In Memory Poem

In Memory Of Those We Loved

One day at the cemetery, I sat looking across the rows of graves and watching visitors placing flowers and mementos and lingering for a while. Many graves were well-tended, a few were new, and many others seemed forgotten. Each grave represented a life once connected to others, and the memories they sowed live on for a while before eventually fading away as loved ones complete their life's journey. The thoughts for this poem came to mind as I sat looking across those rows of many memories and sorrows.

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I have done a lot of genealogy research and have visited quite a few cemeteries. Some of them were small and very old, and some of them neglected. I took up genealogy to discover my roots and...

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Times Gone By

© more by Belinda Stotler

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2016 with permission of the Author.

Graves of those once loved in times gone by,
Quietly lying in rows beneath the Earth's sky;
Such a peaceful place of many deep sorrows,
Where the living walk among solemn rows,
Looking for the grave where memories lie,
As they recall the day of the final goodbye.

The dead bring memories of joy and sorrows
For loved ones walking among the silent rows;
Some stand by graves in hushed reflection.
Others speak aloud of heartbreak and affection;
Some visit for just a moment and others for a while,
Then walk away with a tear or memory's fond smile.

Many graves have mementos or lovely flowers,
Some with new sod needing nature's showers,
While others have clearly fallen out of memory,
With only stones showing a brief life's summary,
Until they fade and crumble over the long years,
When no one is left to care or shed grief's tears.

Each grave has a life story once known,
Stories created as life's seeds were sown.
Some stories live on in family histories,
While others wane into unknown mysteries;
All eventually forgotten as time passes by,
When all those memories grow old and die.

Such a peaceful place of many deep sorrows,
Where the living walk among solemn rows,
Looking for the grave where memories lie,
Sadly mourning until their own final goodbye,
When they too will quietly lie beneath the sky,
As their loved ones mourn for times gone by.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Love by Love
  • 7 years ago

That was a heart breaking poem, but it was a true one.

  • 7 years ago

I lost my grandpa a few days ago. The last time I saw him I told him I love him. I miss him, but I know he is with God in heaven.

  • Mamoona Rafi by Mamoona Rafi
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mom few days ago, and I miss her a lot. This world is lonely without her, and this world is bad without her. Mom, I love you. Every moment spent with you were the best moments. I love you.

  • Patti by Patti
  • 8 years ago

I've had the same thoughts in the last 17 years since my husband passed away and was buried in our local cemetery down the street from our home. Someday that will be my grave that has no flowers or anyone to come and remember. But I like to think even if my sons don't come or put flowers, they will still remember me with kind thoughts.

I have done a lot of genealogy research and have visited quite a few cemeteries. Some of them were small and very old, and some of them neglected. I took up genealogy to discover my roots and a woman I worked with, who was a Mormon, encouraged me to do so. Mormon's have collected vast amounts of genealogy data on many people and they share it willing with anyone, regardless of their faith. My co-worker explained that Mormons believe they'll meet all of their ancestors when they pass from this life and feel they should know who it is they're going to meet. It's sad to see neglected graves where their headstones are fading and crumbling from passing time. The poem is in memory of those we love, but its message is also to remind us of how short life is and to spend as much time as we can with our loved ones. The memories are all we living have to sustain until we see them again and it's the best gift we can leave loved ones when we pass on.

  • Jjiles by Jjiles
  • 8 years ago

I lost my older sister just a few months ago, she was not just a sister but a true friend.
She had battle with the Big C for several years, but for the last year of her life she lost her husband, but still stayed strong for all her family. We had hopeed that the strength that she had shown to all of us would be that she wanted to fight harder for us to share her life here on earth just a little while longer. But she and God had other plans. Just a few days before she left us ,she was visiting close family & friends, members who were not able to do so. I know that she would say that she is at peace but I still pick up the phone to call her & ride by her home hoping to hear or see her if only for a moment. I miss my friend & sister every day that goes by.....

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