Mental Illness Poem

Poem Explaining Panic Attacks Are Real

I wrote this poem when I was upset with my dad. He didn't understand that I was trying my best not to have another panic attack, and when I did, I tried as hard as I could to come out of it. But he didn't understand. He didn't see my point.

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I read this, and it touched my heart. I was labeled with many things from childhood through adulthood. I struggled greatly at home, in school, and in life. I cried as I read this poem. I...

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© more by Sami Chester

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2011 with permission of the Author.

I know you may not think so,
But I'm trying really hard.
I don't do it on purpose.
I did not pick this card.

I'm trying my very best
To get this hurtle jumped,
But no one else is there
To help me out of this slump.

I don't know what you want from me.
Give me a hint or clue.
Please give me a sign.
I don't know what to do.

If you only knew
How much I struggle in this war,
Maybe you would be there
To pick me up off the floor.

It's time to stop pretending,
Time to open up your eyes,
To give me a hand
Instead of looks and sighs.

It's not that I don't love you,
And it's not that I don't care.
The fact is I need help too;
I need somebody there.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Shelly by Shelly
  • 2 years ago

I read this, and it touched my heart. I was labeled with many things from childhood through adulthood. I struggled greatly at home, in school, and in life. I cried as I read this poem. I always wanted someone, anyone, to hear me, understand me, and not think I was just looking for attention or call me stupid, lazy, or crazy. Not have my family turn their backs on me when I was a child. It's bad enough when you see bullies torment or ignore physically challenged children and adults or mentally or visually challenged children and adults. You can see they're different. Sadly, for those of us with mental health issues or serious to severe learning issues and ADHD, you can't always tell. Many of us get ignored or bullied in the school system or even at home. We just want someone to care, see, hear, and love us. We know we are different. We know we can be difficult to deal with. Heck, some of us don't like dealing with our own selves! We get it. But we are still human; we still crave human touch, a kind word!

  • Trinity Winemiller by Trinity Winemiller
  • 5 years ago

My father is the type of person who does not "believe" in mental illnesses. I have always looked for help from an adult, but he always shoots it down. I deal with very critical anxiety and panic attacks/episodes, some putting me in the hospital. I also live through depressive episodes. I have never been diagnosed for these things because my father does not let me seek help. I have a poetry reading coming up for my school, we do one every year, and I am planning on reading this. My father will be there and maybe I will finally het through to him with this.

  • Lisa by Lisa, Fresno
  • 10 years ago

This poem I can relate to, I don't know anyone who has any type of this disorder. My 15 year old was born with a speech delay, at 7 he was diagnosed with ADHD and has been in Special Education since preschool, the school district labeled him on his IEP Mental Retarded which is now called Intellectual Disabled this has bothered me from the beginning and have tried to protect him from those words. He is generally a very happy kid, silly also. He tries at school but can't get any better than a D he acts so grown up around dad but with me it's a different story, his dad treats him like any other 15 year old and refuses me to put him in functional skills at school, I think it may be the best for him since he's not learning in Special day classes. This poem made me cry just think about my son and his dad. I think his dad may be in denial. This poem touched me in a lot of ways...

  • Kaity by Kaity, Oregon
  • 11 years ago

I have panic attacks too. My parents often look exasperated when another one starts when they're upset with me. I always want to shake them and say, "I'm trying! Just let me breathe! I'm not trying to get out of it, I'm just trying not to feel like my throat is closing again!" Thank you for sharing this poem. With anxiety it's easy to feel like no one gets me. Thank you for sharing.

  • Ledona Barnett by Ledona Barnett, Calif.
  • 12 years ago

I was diagnosed with Manic Depression (now called Bi-Polar Illness) when I was 17 years old after my first of many suicide attempts to come in my life. There is no way to explain the sudden feelings of sadness, loneliness, despair, fear etc. that come over you and sometimes you just feel you can't live like this anymore and attempt to end your life. You have to live with it as a major part of your life to even begin to understand the feelings of I'm worthless, I don't belong here anymore, I'm just making everyone's life miserable for everyone around me and they would be better off if I was gone. I'm 56 now and have fought this illness my whole life even while getting married and having my two great kids. (marriage didn't work for me, it didn't last very long.) I fight harder than ever now for my kids and grandkids and they have come up with new drugs that have helped me. My heart goes out to anyone living with mental illness or depression.

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