Hurting Poem

Poem About Longing For A Lost Love

Being left by our love is painful, but what is more painful? Leaving your love knowingly and seeing him fight for you. That's the most painful. She knows it's her mistake. She knows she is giving him pain. She knows she can change it all but still can't and won't. She knows how empty she is without him. She loves him, but she can't express it. She has no one to express it to but her diary...

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My girls left me for their dad and his wife. They felt they had to or they’d lose him. Kids are resilient? They just push it all down. It still wounds them. Who would think it would only...

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Nobody Knows

© more by Azumi Zaima

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2016 with permission of the Author.

Nobody knows it's empty,
The smile that I wear.
The real one is left behind in the past
Because I left you there...

Nobody knows I am crying.
They won't even see my tears.
When they think I am laughing,
I wish you were here...

Nobody knows it's painful.
They think that I am strong.
They say it won't kill me,
But I wonder if they are wrong...

Nobody knows I miss you.
They think I am all set free,
But I feel like I am bound with chains,
Trapped in the mystery...

Nobody knows I need you.
They think I can do it on my own,
But they don't know I am crying
When I am all alone...


more by Azumi Zaima

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sundaram Singh by Sundaram Singh
  • 1 year ago

Everything was right in the start.. i slowly devoted all myself to her without thinking a bit that she might take me and my feelings for granted.. I was demeaned in her feelings were nothing for her... She became insensitive... I cried nights.. I behaved like a child only with her and she called me immature and to become a man... My tears were drain water and restless night were my bad habits for her... She told i didn't want to be, I love her but I'm tired.. don't want to bother her anymore....let her be happy in her world...but it's hard to move... Heart always say to stop and try once more even after doing multiple times...

  • Noah Sanchez by Noah Sanchez, Amarillo, Texas
  • 3 years ago

I can relate to that. Because my daughter Brooklyn who I love so dearly is always in trouble. But I know that everything I have done for her she'll remember one day when I'm gone.

  • Jennifer Talbot by Jennifer Talbot
  • 4 years ago

My girls left me for their dad and his wife. They felt they had to or they’d lose him. Kids are resilient? They just push it all down. It still wounds them. Who would think it would only hurt ME? When they wanted Mom, they could not say anything to anyone about it, in fear Dad would find out, and yell at them, as he did if they ever so much as mentioned me. Now they have attachment issues, and it seems they don't hurt walking away, but they do. They just know how to not show it, and how to get past it. They know that after losing their mom, they can leave anyone and survive. They can't see how love is a commitment as much as an emotion. Nobody is perfect, and if you want them to love you for you, and not hold your flaws against you, you will make that sacrifice for them, without any other consideration. Not because you like their mistakes, but because you love THEM for their heart and soul. Unconditionally.

  • Tricia Connor by Tricia Connor
  • 4 years ago

My oldest daughter left me for her dad. Your words are healing some deep wounds. I realize now she didn't leave me, she knew I was strong enough to live without her because after all I was strong enough to live without her dad. But really her dad was not strong enough to live without me. She took my place in his life. Grocery shopping, cleaning, etc., all the things he needed a wife for. But alas, seven years later, just as he couldn't be a companion to me, he is not a companion to her. She is simply a maid. She still makes sure he's well, but now she understands the narcissist's ways.

  • Black Heart by Black Heart, Australia, Queensland
  • 4 years ago

I love this poem. It's so touching. Some years ago, I got in a problem and that was not my fault, but my family did not trust me and blamed it on me. I got very upset not because they blamed me but because they didn't trust me. After some years, I fell in love with someone. He was always there for me, he trust me more than anyone could. We spend most of our time together. But what hurt me was he loved my sister and he got close to me because he wanted my sister to know him. I felt like I was used. I am writing here because now I am all alone and I have no one to share my thoughts. Thank you.

  • Brian Kip by Brian Kip
  • 1 year ago

I'm here for you. It's tough when our own family fails to trust and support us, especially when we're not at fault. It's great that you found someone who believed in you and stood by your side. However, it's understandable that you feel hurt and used due to the complicated circumstances.

Remember, you're not alone in your loneliness. There are people who care and will listen. Reach out to friends, engage in activities you enjoy, or consider seeking professional help for support and connection.

