Hurting Poem by Teens

Nobody Understands Me

This poem touches on feeling alone. I've felt all these things in this poem and felt like there was nobody who understood or cared. I felt like I had to face things on my own. This work takes a turn for the depressing, but hopefully it will show all you beautiful people that you are not alone. Others have felt these things and will always be there for you.

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This poem is really amazing. I am 13. My mother never understands my feeling. I find it very hard to understand what I am feeling. Actually, I do know it deep down but refuse to accept it...

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Published by Family Friend Poems May 2013 with permission of the Author.

Imagine yourself
Alone in your head.
You're hanging, dangling
From a silver thread.

Empty, alone
With the monsters within.
Internally screaming,
You just want to give in.

Now imagine that's you
Every day, every hour.
Forever sinking
Like a wilting flower.

You try to tell your dad
And you try to tell your mom,
But they say you're being silly,
You've just got to move on.

Because teens don't know sorrow
Nor the hardships of life.
They're just kids with imaginations
Just looking for attention, right?

You think that there's none
Who knows how you feel.
You're just so alone,
But the feelings- they're real.


But mostly

And you're friends,
They go on
Like nothing has changed.

"They must not care,"
Your thoughts whisper,
The lies in your brain.

You can't escape it,
Trapped in your own skin.
You're ugly,
You're hated,
But you mask it with a grin.

You hate what you feel,
So instead you feel nothing.
Your insides are numb,
Your confidence crumbling.

You look to other things
To stop the pain.
Cutting, pills,
But it gives you no gain.

And the people around you
Shout abuse your way.
"You're hurting yourself, stop it!"
That's all they ever say.

No matter how you plead
That you're broken inside,
They turn the other way,
They run, they hide.

They say you're just foolish,
It's all in your head.
What they don't know is inside
You're already dead.


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  • Rating 4.64
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 3 years ago

This poem is really amazing. I am 13. My mother never understands my feeling. I find it very hard to understand what I am feeling. Actually, I do know it deep down but refuse to accept it because I am the happy, bubbly kid of the family who doesn't care about anything. If I am stressed or upset about something and tell my cousins or family about it, they just make fun of me and pass sarcastic comments. Once I gathered courage and told mom that I felt hurt while she did something and she said that she shouldn't have done it and felt guilty. I felt really happy. But next day she got angry over something and said that I always nag about everything and am oversensitive. I was really hurt, and from that day I couldn't bring myself to express my true feeling because I think they don't care and I am being silly. I cry myself to sleep almost twice a week and even think about suicide but when I recall the happy moments, I think that if I would have died that I won't be able to experience that.

  • Priscilla N Dube by Priscilla N Dube, Zimbabwe,Bulawayo
  • 4 years ago

Not knowing what you really want, not knowing what you really feel and not knowing the reason why you keep on striving to live. It feels like I am just watching my life go by. I cannot make my own choices. I am afraid to face regret. All this pain is always hidden under a smile, not confident enough to speak up. Well what will I speak, when I do not understand what I feel?

  • Melissa by Melissa
  • 5 years ago

This poem totally got me. It's like the writer is talking about me. She couldn't have put it out any better than she just did. Family always feels teens don't go through any stuff at all and always call it a phase. This poem is just right for every teen going through major problems.

  • Ashley Marilynne Wong by Ashley Marilynne Wong
  • 6 years ago

I really loved this poem. It captured the struggles of being a teenager with utter brilliance! <3

  • Rahma Aulia by Rahma Aulia
  • 6 years ago

This poem has touched me. What I felt a few hours ago is the same as this poem. My soul cried out, “Finally, someone knows how this is very hard for me.” My life has all these pains that keep coming, but after reading your poetry, I feel you know how I’m suffering.

  • Osas Oruame by Osas Oruame
  • 7 years ago

Your poem touches my heart. Most times we are our greatest enemy.

  • Alyssa Paige Riley by Alyssa Paige Riley
  • 7 years ago

I have to say that this poem is what I've been feeling for about 2 years now. I try to explain to my family about my pain, but still they won't believe me and always say that I just want attention. Then when I want to be alone they put all of their attention on me. I always thought I was alone with these feelings so I'm happy to see that I'm not alone.

  • Arianna Wagner by Arianna Wagner
  • 8 years ago

You are a genius for writing this. I wish I could’ve written it. No matter who says what, it doesn’t just go away. Just hang on and find someone who believes in your because you’d be surprised; there are thousands who believe in you.

  • Adelaide by Adelaide
  • 8 years ago

Nobody knows how you feel and yet they judge like they know what's happening. This is one of the best, most touching poems I've ever read. Being a teenager is like roaming on a wrong street in New York, not knowing which way to go and having people look at you like you're mad but no one is willing to understand what's in your head.

