Addiction Poem about Family

Poem About A Mother Addicted To Crystal Meth

This is about a family that has a mother addicted to crystal meth....

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My mom and I used to be so close. We both had the same drug of choice, meth, and cleaned up in 2007 together. We bonded over it. Talked about it. Grew from it. I even lived with her for about...

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Help Me Momma

© more by Lisa

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2013 with permission of the Author.

A 16 year old boy alone in his room,
nothing left in his life but gloom.

He cleans up the kitchen empty of food,
stuck forever in this horrible mood.

He looks in her bedroom and she is gone again,
probably hanging with her new best friend.

His 12 year old brother is hungry again
while mother is gone with one of her men.

Daddy went to heaven; he left us alone.
Sister is outside, always stoned.

Mommy, come home; I need you so bad.
Mommy, please help me; I am so sad.
Mommy, can't you please be here for me?
Mommy, take this burden and set me free.

A 12 year old boy alone in his room,
nothing left in his life but gloom.

Daddy loved him so much when he was here.
He wipes away another stray tear.

He was the baby, the apple of their eyes
He thinks mommy doesn't love him 'cause she leaves and doesn't say goodbye!

He doesn't want to ask for help; they may take her too!!
He is so scared and doesn't know what to do.

His sister is outside, and she doesn't care.
What happened to them? This is so unfair!

Mommy, come home; I need you so bad.
Mommy, please help me; I am so sad.
Mommy, can't you please be here for me?
Mommy, take this burden and set me free.

A 40 year old mother out again,
hanging with her new best friend.

Her kids at home don't enter her head.
She can forget that her husband is dead.

She can get high and party all night
and somehow doesn't realize this isn't right.

Mommy isn't coming home for you.
Mommy won't help or care if your blue.
Mommy will not comfort you or say goodbye.
Mommy won't do anything but get high.


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  • J M Revard by J M Revard, Ca
  • 9 years ago

My mom and I used to be so close. We both had the same drug of choice, meth, and cleaned up in 2007 together. We bonded over it. Talked about it. Grew from it. I even lived with her for about a year. It was such a great year. The past two years she has found her addiction yet again. What's scary is that the main thing we would say is that "if we ever went back, it would kill us". She is back full force and the distance between us has never been bigger. I hate her for it. My heart aches and I don't feel that she is a good mother to my siblings. The way the drug works in my opinion is to make you fully self centered. To fully make you numb to everyone else's feelings. Even though I've told her how I feel I know it's falling on deaf ears. I know I've already lost her.

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