Life Lesson Poem

Jumping To Conclusions About People

Took a me a while, but after misjudging people and being misjudged myself a number of times, I've learned to be careful jumping to conclusions about others.

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What a wonderful piece of writing. I love it! I agree with it. In my early 20's I worked in a convenience store, and I had a game I played where I would judge whether the customer would be...

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© more by Abimbola T. Alabi

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2018 with permission of the Author.

First impressions can be strong
About those we see around.
Yet how often are they wrong?
That is the truth I've found.

Not all who cry are weak.
Not everyone who looks can see.
Not all who are quiet are meek.
Not all who nod agree.

Not all who snarl are cruel.
Not everyone generous is just.
Not everyone clumsy is a fool.
Not all who wander are lost.

We never know people's character.
In just a single instance.
We never know who people are
By judging from a distance.

But whether we like it or not,
We'll always be around people.
Is it better to know a few people a lot
Or a lot of people a little?

I'd rather know a few people a lot
Than a lot of people a little.


more by Abimbola T. Alabi

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  • Emmanuel Eyituoyo Godfrey by Emmanuel Eyituoyo Godfrey
  • 3 years ago

Such a beautiful piece! Wrong first impressions. We've all been guilty at some point in time in our lives. And your poem so very well captures the feeling using the most common first impressions. Thank you so much, Abimbola. I am glad I read this today.

What a wonderful piece of writing. I love it! I agree with it. In my early 20's I worked in a convenience store, and I had a game I played where I would judge whether the customer would be friendly or not, just by the way they looked. I was often wrong. I learned from that little experience not to continue that little experience. I've been misjudged before, and I know what it feels like. Now I try very, very hard not to do that. Again, very good job with your poem.

  • Shani by Shani
  • 5 years ago

I simply loved the way this big truth is quoted. Yes, what we see may not be what’s real until we get to undergo that moment which changes our opinion. A few are lucky to have realizations.

  • Arkoh Justina by Arkoh Justina
  • 6 years ago

This poem helps me to know how to live with people. It’s really heart touching, and it teaches me not to judge anyone. I really love this poem. Thank you, poet!

  • Sonishi by Sonishi
  • 7 years ago

This poem has so much truth and shared many important messages. Thanks for sharing such an inspiring poem with us.

  • Desiree R. Hardisty by Desiree R. Hardisty
  • 7 years ago

I really enjoyed this poem because it is true on so many levels. I've been misjudged, mislabeled, and criticized, and I'm sure I've done the same. You really captured the feeling.

I'm happy you can relate to my poem. I really love and appreciate your honest comment. Thank you.

I really like this well thought out poem. So true. It takes time to get to know a person. Many people are in and out of our lives or we just get to know someone at the surface level and it is hard to make a judgement so quickly because people are so much more. We have so many paragraphs and chapters to our lives that make us who we are. I feel it is better to have fewer people that we know and love on a deeper level than many that we hardly know at all. Thank you for sharing.

  • Terry Daldango by Terry Daldango
  • 2 years ago

I feel like I can relate to this. People do make certain assumptions on who we really are. Every word you have written is nothing more than real words. Thank you for sharing.

Hi Ms. Patricia, you are very kind to take time to comment, and I couldn't agree more. We seem to share the same views, and it's really lovely. Thank you. This means a lot.

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