Addiction Poem about Family

I've watched my husband deteriorate with his drug addiction. He's now lying in a hospital fighting for his life due to his bad decisions and possibly serving jail time. The media and community choose to see a criminal, but unless you know someone, you have no idea the pain that person suffers. This is a tragic story of someone who has made such an impact on so many people and had the potential to be something great, but drugs took over his life and transformed him into someone unrecognizable.

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This poem really hit home. It reminded me so much of my oldest daughter's dad who is an addict and sitting in jail waiting to go to prison over his addiction. He was such a wonderful man...

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Who Are You To Judge?

© more by Kelly Anne Bell

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2011 with permission of the Author.

People want to say bad things
And judge you for the monster you've become
But they don't know the truth
Of just how bad drugs have made you numb

This is not a story of a criminal
as you all would want to say
It's a sad, sad story of a great hearted man
whose soul was slowly chipped away

He's been many great things to many people
But all you want to hear is the bad
We know the real person he is inside
Before the addiction, before things turned sad

Every day is like living in a nightmare
When you wake up to someone you don't know
To know that he is completely gone
The drugs have taken him and have complete control

Do you know how it feels to lose someone you love
To a drug that's more powerful than you?
You feel so helpless against it
You cry, you plea, "Please don't do this! I love you!"

Is it my fault? Could I have done more?
Am I the one to blame?
Why wasn't I just enough?
Questions that haunt me every day.

So go on and judge and make your accusations
Must be nice to be so perfect
No mistakes, no wrong turns
Always right, always correct

Make believe you know more than me
Go ahead and lie about every little bit
Whatever amuses yourselves
Because I really don't give a sh*t!

You don't know the pain he's suffered
The tears he's cried, he's taken a toll
We've all had to watch him deteriorate
From the great man we know to this lost soul

You are still my husband,
And I'll always be here to support you.
I won't let them beat you down. I'll put up a fight.
I'll do whatever I can to protect you.

I am so lost without you.
Many times I've asked God, "Why?"
But one thing I always know to be true,
I'll love you 'til the day that I die...


more by Kelly Anne Bell

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • RandomPoet by RandomPoet
  • 6 years ago

Sorry you have felt attacked for the choices of your husband. Addiction is a fiend. My mother died with Alzheimer's while my son recently died of an overdose. In some ways in both instances it's a "long good-bye." For a long time my mother could "pretend" to be herself - but only for increasingly brief periods. I'm not sure it was dramatically different with my son who could be sober and clear-headed for a time. It was only then he seemed like the person we could remember. But that person couldn't stay but just so long before he was once again the addict. Very sad.

  • Connie by Connie
  • 6 years ago

This poem really hit home. It reminded me so much of my oldest daughter's dad who is an addict and sitting in jail waiting to go to prison over his addiction. He was such a wonderful man before he let it get a hold of him. Don't get me wrong, he still is when he is straight, but like the author said, who are we to judge? We aren't. I am a recovering addict myself, have been now for 22 years, and I still get judged by my family and still get accused, but as long as the good Lord and I know the truth, that is all that matters. It is still hard for me at times to stay straight, but I am blessed with two beautiful daughters who mean the word to me, and every time I get the urge, I look at them and it goes away. I just wish my daughter's dad was out and straight and able to look at our daughter, but he isn't, and now it is too late. He will be spending the next 40 years in prison, but I still have faith in him, and when he is ready he will stop and realize what he has missed out on.

  • Lorah Sydney Australia by Lorah Sydney Australia
  • 12 years ago

I understand and hear you completely babe. My heart goes out to you and your man. I'm an ex user and that sh*t takes over you completely, you have no say sometimes and you lose yourself in all the mess. Your man don't mean to be hurting you babe but you have told him you will help him and be supportive and that didn't work then you have to be strong and tell him if he wants to be with you he needs to get some help. but by all means if you are happy the way it is good on you and all the best x

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