Loss of Father Poem

The Positive Influence Of A Dad

My dad recently died from pancreatic cancer. It was a very short time from diagnosis to his final breath, and not once through all the complications he suffered did he complain. Even his final hours were quiet and drama free, just like the man he was. He was a man who worked hard, never bemoaning life, always accepting how things were and enjoying the moment. He taught me a lot about what matters and how to just be happy. He is missed every day.

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My precious daddy died on April 9, 1967, at the age of 68. He, too, had pancreatic cancer. I was a young married woman with a toddler. He was one of nine children, born in Georgia. He was a...

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Goodbye Dad


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2017 with permission of the Author.

It's never the right time
To say goodbye.
I will miss you, Dad,
And here is why.
You taught me so much:
To show no fear,
To always have fun,
And face the day with cheer.

You were always so able,
So fast and so strong.
In your little girl's eyes
You could do no wrong.
You would always listen,
And you never pried.
You were the arms around me
When I cried.

You never looked for praises,
And you were never one to boast.
You were always there
For those you loved the most.

You worked so hard,
And those strong working hands
Led me through life
And helped me understand
That life can be hard,
And tough, and sad,
But through it all
I had my Dad.

And because of you,
I understood
That life was actually
Pretty good.
I believe in you
And will follow your path,
And when things go wrong,
I'll look back and laugh.

I hope you can hear me
So I can let you know
That you were and will forever
Be my superhero.
So yes, today
I am full of sorrow,
But I will smile a little more
With each tomorrow.

So please, Dad, go
Be at rest
And know to me
You were always the best.

I love you so much and miss you every day!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ashlee M Johnston by Ashlee M Johnston
  • 3 years ago

This touched me. My Dad also died of pancreatic cancer. It was in December of 2016. It still feels fresh. I know that feeling won't ever go away. This poem described him so well. He was a hardworking man. Always had a smile on his face. Never complained through his treatments. He even went golfing two months before he passed. It was his favourite thing. I miss him so.

  • Edwina L Hudson by Edwina L Hudson
  • 4 years ago

My dad, his name was Eddie. He passed away on May 29, 2020. This poem describes that early morning when God called his name and he answered quietly. I miss him so very much, our talks and his laughs. Dad was a hard-working Alabama boy, as he would say. I will forever love & miss him.

  • Mary Frances Christie by Mary Frances Christie
  • 4 years ago

My precious daddy died on April 9, 1967, at the age of 68. He, too, had pancreatic cancer. I was a young married woman with a toddler. He was one of nine children, born in Georgia. He was a genial, kindhearted man who loved God and mankind. I still miss him, even after so long a time. I miss his warm hugs, the protection he represented to me and my four siblings, and I miss the sound of him laughing. He cooked breakfast every morning so my mother could attend to my special-needs sister and the rest of us, too. He cooked dinner (the noon meal back then) on Sunday so Mama could take us to Sunday School and worship; he went on Sunday night. He loved to sing and he loved to drink Mama's Southern sweet tea. He was honest and supportive and he loved us all, and when he became sick, we didn't know what it was. He actually died from double pneumonia after about six weeks. We didn't know until after his death where the cancer started. Beautiful poem.

  • Leonard Muodzi by Leonard Muodzi
  • 5 years ago

I also lost my dad to pancreatic cancer about 2 years ago. I remember him being so strong and even joking about his sickness. The day he told us he had been diagnosed with cancer, we were all crying. He told us not to cry and would even say things like, "I may not even die of the cancer, I could just get into a car accident and die, so why are you all crying?" I really miss him. I love this poem. It's so genuine.

  • Fred by Fred
  • 5 years ago

Thank you for your post. My father had the same character as yours. After a wedding for his granddaughter, he caught a cold that he could not break. That was days after the wedding. We took him to the doctor, and there was a mass on his pancreas. They rushed him to the hospital, and he died 4 days after his 75th birthday! I miss him at least once a day. He was my best friend and mentor not just for me also helping others who were in need.

  • Georgina F. Yong by Georgina F. Yong, Malaysia
  • 5 years ago

She wrote with love, and it touches the hearts of everyone that reads the poem. It’s not an easy task to forget and let go of someone so dear in our heart. I’ve experienced this feeling when I lost my dear papa ten years ago and then my father-in-law two years later. Both left with a part of me. When I read “Goodbye Dad,” it seems like they are looking at us and saying it is the time to move on. After all, they remain strong in our hearts, forever. Thank you for sharing. Your words really touched my heart.

  • Akhona by Akhona
  • 5 years ago

My dad passed away Thursday last week. I can still remember everything about that day. I was not home. I was at school. I was grieving in pain, not knowing what's happening. Then later I got a call. My dad was a whole definition of a dad. He was so loving. He taught me how to love without expectations. He was a man who enjoyed the moment. He took care of the family. I was the only child. He is missed. Everything just reminds me of my dad: the nature, sun, and the stars. We would stay outside and chat while looking at the stars. it is what we usually do staying out side lying on the ground and chat looking at the stars. He will forever be remembered. He was a good man to the whole community.

