Dream Poem

Poem Dreaming For A World Without Racism

Growing up as a young black girl, even in this day and age, is hard. You easily get judged or criticized because of the colour of your skin. Or maybe because of your accent. It gets so bad that even people of a mature age, who should know better, end up calling us coloured children or insulting the type of hair we have.
This poem isn't only for black people; it's for everyone and anyone. I hope this poem speaks to you as it did when I wrote it. Let us have a change of heart. God Bless!

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Preach preacher, preach. As an African American girl, I say this: We want peace! We want peace! We want peace!

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Peace To Me


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

When I think of peace, I see myself in a world where I can truly be myself,
Who I choose to be, where I can just let go and be comfortable with who I am

A world with no hatred, racism, or pain
A world where no one is judged or criticized
A place with equality and value of people's lives
A time of joy and togetherness, where no one is thought as of good or evil

Where creed or colour is not looked at as right or wrong, good, or bad
Where no one is offensive, cruel, or rude
A place that makes it possible to stay in a good mood

When I think of peace, I see a gentle wave lapping up a beach
The smile shared between a mother and her child
The silence of peace and quiet, the lack of hatred, war, and riots

One day nations will come together and be as one
Just as the Lord wanted it to be
We are all one people
Put together in one world

When I think of peace, I see a better world...for all of us


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • 2 years ago

I was touched. I will be reading this poem for my Black History Program.

  • Jasmine Turner by Jasmine Turner
  • 6 years ago

Preach preacher, preach. As an African American girl, I say this: We want peace! We want peace! We want peace!

  • Esther by Esther
  • 9 years ago

Thanks so much for the poem it touched my heart. May God bless us all.

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