Inspirational Poem by Teens

Dreaming Of Lost Love

Hello! I am a 13-year-old girl who has secretly been writing poetry since fourth grade. This one is about the old and beautiful oak tree that I sometimes go out to and lay beneath when I just can't sleep. A lot of times I have trouble falling asleep thinking about someone, so I lie and watch the stars from beneath the branches of the old oak tree and try to let go of myself. I hope you like "The Old Oak Tree."

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Hello everybody! I am the author of this poem, and I just noticed that we reached 50 shares! Wow! I would like to thank everybody out there who shared my poem. It means a lot to me!...

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The Old Oak Tree

© more by Erica

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2017 with permission of the Author.

Sometimes at night I get up from my bed.
I go outside and I lay down my head.

On these cool fall nights, I lay in peace
Under the shelter of the old oak tree.

Leaning my head against its bark.
Looking up at the sky, things aren't so dark.

I can feel it... the oak is living, breathing.
The leaves are alive... its heart is beating...

I listen closer and wonder what it's seen
With its wise old bark and its leaves of green.

It cradles me closer. The leaves whisper to me,
So I sit there and listen to the old oak tree.

Gazing at the dark night sky,
The expanse of stars is breathtaking. I sigh.

Out there is a universe much greater than I,
But the place where I belong is where I reside.

One day I'll explore it. I'll touch every star,
And I'll find my way back to where you are.

One day I'll go out there, oh the things I will see.
Until then...I'll stay under the old oak tree.

Safe in its arms, I lay. The night is still.
It loves me, holds me, and always will.

Hush. It whispers. I close my eyes,
And I begin to drift as the moon does rise.

Hush says the tree. Everything is all right.
I let myself slip away on that cool fall night.

And I dream... I am far, somewhere up in the sky,

Exploring the universe that is greater than I...

Living, breathing, she whispers to me,
So I lay and dream

Under the old oak tree.



Hello everyone! My name is Erica, I’m a young teen who loves poetry with all her heart. I’m thrilled to share my poems with you, and I hope they are a place of sanctuary for you like they are for me. Life is a crazy thing, and it has thrown more at me than you may think. But in the end, we’re all just people, we’re all...

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Hello everybody! I am the author of this poem, and I just noticed that we reached 50 shares! Wow! I would like to thank everybody out there who shared my poem. It means a lot to me! Especially because this is my first time ever sharing a poem. Thank you for caring and thank you for reading! -Erica

  • Ken Budden by Ken Budden
  • 7 years ago

I am greatly impressed a girl so young (13) has such beautiful poetic ways. I look forward to reading some by Erica Long. She has a talent for one so young.

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