Hurting Poem by Teens

Poem About Pain And Losing Hope

Hey, Chris Trottier here, author of "The Weeping Willow." I've suffered from depression for many years, let it be from loneliness, hate, abandonment or just simple sadness. Youngest in the pack, both from mother and father's children from previous relationships, I never really had someone to talk to or anything. Being the unpopular guy, you tend to be bullied and be stuck in a zone where you're always alone. Perhaps you feel the same; if so, I hope you enjoy "The Weeping Willow."

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It was one word...DIVINE. You might think you are forgotten, but your poem will never be forgotten. It will forever sing in our heart. You are a talented poet and you should never stop....

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The Weeping Willow


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2014 with permission of the Author.

Each night I find myself sitting against the tree,
Hating myself, locking my heart and throwing away the key,
I sit there and wait, just hoping for the someone who may care.
No one ever comes, nor will they, I am aware.
I sit beneath the weeping willow.
Its leaves and shade make my soothing pillow.
Aye, my tears are just fuel for my restless dreams.
Then again, my existence is nothing as it seems.

It all began from a time I am unaware.
I had no friends, no love to share.
My heart shattered, the core went rotten,
My happy days long since forgotten.
My desire in life is simply to die.
I'm sick and tired of having to be in agony and cry.
My parents, family, classmates, they just build it.
They look at me as a mistake, best to fix it.
They hand me the rope and the chair with a smile.
They play it off like they care for a while.
Then they shut the door and sit by the bay,
"Whatever happens, happens," they always say.
The disappointment on their face when I live,
I must be a curse they seek God to forgive.
I'm constantly belittled and told to die.
The moments of love they give are but a lie.

Father who art in heaven, why must I suffer more?
Why have you made collecting my tears a chore?
How have I deserved this? How have I failed you and what must I do?
What more can I do just to please you?
Make this stop, let it end.
Give me love or just a friend.
End this nightmare just for once, even for a moment.
Just stop, stop making everything my opponent!
I cry every night and fake every day.
I make people happy with the words that I say.
Why can't I just sit back and be happy or glad?

No, you don't care, just like the others,
Just like mother, father and his brothers,
Just like my crush and my exes whom I love.
You're just toying with me, laughing from above.
I'll never get better, this I know.
I have no people to love, no paradise to go.
Perhaps my life will end soon so I may rest.
Let's cross our fingers and hope for the best.
Well it's a long way down to hell when you're alone.
Although my life isn't much worse, no one cares to pick up the phone.
Perhaps I'll just stay here while the world becomes a hate billow,
Just stay here...with my weeping willow.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Osas Oruame by Osas Oruame
  • 7 years ago

It was one word...DIVINE. You might think you are forgotten, but your poem will never be forgotten. It will forever sing in our heart. You are a talented poet and you should never stop. BEAUTIFUL.

  • Daniel Leong by Daniel Leong, Westminster, MD
  • 9 years ago

I love this poem. I could feel the pain and emotion that is within every line. As someone who has personally had these thoughts myself, this poem is a work of art.

It's also the perfect centerpiece for this book that I'm writing, and I would love to talk to you about having it featured in my book. Amazing work.

  • Aaryaa Kamdar by Aaryaa Kamdar, Rajkot
  • 9 years ago

This is an absolutely amazing poem, it shows true feelings and I relate very well to it. I am in a similar situation and I understand that is is hard to go through your day all alone. Though dreams someday will be accomplished, so never stop dreaming... Please continue writing poems...

  • Jordan by Jordan, PA
  • 10 years ago

This was truly beautiful! I almost cried... ok I did cry more like bawled. This made my heart break even more... just knowing that there are other people out there who hurt, even more than I do. You truly are a gifted person and I would love to get to know you cause I too have been longing for a friend or someone just to accept me. Yes I have friends but sometimes I wonder if they are truly my friends or just pretending. Your poem is very beautiful and I myself could never compete to such beauty. Keep writing and I will keep reading.
I put my gender cause there are a lot of Jordan's out there in the world.

  • Chris Trottier by Chris Trottier Poet
  • 9 years ago

Many thanks, I spent quite a while writing this one in comparison to my older ones. Been nearly a year now. XD You can find me on Facebook if you'd like, just search up Hawkinable or Chris Cage.

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