nd Feb. 2011. The doctor told us that he has only six months left. It's a very rare and aggressive cancer and the prognosis is very bad. Everyone was aware of the approaching doom but we were helpless. but I promised my dad that nothing will happen to you while I am alive. My dad was a very strong person. he did not step back. He was ready to fight with this dreaded disease. as it's said ...no one can fight against the will of god....my dad left us on 1st Aug. 2011...since then I am just waiting for the day I will meet him in heaven.....love you papa .....I am so lonely without you....I feel soooo jealous when I see my friends fathers. I feel like I am the poorest girl. please meet me once. I want to hug you tightly want to cry loudly, I want to feel you once, please come back ........papa still can't believe you are gone....I always hate god for this...

  • Brandon Knox by Brandon Knox, Jacksonville Ar
  • 12 years ago

When I read this poem I couldn't stop crying. I know my father will have to leave soon. I don't want him to. This Poem made my heat stop for a minute. My dad is everything to me.

  • Deepti by Deepti
  • 12 years ago

My Father died on the 12th March 2012. He had a heart attack. I miss my Dad so much this poem is an inspiration to meet him again in heaven and to continue my journey till then on earth. Thanks Lea for this poem.

  • Tristessa by Tristessa, Sumrall MS
  • 12 years ago

My dad was in a motorcycle accident and went home to our heavenly father on April 9, 2011. It has been one year and I have thought about him every single day. I miss him terribly. It will be a joyful day when I see him and my mother again.

  • Rached by Rached, Perth
  • 12 years ago

My Daddy left us on 4th of March, I was away for the last 8 years and would come for short visits, he was as the poem says very supportive and super proud of his kids, I out of nowhere decided to go home (I had to take 3 planes and fly 18 hours total to get home) arrived and spend one week with him and the day before I was due to leave he left so unexpectedly he was not sick or anything just came home, sat in his favourite spot and had maybe a heart incident. My brother run him to the ER he was alive and aware and 20 minutes later he was gone. It has been 1 month and I still cry everywhere. I know that I need to keep him proud and for that I'm back in life.
We all love our Daddy, we are so lucky to have them

  • Melissa Reid by Melissa Reid, Franklin
  • 12 years ago

My father died March 25, 2012. He had a heart attack. He was 65 years old. His death was a shock to me and my family. I thought he would be here to see me graduate from college. I know he would have been proud of me. I love my father with all my heart and soul. People said it will get better, but if you never lost a mother and father then they do not understand.

  • Paula by Paula, Arlington
  • 13 years ago

My father died years ago in a senseless car accident I was 11 years old. Today I am 54 and have finally realized what I have been doing all these years. I have never been able to see him dead or tolerate the images of the crash and the destruction of his body. Instead,.... I have relived that terror in my own body...having body images of crashing, fearing too many things in life because I just imagine myself dying all the time. I would wake myself up when I was young from nightmares of dying, now I have flashes in my body of crashing and dying often before I drive or get in a plane, train, boat anything.... it is always there. I am now working on allowing my father to die, allowing him to feel the pain and to see his body harmed by the crash.

  • Santosh Ramchandra Sheth by Santosh Ramchandra Sheth, WA
  • 13 years ago

My father Ramchandra, I use to call him "Dada" which means elder brother in Hindi passed on 12/2/2011. He was 80 years old. He was the nicest, smartest person I ever met. He was handicap, had polio from childhood. In spite that he highly educated both me and my brother. We are both thankful for that.

He had 2 paralysis strokes in past few years. He was staying with my brother but moved to home town. He was alone when during the night he had a heart attack. It took my brother 8 hours to reach. It took 48 hours to reach from USA.

All neighbors and close relatives helped in the mean time to preserve his body. I had no chance to meet him for last few years. Now I miss him a lot. I am sure God is now taking his care in heaven. He always said that he want to reborn as my first child. I am eagerly waiting for it.

He was so nice that when any one cheated him, he used to forgive them easily and said they need that more than me. I hope I would become such a nice person as well.

This poem say a lot about him.

