Grandmother Death Poem

Regret Not Spending More Time With Loved One

Hi, I'm Kirsty. I'm 32 and live in Scotland. I wrote this poem after my gran passed away suddenly. This poem expresses how I felt and how guilt can play a big part during grief and how you should appreciate the people you love while you still can.

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I turned 67 this year and have been searching for old friends online. I went to college in a city 1500 miles away. It was probably the best time of my life. I have now looked for four friends...

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Another Day


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2019 with permission of the Author.

Life gets very busy.
Things get in the way.
Do I have time to visit?
I'll go another day.

There's no sense of urgency.
You think you still have time
To go again another day.
You tell yourself it's fine.

Until you realize you're too late.
Another day won't come.
The truth too hard to contemplate.
The past can't be undone.

Your heart, it aches for all the times
You never got to see
This person you loved so much,
But you were never free.

You'll never hear their voice again
Or look into their eyes.
People will say it's for the best
But to you it feels like a lie.

Your loved one is at peace now
With the ones they had lost.
You have to make peace somehow
With this devastating loss.

Stop thinking it will all be fine
Or that you don't have time today,
For all you know, you won't have time
To go another day.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Anastasia N Alexander by Anastasia N Alexander
  • 2 years ago

I found this poem after losing my grandmother. It was not expected, but life taught my phones work both ways. I could have tried to reconnect. I should have called to arrange a visit. I would have been able to answer those unspoken questions. It's too late now. All I can do is move forward and hope that the fates allow me to become a better person after this.

  • Susan Gonzalez by Susan Gonzalez
  • 3 years ago

I turned 67 this year and have been searching for old friends online. I went to college in a city 1500 miles away. It was probably the best time of my life. I have now looked for four friends from my past and sadly have found that they passed away. The last friend I looked for died just last year. I went back a few years ago but decided to wait for my next visit to see a few of these people and now they are gone.

This poem really touched my heart and I have thought about reaching out to the school's alumni association and asking them to write about this topic and encourage others to not do what I have done and said next time.

  • Mary Silliman by Mary Silliman
  • 3 years ago

This touched me so much and it is so true! I just lost my sister-in-law. I was planning on a visit. I hadn't seen her in while because she was frail and because of Covid I didn't want to take a chance on giving it to her. Then there was a plan for a family get together on Christmas Eve, so I put off my visit. She died this past Tuesday! I am devastated that I did not go on and go to see her! Now it is too late and I will never see her again.

  • Toni by Toni
  • 4 years ago

As the eldest great-grandchild, my 19 year old daughter was asked to speak on behalf of all 13 great grandchildren at my grandmother's funeral.

This poem resonated with her as many of the grandchildren and great grandchildren had said over the past few weeks, how they wished they had made more of an effort to see their granny before it was too late.

Thank you for sharing this poem. It is beautiful and something that I am sure touches many during a time of sadness and remembrance.

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