1. Just Wait For The Sun
When everything's darkness
And you feel so alone,
When the rain doesn't stop
And you can't make it home,
Discovering you suffer from a mental illness can be devastating. When faced with this challenge, most people work hard to pursue treatment and inform themselves about the disease. Even still, keeping a positive outlook and attempting to maintain good communication with your loved ones can become extremely challenging. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you may feel deep sadness and frustration because of your illness. Such feelings are normal, and should not be repressed. In fact, expressing them to a close friend or through writing can help you to cope, and even thrive, despite your mental illness.
When everything's darkness
And you feel so alone,
When the rain doesn't stop
And you can't make it home,
Wow! This is an amazing poem! I love how the poem just flows and makes so much of sense. Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem. I know you posted this like 2 years ago but I hope you're...
No one understands what I am suffering from. My new doctor has decided I am taking a far too dangerous drug, so he is weaning me off. I must suffer again for the length of this weaning...
If I turned around and walked away, would you notice I'm gone?
Would you even care?
When you look at me, do you see the smile on my face,
Or do you see the tears I fight to hold inside?
Beautifully written right from the heart. Carry on telling people how you feel; don't keep things bottled up like my son did. Unfortunately, he's no longer with us. See my poem, "Jonathan's...
It's hard when you're always lying,
Always hiding the way you feel.
Losing your sight on truthful words,
Forgetting what is real.
Thanks for writing this touching poem! I have struggled my way through so many things that nobody ever cared to ask me about. I had a very troubling childhood and I still suffer from it. The...
Closing in all around me,
a fear I can't describe.
All shaky and confused,
I think I'm going to die.
I'm Rose, I'm only 14, and have suffered from severe anxiety and social anxiety since I was around 10. For the past 2 years I've suffered from depression, this poem literally lit up my heart....
She's beauty, style, poise and grace,
At least she appears to be.
But no one knows the girl who hides
Behind the face they see.
I myself have a daughter that is now going to be 26 in a little over a month. She doesn't leave the house at all, she comes to my house and to her Dr's appointments but not by choice. They...
I am a person with worry, fear, doubt, and with grace. I worry for those who will be hurt by me, those who will be disappointed in me, those who will care for me but leave me, and those who I...
Get dressed, love.
You're going to be late.
You look at yourself in the mirror,
The one you really hate.
I'm a 15-year-old female who was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and severe depression two years ago. I love the way this poem expresses how I feel almost every day. It's hard to get...
Panic, worry, darkness closing in around me.
These are some of the words I could use to describe my anxiety,
but nothing I can say could speak of its entirety,
as I cry internally thinking I've lost my sanity.
I completely understand you. Whenever I go to the doctor, they say nothing's wrong. But the truth is, it feels like everything is wrong. And it hurts so much, anxiety.
Surrounded by people yet all alone
Trapped within this solitary zone
A world where chaos and hate overtake
Every bit of happiness that may try to escape
I was moved by this poem because I believe left alone with your own thoughts can be suicidal. You can feel like you are not a part of the human race. That you are only existing. But I've come...
Little Schizophrenic Girl, heavily medicated so she can't feel the pain.
She will never leave that hospital, never again feel snow or rain.
Tears rolled down my cheek the very first time I looked into her blue eyes.
It's so true. My daughter had 28 hospital admissions in her short battle with mental illness. I lived through as much of those 13 years as I could as I couldn't abandon her or stop hoping for...
Every day is war to me,
A struggle to obtain reality.
A shower, my make-up, putting on my shoes.
It's hard to see the point some days,
I think this poem was a very good insight into what it is like to have anxiety, I am currently having an attack now and it is nice to have proof that I am not alone. Most of my friends don't...
I know you may not think so,
But I'm trying really hard.
I don't do it on purpose.
I did not pick this card.
I read this, and it touched my heart. I was labeled with many things from childhood through adulthood. I struggled greatly at home, in school, and in life. I cried as I read this poem. I...
Tightness in my chest.
I can't breathe.
The only time I can escape
is when I fall asleep.
I am 13 years old, but I've gone through so much, well I believe I have at least. All my life I've grown up with harsh punishments, including intense beatings using belts, bamboo, and my...
Is there anyone there
to help me see,
help me remember,
remember to be me?
I am 13 years old and I have anxiety and depression. Being a teenage girl is scary enough. Imagine sitting in bed every night rethinking your whole life and worrying about things that don't...
I'm miserable because of you,
making plans and not following through.
I actually struggle with minor social anxiety and this really is how it is. I have scars on my arm from where I scratched it off in a panic attack about people looking at me. To be honest,...
I get a funny feeling,
it comes from deep inside.
I get all mad and angry,
wanting to go and hide.
I was diagnosed schizo-effective at 35 but I was having problems way before then. I began hearing voices when I was 29. I lost who I was and became something else. I was always wild and...
It is in the dark of night
When insomnia sings me awake
To the tune of lullabies
And the rhythm of mindful blight.
I love the intimacy between the poet and these "hindrances." The relationship between nature, insomnia and anxiety around the poet at first is inviting, and calming. It isn't until daylight,...
I'm feeling so scared,
I can't breathe but I must.
Thinking so many thoughts,
Trying so hard to trust.
I'm almost 58 & feel this way daily! I have severe PTSD from a life of every kind of abuse you can think of & many you can't. Have had chronic pain since 1998 (24/7!), Fibromyalgia, severe...
I sit here and feel so alone.
Things in my mind broken.
Home doesn't feel like home.
This hit deeply. I suffer from so many mental health problems. I seem to be declining now. I'm lower than I have ever been. This poem put it in perspective and words I can't figure out that I...