1. Our Hearts Will Always Touch
When I lay there beside you,
Could you feel me there?
My arms were wrapped around you,
And I was stroking your hair.
Cancer, the dreaded "C" word. It has become such an epidemic in our society that people are loath to even mention its name. Cancer is a disease that can affect many different parts of the body. Some of these diseases are more serious than others. It is not only the disease that is painful but also the many way of treating it. Radiation treatments may kill the cancer but are also dangerous for the body. Chemotherapy comes with many side effects such as hair loss and severe nausea. The many faces of this disease challenge an individual to show their fighting spirit and will to live.
When I lay there beside you,
Could you feel me there?
My arms were wrapped around you,
And I was stroking your hair.
My mother got cancer when I was 8. She survived and was in remission for a year, but when I was 12 she was diagnosed with cancer again. This time we all knew she would die, when she told us I...
To be brave is to cry
But still to fight on,
And that's what you did,
Our hero, our son.
I am so sorry. My great grandma died from cancer and so did my grandma. It must've been so hard for you. I can't imagine what you went through losing your son. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Awaiting the news, we feared the worst and hoped for the best.
Life was about to put my family through an unforgettable test
Mom came in, evidence on her face, that daddy wasn't okay
"daddy has cancer" mom cried "we won't see him for a couple of days"
I was touched when I read your poem. My husband was diagnosed with cancer a month ago and is about to embark on his treatment. Emotions running high, but my husband is positive, and he has...
Some weeks ago through medical doubt
I met someone I'd heard lots about
I never thought our paths would cross
Our meeting left me at a loss.
I just love this poem. I have lived through so many of these phases, as though I was the one writing it. My name is Sharon Gross. I’m 55, and in 2015 I was diagnosed with Adeno Carcinoma of...
What would you do
in 5 short years?
Would you make them the most
or hide from your fears?
I have 2 really good friends who were diagnosed with cancer. It sucks. One girl was only 9 years old and fought. She won, but now has to take therapy.
I remember your brave face through all the pain,
The day you told us and I tried to remain sane.
"I have breast cancer," you said as a matter of fact.
Yet you didn't shed a single tear; you stayed intact.
Hello, I am going to die from stage 4 breast cancer that has traveled into my lungs. My doctor told me that I had to think on the time that I had left. Was I just slapped, because I thought I...
It's not fair, I just can't let go.
I sit here and plead, why must she go?
She is my everything, my mom and my best friend.
I am now nearly 16, and I lost my mum to a 3 year battle of Secondary Glioblastoma when I was only 9. She was 39 when she passed. This poem has quickly become more important to me than any of...
My eyes fill with tears,
And I could hardly see
This cancer is stealing my father
Slowly away from me.
This poem touched my heart in so many ways! I'm writing this through tears. On June 23, 2019, I lost my dad to cancer. I had just gotten to meet him. That sounds odd, I know, but I didn't get...
The time has come to say goodbye
I will try not to cry
It's been so hard to let you go
In your eyes I see the pain,
Slowly the tears roll down, they won't refrain.
I look down to the floor as if I'm hiding,
I am battling brain cancer. Doctors only gave me 2 months to live; that was 5 years ago. I'm now 36 and have 3 kids who need me. Every day gets harder to keep up the fight, but I can't...
My special sister, I want you to know how much you mean to me.
My special sister has strength and courage her whole family can see.
My special sister showed us all how to handle life's blows.
My special sister took it all in stride, smiled, and said, "That's how it goes."
I cried like a baby while reading this poem. I was the care giver to a very good friend of mine, Peggy Sue Smith. She was given the awful news that she six months without treatment to one...
One day you showed up,
With no reason why,
You claimed your victims,
You've made grown men cry.
Cancer is a life changer and heart breaker. It takes someone close to you and kills them. It has made grown men cry because they are sad that their loved one has died. We all try to fight...
I hate you I hate you
Oh why can't you see?
How you took my heart and broke it
When you took them from me!
I totally relate!....unfortunately. My Mom fought and beat breast cancer almost 20 years ago. Hooray! Then 4 years ago got uterine cancer and beat that too!!! For 3 and 1/2 years. We just...
Every time I wake up it aches
Never know till when I will break
How many more days can I even take
Can I let go, for my own sake?
The world keeps moving forward
as time stands still for me,
I am the kid with Cancer,
locked in battle to be free.
My grandson, who's not even 3 years old yet, was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. We don't know how much time he has. They tell us he doesn't have the mutated gene, which is good,...
You can't prepare for this:
the DNR in red letters,
last rites over,
the monitors off,
Dear Mary - your poem resonated with my experience of losing my mum (Sept 11) hugely. I'm so sorry we and others have gone through this. I was looking today for something to comfort me as I...
It was raining the day you told us,
And ever since I feel like it has not stopped pouring down.
I wish I could stop the rain falling,
And hold your head up and not let you drown.
My mother had cancer and just reading this tugs at my heart, and I start crying because I had the same experience as you. Just don't ever give up, things will get better. Just smile.
Feeling tired
Feeling weak
With all the pain you do not seek
I feel every word in this poem.
On June 2, 2010 I was told that I have stage four cancer. Still holding on.
Please read "
Being a father
Is unlike anything else
It makes you happier
Than life itself
I really liked this poem. This really touched my heart.
They said time would ease the pain.
Every day I still feel the same.
I wake every morning reaching for you,
My pillow soaked with my tears like the morning dew.
Death Anniversary - I lost my wife to brain cancer on July 16, 2003. We were married for 5 years. We took her to the best hospital in Pakistan, and at third stage we thought we had beaten it...