Inspirational Poem by Teens

Poem About How To Love Yourself

My poem is about how I see myself. I see myself as broken, unlovable, and too far gone. But that's not who I really am. This poem is written from the perspective of someone who knows all of my issues. Who know all that I've done but doesn't care. He still loves me anyway. This is how I want to see myself. If you're out there and are hurting today, please know there is someone who loves you. Your story's far from over. You are beautiful, no matter what you've done.

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This, to me, describes something similar that my friends said/wrote about me. It shocked me at the time how much they cared about me. I felt unlovable after me and my mom started fighting...

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Clear Vision


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2018 with permission of the Author.

She longs to be pretty,
Because all she sees are her flaws.
She doesn't see that those "flaws"
Are really her perfection.

She longs to be free
From all the chains she's bound herself in.
She doesn't see that those chains
Fell off months ago.

She longs to be someone else
Who hasn't seen all she has.
She doesn't see that those miles
On her soul just make her more beautiful.

She longs to be loved,
But doesn't think she can be.
She doesn't see that no one
Could ever love her more than I do.

She longs to be whole again,
But doesn't know if she ever will be.
She doesn't see that her brokenness
Makes her even more amazing.

She longs to be wanted,
But she thinks she's a pest.
She doesn't see that when she's not with me,
I ache and long for her.

I long to tell her these things,
But I know I can't.
I can't give her the one gift
That she needs the most.

I long to show her all that she is,
But I know she won't believe me.
I can't show her because
It's not mine to show.

I long to give her the one thing
That I can't.
I can't give it to her because
She has to discover these things for herself.

I long for the day that she sees what I see.
I can't wait for the day
She receives clear vision.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Anon by Anon
  • 2 years ago

This, to me, describes something similar that my friends said/wrote about me. It shocked me at the time how much they cared about me. I felt unlovable after me and my mom started fighting more and more.

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