Dream Poem

When Dreams Shatter

This poem is about having a dream turned around, twisted so out of proportion that you no longer remember what the dream was, and in that moment, the dream is turned into a nightmare from so many people shattering your hopes and breaking your trust.

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Yea, go ahead :) I wrote it to show the world, so let those lyrics fly :) good luck

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Dream For Nightmare

© more by Shianne

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2012 with permission of the Author.

Broken window shows each dream
Shattered lie you can't redeem
A wish upon a twisted heart
Diamond lie that ripped apart
Shards of truth a pane of glass
A broken dream that came to pass
A teardrop fallen in the rain
An unseen symbol of your pain
A silver thread upon the ground
Of lost hopes that couldn't be found
A web of lies and deceit
Twisted from each defeat
Bound by hatred from a flame
Burning bright, turning the blame
Blood red tears that fall right through
Showing all that wasn't true
A dream twisted to the end
A lie to truth from which you bend
A cold hatred from above
Back to silence shattered by love
A dreaming wish fallen from a heart
As each lie rips it apart
A teardrop falls from each eye
A wish that came in the form of a lie
Hopes that shattered upon the floor
Lies that were hidden behind a door
A dreaming eye that went unseen
Reliving everything had it been
A wish each year to have it sell
Your secrets that you cannot tell
Hidden by all yet free to see
Each truth, lie, dream and wish as they be
To turn them back, a nightmare made
Losing battles, memories fade
And hopes and dreams are sold away
A lie born into a day
A reality turned back on you
From a truth they never knew
Careful all, for you will see
That secrets and dreams aren't safe to be
They take your dream, twist it around
Shatter the memories upon the ground
Whisked away by just one scream
They give you back your twisted dream
But when they do, this I tell
Your dream in exchange for a nightmare is what you sell


more by Shianne

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Shayla Watkins by Shayla Watkins, Indiana
  • 10 years ago

This is a good poem and i want to know if I can write it into a song if I can that will be great. I want to say this is an excellent poem!!!!! I also want to say that it is what my dreams are about. They always start happy and then it's sad and broken. I am trying to be a song writer and I think this will be a good song, it touched me in so many ways and I want it to touch other peoples heart. Thanks for writing this.

Yea, go ahead :) I wrote it to show the world, so let those lyrics fly :) good luck

  • Loukid by Loukid
  • 11 years ago

This poem is really epic. Props to whoever wrote it describing the dreams we have. Really awesome poem.

  • James Carter by James Carter, South Carolina
  • 12 years ago

This poem is amazing I know what you mean people broke so many of my trust I cant believe anyone of them no more.

  • Natalie M. by Natalie M.
  • 13 years ago

I can honestly say that I think this is one of the best poems I have ever read, and I have read a LOT of them. It's so unbelievably ironic and describes exactly how a dream can sometimes feel: contradicting. Beautiful. I can really relate to what you are saying. Excellent work!

-Natalie, age 14

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