Addiction Poem about Family

Poem For Family Mourning When Addiction Leads To Death

My partner's 28-year-old son was found dead on the 7th of June after being missing for 11 days. His body was found in a wooded area and was badly decomposed. The family was not allowed to see him or even have a lock of his hair. This was a drug related death, which has left another family torn, devastated, feeling guilty because they couldn't prevent it. It's just another 'junkie' some may say, but no, it's someone's child, someone's brother, and it could happen to any family. More awareness is needed.

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This poem touched me and fit my situation. My brother, John, died about a year ago on May 12th from an overdose of Heroin laced with Fentanyl. He was 54 years old and had started on drugs...

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It's Me

© more by Jacqueline A. Grieve

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2011 with permission of the Author.

Hey, you guys, don't feel guilty,
It was just my time to go.
I can see you're all feeling sad,
I can see the tears still flow.

My life's journey ended early,
The path I chose was short.
You all tried your best to change it,
But in the end it was for me to sort.

I know I caused you sadness,
I know I caused you pain,
But I was captured by these demons,
They wouldn't set me free again.

They took away my freedom,
They took away my choice,
And when they got their hooks in,
You could hear it in my voice.

There were times I tried to fight them,
There was a time I nearly won,
But they came back and overpowered me,
I had nowhere left to run.

I haven't really left you guys,
I am closer than you know,
I will be the whisper in the wind,
I will be everywhere you go.

One day you will all forgive me
One day you will understand
And when your time on earth is done
I will be waiting to take your hand.


more by Jacqueline A. Grieve

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Samantha Decker by Samantha Decker
  • 6 years ago

This poem was read at a funeral today for a 29-year-old genuine sweetheart who left us too young. It touched my heart. My brother passed in December, also from an overdose. This is what they want us to know. Beautifully written. Thank you.

  • Petra by Petra
  • 6 years ago

My brother died last week, 6/16/18, from a heroin overdose. We, too, could not see his body because it was decomposed, found under the boardwalk in Belmar. He struggled with addiction, coupled with mental health issues for most of his life. He was 39 years old. My heart is broken, as are my parents' hearts. We will display this poem at his service tomorrow. This poem helps more than you can imagine. Many do not understand what happens to an addict, but these words helped me to grasp what he must have felt. Thank you and thank you to those that were brave enough to share their own stories. So much shame is involved with addiction.

  • Linda Clark by Linda Clark
  • 6 years ago

This poem touched me and fit my situation. My brother, John, died about a year ago on May 12th from an overdose of Heroin laced with Fentanyl. He was 54 years old and had started on drugs during his late teens and early twenties. It got worse in the Army, but at least he served his country. After the Army, he was not ever able to hold down a job and was homeless for years. Like many other families, we realized that the help was NOT helping. The only word for what a family goes through with their drug-addicted family member is TORTURE. You hope and pray they will recover...and then eventually just have to turn them over to God and let go of the results. Then you blame yourself. But I now understand that the chemicals altered his brain, personality, everything. The sweet brother that I knew and loved was trapped in that body. I must believe that he is now finally safe with Jesus. Nothing or no one can hurt him anymore. Thanks for listening.

  • Kathy Huntley by Kathy Huntley
  • 5 years ago

Hi. Sorry for the loss of your brother John. We just got the news yesterday about my sister-in-law. She was found on Thursday, also OD. Not sure of the details, but we assume the same drug as your dear brother John. Jackie had many mental health issues as well as pain. We were told by the people in the recovery house where she was staying that she told one of them a week ago she could feel her health deteriorating. Jackie was an absolutely Beautiful woman inside and out. Jackie was only 55 years old. I take peace in knowing Jackie also is now in a better place. Away from fear, loneliness, etc. We had not seen Jackie in many years, but my point here is we cannot put these people down who suffer in silence on their physical or mental pain. They self-medicate to stop all that hurts them inside. May Jackie and all like her be not known as junkies but only as lost souls. She is back home now where one day we all will see our beautiful Jackie again.

  • Dena Heebner by Dena Heebner
  • 5 years ago

I just lost my son, age 28, to heroin last week, June 12th 2019. I am having a very hard time dealing with this. As parents, we should not have to bury our children; they are supposed to bury us.

