1. The Ecstasy And The Agony
At long last the phone call.
Then the questions.
When a family member becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol, it affects the whole family unit. No one is sure what to do or how to react. This is a often a time to practice tough love. Family members must be firm with the addict in order not to be guilty of becoming enablers for his or her addiction. When the addict reaches rock bottom, he may realize that it is his responsibility to rebuild his life. Now it is up to him claw his way out of the hole he has dug. His friends and family can either help or hinder his efforts.
I am completely taken aback by this poem and your comment. I have a son who just turned 18, and he has been using. His name is also Ethan. My biggest fear is your reality, and my heart goes...
You don't know me,
and I promise you never will.
You've taken over my best friend.
His soul you're out to steal.
Sweet Lilly, both my parents were and still are and I'm 33 years old. All I've ever wanted was to have normal parents. Somehow I became an addict at the age of 19 to oxicontin and then have...
Last night we argued once again,
But it's really nothing new.
We argued the night before that
And tons more before that, too.
Thank you for this. It helps to know I am not alone.
I immediately caught chills from reading your poem. It brings such sadness upon me. I am so sorry of your loss. Keep every little memory of your brother that you may have and dwell upon those...
As I went away,
You wasted another day.
I guess I wasn't as important
As you used to say.
I thought you were my friend.
You wouldn't cause any pain,
but little did I know,
you'd make me go insane.
That monkey on your back,
He's a tricky little guy.
I thought that he was dead and gone.
I thought he said goodbye.
I can relate a lot to this as well. I'm married to an addict. He just got out of prison this month and is already back in jail for meth. He's 40 years old and we have four kids together, and...
I haven't seen you
And it kills me,
But what can I do?
I can't set you free!
You think you have control,
But I am the one who has it.
You do not, not in the least bit.
I make you cry because if I don't, then people wonder why.
I began to use meth when I was 16. Growing up as a child, it seemed as though I wasn't loved or cared for. Violence took a toll in the family. Father was a meth addict. Mother was an...
In her life there was some joy.
Then one day she met a boy.
He seemed to take away her tears.
The shooting stars we used to see,
Up in the sky, just you and me,
Those are the times I hold so dear,
Laughing, joking, we had no fear.
This poem hit home for me. I have a brother who I used to be best friends with. We did everything together, even after I found out that he was addicted to heroin and crack. I would ask him to...
A 16 year old boy alone in his room,
nothing left in his life but gloom.
He cleans up the kitchen empty of food,
My mom and I used to be so close. We both had the same drug of choice, meth, and cleaned up in 2007 together. We bonded over it. Talked about it. Grew from it. I even lived with her for about...
There's only one thing I could ever say,
about the way I felt that day.
The day we sat with coloring books,
and kept laughing at our funny looks.
The amount of tears that left my eyes reading this poem should be a crime. My mother was an amazing woman in my memory until she cheated on my father. Then when they divorced all she could do...
Famous Poem
The whiskey on your breath
Could make a small boy dizzy;
But I hung on like death:
Such waltzing was not easy.
I was there when you fell in the ditch,
I was there when cocaine made you itch.
I was there upon your first cry.
I was there when you wanted to know why.
In my mind I hold a picture
Of how we used to be.
For everything you needed
You could turn to me.
There is something worse than death or jail. It's the land of nothingness full of evil spirits and lost souls. That place where you can't die and you have no one or nothing. This keeps me...
She chased the dragon into the night
Now we fear she will never see the light
She has so much to live for
But nothing can fill her emptiness more
People want to say bad things
And judge you for the monster you've become
But they don't know the truth
Of just how bad drugs have made you numb
This poem really hit home. It reminded me so much of my oldest daughter's dad who is an addict and sitting in jail waiting to go to prison over his addiction. He was such a wonderful man...
Hey, you guys, don't feel guilty,
It was just my time to go.
I can see you're all feeling sad,
I can see the tears still flow.
This poem touched me and fit my situation. My brother, John, died about a year ago on May 12th from an overdose of Heroin laced with Fentanyl. He was 54 years old and had started on drugs...