Life Lesson Poem

Poem About Learning Lessons From Mistakes

The poem is about a girl who wants to face all the ups and downs in life. She wants to challenge all the situations and then emerge as a free and mature bird who has discovered the whole sky, flying among the clouds. She wants to commit mistakes but only to learn from them. She wants to have a heart made of gold, which only stores love and has no hatred to show.

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Committing mistakes and then learning from them can be a great lesson of life. It can truly evolve a person into a nice gentleman. I remember, after passing out of the university, I joined an...

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Touching The Sky


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2018 with permission of the Author.

Come for me, sweet tomorrow.
Help me touch the sky.
Like a well-learned bird opens its wings,
I, too, want to fly high.
Don't let the darkness of yesterday
Blind my vision to evolve.
Coming out of the bitterness of the past,
Help me let my flaws absolve.
Make me like a rainbow,
The colours mingled together,
But all of them in show.
Help me discover my hidden talents
And pull myself together with efforts gallant.
Let me be a beacon of goodness
For the people I meet.
Help me hear the music of life
And follow every beat.
Come for me, sweet tomorrow.
Help me touch the sky;
Like a well-learned bird opens its wings,
I, too, want to fly high.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Alex Car by Alex Car
  • 3 years ago

This poem reminds me to stop dwelling on my mistakes. Yesterday's faults died and are completely desolved when you forget them.

  • Subhash Bansal by Subhash Bansal
  • 6 years ago

Committing mistakes and then learning from them can be a great lesson of life. It can truly evolve a person into a nice gentleman. I remember, after passing out of the university, I joined an organisation named Junior Chamber International. The luring aspect of this organisation was they allowed you to commit mistakes and then helped you to learn from them. I remained a member of this organization for more than 7 years. I learned a lot during that period. It still helps me a lot. The poet has tried to convey that spirit through a well-worded and well-crafted poem. It reminded me of the time spent 32 years ago. Thank you, Poet, for writing such a thoughtful poem.
-Subhash Bansal

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