  • Robin by Robin
  • 6 years ago

I just lost my son a year ago to heroin laced with fentanyl. He was 33 years old. Each day I try to ask myself why I couldn't have helped him. I didn't know he was in and out of rehab. He was doing so good and then he was gone. He was a great kid, a wonderful small child. He is missed every day. We love you, Brett.

  • Louisa by Louisa
  • 6 years ago

I read this poem at my brother's funeral back in December 2017. He struggled for so long with addiction. I, too, dabbled but got through it. Amazing words mean so much.

  • YoungestOf3 by YoungestOf3
  • 6 years ago

This poem reminded me of my family and life situation. My parents have been divorced ever since I was a baby, and it got me onto a really bad path. I've struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts for years, and I'm still dealing with it. Reading this poem made me think that if I would have kept going on that path, my family and friends would be devastated. I'm still trying to deal with everything and I'm overcoming a lot of these things still. This poem is one of my favorites now, and I hope that I can finally realize that I do have a future, but I just can't convince myself of it. I've been dealing with the loss of my grandmother and my father taking everything out on me. My siblings have become distant with me, and I'm trying to deal with it all without going to drugs, alcohol, or self-harm again. I hope this poem had as much meaning to you as it did to me and how it impacted me in a great way. Thank you so much for this poem.

  • Connie by Connie
  • 7 years ago

Just brought tears to my eyes. Reminds me of my best friend I lost 6 years ago, and life hasn't been the same without her. She died of an overdose due to her diabetes. She was 26 years old and was losing her sight and had two young boys and said she would take her life before she was unable to not see them grow up and she did. It was a day I will never forget when she left this earth. A big part of me went to with her. Love and miss you every day you're gone, but you're never forgotten.

  • Amanda L. Butts by Amanda L. Butts
  • 7 years ago

My 21 year old son died May 11, 2017. I just don't understand because I had just seen him an hour before. They said he shot and killed himself, but in my heart I can't believe he did that because he was so happy. The hardest thing I've ever done was bury my son...

  • Riley Stringer by Riley Stringer
  • 7 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss. I hope it gets better for you. That is probably the saddest thing I have ever head. I am only 11 years old, but I have gone through a lot of stuff. Hope you can cope. Love to you.

  • Carla Ellis by Carla Ellis
  • 7 years ago

My daughter passed away 7/29/2017 in an auto accident. The accident was 99% due to her addiction to opioids. She started on the pills in 2011 when her boyfriend of 7 years committed suicide and his family blamed her and wouldn't allow her at the funeral home. It was the start of the death of my daughter. This period of time was almost as bad as her actual death. No amount of counseling or drug rehab was enough for her to break through. She had no children but a family and a huge circle of friends that will grieve a lifetime over her loss. She wasn't just a pill-head. She took all her friends' children under her wings. She bought their school shoes, clothes, haircuts, etc. Every child in need was hers. My heart breaks continuously for her and the pain she suffered. I believe she is pain free and happy now, and for that, I will take all the pain and grief. This poem really speaks for her too, and I truly appreciate who wrote it. Thank you for being a survivor and sharing your writing.

  • Kim Basham by Kim Basham
  • 7 years ago

My beautiful son, Christopher, took his life last week, aged just 28 years. He has left 2 lovely children and a gaping painful hole in my heart. Alcohol was his demon. This poem is so perfect for his service. Thank you and God bless.

  • Brooke Anderson by Brooke Anderson
  • 7 years ago

My sister died of an accidental overdose last week. She struggled with drug alcohol and mental health issues since she was very young. She was 28 and left behind two kids also. I'm going to read this at her funeral tomorrow. It fits her situation. I've read it over and over again. It's the only poem that explains it...thank you...

  • Carina by Carina
  • 8 years ago

I'm a heroin addict, and I'm almost 48 years old. I think that the reason I have actually made it to my late 40's is because I did not try heroin until I was 30 years old. Only snorted it, and it only took 6 months to send me straight to rehab. I had 10+years clean. After those ten years, I thought that I was well. In the meantime, my addiction passed onto our firstborn son. He gave us a run for our money as a teenager and did finally get clean and was residing in a halfway house only to be struck and killed with a co-worker by an oncoming train one Monday afternoon after work. I know that it has been the wrong direction, but the pain was too incredible and I relapsed. I now even use needles. Believe me, I feel enough pain regardless. I believe what N.A. states about through our addiction many of us are slowly committing suicide. I guess that I am also living proof that this disease never goes away. It is always lurking...waiting. I do feel embarrassed, but it is what it is...

