Addiction Poem about Family

Poem About Abusive Alcoholic

A daughter begs her mother who has become an abusive alcoholic to reconsider what she is becoming.

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Wow. This brought back so many painful memories for me, and I can relate to everything you have written. No one who has not been through this will ever understand our pain or our sorrow, our...

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Please Stop Drinking, Mom


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

I smell the whiskey on your breath.
And you beg for me to put your temper to the test.
You slap me around and call me names.
Mom, I'm sick of playing these games.

One day it's going to end up getting worse.
It hurts me how you yell and curse.
Stop it, before it's too late.
Mom, this is not your fate.

You used to care.
You used to be there.
Now you've gone away.
Mom, please stop today.

Bruises and hits.
Temperamental fits.
All is causing me pain.
Mom, stop yelling. I'm not to blame.

You're drinking away what's left of you.
It's hurting me, and you're hurting me, too.
I've cried. I've begged. What more can I do?
Mom, I've tried to help. And I've tried to still love you.

It's hard when I'm only neglected.
When all I ever wanted was to be accepted.
I know I'm not perfect, but look at you now.
Mom, you've got to stop this somehow.

You've beaten me down once more.
My heart's broken, and I'm lying on the floor.
How much more of this can I take?
Mom, please. Give me a break.

You brought me into this life.
And you cause me all this strife.
But are you going to take me out of this world, too?
Mom, stop before that comes true.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Natalia Valinkofsky by Natalia Valinkofsky
  • 8 years ago

Wow. This brought back so many painful memories for me, and I can relate to everything you have written. No one who has not been through this will ever understand our pain or our sorrow, our trauma and our tragedies. This is a problem that has been swept under the rug, but no more. We have suffered enough, and its time more people know about this disease.

Too often the emphasis is placed on the alcoholic themselves, but what about the victim of their abuse? I believe this poem touches on the emotional toll alcoholism takes on the child or person(s) involved. It is a truly nasty disease, but please, never forget you are not alone, and there are millions of us in the world.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 6 years ago

No one who isn't going through life with an alcoholic parent doesn't understand the way we secretly smell our mum or dad's breath or the stress that we go through during the day wondering what state our mum or dad is going to be in when we get home. This page has helped me understand that I'm not the only one going through this pain.

  • Jordan by Jordan
  • 11 years ago

Angie is right. This is a disease. I put my kids through what your going through. I've been sober and clean 1 year 2 months. But it's still heartbreaking that I did put them through my disease. Also my dad was alcoholic. I cried reading your poem. Love your poem!!! I'll keep your mom and you in my prayers. Stay strong. I agree whoever said AA. AA has help me so much.

  • Victor by Victor, Providence RI
  • 11 years ago

This poem touched my heart and I cried. I have some experience in this situation, it still keeps on going and I really don't know how to stop her. My mom becomes another person when she's drunk that I just cry and she just laughs and blames me. but when she comes back she tells me that she didn't mean to tell me those things and that she's sorry, but I've told her that I'm already used to it because I was born with this that I'm not scared of her anymore I'm just sorry for her. I pray for her but I think that God does not hear my prayers. I know that I'm not following him right now but I still have him in my heart and I wish that someday he can make a miracle and just get her out of her own prison. Thank you so much for this poem and God bless the person who wrote this poem.

  • Jordan by Jordan
  • 11 years ago

Hi. Like Angie said this is a disease. I have experience with this disease. I'm sober and clean now. I have 8 months 15 days. I'm a mother of two kids. They do have Alon for kids. To help teenagers / kids get help with alcoholic or addict parent. Stay strong. I'll keep you and your mother in my prayers.

  • Lisa by Lisa, San Luis Obispo Ca
  • 12 years ago

This poem was heart breaking. I will from this moment forward keep you and your Mother in my prayers.

I can not possibly say to you that I fully know your heartfelt pain, anger, and deep sadness. I can tell you though that as a mother who is now a recovering drug addict who now has a son addicted to heroin that I do truely understand how much destruction this can do to a person.

There are no words for the sadness this must bring to you. It is so unfair to you as a child. You deserve so much more.

Keep writing your thoughts down. That was a beautiful poem. But most of all keep loving your Mom. She hurts too. I am so very sorry for the both of you.

  • Maria. Adelaide by Maria. Adelaide, Australia
  • 12 years ago

I do not have any experience of alcoholic abuse but this poem shake me to the core. I am mother of two grown up children and I can't imagine to harm them in any way. I feel the pain and tragedy of this unlucky children. Every child deserved to be loved. I pray alcoholic parents, especially mothers, will change their life and provide loving home to their children.

  • Wayne Frost by Wayne Frost
  • 12 years ago

The girls have said it. Stay strong don't give up but also think positive, positive is the only way for the GREAT WAY (LIFE)

  • Angela Robinson by Angela Robinson
  • 12 years ago

To the one that wrote the poem "Mom Please Stop"
I want you to know that what your mother has is a disease. Just like diabetes. If left untreated she will get worse. There are resources out there like A.A. and I am sure they will be willing to help you. For you remember it is the disease. Not your mom. And I am sure she loves you. Just because a drug or alcohol takes over mommys does not mean we don't love our children. The disease of addiction is stronger then the love a mother has for her child.

  • Crystal Brown by Crystal Brown
  • 7 years ago

I have to disagree with your last sentence because nothing is stronger than a mother's love for her children. That is a lie from Satan himself! Addiction is only stronger than the mind of an addict who is fearful to fight it. Addiction is a choice. It may change someone's psychology, but people with diseases don't choose to have diseases. Just another one of Satan's lies to keep addicts in bondage. I pray you are still sober and that your eyes have been opened to all of Satan's schemes. I am the daughter of a recovered alcoholic/crack cocaine user and the wife of an opiate addict. I know the pain the writer is feeling. I can literally feel it. I was also addicted to cigarettes for 17 years, and the day my 12 year old called me a liar about not quitting, I promised I'd never do it again. I suffered for a long time. It was HARD, but a mother's love for her children is so much stronger than any addiction. Seven years smoke free!

  • Langley by Langley
  • 14 years ago

my mom has been an alcoholic for 8 years know and your poem has every kind of emotions I have ever felt. I am 21 know and once you move out you won't have to put up with it anymore.

  • danyelle by danyelle
  • 15 years ago

this poem really touched me because my real mom is a druggie and an alcoholic. She left me when I was 4 and did all sorts of things to me. She says she's better now but I doubt that and I haven't talked to her becuase I don't want to have to go through that again, but stay strong and don't give up you will soon find the light

  • Ana by Ana
  • 16 years ago

This story says everything I wanted to say! My mom is an alcoholic, and these were exactly all the feelings I had too. I Made myself a promise that I would never Treat my children the way my Mother Treated me! I love Your Poem! There is a light at the end of the tunnel and you will have a happy ever after! Stay strong and don't give up!

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