You're not defined by others' actions. You deserve trust, understanding, and love. Prioritize your well-being and surround yourself with those who genuinely care for you.

I'm here to listen if you need to talk. You matter, and your feelings are valid.

  • Crystal L. Canada by Crystal L. Canada
  • 4 years ago

I know this pain all too well...leaving the one you love and having him still love you and knowing you can never be together.

  • Keno by Keno
  • 5 years ago

I've recently broken up with my boyfriend. I broke up with him because I thought he would be better off without me. Though I love him a lot, I lied to him, not only once but many times. We’ve broken apart, but I can’t forget him. It’s just very hard. I need him a lot. He said he cannot trust me anymore because I broke his trust over and over. I really regret what I’ve done.

  • Alice Chadiwa by Alice Chadiwa
  • 5 years ago

I have been dating my boyfriend for the past two years, and he impregnated another girl and they are staying together. I only found out about this recently, and she is about to give birth. He apologized, and I forgave him, and he wants to be with me. I love him so much that I cannot make a decision. All I know is I love him so much I would do anything for him.

  • Sumorsaet by Sumorsaet
  • 5 years ago

From the first lines to the last, this little poem spoke to me of "loss." Whether of someone moving away in life or (as in my case) passing away forever, the pain and loneliness left behind hurts just the same. This poem expressed it as well as any famous work the unanswered question of love. But your life must go on. And I, too, will try to take my own advice.

  • Stacey by Stacey
  • 5 years ago

Hi my name is Stacey. I am sorta in a love triangle as I have a partner who I've been with 12 years, but now I'm in love with my best guy friend who I've known since I was 13 years old. He makes me smile. He's polite and he is very respectful. My partner has cheated on me more than once. We have 3 kids.

  • Shavon by Shavon
  • 5 years ago

I completely understand this. I'm going through the same thing as we speak. I love my husband whom I've been with for 10 years. But my guy friend is polite, loving, caring, sweet...all that nice stuff. Did you finally make a choice? What did you choose, and how has it affected your life?

  • Matt D. Cameron by Matt D. Cameron, Kingston, Ontario
  • 6 years ago

I've been alone for several years now. I'm a single father of 2 wonderful children, ages 16 and 14. I was diagnosed with a terminal illness not long ago and given a time frame to live. Not being able to sleep, I joined a couple chat rooms. I immediately struck up a conversation with a charming young lady. We hit it off, and feelings began to form, so against my better judgment, I informed her of my condition. She was very upset, but she kept chatting. A few days later she introduced me to her friend. I was confused as I had feelings for her. It wasn't long into the conversation that I realized why she had done this. The woman she introduced me to has an illness that may or may not be terminal, depending on transplant. I have grown to love this woman very much, and for the first time in my life I feel true love. Even though we are thousands of kilometers away, I can feel her with me. I'll never meet this love of mine, but she's in my soul.

  • Chillze by Chillze
  • 6 years ago

I'm taken aback at how well you know my story. It's like this was written just for me. Thank you. I have so much respect for you.

  • Naveed by Naveed
  • 7 years ago

I loved someone so badly. I was like mad. I wanted to marry her, but there were cast differences and her father refused. Now she is married, living happily. I am married, too, but I just can't forget her. She is in my mind and heart all the time, even though it has been 7 year.

  • Celina Wheeler by Celina Wheeler
  • 7 years ago

Exactly how I feel right now. I let go of the guy I loved so much. Nobody can see how much I love him and miss him. I let him go because I saw myself getting bad. But every day I'm getting a little but stronger. I decided I needed a change with myself, so I've decided to change a lot about me. My hair color, eye color, style, and get right with myself. I gotta let this pain go somehow. Even though I miss him like hell, I know it was the right thing to do.

  • Joy Agcaoili by Joy Agcaoili
  • 6 years ago

How did you start to move on? I'm drowning myself into darkness. I feel like I am dying. All I want is for this pain to go away.

  • Mike Gooch by Mike Gooch
  • 7 years ago

I am also going through my wife having an affair. We've been married for 12 years. I caught them together. We have decided to try and work through it. It's a scary time for us. But I'm so hurt! This is not like the woman I fell for all those years ago. Thanks for sharing.