  • Sandra Tucker by Sandra Tucker
  • 6 years ago

God be with you, Carina. You are in my prayers. I’m 52 (not an addict), but I have 4 adult kids (30, 31, 34, 35). They are all addicts and have gotten to a point where whatever gets them high is what they’ll do. I sit daily waiting for a call. They are all at a rock bottom they have never been at before. God bless you, and I pray you reach deep inside you and know your son loves you and wants you to live. Hugs to you. Let go and let God. You have the tools. Reach out and use them.

  • Brett by Brett
  • 7 years ago

Carina, I read your story and was compelled to write you a quick reply. First, I am sorry about the loss of your son. Let me assure you the only way to deal with this type of hurt, pain, and depression is to totally and completely turn it over to God. We need to constantly remind ourselves that even though we birthed, raised, and loved the child, they ultimately belong to God. To "cave in" to running to dope is never the answer. It only intensifies the problem. Carina, I hope you overcome these struggles in your life and find the strength in God to stay clean. And remember, Jesus Christ died and shed his blood to save us and take us to heaven when we die. This same God can give us the power to get and stay clean, before it kills us. Be saved and know it. Turn your life completely and totally over to Jesus Christ. Find a Bible preaching gospel church and get involved. Your life will change and you'll be assured eternal life and forgiveness of sins. I will pray for you. Brett

  • Sarah Haras by Sarah Haras
  • 7 years ago

I want to hug you sooo much right now momma :( please see the light at the end. Think of what your son would want. He would want you clean, honey, believe me!!

  • Jennifer by Jennifer
  • 8 years ago

My boyfriend overdosed. He was missing for weeks. He tried so hard to fight his demons. This poem touches my soul and heart. It's been a year, and the tears still fall and I still feel him all around. It's hard to move on. I was mad at him when he was missing. I thought he left on a binge and would be back. But when I got the call saying he was found I felt guilty for being mad at him. I recently have forgiven him... I still miss him daily, and not a day goes by when he not cross my mind.

  • Karen Niehaus by Karen Niehaus
  • 8 years ago

I thank my family for being here for me and my son. This poem touched me in so many ways. I just lost my son, from a drug overdose, his name was Nick. I'm pretty sure it was heroin. But unlike a lot of stories I've heard he was not alone. He was with friends and they tried to revive him. But it was no use, they called the ambulance and he was pronounced DOA. I love my son and I will never forget him. He led a rough life and I never knew what he was going through, but he also never knew what we went through worrying about him. I know he loved us and I know he is not suffering anymore. But I would give anything for just one more chance with him, one more hug, one more "I love you." One more smile that lets me know everything is okay. I hope he knows that he will be missed! We will see each other again, Nick. RIP Nick, RIP.

  • Pat Nichols by Pat Nichols
  • 9 years ago

I was shocked when I read this poem as a very good friend of mine lost her son in October of 2015 at age 28 due to an overdose. He was found in a field close to the woods and due to the body being decomposed they could not have an open casket funeral. So, the poem was very meaningful to me.

So sorry for your loss, Pat. I hope my poem gave you some comfort.

Beautifully written poem about the tragedy of drug addiction. I am deeply moved.

  • Joyce Ginnis by Joyce Ginnis, WA State
  • 9 years ago

I lost my 27 year old to heroin just 4 months ago. He was in recovery, but relapsed it cost him his life. He tried SO hard over the years to fight off the addiction along with some mental health issues. He spirt was so good & even though he had his own demons he wrestled with, he always reached out to help others. I love my son I hated the addiction, he was a sweet, kind, loving person with a disease, I pray his soul has the peace he searched for yet couldn't quite find. I miss you my dear son Andre, and will till the day I can see you again.

  • Tam Mclaughlin by Tam Mclaughlin, Scotland
  • 10 years ago

This poem always brings tear's to my eyes, this was written for my beloved son by my much loved beautiful partner, this is the first time I have been able to comment on it.
I know it captures the way my son felt about his addiction,and if it helps others, or inspires them to seek help ,or gives comfort to the relatives of a lost soul, as it has to me over the last years (5 in May), then I am glad.
Thank you my darling, for all your beautiful words.

