Addiction Poem about Family

Death Of My Son From Heroin Overdose

I never even thought about writing a poem until the death of my son. He struggled with his addiction for about 10 years. His mother and I did all we could to avoid this outcome. It was a time of seemingly endless detox and rehab centers, 3am calls, etc. In the end, he lost his battle. Sadly, there was a kind of "inevitability" about it - to the point that perhaps he found the only way to end his struggle. He was 28 at the time of his death.

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I am completely taken aback by this poem and your comment. I have a son who just turned 18, and he has been using. His name is also Ethan. My biggest fear is your reality, and my heart goes...

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The Ecstasy And The Agony


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2018 with permission of the Author.

At long last the phone call. 
Then the questions. 
Then comes the thundering roar -
Of silence in reply. 

The first sleepless night;
Memories swarm like bees. 
Finally the sun rises
On the first day that you will never see. 

When did it all
Take a turn for the worse?
When did your blessings
Become such a curse?

When did the kid with the lemonade stand
Who loved riding his bike as far as he was able
Become the kid with the cigarette pack?
When did "help" turn into "enable"?

At last you discovered
That a rush without equal
Would fulfill all your dreams
And required only a needle. 

But the needle is a harsh mistress
And she demands
Absolute faithfulness
To her commands. 

Lie, cheat, steal
All this and more. 
Just to pay homage
At the foot of her door. 

She WILL NOT be "cured." 
She WILL NOT "go away." 
She WILL haunt you to the grave
For the rest of your days. 

And what of the kid
With the lemonade stand?
He made one fatal choice, which
Only later did he understand. 

The death of one so young
May seem sad beyond belief. 
Yet sadder still the fact
That only death may give relief. 

Would you condemn one so young
To this life he knows all too well?
Then God might ask, "What right have YOU
To sentence him to Hell?"

Beyond Death's door may lie
Some realm or land wherein
The miseries of life are lifted
And peace is found within. 

But no map of THIS world
Points the way to such a land. 
Either such a place does not exist
Or is beyond the ken of Man. 

Can you see that kid upon his bike?
The joy upon his face?
Do not begrudge one final rush
As he races to Death's warm embrace. 

He rides the wave of that mighty rush,
Misery fading into the past. 
This world of woe not his concern
As his heart - slowly beats - its last.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mary Closs by Mary Closs
  • 2 years ago

I just want to thank you for allowing myself and others to read your poem. It's very beautiful and touching.

  • 4 years ago

Ethan died Nov 10 2018. After such grief, we now have figured the torture this child went thru every day to wake up in the afternoon and wonder where are the drugs today and how do I pay. As parents we got the problem, but never understood the torture our son was going through. So sad and I guess I must say what a strong person he was to do that every day. The poem was right. He no longer stuggles with that demon. He is with the masters now and we forgive him for it all. We miss you Ethan, and we know that you are at peace and we can start to forgive ourselves. Love always

  • Lacy Coles by Lacy Coles
  • 2 years ago

I am completely taken aback by this poem and your comment. I have a son who just turned 18, and he has been using. His name is also Ethan. My biggest fear is your reality, and my heart goes out to you and your family. Just the thought of losing my son is too much to handle, so I only get a glimpse of the sorrow you must feel. I have tried everything I can to help my son. I feel so powerless. I ask God every day to help him. Just know that the poem made me cry, but your comment made the tears flow. I will be showing this to my son today so maybe it will help him to see what he is doing and change his ways. I hope that you are able to find peace and heal from the pain in your heart.

  • Saenz by Saenz
  • 3 years ago

I'm crying right now. My son, Christopher, died February 27, 2018. We tried everything to save him. Nothing helped. Now I get blamed for not doing enough. The guilt is bad. I don't have anyone anymore because his father died in 2015 and Chris 2 years after his father. My husband died from bad lung problems. And now my daughter blames me. I'm always sad. Thank you for sharing. God bless your son. Love, Lisa

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