Hurting Poem by Teens

Poem About The Hurt Of Being Isolated And Alone

I wrote this poem while crying at night and unable to go to sleep. Simply writing down my feelings calmed me. I was angry at myself for being so shy that I had isolated myself from those who loved me. I felt isolated, alone, and invisible. I didn't feel like anyone understood who I really was. I felt hurt because no one really took the time to get to know me. The ones who preached friendship to me ignored me... even on my birthday. Thank God, He is my comforter. And I had His Word that night.

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I've been the same way, but you are never alone. God is there for you, Your friends and family care, even if they don't know the best way to show it. People are there to help you; you just...

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Can Anybody Hear Me?

© more by Katie M. Elliott

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2016 with permission of the Author.

I want someone to hold me,
But I'm the only one here.
I want someone to listen to me,
But I'm the only ear.

Can anybody hear me?
Does anybody care?
Does anybody even know
I'm dealing with despair?

There are voices in my mind
Saying I should die.
Will anybody even tell me
They're only just a lie?

Does anybody love me?
Would they shed a tear?
Would anybody even care
If I were to disappear?

The ones who preach friendship
Have left me all alone.
The ones who are not here
Promised not to let me go.

Can anybody see me?
Does anybody care?
Does anybody even know
The burden that I bear?

I've built up this wall
To hide who I am,
And now that I need help,
I'm alone behind it all.

Can you see the real me?
Will you even try?
Can you even tell I need
A break in the wall tonight?

I'm crying all alone,
Not sure what to do.
Please just let me know
That at least I still have you.


more by Katie M. Elliott

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Seraphina Night by Seraphina Night
  • 1 year ago

I would always read your poems back in 2020. I absolutely loved them! Because what you were experiencing, your poems, really made sense to me because I've been experiencing the exact same thing. I don't know why you are not posting anymore, but I hope you are okay. I just wanted to let you know that I've read all your poems and I absolutely love them. Your poems are beautiful.

  • Jenna L. Williams by Jenna L. Williams, Napavine, WA
  • 4 years ago

I've felt this way myself in the early hours of the morning when I'm alone and no one can hear me. You think "is there anyone out there", "who would notice the brokenness that a feel inside" but people do, and they will, My friends have helped me through a lot even when I'm trying to push them away. The people you love WILL notice and will be there for you, sometimes all you have to do is speak to them.

  • Espe Ciss by Espe Ciss
  • 4 years ago

Just found this poem today. So relatable. The most powerful lines for me are:
"I've built this wall up
To hide who I am
And now that I need help,
I'm alone behind it all.

Can you see the real me?
Will you even try?
Can you even tell I need
A break in the wall tonight?"

Beautiful. Keep writing and stay strong. The wall will crack open, the sun will shine through. Your God will walk in and your heart will be filled with love.

  • Jana Gough by Jana Gough
  • 4 years ago

I wish I could hug you!! I want you to know that GOD loves you.

  • Jackie by Jackie
  • 5 years ago

I really can relate to this poem. It's very relatable. Some teens think they are alone, but I just feel that is what they really want I know because I am a TEEN!!

  • Depressed Me... by Depressed Me...
  • 5 years ago

I'm depressed. I told my mom, but she thinks it's a phase. "You're a teenager, it's normal. You'll be fine. I thought she would know best, so I didn't press, but I'm not okay. I've taken at least 50 depression tests, and they all say I have severe depression. I'm not as strong as I want to be. I know I'm not alone...please tell me I'm not.

  • Alexis Woodman by Alexis Woodman
  • 3 years ago

You are not alone because I feel the same way, but I'm going to try to be strong and help you out. See, I had a hard life, and I'm still trying to get over the fact that my parents are not in my life. They have not been in my life over 1 year now, and I just wanted to let you know God is here for you every step of the way, so don't feel alone. God is here for you. God bless you.

  • Jenna L. Williams by Jenna L. Williams, Napavine, WA
  • 4 years ago

I've been the same way, but you are never alone. God is there for you, Your friends and family care, even if they don't know the best way to show it. People are there to help you; you just have to be willing to talk to them. We all have hard times. Life is like a road of mountains and valleys; we all have ups and downs. Just don't get stuck in the valleys, and stay at the top of your mountains for as long as you can. Appreciate the little things.

  • Emma Lily by Emma Lily
  • 5 years ago

Trust me, you're not alone. My parents tell me that they went through this phase as a teenager, but I have taken so many depression tests, and they all say I have it. I feel like there is no one out there I can trust to help me, and I have recently started resorting to self-harm and I hate it. I hate that I have to hurt myself to feel something. Don't worry, you're not alone, and this isn't just a phase, but we will get through it if we take it one day at a time.

This is a wonderful poem, and you sure have a way with words, and putting your deepest feelings into those words really brings your poetry to life. It is very therapeutic. Please keep up your poetry so many other young people, and people of all ages, can relate to your feelings in this poem. We have all been there one time or another in our life or will be at some point in the future. It's actually refreshing to have a good cry once in a while. It cleanses us of negative feelings and can almost give a feeling of relief to just get it all out. Sometimes we even cry tears of joy, and that's even better. Wishing you joy in your future. Be patient. Keep writing!

  • Grace  A. Killey by Grace A. Killey
  • 7 years ago

Hi, Katie. Your poem is very well-written and really relatable! At least once a month I have these days where I just cry because of something bad that happened that day and feeling overwhelmed. During that time, I feel kinda alone. Whenever we feel alone, I guess we just have to remember the song from Into the Woods-"No one is alone." No matter how we feel, we are never truly alone, especially with God watching over us. Thank you for your amazing poem :) Have a good day!

  • Alayna by Alayna
  • 8 years ago

Hi Katie, this poem is just amazing. You do not know how much this is related to me. I am very similar to you. On a similar night at a youth group camp of mine, I felt the same feelings in this poem and have been for 6 years. I only started fighting it with some friends that saw through 2 months ago, and now I don't have depression and don't want to die. I'm scared to die. I don't want to leave. I'd cry as I fade from reality. This poem is now my favourite of all time. I want you to keep writing; you are amazing, no matter what those lies tell you!!

  • SaharaDesert33 by SaharaDesert33
  • 9 years ago

This poem related to my life so much! I am a really shy person myself and one night I made a song from writing down all me feelings and it was about how I built a wall around myself because I had been hurt so much and felt that there was nobody. I know exactly how you feel! Stay strong and keep following God! He will free you!

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