Aging Poem

Dealing With Growing Old

I never thought I would, but since I turned 60, I have been struggling with growing old and all the emotions that entails.

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This poem really hit home with me. I will be 60 on my next birthday and it seems like years fly by like days. I too look in the mirror and wonder where all the lines and wrinkles have came...

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I Still Matter

Patricia A Fleming © more by Patricia A Fleming

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2017 with permission of the Author.


My looks are nothing special,
My face reveals my age,
My body shows some wear and tear,
And my energy's not the same.

Too often my memory fails me,
And I lose things all the time.
One minute I know what I plan to do,
And the next it may just slip my mind.

I try hard to avoid my mirror.
There are things I would rather not see,
And even those times when I just catch a glimpse,
I can no longer recognize me.

The things I used to do with ease
Can now cause aches and pains,
And the quality of the things I do
Will never be quite the same.

I always compare my older self
To those younger versions of me,
And I know I'm wasting too much time
Missing who I used to be.

But the thing that really makes me sad
Is despite what people see,
Underneath my tattered, worn out shell,
I'm still the same old me.

My heart can still feel endless love,
And at times it still can ache.
My heart can fill with so much joy,
And then it can suddenly break.

My soul can still feel sympathy
And longs for forgiveness and peace,
And there are times its light shines boldly through,
And times when it longs for release.

It's true, maybe now that I'm older,
Feeling lonely may be status quo,
But it also has made me more willing
To forgive and let past conflicts go.

So maybe to some I look ugly and old,
A person who barely exists.
I'm still quite aware of the beauty inside,
And my value should not be dismissed.

So although not as strong and no beauty, it's true,
I'm still here and want so much to live,
And I know that there's no one in this world quite like me,
And no one who has more to give.



Started writing at an early age and kept journals over the years. After retiring in 2016, wrote primarily poetry every day. This site is the best of all and I am still so grateful to have found it. There are some immensely talented writers on here.
I have not been writing quite as often lately but I keep my hand in it. My other hobbies include...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Victoria by Victoria
  • 9 months ago

Though I am not near 60, I can honestly say I really enjoy this poem. As the years continue, I think I will come back to read often because it is a delightful read and in many ways I feel anyone can relate in some way about aging. Even reading some of your most recent poems I do enjoy. Very clear, clean and vivid writing. Thank you for sharing them.

  • Pradeep Sharma by Pradeep Sharma
  • 1 year ago

Great poem, brings out vividly what everyone at this age feels.

  • Averil Engelstoft Luyt by Averil Engelstoft Luyt
  • 2 years ago

Good day. I would just like say that I am 75 (born 18 Dec. 1946) and only came across this poem for the first time today. I thought some kind soul had written it especially for me. It is lovely and so true to the over 70s. It is nothing to worry about, and my aging provides me with endless giggles, so enjoy every moment of getting old. Aches, pains, and all.
Regards, Averil

  • Patricia Ball by Patricia Ball
  • 2 years ago

Thanks, Averil. This poem touched me, as well. I'm 75, too, and I appreciate your encouragement to enjoy every moment. The aches, pains and all sometimes prevent that, but there are enough giggles to get me through. "It is nothing to worry about." I shall remember that.

  • Kathy J Brookhart by Kathy J Brookhart
  • 3 years ago

At this time of year when people are being sentimental, I mourn for the loss of the relationship between mother and her grown children. I've always loved this time of year, but now I know that I have been a big disappointment to my wonderful family. I acted in haste and ignored their sage advice. I regret my choices greatly. I may never be close to my children again. I have hurt them too much. So on Christmas day I will be with my family, but I will be invisible. No one looks my way or shares their life with me. If I had one wish in my old age, it would be to be part of the family again. I don't want to be invisible. It won't be a Merry Christmas. I pray others who read my plea will take it to heart. Merry Christmas.

  • Leisha Hunt by Leisha Hunt
  • 3 years ago

This poem really hit home with me. I will be 60 on my next birthday and it seems like years fly by like days. I too look in the mirror and wonder where all the lines and wrinkles have came from. The things that used to be a joy for me to do now hurt so I can not do them.

