Aging Poem

Poem About Aging Gracefully

I just turned 96 and can still eat, sleep, walk, and talk. I've been a busy person all my life and when we moved back to my home town, I gave up my driving license and the poetry outlets I had in Nevada, California, and New York. In fact, they have been a godsend. To my surprise, I found that creating crossword puzzles were fun to do and have written about 400. I also have learned that taking plenty of time makes life easier, and I'm able to be patient with myself.

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It is genuinely a beautiful poem depicting the harsh reality of life that many of us don't really know how to handle the unwanted changes that old age brings with it. One always lives in this...

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Clearing The Way

© more by Alora M. Knight

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2017 with permission of the Author.

I have waited quite a long time to get old,
So I think I should try to enjoy it.
I can't turn it in for a refund,
And I surely don't want to destroy it.

They tell me that life is a one-way street,
As if I am too dumb to know.
I might as well keep moving on forward.
There's not much choice where to go.

I would like to lighten the luggage
I've accumulated over the years.
I'd be smart to release all the memories
That brought about heartache and tears.

That would make living much better,
Free up space that then could be filled
With appreciation for the good things in life,
With the promise that then I could build

A future that lives for the moment,
With little concern for the past.
My time will be filled with contentment,
No matter how long it will last.

So now that I'm ready for the rest of the trip,
I foresee no problems ahead.
I'll make each day be a worthwhile event,
With no regrets for the life I have led.



Words have always been an important part of my life. My mother taught to read before I started school and coached me through winning spelling contests. I had to learn the meaning of the words, too. I've written books and articles for Salesian Inspirational Mission, Chicken Soup for the Sister's Soul, for newspapers and magazines, but receiving...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!

This poem is so good. I love it! I agree with it too. None of us can really undo anything we years ago did. And since most of us don't have an idea of how long we have left, try to enjoy it as best we can. I plan to.

  • Arlene Holpp Scala by Arlene Holpp Scala
  • 5 years ago

While preparing a service titled "Aging with Grace" for my Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades in Englewood, NJ, I came across Alora Knight's wonderful poem "Clearing the Way," and I immediately knew I would incorporate it into my service. I love her theme of moving forward into old age with appreciation and contentment!

  • Madhu Sharma by Madhu Sharma
  • 7 years ago

It is genuinely a beautiful poem depicting the harsh reality of life that many of us don't really know how to handle the unwanted changes that old age brings with it. One always lives in this illusion that he will forever remain youthful, vibrant, and agile. But the wheel of time brings with it the dark things also on the forefront. These may be certain physical changes or some health issues....I like and appreciate this poem because it shows the positive side of the phenomenon. Almost everyone is destined to grow old, but how many of these take old age so lightly and don't bear any load on their hearts or minds? The deftness with which this theme has been dealt is really appreciable.

Love this poem for many reasons. Its message hit home for me, and I love the positive spin you put on it because aging can be so depressing at times. I love the form of this poem; it's my favorite, and the rhythm of you words is perfect. It's so simplistic but carries a great deal of real, honest feeling. Lovely, lovely poem. Thank you!

Dear Pat, I just read your poem today and know just how you feel. I can only thank my genes for the fact I look many years younger. I wash my face once a week and slap some Lubriderm on it. One of my poems is, "We are all part of the scenery," so I try. I'm 98 and fortunate that I can still eat, sleep, walk and talk, and make crossword puzzles. Keep on keeping on, even one of your smiles might make a difference. Regards, Alora Knight

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