1. My Mother Vs. Meth
Most days I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs.
I want my mother back; who is this monster you have become?
I really haven't known who you are for quite a while,
When a family member becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol, it affects the whole family unit. No one is sure what to do or how to react. This is a often a time to practice tough love. Family members must be firm with the addict in order not to be guilty of becoming enablers for his or her addiction. When the addict reaches rock bottom, he may realize that it is his responsibility to rebuild his life. Now it is up to him claw his way out of the hole he has dug. His friends and family can either help or hinder his efforts.
Most days I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs.
I want my mother back; who is this monster you have become?
I really haven't known who you are for quite a while,
Dear Asia Sherie, I love your message and am inspired by your generosity, enduring love, and positivity. As an adult child of a terribly abusive father and stepMonster, as well as a 4+ year...
The words that have yet been spoken,
the things I need to say
to voice what's within my heart,
I just can't find a way.
Your story is so similar, it's eerie. In 2 years, he has fallen so far. A legitimate opioid prescription taken away made him turn to getting pills without a script. Then, since it was too...
You act like I know nothing about it, but I know enough.
I know what it has done to you, I know what it's done to us.
You're no longer a real person, more like a puppet on a string.
Every single move you make is controlled by methamphetamine.
One day I plan to go on this thread and respond to all the stories shared with me. But today, I'm reaching out to tell you all that hearing the heartfelt and heartbreaking stories calls so...
I can see it in his eyes
when he comes creeping in.
He's been somewhere he promised me
he'd never go again.
My dad and mom did meth, and they struggled with marijuana. I lost my dad to that. He let the drugs take over, and now I am sitting in foster care for a 3rd year and getting adopted in the...
Hey, you guys, don't feel guilty,
It was just my time to go.
I can see you're all feeling sad,
I can see the tears still flow.
This poem touched me and fit my situation. My brother, John, died about a year ago on May 12th from an overdose of Heroin laced with Fentanyl. He was 54 years old and had started on drugs...
*An addict I'm not...
so he pushes me away
hoping I won't see it and lead him astray
I pray you got the help you needed and were able to let him go! Unfortunately for my ex-husband (now 7 years), he is still heavily addicted to meth, no job (he's a master carpenter), and has...
I have a love for meth that no one can understand.
And nothing in this world can make me feel the way she can.
Since the first time I met her I knew she was the one.
Never questioning or judging me despite the things I've done.
Thank you for your sharing your words! I am an addict and have struggled with it most of my life. I came from a very privileged home and had every opportunity handed to me, but I was hiding...
It feels so right, what an evil treat.
Hunger pains gnaw yet you cannot eat.
You'll never defeat this hell you've created.
Is it everything you anticipated?
Fantastic words and all so true. I've been an addict for 30 years. I'm almost 50 years old, and I can't give up the pipe. It takes all my money, and it's taken my soul. I was a nice person...
Beautiful and bright was the Young Dragon.
Capable and caring,
Sensitive but strong,
This poem has struck me so very deeply. I am glad to have stumbled upon it. As a young mother of two and a second generation addict, I have many doubts in myself and my success. In front of...
I smell the whiskey on your breath.
And you beg for me to put your temper to the test.
You slap me around and call me names.
Mom, I'm sick of playing these games.
Wow. This brought back so many painful memories for me, and I can relate to everything you have written. No one who has not been through this will ever understand our pain or our sorrow, our...
I never asked you to be my Dad,
To slap me around and treat me so bad.
I never asked you to drink alcohol,
I never asked for anything at all.
Your poems really touched me. I have a dad who drinks and parties a lot on weekdays. My brother and I don't like it at all. He beats me when he's drunk. I cry at night wishing my late mom can...
Another spill down the drain,
one more pill to drown my pain.
Is it a cover up or a disguise?
I don't think I'll ever stop and realize.
My husband has always battled with addiction. We have been together for 14 1/2 years. About 3 years ago he was really strung out on meth and pain pills, to the point that I was completely...
In my mind I hold a picture
Of how we used to be.
For everything you needed
You could turn to me.
There is something worse than death or jail. It's the land of nothingness full of evil spirits and lost souls. That place where you can't die and you have no one or nothing. This keeps me...
You think you have control,
But I am the one who has it.
You do not, not in the least bit.
I make you cry because if I don't, then people wonder why.
I began to use meth when I was 16. Growing up as a child, it seemed as though I wasn't loved or cared for. Violence took a toll in the family. Father was a meth addict. Mother was an...
What happened is what I ask myself every day
What was she thinking knowing she'd be putting her life to waste?
This is my sister, and I love her with all my heart,
But doing drugs has only kept us far apart.
Well I had been using heroin for 4 to 5 years and no attempt to stop worked..nothing worked! I was in a crazy relationship and we both used..I hid it from my friends and family but they knew...
I am completely taken aback by this poem and your comment. I have a son who just turned 18, and he has been using. His name is also Ethan. My biggest fear is your reality, and my heart goes...
Your words seem slurred and jumbled
As if you're not making any sense
Eyes red like you're lacking sleep
And you always seem to be tense
Amen. Prayers for anyone who suffers from addiction and for all of the lives that are touched by a person's addiction, as well. Blessings on you for the rest of your life.
That monkey on your back,
He's a tricky little guy.
I thought that he was dead and gone.
I thought he said goodbye.
I can relate a lot to this as well. I'm married to an addict. He just got out of prison this month and is already back in jail for meth. He's 40 years old and we have four kids together, and...
You don't know me,
and I promise you never will.
You've taken over my best friend.
His soul you're out to steal.
Sweet Lilly, both my parents were and still are and I'm 33 years old. All I've ever wanted was to have normal parents. Somehow I became an addict at the age of 19 to oxicontin and then have...
There's only one thing I could ever say,
about the way I felt that day.
The day we sat with coloring books,
and kept laughing at our funny looks.
The amount of tears that left my eyes reading this poem should be a crime. My mother was an amazing woman in my memory until she cheated on my father. Then when they divorced all she could do...