  • James H by James H, Orlando Florida
  • 13 years ago

Thank you so much for a poem that describes how I feel, I just found out my father has passed from Alzheimer's. I was unable to be there, since many miles separate us. I hope you don't mind if I read you poem at his service, but I could never put into words what you so eloquently did. Thank You

  • Brittany Carlson by Brittany Carlson
  • 13 years ago

Thank you soo much that was beautiful!!! My father passed away a year ago but tomorrow is his birthday and he was always in pain because he had real bad back problems from a home invasion where a guy beat my whole family with a lead pipe, I love this poem!! Couldn't have said it better myself thank you sooo much for sharing this it really touched me :)

  • Brigitte Sturgeon by Brigitte Sturgeon, Falls Ontario
  • 13 years ago

My dad died when I was 18 months old.. and I never got to know him at all.. people told me he was a great guy and I have seen pictures of him.. and he was a great dad, a great provider, and a great husband.. and to this day I keep asking god why him? why my daddy? I'm 27 years old now and I know for a fact that my daddy is watching me.. when I get married at the end of this month he will be right there right beside me and my future husband.. this poem has touched me very well.. I'm trying to write a poem about my daddy and nothing is coming up

  • Shirrel Foley by Shirrel Foley
  • 13 years ago

My dad passed on July 27, 2011. I watch him for 11 days, as God prepared him to go home. Each night I whispered in his ear, "Daddy ask God to forgive you please". Only because I want to see him smiling and laughing again. He was my father and I love him so. I am praying that this pain I am feeling will ease. I Love Him So.

  • Domenick by Domenick, Lombard IL
  • 13 years ago

Thank you so very much, I lost my dad about a year ago and I saw him passing away. He was a Iraqi Freedom Vet and I got sick while being deployed. He was then Diagnosed with ALS in 2004. He was stationed in Germany and I grew up there and he stayed with my mom and brother and sister there. I moved state side when I got the call from my mother that I better get home now. I jumped on a plane to Germany the same day and made it in time to say what was not said and to look him in the eyes one more time and tell him how much I love him. He died 3 hours later but the whole Family was by his side as he took one last breath.. I was so much in shock that I did not believe what was happening and my mother keeps saying to let it out and I couldn't. After the doctor said he was gone, my whole live changed in that one second. My mother was destroyed, my sister and brother crying like there is no tomorrow, and me still in disbelief. With this poem I started to break down hard. This poem is beautiful.

  • Gloria by Gloria, Ottawa
  • 13 years ago

My beloved Papito passed away August 22, from diabetes and age, reading the poem and all the stories, eased my broken heart, Sorry for your loss everyone.
I know I have to be strong for my Mom. Had been a difficult 2 weeks but I know he is in a better place, he was suffering and that killed me every day. When he was in critical condition, I brought his favorite music, that also help my mother, we both sang to him and say our good byes. Love you Papito Lindo, you will be in my heart forever.

  • Loyce by Loyce, Uganda
  • 13 years ago

Thank you so much for the poem, it eased my pain for I cried a little more. My Papa rested on 9th July 2011 from diabetes, and the poem says just what he was to me; he loved me, he cared for me, he defended me, he loved my friends, and he always called to tell me how much he loved me. I loved him too, and I will always love him. I cherish the hope of meeting him in heaven. May God Bless you Papa!

  • Sarah M by Sarah M
  • 13 years ago

Thanks to this poem and the stories shared, now I know I am not alone. My dad passed away on 5 Sept 2010 after 21 days of him battling with sugar diabetes, I don't think I will be able to forget coz we cherished a lot. His absence has left me so miserable but I guess in time I will be able to let go... I love you daddy and will always miss your everything..May God take good care of you for me till we meet again....

  • Karolyn by Karolyn, Seattle
  • 13 years ago

This poem is beautiful. It really told the story of how I feel about when my father died. I am only 15 and he suddenly died in his sleep. There was no time to say goodbye. I miss him everyday and this helps me so much to be able to know people are going through the same thing.

  • Newnan by Newnan, GA
  • 13 years ago

I'm 13 my dad passed away Jan. 23,10 he died in a fishing accident people say its going to get easier. No it doesn't if only you all know how much I get made fun of at school because my father died in a fishing accident you all would be amazed. That doesn't matter what does is that I love him and hope to see him in heaven one day.

  • Theresa by Theresa
  • 13 years ago

My father passed away on the 14th of Feb. 2011, my heart is broken the day he passed a big part of me went too. I don't seem to be able to cope with his death. He was so so special to me and the rest of my family he loved each anf everyone of us, he was the best dad so proud to call him my father. I held his hand as he died it's so sad that he's gone. I've had the best 25 years with him had so many fun times he would always make you laugh. I try my best to think of that but I can't I want him because I want to hear his voice again hold him and never let him go. I don't want to hurt no more, he is worth all the pain I knwo he wouldn't want me hurting but I am so bad. I'm missing all my family cant wait to see them to, can't write no more, tears are rolling down my face can't see no more. I love you dad xxxxxxxxxxx R.I.P

  • Lala by Lala, CA
  • 13 years ago

Hey this poem really helped. I just lost my dad a few weeks ago and this poem kind of made me believe that he was gods gift and it was time for my to give him back, thanks

  • Reba Williams by Reba Williams, Huffman
  • 13 years ago

When I was only four I lost my dad to a very bad accident . My mom got a phone call and than ran outside, there was a cop at the gate waiting to tell her that my dad was dead. It was horrible, they would not let me say good-bye to him. My grandmother, my dad's mom, told the doctor to pull the plugs on him and not give him a chance to live or even breath on his own. He was in a coma I miss him very much. When I read your poem I cried for hours 'cause it touched my heart so much. I printed it and put it in a frame and put it on his grave. Thanks for telling me to tell you my story and why I chose your poem to read.

