Inspirational Poem by Teens

Message Of Hope: A Poem For Those Struggling

My name is Ella, and I am 13 years old. I wrote this poem for all those people who feel hopeless and lost in a fog of darkness. I just want to remind all of you that there is hope in this shallow world and that you DO matter.

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Give of yourself. This is such a caring poem. You are so right; in God's eyes, everyone is special and important. Never should anyone give up on their dreams and goals. Remember, you are here...

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For All Those People

Ella Phillips © more by Ella Phillips

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2016 with permission of the Author.

This is for all those people
Who hide in the dark,
For those who feel hopeless,
For those with a broken heart.

This is for every child and teen
Who is trying to flee from their fears,
For those who cry themselves to sleep,
For those who drown in their tears.

This is for people who hide their scars
Upon their wrists and their thighs.
I want to remind each of you
There is a reason you're alive.

You are here for a purpose;
You are needed in this place.
You are special, you are beautiful.
It doesn't matter what size, gender, or race.

You are perfect just the way you are.
You are priceless, a wonderful new.
You are dearly treasured by many.
There is no one more important than you.



Hello friends! Thank you for visiting my profile.

My name is Ella Phillips, and I am 22 years old. I started this account way back when I was just 13. Still, readers are being touched by my words, which means the world to me. I am going to post more of my poems to hopefully reach out to more people. Thank you for all the love and support....

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  • Stories 14
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  • Rating 4.44
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Cyrene Dorfmeister by Cyrene Dorfmeister
  • 2 years ago

Hi Ella,
Wow, you're thirteen! This is a very good poem for someone that young. I added the poem to my favorite list because I think it is inspirational. If you see this, I hope you know that poem made my day!

  • Joycetreasures by Joycetreasures, Fort Washington, Maryland
  • 3 years ago

Give of yourself. This is such a caring poem. You are so right; in God's eyes, everyone is special and important. Never should anyone give up on their dreams and goals. Remember, you are here for a reason. You never know what waits for you around the corner. Focus on others and you will see how much you really are needed.

  • Sylva Portoian, MD by Sylva Portoian, MD
  • 3 years ago

Heartiest congrats for this poem by Ella Philips. The poem should be thought of in schools as young of an age as seven to give students optimism in life. Many young students commit suicide at an early age because of harassment and many other domestic problems. I find poetry is never established early in American schools. Poetry has a soul. Optimistic poetry should be fed early in life.
Sylva Portoian, MD

  • Richard West by Richard West
  • 3 years ago

The poem is really inspiring. I'm going through a tough phase in my life. I stumbled upon this article and it really got me to the core.

  • Makhadzi Mphugana by Makhadzi Mphugana
  • 3 years ago

This poem touched me deep inside. I've been through a lot and this poem was what I needed to keep me motivated and confident that no matter what happens, you have to be strong.

  • Kate Kim by Kate Kim
  • 5 years ago

It was really touching. It gave confidence and hope to me.

  • Allison E Smith by Allison E Smith
  • 6 years ago

Ella - your wisdom and expression is truly amazing. I will share your poem with my students.

Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope my poem touches your students.

  • Aremu Opeoluea by Aremu Opeoluea
  • 7 years ago

Wow! Ella, I love this poem. It's amazing and so inspiring. Thank you.

Thank you so much! It's so inspiring that others love to read my poetry just as much as I love to write it!

Great poem. So wise, so compassionate, so true. Every child is special. Love your poem, Ella!

Thank you very much! It means so much to me that my poem is impacting others. :)

  • PJproductions by PJproductions
  • 7 years ago

This really touched my heart. There has been a lot I have been dealing with recently, from suicidal friends to just trying to keep my head above the water. Sometimes it's hard to feel like I am enough for anyone. This poem has given me hope.

I'm so thrilled that my poem has touched your heart! I'll be praying for you and your friends. Just remember you're unique and there is nobody like you in the whole world.
God Bless,
Ella P.

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