  • 5 years ago

I can understand how you feel! I had an emotional affair with a lady; both divorced and remarried!! Divorced persons in new marriages are very vulnerable, constantly trying to prove themselves worthy, facing criticism when you fall short of the other half's expectations. And I have been told, ''That is why you were divorced," when anything goes awry!! The lady's husband in a rage broke open her cupboard to find letters from me to her; he divorced her. As the matter was going to court, I saw my lawyer who advised I inform my wife rather than have her find out by other means. I did so! It has been 10 years - I have never been trusted again and my wife often hits out at me. The irony is that my wife was the cause of my divorce! Twice I have been done in and my case is bizarre. If you love, her give her a chance, but do not let her suffer guilt. If you cannot, leave her. She is suffering even if she does not show it.

  • Lu by Lu
  • 5 years ago

Hi, my husband cheated on me with my good friend while I was 6 months pregnant. I have forgiven him, but the trust is never the same, and we will be together 9 years and married 8. I can't believe how insensitive people who cheat are. When you cheat, you cheat on your whole family, not just your spouse. It's unfair to be cheated out of happiness.

  • Frank by Frank
  • 6 years ago

Try 21 years and finding out your wife spent 10 months cheating. Home every night - never skipped a beat. Not even in the sack.

  • Azad by Azad
  • 7 years ago

I was about to cry when I was reading this poem. I am a student who loves a girl. She was my classmate, and I would do anything for her. Actually, I wanted to marry her. I proposed to her and she accepted after one month. We started talking more on the phone. One said she asked if we wanted to live together. Our families did not accept us because we are not in the same caste. She asked her father about inter-caste marriage, and he refused. She told me and said to forget it. How is that possible? I don’t understand why India is divided on the basis of caste. Everyone has two hands, two eyes, one nose, two hands, and two legs. Why does it have to be this way?

  • Kelia Kk Robinson by Kelia Kk Robinson, ny astoria
  • 7 years ago

Don't worry, you'll find another beautiful women. Just have faith and hope.

  • Chris Degroote by Chris Degroote
  • 7 years ago

I sacrificed my heart for my wife. She promised never to break it. Twelve years, 2 beautiful kids in, I find out she has been having an affair. I've been loyal all these years, putting up with her lies, secrets, and bullcrap 'cause I love her. Funny thing is that I still do but can't go back 'cause trust is key in any relationship. Pretty much put up with a sexless marriage, and I didn't cheat. I tried everything to get her attention with no success as she was having an affair. I'm heartbroken. She thinks I'm mad and all. I'm hurting, feeling lost, disappointed, confused.

  • Climate by Climate
  • 7 years ago

She doesn't deserve you. I understand you feel deserted, but it probably worked out for the best. You were not happy as you had tried everything to show her just what she meant to you. It is not the end of the road. You have a greater future ahead of you. Let the current circumstance be a stepping stone.

  • Kelia Kk Robinson by Kelia Kk Robinson, ny astoria
  • 7 years ago

I remember when I sacrificed myself for my ex. I threw away my heart for him, and he says he never loved me. We were together for 3 years.

  • LeSandra Hunting by LeSandra Hunting
  • 7 years ago

This is so touching! It exactly explains how I feel. I had a breakdown at school and my friends are asking me what's wrong, but the problem is that one of my closest friends moved away and I have family problems. How are you supposed to answer that question if you don't know what to say?!

  • Riley Stringer by Riley Stringer
  • 7 years ago

Hi LaSandra, my name is Riley Stringer, and I am growing up to be a therapist. I may be only eleven years old, but I have experienced some unbelievably sad things. After my parents got divorced two years ago I just sorta let go of everything, all of my feelings, and emotions about everything in my whole lifetime. I know what you are going through, and I am not just saying that. I really mean it. All I can say to you is that there is always light at the end of the pitch black tunnel. Just keep pushing through and know that there is at lease one person out there who loves you and cares for you, so stay safe.

  • Darian by Darian
  • 8 years ago

This poem speaks deeply to me, I fell in love with a girl who didn't share my feelings. For so long I had to pretend that I was okay with just being friends, and it sucks. The feeling of entrapment and soul leeching hurt combined is just too much. I still love her from the bottom of my heart but I have to move on with my life. It helps to know that other people know how I feel and understand because sometimes it feels like I'm the only one. Thank you.

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