  • Nagaraj by Nagaraj
  • 5 years ago

Fifteen days is what my father had spent in the hospital with severe pain in his abdomen. He complained of severe stomach ache (due to Intestinal Paralysis) on April 7, 2019 and passed away on April 21, 2019. We were not even able to imagine the amount of pain he had been experiencing while he was on the hospital bed. Perhaps, he suppressed it to the possible extent with his will and bore it inside making us not to panic. What a fantastic human being was he. It becomes very difficult when we come to know someone will pass away in a few days. While you want to cry over the situation, your younger ones in the family cannot see you losing confidence. Hence, you hardly get any time for yourself to vent out the anguish during those hospital days especially. Dear Father, you are our true hero. We will follow the method you trained us on to carry on with life. May God be there with you and may you be ever happy wherever you are. We miss you so much, Dad! We all love you!

  • Jill Parnham JP by Jill Parnham JP
  • 6 years ago

My Dad passed away very suddenly at the age of 62. He was a public figure, so we had NO say whatsoever in how his funeral was conducted. Therefore, there were no personal tributes or poems read. Just a minister who even kept calling Dad by the wrong name, speaking about his business life, and how he was a man of the people. Not one mention of my Mum, who had been married to Dad since he returned home from World War II, and no mention that he had 4 daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren. I often think in my capacity as a funeral celebrant that I would love to hold a memorial service for Dad just for his family so his grandchildren and great-grandchildren can hear what a great man he was. This was nearly 39 years ago, and it still eats at me.

  • Kelly Anne Plant by Kelly Anne Plant
  • 5 years ago

I really feel for you and your mum. My mum, sisters & I have my dad's funeral to arrange, and all I want is for it to be honest and true to who my dad was: he was an unfiltered, cheeky, honest brilliant dad, husband etc. Maybe your close friends and family can have a private gathering to say and do what you were robbed of at his funeral. I wish you the best, and I'm so sorry for your loss.

  • Sharyn Gunn by Sharyn Gunn
  • 6 years ago

Dear Jill, I am so sorry to hear that you feel this sadness. I, too, am a funeral celebrant and lost my father when he was 62, some 25 years ago. We had a celebrant and he was fabulous and the reason I became a celebrant. What state are you in? I'm in Canberra, and if you are here I would love to offer my services as a funeral celebrant and do a memorial service for you and your family to honour your dad.
Warm regards,
Sharyn Gunn

  • Gloria Netz by Gloria Netz
  • 6 years ago

My dad died at home under Hospice Care due to liver disease. I really wanted to express my feelings at his funeral. This poem really touched me, and I used it for his funeral.

  • Janet Price by Janet Price
  • 6 years ago

My father passed away from pancreatic cancer this past Tuesday, March 27, 2018. What you say in your paragraph about your dad could have been written by myself or one of my sisters (dad had 5 daughters). My dad also passed very quickly from his time of diagnosis and also never once complained. We believe he actually felt symptoms much earlier, but he was so devoted to taking care of his wife, our mom, who has Alzheimer's, that he neglected his own health. They were married for 67 years. I can't imagine life without our dad, but he will live forever in our hearts. Thank you for writing such a beautiful poem.

I felt this young lady's love for her dear father. She clearly was very close to his heart and vice versa. She describes all of his characteristics, and he must have been one heck of a wonderful father! She has a treasure for sure in his memory. It is so hard to finally set them free, but she does it with such love and grace! Loved this poem!

  • Brittany Rivera by Brittany Rivera
  • 7 years ago

Wow, what a beautiful poem. I can tell this poem came from your heart. I love it.

  • Abu Zafar by Abu Zafar, Banglaesh
  • 7 years ago

The poem is very much painful. It has touched my mind very deeply. This is the nature, everyone has to leave the world. May Almighty Lord bless the poet with strength to bear the pain.

  • Rhonda Scott by Rhonda Scott
  • 7 years ago

I was directed to this site to provide a resource for a friend who lost her uncle. He leaves two sons whose mother preceded him in death two years ago. One child has special needs. The older son's life is not his own. Yet his brother will probably consume his life even more. He needs strength, direction and permission to live his life while he's serving in his father's footsteps. When fathers pass, someone needs to tell you of the immobility, immensity, paralysis, sadness, lingering and overwhelming pain and how to accept there's not ever a Happy Father's Day again. The sickness won. There's a gratefulness about sickness too. We were permitted to do everything we could before their time yielded to heaven's call. And to sickness, even, we say thank you.

  • Merlin by Merlin
  • 8 years ago

It's always dads who have been a pillar of strength to their daughters, as it is always that people we love the most can't stay with us for a longer time. He left, too. It's going to be 2 years on Feb 27. I'm still not over him, his love, his pat on my shoulder when I felt weak. His smell, his care, mornings with him, his words of strength, his jokes, his hands that held me when I was learning to walk. They won't walk me down my aisle in my wedding, which is why I'm scared to get married. His secrets he shared are safe with me. There was never a day I skipped to pray to hold his hand for one last time. I never really got a chance to kiss him goodbye. Words he spoke will forever stay in my heart just like treasure.
-love one lonely daughter who lost her dad

  • Harpreet by Harpreet
  • 7 years ago

Read so many poems...yours made my heart cry. My dad passed away on February 9th, 3 months ago. It hurts so much for this inevitable loss in our lives. May their souls rest in peace.

  • Arun S. Raj by Arun S. Raj, BANGALORE, KARNATAKA, INDIA
  • 8 years ago

Daughters can understand and express the qualities of fathers with emotions.

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