  • Terri by Terri, Fifty Lakes MN
  • 14 years ago

I absolutely love your poem....some close friends just lost their father. They say goodbye to him today with a visitation and the final goodbye tomorrow. I hope you don't mind but I sent them your poem to read. You put in words exactly how they feel and yet can't express. Thank you for writing it. I just about lost mine almost 3 years ago. But I saved him from a cardiac arrest but I know one day he will go and I will remember your poem and how it will touch my heart when that time comes.

  • Karen Rochdale by Karen Rochdale
  • 14 years ago

2 years ago my daddy had to go away. I feel it like it was just this morning. I could have written this from my own heart. You are a special person to be able to write such words. god bless you. x

  • Jay by Jay, Kent
  • 14 years ago

my dad died of dementia in march 2010 he was very brave right to the end and when he was put in the end of life unit for the last two weeks of his life he did not speak but when I came and sat with him for the last 3 days when I had to say goodbye he managed with all his strength to say thank you and that he loved me now! that's love

  • Ashley by Ashley
  • 14 years ago

I love your poem. Everything you said is so true it connects so perfect with me and my dad he just passed away June 22 2009, and He was My Best friend, my mom died when I was really young so he's all I've ever know, and he was just taken from me it still hasn't sunk in its not real but maybe one day, I love my dad, until then, :(

  • Shataez'Jah by Shataez'Jah, Newbrittan CT
  • 14 years ago

this poem touched me because my father was killed in a drive by shooting ..... and everytime I read this poem it makes me cry because the words are so powerful and they make me think of all the times me and my father had together...

  • Naomi Hume by Naomi Hume
  • 14 years ago

My dad just passed away on the 11/12/10 and your poem is perfect for my family I would like to read it out at my dad's funeral if that is ok thank you for writing something so fitting for a lot of people

  • Chermira by Chermira, Baltmore Md
  • 14 years ago

This poem really touched me when I read it and it brought tears to my eyes. I truly can relate I just lost my father two days ago and everything in this poem I felt like it related to me and my dad. My father was my bestfriend and my everything now that he gone I don't know what I'm going do without him.

  • Kay Richards by Kay Richards
  • 14 years ago

My dad passed away 12th November 2010 my mum passed away 28th September 2010. This is such a perfect poem. It sums up everything I feel about my dad and my mum. Thank you so much. It has really helped and brought me peace knowing that others feel the way I do. I miss them so much, I would give anything to tell them once more how much I love them.

  • Bernadine by Bernadine
  • 14 years ago

My dad died this year in April after being diagnosed with cancer. His death has been very difficult for me and up until this point the thought of him gone fills my eyes with tears!! It's really not easy to loose a parent, but then again I have faith and believe that one day I will be where he is, in heaven. As a young person who understands that god gives and takes, I also believe that He will reunite us with him one day, and it's for that day that I wait for!

Thank you for adding on to the faith and hope that keeps me going everyday.

  • Breanna by Breanna, Palestine TX
  • 14 years ago

My father passed away when I was 8 and I still don't have a dad and then after my dad it was my grandfather and after him it was my uncle then after him my best friends

  • Grace by Grace, Canada
  • 14 years ago

Thank you, this is very touching. My dad recently passed away from Lung Cancer. And we are having the memorial on Sunday. Like what the lines on poem says, exactly the same as how I feel for my Dad. I'm gonna miss you forever dad! I love you.

  • Jonna And Hanford by Jonna And Hanford
  • 14 years ago

My father past away July 27 1992... he got shot by the cops.. I was only 2 yrs of age but I love him till this day even if I never really new him he still my best friend and I miss him everyday!! :(

  • Jackie W by Jackie W, Douglas GA
  • 14 years ago

My dad died July 31 2009 of lung cancer. And my mama passed away in Dec 2009 of lung cancer 4 months apart and this was a hard year for my family we all miss them very much but I know they are with God now and that one day I will see them again. People are always saying it will get easier with time.

