Addiction Poem about Family

Poem About Walking Away From Cocaine

You are not God's gift to recovery, recovery is God's gift to you.

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Wow! You really started using a deadly drug at a very young age. I do congratulate you that you have been clean now for four years. That is a humongous accomplishment for someone who used as...

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Goodbye, Mister Cocaine

© more by Ronald Doe

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

Now who's that knocking on my brain?
I hope it's not you, Mister Cocaine.
Because Mr. Cocaine, you and I are through,
And so is the fake fun that I had with you.

Now Mr. Cocaine, how could you dare,
Even have the nerve to come around here?
Because of you, I lost my wife and kids,
And I'll never forgive you for what you did.

For you made me lie, cheat, swindle and steal,
And you convinced me it was no big deal.
To lie to my sister and rip off my brother,
And even steal from my own sweet mother.

You brought me to places I didn't want to be,
You made me see things I didn't want to see.
You made me do things I didn't want to do,
Like leaving my kids just to hang out with you.

You promised you'd be there, but you left me alone,
You didn't even answer when I called on the phone.
You promised me riches, but you then left me poor,
And these are the reasons I don't want you anymore.

So goodbye, Mr. Cocaine and goodbye pain,
Goodbye to the days of acting insane.
Goodbye to the nights we spent together,
Goodbye, Mr. Cocaine and goodbye forever.


more by Ronald Doe

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Charlene by Charlene, San Diego CA
  • 10 years ago

Hi my name is Charlene and I was using HERION at 8 years old and now I'm 53 years old and have been clean for 4 years and out of all those years I never was clean till 4 years ago. It is a BLESSING it is a never ending FIGHT thank you and everyone have a Blessed day Charlene

  • Cheryl A. Sperlein by Cheryl A. Sperlein, Columbia, Md
  • 7 years ago

Wow! You really started using a deadly drug at a very young age. I do congratulate you that you have been clean now for four years. That is a humongous accomplishment for someone who used as long as you did. And the drug that you used, a very, very addicting drug. It's a hard habit to break. I'm an addict, and opiates are my drug of choice. I had two back operations about 16 years ago and the doctors got me started on Vicodin and Percocet and I got addicted to them. After being addicted to them for about 16 to 20 years, I started the methadone program, and it has been a godsend. It makes my cravings for any drugs almost non-existent. Some people don't agree with methadone or suboxone, but I've been on both, and to me, they have helped tremendously. I just wanted to let you know that I am extremely proud of you for being clean, and I hope you can keep it up and pray that you do not relapse. Thanks for hearing my reply. Cheryl.

  • Elsa by Elsa
  • 10 years ago

Good for you. There are people trained to help you put your life together again. Don't be afraid to ask.

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