Cancer Poem

This poem was written about my Dad who was diagnosed with cancer 2 months ago.

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My mother had cancer and just reading this tugs at my heart, and I start crying because I had the same experience as you. Just don't ever give up, things will get better. Just smile.

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I Wish I Could Stop The Rain Falling


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2009 with permission of the Author.

It was raining the day you told us,
And ever since I feel like it has not stopped pouring down.
I wish I could stop the rain falling,
And hold your head up and not let you drown.

I can see it has taken your smile,
As you stare out the window and watch it rain.
I wish I could stop the rain falling,
Hold your hand and take away your pain.

I wonder how you must be feeling inside,
I guess the rain reflects your outer side.
I wish I could stop the rain falling,
And sit with you until it all subsides.

I wish that curse would disappear,
I wish that rain could drown your feelings.
I wish that you were not living with this fear,
I wish I could stop the rain falling.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ariella by Ariella, NY
  • 10 years ago

My mother had cancer and just reading this tugs at my heart, and I start crying because I had the same experience as you. Just don't ever give up, things will get better. Just smile.

  • Ellie by Ellie Poet
  • 12 years ago

My dad whom this poem was about finally passed away peacefully 13th October 2012. May you rest in peace Dad xxx

  • Lakeasha Jack by Lakeasha Jack
  • 14 years ago

This poem touched me. My dad was recently diagnosed with Lung Cancer about a month ago. An watching him deal with this disease is painful, but I'm so thankful that his spirit is strong. Because he makes us strong. I love him with all my heart, and I wish I had the power to take that disease away from him and anybody else that's dealing with it. God Bless everyone who has kept the faith and staying strong for the ones we love, in this battle with Cancer.

  • Chantelle by Chantelle, Canada
  • 14 years ago

Well this poem is how I feel my dad passed away about 8 months ago and watching him go though all that pain I wanted to take it away but I had no way to .. I wish I could hug him or even hear his voice again some days its soo hard to get out of bed in the morning because of the cloud and the rain that is over you. I can't wait to see the sun again but I know that won't be for awhile yet. All you can do is keep strong and be there for them!!

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