Hurting Poem by Teens

Hard times and hard struggles are what happen in life, but sometimes it's just too much to continue.

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This poem is so easy to relate to. Even though no one should have to relate to it. No one should have to feel this way - like suicide is the only option. I've been there myself. Thought that...

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Breaking Down, Giving In, Giving Up


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2012 with permission of the Author.

I've tried. Time and time again, I've tried.
To not cut, to not be weak, to not fall into temptations.
You single-handedly abolished whatever pieces of my heart were left. 
You see the struggles I've been through. You still leave me, like I'm nothing.
I'm sorry for being weak. I'm sorry for existing. I'm sorry for loving you.
I'm sorry for you having to love me. I'm sorry about the struggles I put you through.
But what I'm most sorry for is wasting your time.
I'm sorry I apologize too much.
I'm sorry that I can't live up to expectations.
I'm sorry I broke down.
I tried to hold out, to be strong. I physically and mentally can't.
I'm sorry I can't be the ideal, perfect girl everybody makes me out to seem.
I'm sorry you can see scars. But that's the only thing beautiful about me.
I've lost total control. Don't know where or how to start.
Don't know if I want to start. Maybe I should just give up.
I cry too much. Too many tears in only a short time.
I'm sorry I couldn't put my fake smile on. I'm sorry I can't find it anymore.
However, what I'm sorry for the most is I'm sorry for affecting you. Everyone.
I'm sorry for getting in your heart and in your head.
And once again, I'm sorry for apologizing so much.
Some will say that suicide or cutting is selfish. Selfish for the loved ones.
Isn't it selfish for the loved ones to continue to let the person continue through life in so much pain?
I'm not committing suicide, but I just might. Too many thoughts, too many unseen cuts to the human eye.
That's why I'm breaking down, giving in, and giving up.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ranboo by Ranboo, colorado
  • 3 years ago

I hate how much I can relate to this. I'm 13, and I don't feel right anymore. Still don't. I've been writing to escape reality and honestly can't do it anymore. I'm not okay, I feel alone in a world full of people who just don't care.

  • I Care by I Care
  • 3 years ago

I know this world sucks! I'm 43...and I know it seems forever to be my age. But I can tell you that your heart will break again and you will want to end it all. In between all that pain though, there will be people who are worth it. All you have to do is look, but not too hard. Look and recognize even for a fleeting moment. It's like the strokes of a new swimmer. At first, it's only a few that keep you afloat, and then one day you will be swimming oceans! All my love and best wishes to you! Xoxo

  • Emma Torres by Emma Torres
  • 6 years ago

This poem is so easy to relate to. Even though no one should have to relate to it. No one should have to feel this way - like suicide is the only option. I've been there myself. Thought that the only way to feel better was to not be able to feel anything at all. I've given in to drugs, alcohol, cutting, and sleeping around just to hear the words that they would say to me. To feel like in the moment someone loved me. I ruined my body with all of this self-abuse. I'm never going to forget any of this. Every time that I look in the mirror, all I see is my past and what I've done to myself. It's still really hard to believe that it gets better, and honestly it might not. But there is no chance that it will even start to get better if you give up. I really hope that you don't give up. Even though it seems like the only option, it's not. And I'm not saying to see a therapist; I'm saying to believe in yourself even when no one else does. And I know how corny that sounds, but it's true!

  • Leon by Leon, Houston
  • 11 years ago

Wow I'm guessing your around 15 now. I hope you didn't give up on life when you have so much of it to live. I'm 22 and I've had a lot of hardships to overcome myself. I lost grandfather at 13, then I lost my brother to 13 gun shots at 17, then I lost my home the following year. Through it all I'm in college and running track. I will graduate in a year with my bachelors degree and two minor degrees. DON'T GIVE UP. Forget not giving up for a female. Don't give up for you! God loves you and I love you even though I never met you. We are all children of God.

  • Breanna by Breanna, Tucson Arizona
  • 12 years ago

I'm 14 and I am suicidal.. I want it to be over but my friends say no. My mom sent me to a mental hospital which only made things worse. I'm in love with my best friend and she knows. She says she isn't bi anymore.. I just don't know what to do anymore... I don't want to give up because if I give up on life.. I give up on us..

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