Mental Illness Poem

Poem About Struggling With Anxiety

This is my daily struggle. It's really quite unbearable.

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This hit deeply. I suffer from so many mental health problems. I seem to be declining now. I'm lower than I have ever been. This poem put it in perspective and words I can't figure out that I...

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Worry Is The Game


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

I sit here and feel so alone.
Things in my mind broken.
Home doesn't feel like home.

The thoughts creep in,
The symptoms come too.
When this happens,
I don't know what to do.

My heart races,
I feel so strange.
Anxiety is the word.
Worry is the game.

Life seems so unfair.
People places and things
Seem like they're not there.

I feel unreal,
I feel so alone.
Fear is my enemy,
The enemy is the unknown.

My life was perfect,
Just a simple girl.
Things got changed.
I entered the worry world.

I can't sleep.
Sometimes I wanna die.
I look around the room.
I find a place to cry.

Trapped in my mind,
Nowhere to go.
Worry is in there.
It took the show.

Love is no longer an essence.
Money doesn't matter.
Sometimes all I want to do
Is just jump and splatter.

Why does this happen to me?
Guess I'll never know.
I pray for help.
I pray for somewhere to go.

I want it to stop,
Go to someone else.
Sacrificing life,
Trying not to dwell.


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  • Rating 4.46
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Lorna Harvey by Lorna Harvey
  • 7 years ago

I, too, struggle with anxiety, so I really connected with this poem. I have recently finished my GCSE's, and it was the biggest struggle of my life, and it is only the beginning. I am terrified of what I will have to face in the future. Right now I am preparing myself for my next mission, which are my A-levels.

  • Rochelle Gardner by Rochelle Gardner
  • 7 years ago

This hit deeply. I suffer from so many mental health problems. I seem to be declining now. I'm lower than I have ever been. This poem put it in perspective and words I can't figure out that I need to use to describe it to others. I write poems, but I don't share them. I'm afraid of the reaction I will get. This poem really described me. I am always focusing on stuff others don't. I worry too much about everything, big and small, and I am sad because people tell me I'm being stupid or weird or I need to change myself to fit the world. Even my parents don't understand. Thank you for this because this helps me release feelings, even if the poem is not my own. God bless you!!!

  • Mia Castro by Mia Castro
  • 7 years ago

I have and am suffering from anxiety and depression. Anxiety was always there. Going to a friend's house? I get kicked in the stomach by anxiety. Meeting new people? I get a severe headache and a million thoughts race through my mind. I never liked asking people for directions to the restroom, asking for another serving of food; anything that had me making an impression on people. I would often get a weird, nervous butterfly party in my stomach. Anxiety always had me canceling on events and parties. But I got used to it. If I like it or not, anxiety is going to be there, kicking me in the stomach and giving me the worst thoughts possible. Anxiety is always going to be there, but it's okay, I'm used to it.

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