Mental Illness Poem

Poem About Anxiety And Panic Disorder

I have been struggling with depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder for about a year and a half now. My poem is from the point of view of your mind, because with these mental illnesses, you're in constant battles with what's going on in your head. I want to spread awareness and erase the stigma attached to mental illness.

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I'm a 15-year-old female who was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and severe depression two years ago. I love the way this poem expresses how I feel almost every day. It's hard to get...

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Signed, Your Mind


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2015 with permission of the Author.

Get dressed, love.
You're going to be late.
You look at yourself in the mirror,
The one you really hate.

Put it down, love.
It's caused you so much pain.
You're going to do damage.
You don't want to be called insane.

Stand up, love.
Your tears make you weak.
Wipe off that black mascara,
Proof of sadness upon your cheek.

Take your pills, love.
You must try your very best.
Forget about your dizzy spells,
The tightening in your chest.

Chin up, love.
No one can know your thoughts.
You must act like you're happy
While your heart just sits and rots.

Smile a little, love.
Let me see those pearly whites.
No one has to know
What you thought about all those nights.

Breathe for me, love.
Your pain won't be forever.
Take my hand, and I'll take yours.
We'll get through this together.


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  • Rating 4.62
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Neha Nankani by Neha Nankani
  • 1 year ago

So, its been 3 years of mild and severe anxiety that I am going through, every day I ask god why did you do this to me, and it so badly pains my heart, body and soul, nobody wants to hear my cry or pain story, even my own biological parents have been really demotivating and bad to me, they always said we don't love you or like you as we did before, for my anxiety issues I am labelled as crazy and psycho in my own house, which brings even more stress which adds up to anxiety, it feels suffocating in my own skin, I am so insecure and incapable as I was opposite of it 3 years back, so these types of poems really help to relate to others, so that you don't feel alone in this fight and also I still have not quit my fight and I am still fighting like a warrior.

  • Abbey by Abbey
  • 2 years ago

I'm a 15-year-old female who was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and severe depression two years ago. I love the way this poem expresses how I feel almost every day. It's hard to get up, get ready, and go ahead; but poems and songs as such make me feel seen. Thanks to the author for this beautiful portrayal of how hard everyday life can be for some people, even when it goes unseen.

  • Anna Sherriff by Anna Sherriff
  • 4 years ago

Although I do not suffer from any mental illnesses (that I know of), I still do sometimes feel like this, and at some point, everyone probably will too. This poem summed up those feelings in a beautiful yet awful way, and I hope there comes a time when these poems no longer need to be written because we will have changed our society for the better.

  • Katie Frantz by Katie Frantz
  • 3 years ago

I am 13 years old. I suffer from anxiety and depression. I pretend I'm ok constantly when I'm not. I hate that my best friend struggles too. I stay strong for her. I love you, April. I cannot breathe when I have an anxiety attack. My best friend and I go to the same middle school. She used to take me to the bathroom and help me breathe.

  • Liv123 by Liv123
  • 4 years ago

This poem hit me hard. I was recently told I had generalized anxiety disorder and severe depression, and it's been a big struggle.

  • Alejandra Guevara by Alejandra Guevara
  • 4 years ago

I have to say very true inspiring words of HOPE. LOVE is key to recovery. Love yourself and those who need an extra hand. I know from experience, the more you show whomever may be suffering that they are cared for and loved, the more likely they will recover quickly. Keep writing; you are a true poet.

  • Rose Khan by Rose Khan
  • 6 years ago

Wow, this was amazing. It really touched me because I could relate to it. The fact that some people feel the need to hide their pain and cover it up really upsets me. We should be able to talk to someone when we feel certain emotions and feel comfortable. We should not make mental illness something abnormal, and people who deal with such feelings should be free.

  • Jp by Jp
  • 6 years ago

This poem hit very close to home for me. It describes how I feel almost every day.

  • Brandon Mayes by Brandon Mayes
  • 8 years ago

This is so well written. It makes me want to write. I also suffer from mental illness, and I appreciate the style and rhythm of this poem, and I hope you continue to post.

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