  • Shelly by Shelly
  • 14 years ago

My dad passed away on the 12th of June 2009 to cancer. He was sick for 7 weeks, it was the hardest 7 weeks of my and my families life. I loved my dad so much, he did everything for any one that needed him. I miss him so much and now he has a granddaughter that he couldn't even meet. She is 3 weeks old and I know my dad would have loved her to bits.

  • Vanessa Lopez by Vanessa Lopez
  • 14 years ago

My dad passed away on March 26, 2010. Due to a rare terminal untreatable cancer. I just got back from his funeral it was on April 11, 2010. It was so hard for me to accept this. Still is. Words cant explain how I feel, but I feel like my heart has been ripped out and a part of me is gone. I know that the pain will never go away. It is forever in my heart I will truly be hurt because never again will I have a father to guide me, teach me, have those long conversations on the phone with, or give hugs and kisses too. And I ask myself, Why me? Why my dad? The answer will remain unknown. All I know now is I need to be closer to God then I have ever been so I can be closer to my dad who is now looking down smiling at me. Dad I love you so much and I am happy you are in a better place where you are not suffering anymore. I am not going to say good bye, because we have an appointment in heaven. So I will see you soon Dad, I love you!

  • Connie by Connie, Albany GA
  • 14 years ago

my dad just passed away Saturday April 10 2010. and I never told him I was sorry nor goodbye. it hurts me to know I never can. I want him back now. your poem really touched me. Thanks Connie

  • Joe Okang'A by Joe Okang'A
  • 15 years ago

My mum passed away when I was only 2 years. My daddy took care of me and my siblings. His passing away, for all the years he has been with me, have known him as my mum and dad. It was too sudden when I got the call that he had passed away after I had been with him 2 weeks ago. Your poems has summed it all up for me. It was like a dream but I have to accept. Thanks a lot

  • Lea Gomez by Lea Gomez Poet
  • 15 years ago

I wrote this poem 1 month after my father died its been a year and 7 months since he died but still the pain never subside. Before he is my father but now his my angel for I know that he is watching me from up above.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 15 years ago

This story made me cry. I was truly touched. My father died when I was a little girl. He was my best friend and I miss him so much. I wonder why he had to leave me at such a young age. No words could describe how much I've needed a daddy at times or how many hours I've cried. I miss him greatly and will see him again some day in heaven. I love you daddy!!!! - love, your little girl

  • Ed W by Ed W
  • 15 years ago

I lost my dad a couple days ago and I had left him earlier in the evening. After reading the details of the death process, I realized I needed to go back and be with him. I did and about 40 minutes later he died. As I saw his breathes become more and more shallow I told him, dad, its ok to let go, I'll see you again when its my time. After I said that he immediately didn't take another breath. I watched him for 15 or 20 seconds and I shook him and said DAD. He took another motion to breath but nothing went in. Another 15 seconds went by, then 15 more. He didn't try again and I then called a nurse to be sure it wasn't some obstruction and she checked for me and he was indeed gone. She left me alone to be with him. I cried. I kissed his hand. I tried to straighten his head to look more real and I held his hand. As I felt his hands grow colder, I had to lay my head on his shoulder crying and telling him how much I will miss him.

  • tess salmon by tess salmon
  • 15 years ago

My father died recently. He'd been suffering for 5 years, mini strokes and breathing problems. When he passed away this poem summed everything up. Although at his funeral my dear friend stood up and read the poem as I was too upset, there wasn't a dry eye in the church. I know I will see my father again, this poem is a great comfort to me. x x x x

  • Lisa Riggs by Lisa Riggs
  • 15 years ago

That was a great poem. My dad had diabetes and a year before he died he lost one of his leg and had a stroke. The strong independent dad I once new was gone. A year later the day after Thanksgiving he got sick and was admitted. He had another stroke followed by a major heart attack and while in a coma stroked out his whole brain. After 2 weeks on life support we told him goodbye. That was probably the hardest thing I have ever dealt with.

  • Aleona by Aleona
  • 15 years ago

Thank you for the poem.. my daddy also passed away just this 4th of July weekend. It was so sudden and unexpected, if I only knew, I would hug him tighter and give him one more kiss... but this is not the end since we will see them in heaven again. But yes, I feel your pain and have your hope!

  • lauren by lauren
  • 15 years ago

thank you, my dad died in a car accident and I have never really gotten over it. I always asked god why he took my daddy away from me, and I hope things will get better now that I understand that this isn't the end and I will see him again.

  • Estreya by Estreya
  • 16 years ago

Thank you. My father just passed away a few days ago. He was my best friend! Your poem summed up everything. Thank you

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