Addiction Poem about Family

Will You Beat This Addiction?

Supporting loved one through addiction recovery...

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This made me cry mostly because I'm am the addict and as I read this it was as if my children were speaking. I've been clean for over a year but they are with their grandparents and they...

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Published by Family Friend Poems March 2010 with permission of the Author.

The kids are bathed.
Everyone's teeth are brushed.
As we lay down to bed
The house seems so hushed.

So lonely and empty without my baby
So different in here with you away.
I wonder what you're doing right now
And how was your day?

Did it get better after I left?
Did you start to adjust?
Did you start to form friendships?
Or just do what you must?

Will you beat this addiction?
Will it ever go away?
Or is it going to come back
Day after day?

History has shown
How hard it can be,
Wanting something so bad
That you just can't see.

You can't see the future,
What wonderful things it could hold.
You can't see past the next bottle
Of what you consider liquid gold.

Life isn't always easy
And so you take yet another drink.
Drown out your sorrows,
Make you not think.

You don't want to feel.
For a few hours the pain goes away.
But everything around you
Is dying more and more each day.

Relationships that were good
Are fading fast.
People that love you,
Telling you this chance is your last.

Where do you turn?
Who do you trust?
The bottle or the woman?
Choose one, you must.

It isn't easy to admit you need help.
You've always been the one in control.
The strong one it seemed,
Now you're the one in the hole.

Down in the hole
Screaming away.
"Does anyone hear me?
Someone help me, I pray."

"I know I need it
But I'm not sure I want it.
I can't control it
But it's hard to admit.
I think I can do it.
This time it will be.
There's more at stake than ever,
More than just me."

"I want it for myself,
But also there's more.
I've got others to think about
Before I walk out this door."

You've hurt a lot of people,
Broken a lot of trusts,
Drinking the days away
While others look on in disgust.

It hurts them to watch you
Bring yourself down.
Killing yourself slowly
As in the alcohol you drown.

Please let this help
I pray that you stay.
I love you so much
And can't stand to have you away.

But away it must be
As you sort out your life.
Getting the help you need,
Overcoming the strife.

So we can again be a family,
Together once more.
I'll welcome you gladly
When you go out that door.

Out of a life of addiction
And into a life anew,
Back into my arms
With a great big thank you.

Thank you for trying.
Thank you for staying.
Thank you for overcoming.
Thank you for not straying.

I'm here for you always.
You're making me proud.
I know it's not easy
To pull away from the crowd.

It's what you've always known.
It's everywhere you turn.
The life of an addict,
But for more you yearn.

That's why I'm here to support you
In any way I can.
I love you forever.
You'll always be my man.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Gina by Gina, Ohio
  • 11 years ago

This made me cry mostly because I'm am the addict and as I read this it was as if my children were speaking. I've been clean for over a year but they are with their grandparents and they won't allow me to see them but once every couple of months. I've been through rehab got a job now but don't have my own home yet, but I know one day I will have them in my arms again. Thank you for this. My blue eyes are 3 and 5 and I already have a lot of making up to do!! Thank you. It really spoke to me.

  • Natalie by Natalie, Canada
  • 14 years ago

This poem is amazing. It's everything I couldn't find the words for. I am struggling in a relationship with an alcoholic boyfriend.. we've been together 6 years, have a son, a home, dogs the whole "happy" picture. Except it's not. Thank you for writing everything I felt and couldn't put words to!!.. I hope he will decide coming home to me and our son is worth quitting for.

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