Take care of yourself while you are young because time waits for no one and before you know what happens you are the one looking in the mirror wondering who you are looking at.

  • Wyatt Petty by Wyatt Petty
  • 2 years ago

We should try as much as possible to make the most of life while we still here. Much love from here.

I'm a member of the same club you talked about. Getting old is quite a challenge for me. I, like you've written, keep thinking of all the things I used to do but no longer can, or at least not as well. My only solace is that it happens to us all. I tried to enjoy my life when I was younger and I'll try to enjoy it as I age.

  • 4 years ago

I am still young, but the poem made me realize that that my young age will not last, and moreover, I will remain the same within.

  • Sylvia Sellars by Sylvia Sellars
  • 6 years ago

Pat's poems are so unique yet universal, written from the heart and able to capture the feelings of those who read them. I have been through a long period of caring for a relative. During this time, I have lost myself and I am struggling to find where I can fit in following the funeral and tying up the loose ends. I find so much comfort from the words and spend time contemplating their message, which always manage to lift my spirits and give me hope that soon everything will be okay. Thank you so much, Pat. Maybe in the future I will be able to find the words to offer others following a loved one's passing.

  • James Arel by James Arel
  • 7 years ago

This poem touched my heart very strongly. I have always worked hard all my life, supporting my beautiful wife and 4 great and beautiful children. Then one day my life changed. I got old. I couldn't work anymore and too many parts of my body were giving out, causing a lot of pain with hospitalization.
One day, my wife of 36 years, who was getting younger looking with her addiction to running, came home one holiday after another race and told me she did not want to be married anymore. She had no reason for me. My world came to an end. Everything I did in my life, I did for her. Now I needed help, but I had gotten too old, too ugly. Now there's no point to life. The worst pain is my broken heart.

  • Ed Adams by Ed Adams
  • 2 years ago

Dear Mr. Arel,
Though my life's travels are different than yours, I have known great pain and suffering also, mostly of my own making. I offer this in all sincerity. I only found peace when I realized that a higher power was available. Jesus is the friend of the broken hearted. You are wonderful to Him, and if you seek Him, you will find Him. Please try. I will be praying for you.
Your friend,

  • Lilly Cooper by Lilly Cooper
  • 6 years ago

Hi James, nobody is born ugly. You are so much more worthy than you think. Don't let anyone put you down. You are worth so much more. God bless.

  • Catherine Burke by Catherine Burke
  • 6 years ago

James, I am new to this site and have just seen your post. I hope that life is getting better for you. It can be a cruel world sometimes. Please continue to have faith. There are so many good people in the world. I hope you have the support you need.

  • NatureLover by NatureLover
  • 7 years ago

Your post made me hurt for you. Please don't let someone else forgetting the importance of a vow prevent you from continuing to shine! From your writing, you have a lot of love to share with the world and your children. Only a heart full of love can feel such pain.
You don't say much regarding the timing of your life changes, but as soon as you can, get out and look for people to help. It can be little things, but they bring the remembrance of purpose back to your life. For example, a single parent at our church needs diapers, so people take turns purchasing them. I hope you find peace and acceptance in your continued journey.

I am so sorry for what you have been through, but your wife's need to go in another direction does not diminish who you are and what you have to offer as a person. Getting old stinks, but desperately trying to keep the inevitable from happening is a tiresome and fruitless effort. Let your wife do that. You accept who you are and be proud of who you are because of your age. You gave the world 4 wonderful human beings, and that is no easy task. Let your wife go and maintain the dignity of what your experience in life has given you. Don't be angry or bitter. We've been through enough. It's time to give ourselves the right to relax and let it all go. That's a good thing!

  • NatureLover by NatureLover
  • 7 years ago

I would like to tell you that your poem touched my heart. I have been interested in learning from older individuals throughout my career as a physical therapist. I recently returned to school (online) in my mid-50's to work toward achieving my Doctorate. I have been happily married for many years, but like you, I have no children. It is true that what is inside of us is significant and beautiful. Every soul has much to give. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing poetry.

Thank you so much for your kind comment about my poem. It means so much to me that you could identify with my words. I am extremely impressed with your goals for yourself at this point in your life. You are my hero. Good luck in all you do.

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