Addiction Poem about Family

A poem about the perils of drug use written by a mother whose child got entangled in its seductive grip. The child is the dragon, and drugs are referred to as the tiger.

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This poem has struck me so very deeply. I am glad to have stumbled upon it. As a young mother of two and a second generation addict, I have many doubts in myself and my success. In front of...

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The Year Of The Dragon 1976


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the Author.

Beautiful and bright was the Young Dragon.

Capable and caring,
Sensitive but strong,
The life of the Young Dragon
Couldn't go wrong.

Upright and steadfast,
Courageous with might,
Who knew the Dragon
Would get lost in the night.

For the Dragon met Tiger,
Who lured him away,
Into the jungle
Of life's tumultuous way.

Down the path of
Destruction, sorrow and woes,
Down the path of
Seduction, deceit and morose.

The Tiger made promises
Which led Dragon astray,
Away from his mother, siblings and wife,
Away from the people who'd given him life.

Deep into the jungle
Dragon followed Tiger.
Farther off the path of the good life
Deeper on the road of sorrow and strife.

And when the Dragon was
Broken, desolate and alone,
Looking through bars
At the life that he'd known,

Tiger smiled and nodded his head,
For the beautiful Dragon
Was standing alone
Far from his life, his family and home.

But Tiger underestimated
The Spirit of love,
Looking out for Dragon
From high up above.

Spirit opened doors
By providing the keys,
All Dragon had to do
Was reach for these.

Be strong, Young Dragon,
Do what you must,
Before vicious Tiger
Turns you to dust.

Reject all he offers,
Come back to the way.
We're waiting, Dear Dragon,
Please join us today.

Come back from the jungle,
The Tiger and harm.
We're waiting, Dear Dragon,
With wide-open arms.

The path will be twisted,
And hardships abound,
With determination as your companion,
You'll gain the high ground.

Your new life awaits you,
Grab on and demand
That the Tiger who holds you,
Desist and disband.

Shuck off your demons,
Dig deep down inside,
And know that the Spirit
Has nothing but pride.

Pride for the Dragon
Who was led astray,
Because Dragon has the courage
To keep Tiger at bay.

M. A. D.
(mother against drugs)
Cheryl Chartier
Mother's Day
May 9, 2004


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Davida Burrell by Davida Burrell
  • 7 years ago

My eighteen-year-old son is the dragon and for the last two years has been battling the tiger. He is about to go behind bars for the first time, and I pray this is what makes him come back to us. I tried everything in the beginning, including rehab, but so far he is lost. I love this poem and plan on sending it to him while he is in jail and see if maybe reading this will help him see. Love him still with all my heart and praying my dragon comes back to me.

  • Holly by Holly
  • 5 years ago

I can relate so much to this. My sister and my dad are the dragon that got lost by the tiger. My sister is already behind bars for the 5th time and my dad is heading that way if he doesn't turn around.

  • Don by Don
  • 6 years ago

This poem has struck me so very deeply. I am glad to have stumbled upon it. As a young mother of two and a second generation addict, I have many doubts in myself and my success. In front of me are so many people trying to help, yet alone I feel so often. I look at my kids and want nothing more than the best for them. Yet, I feel my shortcomings and mistakes may make their life less than it should be. Before I began down the road of demons, that I have often hid from those who know me, I was on a fast track to success and worked very hard every day to achieve goals and continue learning. I am not quite sure why now I have so very much doubt and disbelief in myself when I know what I am capable of. But literature has always been one of my deepest loves, and finding this has given me hope that maybe my doubts will one day fade. One day my mother will once again be proud. I hope your son found the strength to do so.

  • F Jackson by F Jackson, Arizona
  • 12 years ago

Cheryl - I cannot begin to tell you how much your poem meant to me - I've been dealing w/My son who is now 18, heroin addiction for two years and subsequent issues with Bi-polar and not being stable for long in between heroin binges and full blown mania and crashing down to the ground. Heroin has literally taken the funny, sweet caring loving son I knew and took everything from him, half the time I can barely see him in that body he's walking around in. More often than not I can't even find him hiding in back of those expressionless dead eyes. He lives on the street when he's using and when he checks in hospitals I go and support. I still fight for him and will continue to hope and pray that the next time will be the last time. You put a voice to all the dif emotions battling inside me, and let me know I wasn't alone in this, but most of all you gave me back my hope and allowed me to look into his eyes and see him again and his pain and sadness, He can beat this - I won't let him give up!

