1. For All Those People
This is for all those people
Who hide in the dark,
For those who feel hopeless,
For those with a broken heart.
Genuine feelings of self worth, confidence, and happiness can be elusive. Sometimes you need a little inspiration to believe in yourself and find a source of motivation. Often other people's words or experiences can give you just that inspiration. They can also help you to live up to challenges, become the person you want to be, try new things, learn from your mistakes, and find happiness. Life may not be perfect, but it can still be beautiful. You just have to learn how to find inspiration in life, in spite of its many imperfections.
This is for all those people
Who hide in the dark,
For those who feel hopeless,
For those with a broken heart.
Give of yourself. This is such a caring poem. You are so right; in God's eyes, everyone is special and important. Never should anyone give up on their dreams and goals. Remember, you are here...
They say never give up.
Never give in.
Keep fighting that fight
So the devil doesn't win.
I love your poem, Caitlyn! A while ago I was searching for lyrics or poems to use for my composition for my music GCSE, and I stumbled upon your poem and was instantly inspired by your words...
Never give up,
Never give in.
Move onward and upward with strength from within.
This poem has given me hope, I am currently doing my B tech of which I was about to deregister it because its all seemed so hard to uphill, but reading this poem gave me strength to face...
In this world, I want to be many things.
People tell me I can't be everything,
But I can't listen to what they say.
I can't let their envy control what I think.
You can be anything if you are rid of ego and arrogance. You can be anything if you respect elders and parents. You can be anything with perseverance.
Come for me, sweet tomorrow.
Help me touch the sky.
Like a well-learned bird opens its wings,
I, too, want to fly high.
Committing mistakes and then learning from them can be a great lesson of life. It can truly evolve a person into a nice gentleman. I remember, after passing out of the university, I joined an...
Do we stay silent
Or raise our voices?
Do we give in
Or make our choices?
Hi Erica! I read all your poems... they're beautiful
I know you posted this years ago but I really miss your poems, I don't know why you're not posting anymore but I hope you're...
I get laughed at,
I get ignored,
I often feel trapped,
and I keep my thoughts stored.
It's a year late in response, and I apologize for that. I haven't checked on this poem for 5 years. I am 20 now...I gave up my love for writing. The world has beaten me down and...
I'm not that girl who's loved by all.
Don't wear dresses or go to balls.
I'm not the kind who likes to sing.
Don't dream of wearing a diamond ring.
I am like this. I do not want a prince charming in life. I am strong enough to take care of myself, and I will be independent as well. Super proud to be a girl!
Sometimes in life the road becomes slippery and you tumble and fall.
But don't lose heart; just get up and forget it all.
When you think you've had enough and can't take anymore,
This is a nice poem! My friend has lost a lot, and I know this will make them feel better. Keep writing!
Just because I have never done drugs, doesn't mean I'm not cool.
Just because I am a virgin, doesn't make me lame.
Just because I'm not a fighter, doesn't mean I'm weak.
Just because I am not a party girl, doesn't mean I can't hang.
It's a really cool poem, kudos to you. Anytime, I think about composing one, I cry buckets instead. Being a teen is really difficult.
I know I'm smiling, but don't take it for what it seems
'Cause the only time I'm happy is when I'm in my dreams
'Cause my life is that lonely kid cast out in the shadows.
Full of tears, frowns, and many lost battles.
I can definitely relate because for five years of my life I was in and out of mental hospitals for cutting and taking pills but also for feeling super depressed. I do hope you find your way...
Don't stop and scream at the pebble that made you fall.
If you can't get up, at least crawl.
You gotta move forward
And never be cornered
Dear Sara,
I'm a teen, and I can relate your poem! I get that feeling sometimes. Your poem is very encouraging and beautiful. I think next time I feel that way I will look at your poem. Best...
Isn't it right that every child should have a bed,
To have a roof over their head?
Isn't it right that every child
Should be shown affection,
I have my own dreams
and my own desires.
Something for which I'm keen,
want to set the world on fire.
I can understand you. Most of the Indian parents are like that. I, too, have a huge dream on which I am working on. My three friends and I have a dream, so we are getting more perfect on our...
Sometimes at night I get up from my bed.
I go outside and I lay down my head.
On these cool fall nights, I lay in peace
Hello everybody! I am the author of this poem, and I just noticed that we reached 50 shares! Wow! I would like to thank everybody out there who shared my poem. It means a lot to me!...
When I think of peace, I see myself in a world where I can truly be myself,
Who I choose to be, where I can just let go and be comfortable with who I am
A world with no hatred, racism, or pain
Preach preacher, preach. As an African American girl, I say this: We want peace! We want peace! We want peace!
Remember those days when you were young?
Life was as easy as it could be.
There were laughs and stories and dreams.
You saw the sunshine and you were free.
I love your poem! After my Dad left and I started to get bullied, I stopped believing in God. In my mind, there was no such thing as Christ. So after I moved schools my sophomore year in high...
She longs to be pretty,
Because all she sees are her flaws.
She doesn't see that those "flaws"
Are really her perfection.
This, to me, describes something similar that my friends said/wrote about me. It shocked me at the time how much they cared about me. I felt unlovable after me and my mom started fighting...
Life is something you cannot fake.
You live and learn from each mistake.
Sunny days or cloudy skies,
Happy greetings or sad goodbyes.
I have a best friend, and her name is Lilley. When I met her, I found out that she also had a problem with cutting, like me. One day her boyfriend, Robert, wanted to talk to me. He asked why...
You see a girl
Who is crying for help.
She thinks she's alone.
She hurts herself.