  • Jess by Jess
  • 8 years ago

We hear you without a doubt! But don't let those feelings take you out. Your mom, you dad, and your friends all about are silently listening and praying, no doubt. We love you, we care, we're here, my friend. Pray, live your life to the fullest. Those tricks your mind plays on you are simply just that! Tricks, a game, we all call it whack! But it's real, it's felt so deep within, but trust me when I say you surely can win. So stop the cutting, the pills, the thoughts within, live your life to the fullest and you will see that this was all just a passing thought. When it rain, it pours, but the next day, my friend, the sun will shine, the dew will drop. Always remember that this too shall pass.

  • Heather N. Barrows by Heather N. Barrows, Paducah, KY
  • 8 years ago

I battle depression. I used to cut, and I really think this poem touches the heart of everyone who reads it. It is a beautiful poem, and it made me smile as I read it, knowing I could relate.

  • Talena L. Hill by Talena L. Hill, Indiana
  • 8 years ago

Although I am not a teenager anymore, I can still relate to every word. This poem gave me goosebumps all over because it felt so real and so familiar. Thank you for sharing this struggle with the world and being so brave in doing so. As a teen, I struggled with many of the same things such as cutting myself only to cope (but when the people around me found out no one understood), and also when I was 19, I took a bottle of pills to end my life. Fortunately, I survived, but still to this day, I struggle. I struggle with all the same things and feel as if I have nobody. I truly hope that you find the answers and the skills to cope. I know that you are so much stronger than I was, and with this poem, you will inspire so many who have long struggled as you and I do. Please continue to share your story and I wish you the very best in life! Thank you again!

  • Valeria by Valeria
  • 8 years ago

I know how you feel. I suffer from depression, and I have attempted suicide three times. It feels horrible.

  • Kyto by Kyto, Minnesota
  • 9 years ago

I used to have really bad depression, this poem described it perfectly. It enabled me to find help when my depression made it so that I could not find the words on my own.

  • Angie Romano by Angie Romano
  • 8 years ago

I've suffered with depression for quite some time you are not alone.

  • Grace by Grace, Singapore
  • 9 years ago

Thank you so much for your poem, Shelby. It perfectly described everything that I'm feeling. I'm not taking pills or doing self harm, but inside I'm struggling, close to drowning, outside I wear a mask, trying to pretend I'm just like everyone else. The only "friends" I've told ignored me for months after my confession, I think they're scared of me. Scared I'm mentally unstable, scared of what I might do to them, or myself. I feel so rejected and lonely. Your poem was beautiful, Shelby, write more, don't ever give up. We're all with you, thousands of us, around the world.

  • Ayelet Harbater by Ayelet Harbater
  • 9 years ago

I've been struggling with depression for a year and a half. I've been trying to write about my feelings of aloneness and havent succeeded but this poem really captured everything I've been feeling. I feel alone with my depression that has attacked me from the inside but over time it's become a part of me and I don't know who I'm fighting anymore. I try to reach out to people who care about me for help but they have given up on me and don't have the strength to help me anymore. So now I have to get out of the depression alone which is so hard because I have no strength to help myself left. But I have to do it for me and for them:so they see that I'm worth saving.

  • Keri Brooks by Keri Brooks, Glasgo/Ulverston
  • 9 years ago

It makes me feel so sad to read this poem because I know that it's my life but more the life of one of my best friends. She's so beautiful and l wish I looked like her but she sees herself as ugly, she's lonely and her arms are tattooed with self harm cuts. I can't help her and for a while that (as well as other family, friend and life issues) made me want to self harm myself.
At that time I wrote hundreds of poems like this one and for a while it was taking over my whole broken life.
Everyday I still come home feeling lonely and cry myself to sleep a lot but now I worry for my friend, one day I hope she'll be okay and writing sad poems and songs was a better escape for me than scarring my body.

  • Skylar by Skylar, Us
  • 9 years ago

The actually similarities to this poem and my life are scary, it touched me in a way I can't describe. I felt your pain and hardship like they were my own and I know the feeling every day that you go through, it's something I go through too and if there's one thing I know is that you are not alone.

  • Valkyrie.L by Valkyrie.L, Canada
  • 10 years ago

This poem really reminds me of myself. I've tried talking to people about my loneliness but they say stuff like "All the friends you meet in high school you won't even talk to in the real world." I can't help but think it would be better even if a friend was only temporary. That's why I really enjoy online gaming. This poem is beautiful and I really enjoyed it. Thank you and good job.

  • Eliana by Eliana
  • 10 years ago

The first half of this poem really projected towards me. It is quite true this poem has significant meaning to it. Good job Shelby S.

  • Crystal Martin by Crystal Martin
  • 11 years ago

I understand it so much it made me cry. My life flashed in my mind with that story, you should write more. It's beautiful.

  • Cadejha Martin by Cadejha Martin
  • 11 years ago

Just a dream is what I try to believe. I keep saying that my life is tragic, day by day I do the same thing until the one day, I just shattered. Have you ever got a love one stolen away from you never to see again. No, you'll never know how I feel, but still I'm living day by day doing the same thing. Judged, hurt, but still don't have an answer how to deal with the pain inside. Growing up with no mother or father, because of drugs and hearing I'm to hard to deal with. I'm just coping for no reason, my guard is up high because nothing is ever going to hurt me again. All I need is help!

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