Poem about Spirituality

Poem About Being By An Addict's Side

Hi! I watched my brother-in-law "B" self-destruct...he is creative and passionate, funny and street smart...he was also an alcoholic and druggie. It was so sad to watch. Intervention came half a dozen times to no avail. "B" turned away from the Lord several times...but alas, he ended up in jail for a long stint, and there he met a pastor who helped turn his life around. Transformation is a credible miracle! I gave this to "B." I typed it, but I did not write it. The words are from Father.

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Truly Drug Free


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2011 with permission of the Author.

I was there when you fell in the ditch,
I was there when cocaine made you itch.
I was there upon your first cry.
I was there when you wanted to know why.

I watched you get hurt and learn.
I know why the fire still burns.

I have seen you at your worst and your best.
I have let the devil put you through the test.
I was there when your son was born.
I was there when your heart was torn.

I am with you now, I have never left.
Being clean now, I expect your best.
I have loved you, my son, with every breath.
I am the way home, your light, your best.

I have a job for you when you are free.
It will be to put your talents to work for me.
You will work with others just like you.
Those that have been through hell and came shining through!

You see, you know how to persuade and make others believe.
Now you will do it for honor, love, and dignity.
I will give you strength, courage, and love.
You will give me pride and happiness, but the best of these is love.

I have plans for you son, I have joy to share.
Forgiveness to express, a full heart that cares.

You will now understand all that can be.
The highest high you will ever be,
is the day you say...
I am in the Lord, and he in me.

Today's the day, I am truly free!



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