Inspirational Poem by Teens

Poem About Standing Up For What Is Right

Hi, I am a thirteen-year-old girl who has been secretly writing poetry since fourth grade, and I'm really glad you came to read my poem! This poem that I wrote is called "United" because I wanted to write a poem that was inspiring and could mean something to everybody out there. Stand up for what you love and what you know is right because in the end that is what will matter. I hope "United" can inspire you, and I really hope you like it. Remember to follow your dreams!

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Hi Erica! I read all your poems... they're beautiful I know you posted this years ago but I really miss your poems, I don't know why you're not posting anymore but I hope you're...

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Published by Family Friend Poems December 2017 with permission of the Author.

Do we stay silent
Or raise our voices?
Do we give in
Or make our choices?

This is our chance.
This is our threat.
This is our choice.
And we're not finished yet.

We stand together
And await the light.
This is our chance,
This is our fight.

Here we're standing,
United and strong.
We're not giving this up.
We're not moving on.

This is our voice;
This is what we came to show.
This is our choice,
And we're not letting go.

This is our word.
You give what you get.
This is our world,
And we're not finished yet.

We stand beside you,
Ready to pay our debt
We stand united
Because we're not finished yet.

Children are born every day,
Waiting for someone to trust.
Dreams are dreamed every day
But left alone to rust.

Raise your voices; stand up tall.
You know this is unjust.
Make your choices; stand from the fall,
Because dreams are counting on us.

I know that you are scared to be strong.
You have every right to be.
Show the dreamers that you care.
Come and stand with me.

Think of our future; think of the truth.
Think of the lives we share.
Think of our beginnings; think of our youth.
We're all just a kid from somewhere.

Standing together, holding hands,
We all came from the same place.
Joined, we are forever;
We are running the same race.

Stand with me; we're not through yet.
We are getting what we gave.
Hand in hand with me, strongest together.
This can all be saved.

This is like our lifetimes;
This is more than just a game.
This is more than just the money,
More than ourselves, more than fame.

Speak up for what matters,
Because now it does; this love is caving.
Speak up before we shatter.
Think of all the dreams we're saving.

There are kids like us in Texas,
Out in Utah, up in Maine.
There are kids that are the future Crosby,
Skinner, Matthews, Kane.

From the mountains, valleys, cities,
Suburbs, hamlets and countryside,
There are the children of this future.
All around us they reside.

On the Pittsburgh Penguins, Boston Bruins,
The Canes and Minnesota Wild.
We often forget that before they were champions,
Each one was just a child

They once stood watching,
Dreaming with this light inside their eyes.
Together we can save that light,
And return it to more lives.

Here we're standing, grasping hands;
Here we're standing strong.
This time we're not giving in,
And we're not moving on.

THIS is our voice;
This is what we came to show.
This is our choice,
And we're not letting go.

This is the world we live in.
You must give what you get.
This is our word we're giving.             
We're not finished yet.

We stand together, united.
This is our chance to repay this debt.
We stand beside you all, united.
We're not finished yet.

Poem of the Week for: 2018-02-27

This week's Poem of the Week, "United", is particularly poignant as we respond to yet another mass shooting. Because, this time, something long thought impossible is happening. Young people across the country by joining together United are breaking cultural and political barriers and making their world a better place.

Wishing all of us the inspiration to join together United to make positive change in our own worlds!

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Seraphina Night by Seraphina Night
  • 1 year ago

Hi Erica! I read all your poems... they're beautiful
I know you posted this years ago but I really miss your poems, I don't know why you're not posting anymore but I hope you're okay...

May God be with you always, this was a very inspiring poem, thanks for sharing it with us, it was beautiful

God bless you

  • Margie H by Margie H
  • 6 years ago

This poem touched me very deeply. I've been horrified by the way some people are unjustly treated. My heart goes out to them. I have had the chance to stand up for and help some individuals get more just treatment over the years, but this poem inspires me to do more.

I am so touched and honored that my poem was selected poem of the week! A huge thanks to all readers. I hope that this poem can be dedicated to the horrible tragedy of the school shooting. Please share your stories and feel free to share my poem. We can all stand together, United, no matter where we are from or who we are. I never imagined that my writing could make a difference until now. Yours can too. My poem and everything else is open for discussion, just comment your story below, and it will make a difference. Thank you to everyone once again, this means so much to me and I am so incredibly honored to share some inspiration with everyone out there. -Erica

  • Brittany Rivera by Brittany Rivera
  • 7 years ago

Wow, This is an amazing poem, I love it. Erica you done a great job with this poem.

Hey, everybody! I just noticed my poem, "United," reached 50 shares! Wow! Thank you everybody for reading my poem! It means so much to me! Please comment and share your stories! Thank you so much!

  • Silvia Mendez by Silvia Mendez
  • 7 years ago

Hi Erica,
Congratulations on that beautiful and deep poem. It was very meaningful for all 9th grade students here in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. We're performing it in a choral poetry group very soon.

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