  • Linda by Linda, Dumbarton UK
  • 12 years ago

This poem has great meaning so sad for me as my son age 27 yrs was taken by the dragon and how I wish he was behind bars instead of being buried beneath the clay, but I pray for all that are struggling that they get their life back in track but sadly that was not to be for my special son passed nearly 2 years now and the fire in me for him burns my heart so much but may he be at peace now with his loved ones up above and may the fire destroy the dragon once and for all God Bless all addicts and loved ones that care for them .

  • Missy Creech by Missy Creech
  • 13 years ago

My son too got lost in this forest of addiction. I won't go into the 7 years of hell. But by Gods grace he has also started a new life . He is a manager at his current job. It took relocation of friends and a life he used to know to get out and well. I will continue this fight for other people as a mom. I went back to school and in Dec of 12 I will be an addictions counselor to help others in this fight. Don't give up !

  • Suzi Mitchell by Suzi Mitchell
  • 14 years ago

This poem touched me! I choose to leave the tiger on the 5th of January this year after 20 years of chaos and darkness! I lost everything! Now I am 10 months clean, going to college and next week I begin to train as a tutor for Intuitive Recovery. For everyone still trapped in addiction IR is a fantastic course!

  • Alyssa Crawfordsvile by Alyssa Crawfordsvile
  • 14 years ago

I am in recovery now, this poem has touched me so deeply because my mom was there by my side through everything and she went through everything you went through. and it hurts me because I love my mom so much and I'm so grateful to have her and to still be here. And your son is very lucky also. Thank you for giving me inspiration to keep going and not to give up!

  • Mary by Mary, NJ
  • 14 years ago

I have two sons who are addicts. One who has had 17 operations from a work related accident and is severely addicted to painkillers, and one who is serving 10 years in prison for drug related crimes. For him it also began as a work related injury with two back operations, but when the doctors stopped prescribing pills he began using heroin. Both of them were Ironworkers. Your poem expresses my feelings exactly, and I am giving each of them a copy of it. The one thing in my life that doesn't change is my love and hope for them. Thank you so much for this beautiful mother's poem, and I was happy to read the footnote about your son's recovery.

  • Sandra by Sandra
  • 14 years ago

This poem is soo much my grandson.
But if he is the dragon I am his fire and we will fight the tiger together I was lost in meth and other drugs many years ago before he was born. He is asleep in his safe room here now and trying so hard to face the tiger....

  • Keisha by Keisha, Worcester MA
  • 14 years ago

The dragon was very lucky to have you by his side. great poem!

  • Cheryl Chartier by Cheryl Chartier
  • 14 years ago

I am the author of this poem. As a follow-up, the individual in this poem reclaimed his life; went back to college and got his Bachelor of Science degree in 2009 and is now completing his M.B.A.

It is possible to reclaim your life. Keep the Faith. . .

Cheryl Chartier

  • Cindy Cagle by Cindy Cagle
  • 6 years ago

I am so happy for you. Yet I have given up and decided to cut Alyssa out of my life. I can no longer stand beside her, but is that the right approach? Four years ago she left home as an honor student, cheerleader, and gymnast. I thought she had the perfect home life. I was devastated. She has had two babies in one and a half years. As of two months ago, both have been taken. I have cried every day for four long years. Not a day goes by that I’m not depressed and still in shock that with her family life and her intelligence all of this happened. I’ve now left her life. It’s been since the new baby was taken 2 months ago. This drug world is Satan, and he not only takes the one on drugs but all who love them. I’ve been pulled under with her, and I’m not even on drugs!

  • Shirley by Shirley, Utah
  • 15 years ago

This poem touch me deeply, I have two beautiful granddaughters who are Heroin Addicts, both sisters, one just turned 20 and the other one will be 23 in Feb. Both are behind bars. I cry everynight for them and pray. Drugs are so evil and the down fall of are youth. Wish there was more we could do for them before it gets to the point it did with my granddaughters. Rehabs are so expensive if you do not have insurance or the money, they are lost. Thank you for that wonderful poem.

  • Lyndsay by Lyndsay, Denver CO
  • 15 years ago

This is a beautiful and touching poem. As an addict this poem gives me hope to forget the tiger and go back to my hopeful life, where there are people who love me. Thank you for writing this and giving me hope.

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