  • Mark Parcheartsingh by Mark Parcheartsingh
  • 4 months ago

I lost my younger brother two months ago to an overdose, me and him have been addicts for a long time. He was actually in the best place in his life for a long time, then we got a call saying he had been found in his room, he had died from a medication overdose. This poem has really helped me to deal with my loss, I will always carry my brother in my heart and I hope that this poem can bring some relief to people who are suffering from the loss of a loved one. Thank you so much.

  • Danielle by Danielle
  • 8 years ago

Thank you so much for this beautiful poem. It was read today at my best friends funeral (the burial) he was 34 years old, and I could almost hear him speaking the words. This is getting me through the hardest time in my life, and I appreciate it so much. I also want to send my regards for your son.

  • Christine Puggi by Christine Puggi, Glenolden, P
  • 9 years ago

This poem touched my heart as our son has been missing for 9 days. I pray he is ok but feel in my heart he is no longer with us. I cry day and night and pray to God to watch over him and guide him home. My son is 36 and reading your poem made me realize his addiction was too powerful for him. He had started his own home improvement business and was so proud of his work but down inside he was never proud of himself. The pain you have, I share, as he is my only son. I talk in the past as I feel he is gone. I just want him home so we all have some sort of closure. Thank you so much for sharing this poem. I will be showing it to my daughters and my husband so they can forgive him. His 5 year old son lives with us and I don't know how I can tell him about his father as he has also lost his mother when he was 4 months old. Addiction is a sad thing and it does hurt everyone. My son had a lot of good in him but never felt good about himself.

  • Clare Wales by Clare Wales
  • 10 years ago

I found my nephew who I loved like a son dead from a heroin overdose in 2011. I adored him and we were incredibly close. This poem was read at his funeral and really spoke to me as I tried so hard to keep him from losing his battle but it was not within my gift to save him.
It wasn't a junkie that died it was my precious loving boy.

  • Rachel by Rachel, Michigan
  • 12 years ago

My older brother Eric left my family and I in 2011 after battling a heroin addiction for 3 years. I was only 17, and had to call the police after my brother was found in the basement.

A woman gave me this poem, and it still means the world to me. What a family goes through during an addiction is disgustingly unique. This poem reminds us that there is a pure soul underneath the poison.

Get better-- your family loves you.

  • Bedford by Bedford, Texas
  • 12 years ago

Being an addict for over 30 years ( not always active), this poem has moved me emotionally! My oldest child, 23, is also an addict. With my kids having to grow up and see what destruction addiction caused in my life, I never dreamed any of them would end up on that path as well!.. He now has 2 felony convictions, and will be heading to Prison within the month. I'm very grateful for that, it's saving him for now from this poem being about him!

  • Gail by Gail, Lake Munmorah
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for this poem, it does really tell the story of what happens to a drug addict. Our son took his life in 2000, he was only 20, I know it wasn't him but the evil drugs that did it.

  • Robert by Robert
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for this comforting poem. I hope you do not mind but I would like to adapt it for my brother in laws funeral on Wednesday. I hope it will be a comfort to his two daughters.

  • Gene by Gene, South Africa
  • 13 years ago

My son Wentzel committed suicide on the 25th of February 2012, 3 days after his 28th birthday. He was a heroine addict. He hung himself in a tree. No explanation, no letter and no warning. I just knew life got too much for him and I know the devil took his life but his soul belongs to GOD. This poem is the only words I hold onto as if my child wrote it to us. It is the most touching poem I have ever read, straight from the soul and a thank you for whoever placed this.

  • Anna by Anna
  • 13 years ago

I'm sitting here crying after reading that. I am an addict battling heroin at the moment and that poem describes a lot of stuff I feel I wish I could say to my family.
Heroin addiction isn't my choice, I would never choose this, about 10 days ago I was sure I could stay clean, but slowly and surely I feel it eating me alive again and I don't know how to stop it, I wish I did.
I'm sorry too my family for the hurt I have caused them and the hurt that is still to come

  • Danielle by Danielle, Elgin
  • 13 years ago

My best friends husband and a very dear friend of mine was found dead on Friday morning by first his 4 year old son and then by his father in law. They worked for hours to save him but he never came back. He leaves behind four sons 17, 14, 4, & 3. He fought and lost his battle and it. Rocked me to my core because 5 years ago it could have been me.

  • Little Sis by Little Sis
  • 13 years ago

My brother was the same..... Found dead, not allowed to see him. No matter what the drugs have done to him he's still my brother. I miss and think about him every day. This poem tells the world in words things you can't express. X

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